
Things to Keep in Mind While Packing CBD Oil into CBD Boxes


There is a common saying “the first impression is the last impression.” This is especially true when it comes to the sale and packaging of products. Several new products are introduced in the market every week. However, people don’t have time to go through every product. So, the selection of the product comes down to its packaging. The same is true when it comes to custom CBD boxes.

How does product packaging help in business growth?

When it comes to packaging, most people think that the purpose of packaging is to protect the product enclosed inside. However, they are right to a limited extent only. Now, the packaging serves several purposes in addition to protecting the product from heat, light, and wetting. One particular area has been the growth of the business. Some advantages offered by packaging are

•    It differentiates your products from the competition
•    Provides information about the product
•    Attracts customers
•    Helps customers in recognizing your brand

Packaging differentiates your product from the competition

The retailers usually place similar products on the same shelf. This means that all of the products on the shelf would be CBD oil. Now, it is impossible to change the shape and size of the bottle. However, you can make use of other means like custom CBD boxes to make your product stand out. The customers would go for the best looking product and this would give you an advantage.

Provides information

Currently, the CBD oils have been placed in the gray area. So, it is natural that you provide more information about your product to customers. This way you can show them that the product has been made legally. You should tell the customers about the ingredients of your product as well as their percentage. Moreover, you should also mention the origins of each ingredient.

Attracts customers

Most people buy a product based upon the packaging alone. So, if you have good packaging then your product would perform better in the market. This is where custom CBD boxes come into place. Various colors, graphics, and fonts can be used to make these boxes. Moreover, these boxes can provide a lot of detail about the product. So, they attract customers.


Brand recognition

Most of the time people forget the name of the brand. However, they do remember the packaging of the brand. This way whenever they see your product they immediately recognize it. So, you need to get custom CBD boxes so that customers immediately recognize your brand.

Packaging requirements

Like all other products, the FDA has released guidelines for the packaging of CBD oils as well. To launch the product, it is a must that your custom CBD boxes follow these requirements. Some of them are;

Name of the product

It is the most obvious thing that has to be on the packaging. It is a must that you write the name of your product on its packaging. Additionally, make sure to write the name on both sides. This would be very helpful for the customers and would develop a good impression of your brand.

Moreover, make sure to use a proper font. The font shouldn’t be too stylish as it would become difficult to read it. So, choose something simple. Moreover, the font size should neither be too big or too small.


It is a must that you mention all the ingredients of your CBD oil on the packaging. The customers want to know the ingredients that have been used to manufacture the product. So mention the ingredients to make it easier for the customers to select your product.

Instructions about its usage

The instruction doesn’t mean that you should mention the dosage of the product. Instead, it refers to the line “use according to the advice of a pharmacist.” You should write this line on the backside of the packaging.

Amount of CBD and THC present

The CBD is still in the gray area. So, it is natural that you provide the complete detail about the product. So, you should mention the amount of CBD and THC in your product on the custom CBD boxes. Any quantities of THC above 0.3 are illegal. So, you should mention the quantities used in your product to show the customers that your product is safe and legal.

Nutritional information

Writing nutritional information on the packaging is not a compulsory thing to do. Instead, it is only a marketing tactic. The manufactures want to show the customers the ingredients that they have used to manufacture the product. This shows the customers that the product is safe and healthy.

Manufacturing and expiry date

It is compulsory to write the manufacturing and expiry date of all products. Especially the medicine related products. Since CBD is considered a medical product, so, it only natural that you write the manufacturing as well as the expiry dates of the product. For more info about this visit NextCustomBoxes.