In almost every Indian community, ironing vyapaaris have long been a mainstay. Many times, these vyapaaris are independent company owners with support from their family. In addition to becoming migrants, many vypaaris relocate to Tier 1/Tier 2 cities in pursuit of job prospects. These vyapaaris, who typically make between Rs. 10–15K (US$ 120–180) a month in Chennai, sometimes pursue this industry at a young age due to caste or a lack of other possibilities with the help of Udhyam Vyapaar.
Our investigation revealed that ironing vyapaaris' primary business asset—the coal iron box, where coal is the input fuel—is their greatest obstacle. It has been increasingly difficult for ironing vyapaaris to maintain and expand their companies due to the existing state of the market and the lack of evolution in the coal iron box as a product over the last few decades...Read More