Nazism is one of the most ignominious chapters in the world’s history. It unleashed waves of terror on the Jewish people. Nazism found its rise and fall during the World War II. By the time the war was over, the surviving soldiers and some common people had a considerable collection of Nazi memorabilia. These people lived through the period and used to consider these collectibles as a reminder of the era. Some people took pride in the Nazi items and used to pompously showcase these. Nazi helmet is one such collectible that still has a pride of place in some European museums and a few individuals’ collections.
What is the Significance of Nazi Helmet?
A Nazi helmet is a significant item from the gone-by era. It was the most recognizable thing of an individual German soldier’s appearance. The design was inspired by the type of helmets worn during the World War I. The German helmets or Nazi helmets offered better protection than those used by it’s enemies. The steel painted helmet with two rolled steel rims and decals looks smart. These helmets were labour-intensive products. With the progress of war, the design became simplified.
The earliest Nazi helmet was popularly known as M35 Stahlhelmor model 35. The simplification in design was done in 2 phases during the World War. The first change was done in 1940. The separate rivets attached to the helmet shell were stamped on the shell’s main body. The second change happened after a couple of years when a new helmet was designed with the rim of the shell not rolled over but left sharp. It was in stark contrast with the previous models. The new model came to be known as M40 or M42.
The low sides of the helmet protect the ears and the neck –a telltale design the Germans developed in 1935. Any modern day army helmets have the same feature.
Want to Sell Nazi Memorabilia?
Do you want to sell Nazi helmet or other Nazi memorabilia? If yes, you have to go in touch with the museum authority or an individual collector who is interested in buying these things. These items fetch good prices due to their historic importance and unique look. If you approach them, the first thing they will do is to check for the authenticity of the item. Once they are sure about it, you can sell your war memorabilia. Do some solid bargains so that you can settle closer to your quoted price.