Amid the Ukraine-Russia crisis several fake news stories are getting viral related to war, evacuation, and catastrophe too. Here are the three fake news stories that went viral this week amid the Ukraine-Russia crisis.
Ukrainians faking death to defame Russia!
Fake news: The United Nations has recorded almost 227 deaths, including death of minors, since the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. A video is getting viral, in which a journalist is reporting while a bunch of body bags can be seen behind him, and suddenly a man inside body bags starts moving. While sharing this video, it claimed that the killing of civilians in Ukraine is just propaganda, and they are faking their death.
Fact-checked: The viral claim is false. A video report was then found on OE24.TV, a verified YouTube channel. The video was uploaded on February 4, 2022. The video title reads in English, "Vienna: Demo against climate policy." Moreover, the video's title suggests it is related to a demonstration against climate change. People can also be seen holding banners against climate policies.
Before & after pics of Maidan Square!
Fake news: From the last few days, there has been a viral collage of Maidan Square, Kyiv, claiming that it compares a before and after image following Russia's invasion of the country. In the first picture, Maidan Square can be seen in an unharmed condition, while in the second picture; it appears to be in the aftermath of the catastrophe.
Fact-checked: The viral claim is false. The BBC reports that mass protests erupted in Kyiv in late November 2013 when former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych rejected a European trade deal and instead secured a $15 billion bailout from Russia. Up to 5,000 demonstrators camped out in Kyiv's Independence Square during the three-month protests. The violence erupted after 20,000 protesters marched to parliament demanding Yanukovych's resignation on February 18, 2014.
Russia: Put up the Indian national flag on vehicles for safe passage
Fake news: Amidst Russia's invasion of Ukraine, much misinformation is being circulated. A graphic is being shared on social media claiming that Russia has asked Indian citizens in Ukraine to put up the Indian national flag on their vehicles for their safe passage. The viral graphic features a picture of Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu.
Along with it, it is written in Hindi, "यूक्रेन में जो भारतीय घर और गाड़ी पर तिरंगा लगा लेंगे, उनसे रूसी सैनिक कुछ नहीं कहेंगे। अलबत्ता उन्हें सुरक्षित स्थान पर स्वयं पहुंचाएगा रूस की सेना का खोजी दस्ता। Sergey Kuzhugetovich Shoigu – General of the Army of defence Russian Federation. कुछ तो दम है हमारे चाय वाले में।"
Fact-checked: A tweet of the Indian Embassy in Ukraine dated February 25, 2022, in which it was advised to put tricolour on their vehicles while entering the territory of Ukraine bordering Poland, Romania, and Hungary. Additionally, Indian citizens should keep their passports, cash for essential expenses, and essential items with them.
In several media reports, it was told that the Indian embassy in Ukraine issued a fresh advisory for students and advised them to carry the national flag on their vehicles for safety. This can be seen in, TOI, ANI, NDTV, The Print reports.
Hence, Russia never issued official statements of such claims addressing Indians in Ukraine.