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user52114 @user52114 · Apr 1, 2021

Unicell- Dissolved Air Flotation Clarifier

UnicellSimple and basic concept with strong mechanical components provide efficent sludge removal and clarification of heavy and fatty effluents.

Unicell dissolved air clarifier was developed at the top of the sixties and therefore the beginning of the seventies. Like most of the products of the corporate, it had been used for clarification mainly within the paper industry. The Unicell design was designed for giant water flows and a concrete tank construction. within the early 2000’s, the Unicell concept was adapted to small units with chrome steel tanks to be utilized in the food industry for heavy oil and grease removal. The clarified water extraction was simplified (the bottom clarified water recovery pipes disappeared) and therefore the surface scraper was complemented by a paddle wheel to enhance the floated sludge removal capacity. By the center of the last decade the market demand for giant sea water and water DAF clarifiers increased significantly. This led KWI to mix the historical and up to date experience with the Unicell design and develop the Unicell BF (like Big Flow) concept. The aim of this new concept was to supply design flexibility and possibilities to be adapted to fresh or sea water, To high or low suspended solids content, to external or inbuilt flocculation tanks, to modular or single installations.

Main Advantage

 High Retention and simple hydraulic design allow operation without chemical
 Very efficent surface and bottom sludge removing system allows high inlet solid loding and gives high floated sludge consitency
 Easy to clean