Board exam just got over and a lot of students seem to be confused about choosing their stream after 10th. Some very common answers by students when someone asks them about their choice of a stream after 10th are:
- I am focusing on my preparation now. Let the result come out, after that, I will decide.
- Of course science, all my friends are going to opt for science.
- My parents want me to become an engineer. So, I will opt for science.
- I am confused about what to choose. I would choose the stream that has more demand in the job market.
What After 10th?
When the result of class 10th is announced, the only question that comes to the mind of every student is “What after 10th?”
Each student decides their career after completing the tenth. The steps they take after the tenth determine their future. One needs to understand its strengths, areas of interest and then decide which stream to take to make it a success.
Normally, students are unaware of the fact that 10th is the initial and crucial stage of building a career. They take the decision with a puzzled and ambiguous mind and end up selecting a wrong stream thereby opening the door to worse consequences in the long-term career prospects.
Choosing the right stream has a long lasting impact on a student’s future. It has been often noticed that students start hating their subject after some time or quit their subject midway or start feeling frustrated about the wrong move or decision.
The decision they once took out of peer pressure or parental pressure or due to lack of knowledge now becomes the burden of their life. Hence, it is very important for any student to choose the stream carefully for better career prospects in future.
How to choose the right stream after 10th
The first stage of stream choice is self-awareness. This involves identifying your interest and understanding your aptitudes and skills. Analyzing at their own end is essential while making a decision. A detailed strength-weakness analysis should be done while choosing the stream. Interest, skill & aptitude combination help to make a successful career.
Discussion with your seniors/parents/teachers
Sometimes students make wrong decisions due to lack of knowledge. So, guidance from experts and experienced people always matters. On many occasions, students ignore their passion and follow parent’s decision. So, a healthy discussion with parents and conveying about their own real happiness should not be missed out during this phase.
Visit a career counselor
For more clarification, a student can visit the best career counselor who will conduct tests which have been scientifically designed and formulated and help the student to know the right stream after 10th class.
Decision making and taking action
This is the final stage of choosing a stream. Choosing the right stream makes a significant improvement in one’s career path hence get inputs from people and various sources but take your own decision. There is no good and bad stream and a lot of opportunities are there in every field. One just needs to put all his/her efforts to make a successful career. Choose wisely and all the best.
The role of parents
Parents have a crucial role in forming a student's career. Parents should help in the exploration of the right career option for their children. However, they should not impose their decision on children while choosing a stream and should encourage their kids to follow their own dream. Positive parenting like giving valuable advice and support helps children to grow in an area of their interest and abilities.
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