
Useful Tips On Tree Trimming In Palo Alto

If you know and follow the expert tips and the right procedure, then Tree Trimming in Palo Alto can be an easy, effective and successful DIY project. Otherwise, if you are unsure about it and do not have the time and energy to put in effort for the beautification of the trees, you can call a professional. They will have the right set of tools and skills to ensure that the tree gets the desired shape, the hazardous limbs and branches are removed. They will ensure that the job is done on time, without causing any injuries or accidents in the process.

Time To Trim A Tree

There is a specific time for Tree Trimming in Palo Alto. This timing will ensure safe work, better work and better results. You must certainly avoid the rainy season for trimming a tree to avoid injuries and accidents, due to slip and fall on slippery surface and wet trees. Ideally, tree must be trimmed when it is dormant, as this is the best option. For trimming any fruit bearing trees, it is best to choose the winter months,as this will also help in proper ripening of the fruits, once it grows and matures. Technically, you can prune and trim a tree any time,but do it only in case of emergencies.

The Branch Size

You must consider and take care of the sizes of the branches that you want to trim and remove. Ideally, you will not find it difficult to remove any branch that is less than five centimeters thick and not need any help from a professional Tree Trimming service in Palo Alto. This is absolutely fine to remove but if the branches are within five and 10 centimeters in diameter you must avoid trimming these. Similarly, if the branches are more than 10 centimeters in thickness then you should only trim these if you have a very, very strong and valid reason to do so otherwise abstain from it.

Shape of The Branches

The shape of the branches is an important aspect to consider, during Tree Trimming in Palo Alto. Ideally, braches can be ā€˜Vā€™ shaped or ā€˜Uā€™ shaped. There will be strong and straight branches and those that are weak and narrow. It is recommended to remove branches that are v-shaped, weak and narrow at angles and retain the branches that are strong at angles, straight and U-shaped. You must also trim the lateral branches of the tree that are less than one-half or three-quarters in diameter at the attachment point to the stem. Always trim branches that are young and avoid those branches that are too close or long.

Cost of Trimming

Tree trimming is required to remove broken or dead limbs, keep the tree healthy and to avoid accidents during rain and storms. The cost of tree trimming ideally depends on different factors if you consider hiring a professional service for that purpose. It depends on the pricing policy and expertise of the professional or the company, length of the limbs and the risk factors such as closeness to the electrical wires. For more information visit here: Bay Area Tree Specialists