First Name: Kitty
Last Name: Ambermoon
Age: 24
Birthday: October 31st, 2000
Race: Felidae Kemonomimi
Place of Birth:
Euphorion - The Galaxy in which Ruruta resides.
Ruruta - A planet almost identical to Earth, but bigger and greener with more land mass. All bodies of water, salt and fresh, are identical to Earth's.
Asora - Large continent that could be Africa's much bigger twin.
Spairia - Country much like the Congo with dense forests and vegetation that take up the entire middle section of the continent of Asora.
Kivuana - A relatively large state of Spairia.
Current Residence: New Lia, Kivuana
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Height: 5' 1"
Weight: 128 lbs
Body Type: Slender, Athletic, Well-Endowed
Eyes: Light grey sclera, bright golden yellow irises, darker gold cat-like slit pupils
Skin: Lightly tanned, freckled but flawlessly smooth and soft
Hair: Mid-back length, silver, slightly wavy
Fur: Short, soft, Silver on ears, Black on tail
Canine teeth - longer and sharper than a humans.
Nails, both finger and toe - relatively sharp claws that can extend or retract at will.