




and the horse they all rode in on ok ?

Three Corporations Run the World: City of London, Washington DC and Vatican City ( Bullshit That must be pre internet shilling - Amazon Facebook Google could buy and sell them all )




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George Hunt: Rothschild Conservation Bank's Plan To Swap Land For Fake Debt



does sound like one bank I can think of  and that's the point ...

Robert David Steele & Sorcha Faal use same technique

but that  is not what being discussed at this point so i will return too that later

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The puppet masters ABOVE ALL don't do public appearences 



so a few speeches later and a German made documentary i

knew that what in thought was true  

was some reason to doubt

a few things Id been taught

then i discovered the bank of england  was compulsory purchased in 1946

i thought yeah swapped it for Palestine  |

wasn't until  I discovered the  London conspiracy stuff was the work of  none other than Dr Joseph Goebbels

3rd Reich Propaganda Minister & Step grandfather of BMW Owner Elite family  

Bavaria features a lot and is where the current heir to the British Crown resides

although he does not pursue the Jacobite claim he does have the title

Swiss - German Bloodlines are in all key positions in USA


and  similarly all over the world ie : 


Potus likes of Bush Trump 0bama FDR  Cia Gov Dulles Fbi Hoover  Fed Volker Rockefeller




Swiss Bavaria Palatine Descent   Canton Sion Helvatika


The last stronghold of the Templars fell on May 18th, 1291,

two months later Switzerland was founded

templars were the first  bankers and still are ,

they are also claim Pharaoh bloodline hence the Egyptian symbology - by that its late late dynasty likely the actual Preisthood of Amun-ra or off spring ...just b4 Darius Aerien Persian King of Kings and also Pharaoh

but ill come back too that


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Switzerland, Knights Templar and Nazis


rot shield


Switzerland, Knights Templars and Nazis Theatrically, the Templars disappeared off the scene in 1307, after having secured their future by founding Switzerland in 1291. During this year, the last ofthe Crusades and the final "retreat" took place, escaping to Europe and Switzerland; thereafter calling the latter Sui-Isse (Soeurs Isis) or Schw(e)-Iss (Schwester Isis). During the Crusades, the Templars massively butchered civilians in Jerusalem; then butchered some of the later generations in 1933-1945.


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During the last Crusade, the last Templar stronghold, Akkon, fell on May 18 th,1291. Only 2½ Months later, just the time it took to travel to Europe, Switzerland was founded on August 1st, 1291. This is why the Swiss flag remains a simplified Templars flag in the same red and white colours; and why a Templar Warriors shield is still shown, with the Templars cross on it, at the front of all the Swiss embassies -- a real provocation to the Muslim world. Much of the Gold from ancient Egypt and Jerusalem was transported toSwitzerland -- so we can assume that this is where the famous Templars treasure has been hoarded. A similar process seems to have happened during the Second World War, where treasure ended up in Switzerland, having been seized from the House of Judah -- which would not have included Khazars, Edomites, Kenites,AshkeNAZIm, Pharisees, "Serpent Seed" ("Reptiles") or Zionists.


The story goes that in 1095 at Clermont, France, Pope Urban 2 nd (whose power and popularity were waning) declared war on the Muslim Caliphate,initiating the Crusade to recapture Jerusalem. Out of this blood-bath arose the Knights of the Temple of Solomon, or Knights Templars. In Jerusalem, the Templars adopted Kabbalistic and Hermetic teachings, deviating so far from Christian practice that, in 1307, some were arrested in France by King Philippe for "Satanic Activity", denial of Christ, idol worship, Black Magic and homosexuality. In 1314,Pope Clement 5th declared all Templars to be heretics, arrested their leader,Jacques de Molay, and those Templars that escaped found a welcome in Scotland,where they helped Robert the Bruce to defeat the English in that same year


Secretly, the Templars gained control of the British monarchy, and you can be sure that they intended to gain control of the Vatican. However, they had to change their name, and became the Freemasons in 1717 -- but still driven by a lust for power gained by terror and blood sacrifice.


( SINCE 1291 -- THIS IS WHO ARE THE MASTER BEHIND THE LlGHT: "Illuminati The Freemasonry and Zionism - The Master Plan To Rule The World.")




The Freemasons founded America (1776) just as the Templars had founded Switzerland; then the French lodge, "Les Neufs Soeurs", donated the statue of Isis masquerading as the statue of Liberty -- the liberty to do as they want and kill innocent people all over the world. These Pharaohs and Pharisees rule the world now, from their most important base, Switzerland of the Templars.



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During the 30-year War (1618-1648) against Protestants, and on behalf of the Roman Catholics, hundreds of thousands of Swiss mercenaries had massacred millions of Germans as a "late" answer to the defeat of Varus of the Roman Empire,thus installing their final reign in Germany. The Templars and the Swiss never seemed to forget anything -- except their own wrong-doings and crimes against humanity


In Egyptian language, only the consonants are written, so "Isis" without vowels becomes "SS", as in Schutz Staffel, Sar Security or Securitas Suisse. Also,as the skull is a Masonic symbol, the "SS-skull" is a suggestion that "Isis" is the symbol of total Templar Masonry with Pharaonic and Pharasaic roots. During World War Two, Heinrich Himmler, head of the SS ("Isis"), searched for the Templars treasure in Rennes-le-Chateau, and searched in the ancient Cathar territories. What did he find? And why did they have another "Crusade"towards Egypt with the (North) Africa Corps? Strategically, it made no sense, no Germans to protect, only sand to conquer -- so what else were they looking for? Did the Templars buy and secure everything in Switzerland?


Swiss Templar mercenaries hold to the tradition to keep the assault rifle at home.These mercenaries, who already terrorized Europe for hundreds of years,traditionally always could -- or rather should -- return to the mountains every year to do their harvest from 1st August onward, leaving their muskets in the locker,greased and ready for use in the next military campaign. Nowadays, this is still their national holiday, on which plenty of fireworks are lit with the sound of detonations echoing through the valleys, similar to when they used to announce their home-coming by firing their guns, a successful campaign always being accompanied by the goods from looting and pillaging. All would come rushing down from the fields to party and celebrate the murder of Europeans and their children -- still celebrating it to this day in full awareness of that which they honour.


Not so long ago, in the French-speaking cantons of Vaud and Fribourg, the Bernese have slaughtered 60% of their own population. Think of the Swiss Popes guards in the Vatican as a relic of CaeSARs Roman Legion: and now the Templars delegate their Swiss banks, such as the UBS (United Banksters of Switzerland), to finance wars and suck the wealth out of other countries in a hidden, parasitic fashion; attracting others to relocate to Swiss territory, such as the head-office of large Companies with their secret subsidiaries and rich people who no longer pay taxes anymore in their own countries. The burden of taxes are going to be on the backs of small business and the poor, making the rich even richer, and the poor even poorer; enabling Switzerland,as a criminal nation, to continue parasiting and living off others. This Templars base, called Switzerland of the Pharaohs and Pharisees, is a cancer in the middle of Europe, that has to be cut out before it creates even more misery in the world.


The Pharaoh-Pharisee of America: Uncle Sam
When anything is being named after a person, it is customary to use the family name and not the first name, for example: as in Amerigo Vespucci, we would call them Vespuccians and their lands would be the United States of Vespucci. All this may be nothing more than camouflage to conceal the real thing, for example the US is sometimes known as "Uncle Sam". Applying a little Pharaoh nic and Pharaohsic insider knowledge, Sam or Sem is the father or "uncle" of the Semites, and one of the sons of Noah. Equally, the name of Samuel is derived from Sam, considering the names etymology. Further on, Freemasons originate from Egypt, "Hiram" being just another Egyptian name as were the "Templars".


Every syllable in the name "America" has Pharaonic meaning, and not just any meaning but a very important one. "A" means "big" or "pregnant", and when a  woman is pregnant, shes quite big. "Me", "mer" or "meru" is the word for"pyramid", as seen on the paper dollar. "Ri" is the word for the "sun", as the sun-god, "re" or "ra"; and the sun is the symbol for the re-incarnation, as it gives birth to a new day every 24 hours. "Ka" is the word for "soul" during earthly life; and after death, the Pharaohs talk of "Ba" (for example, "MER-KA-BA"). Reading from left to right, "A-ME-RI-KA" means: "The re-incarnation of the big pyramid will take place where our souls can live."


Well, there it is on the paper dollar -- the big Luciferian pyramid in a country ruled by the Pharaohs/Pharisees ,with the symbol of Pharaonic domination next to the White House: the obelisk of Osiris, and with its carved top, the phallic symbol of circumcision. As "A-ME-RI-KA" was conquered, the Pharaohs were so euphoric for the new"Lebensraum", where their souls ("KA") might live, that they just named everything with a "KA": KA-lifornia, Alas-KA, KA-nada, North KA-rolina, South KA-rolina, KA-nsas, Jamai-KA, and so on. In the Old World, there already were: KA-sachstan andthe KA-SAR, KA-meroon, Madagas-KA, Ni-KA-ragua, KA-nary Isles, KA-melot, Ex-KA-libur, AF-RI-KA ("EF" meaning "meat" or "wildlife", "RI" meaning plenty of"sun"), and so on.


In every Hollywood film, the obelisk is shown, meaning: "We rule the world, we made this movie and we indoctrinate your children with the ideas which should be followed and inherited, we dont want you to think anything else."In other words: "We want you to be an obedient, mind-controlled, TV robot." In Jamestown, where the first settlers laid down their roots, a big obelisk reminds us exactly who founded America and who rules it through invisible ties:The Pharaohs!!


The Americans are neither a people nor a race. They are the Devils mixture driven by the Pharaohs (Pharisees). They are all circumcised after the Devils concept: they drop atom bombs, they financed Saddam Hussein and the worlds other dictators, they take the Arabs oil by force, they killed 3 million people in Vietnam and they killed children and pregnant women.


Hitler was financed by the Americans (Bush family and Henry Ford), Zionist bankers , UGLE and EIR (United Grand Lodge England and European Imperial Royal families, see "Bloodlines of the Illuminati"); money being delegated through Swiss banks.
It seems that Americans love to kill, though they sing about love in their hit parade. They have to kill and rob peoples all over the world in order to nourish their fat little offspring, to feed on pizzas, popcorn and hamburgers; those who symbolically carry the Devils mark as if a piece of their sexual organs have been cut off. As many of these "babies" are so fat, they cant possibly squeeze into a small Japanese car, so they have to build over-sized, semi-military half-trucks for the "hummer babies", and to avoid wheel-spin because of the excessive weight, these half-trucks require 4-wheel drive. Now, these overweight trucks carrying their overweight "little monsters"


("monster" is the official legal term for a US citizen,Ballentines Law Dictionary, 1930), 



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these trucks do tend to consume a lot of petrol, they are "gas-guzzlers"  so possibly the real reason for the Gulf War was to seize the mineral resources of the "skinnies", as they call the "sand-niggers" of the Arab world -- or possibly because the Arab world was about to dump the dollar and adopt the Euro. Wow, that would have been such an evil thing to do!


Out of America came the film "Sicko", about "socialized care" (or the lack of it) , a film made by Michael Moore who apparently knows what he is talking about.This fine American hypocrite is one who is trying to show us that "they are not all that bad after all", probably for strategical reasons. Such ideas must come from a think-tank, whereas many tend to use language that comes from a military dictionary, it seems: "chink", "skinny", "sand-nigger" or just plain "nigger".


So there they are, conspiring against the world (and its different peoples) in their "Atlantis" across the oceans, in cities like "Atlanta" (as if to emphasis the association), barricaded behind an atomic defence screen, bio-metrical passports and chip cards, behind the most horrifying army the world has ever witnessed,with a penitentiary accommodation for millions of people ready to be FEM A incarcerated, unlimited control of the state and policies, with their fingers in everyplace in every part of the world and a film industry which indoctrinates the hearts of every human being growing up on this globe, ready to copy that which was taught. In other words: seeds for a behaviour that has been set out by evil. It is now apparent what A-ME-RI-KA is really about, despite all their propaganda methods over all these years of global suffering --



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ok lets get some facts on London



Coat of Arms of The City of London

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Motto: Domine Dirige Nos ("O Lord direct us")

City of London has existed in different forms for well over 2000 years and predates Roman times , who building on the existing created a fortified walled City . It is older than the country of Great Britain and has never been conquered since the Romans , this is why it has been not been part of any kingdom . It is not a soviegn state in the same way as Vatican City nor is it under the control any one family or Pope the fact it is a corporation should really be enough to make that obvious so I will leave that there as there is a lot of history  on the way for the reader too digest in order that are able to understand and see the real hidden truth currently hidden from them in plain sight , so any reader require an more detailed explanation these two 5 minute videos explain it all brilliantly

City of London Corporation 1647 CLICK TO VIEW

THE CROWN is the UK GOV since The Bill of Rights was created as you will learn soon

December, 1647

Corporation created

That from henceforth there be, and shall be a Corporation within the said City of London and Liberties thereof. Consisting of a President, Deputy to the President, a Treasurer, and forty Assistants, whereof the Lord Maior of the City for the time being to be President, eight of the said Assistants to be of the Aldermen of the said City for the time being; and the other thirty and two to be Freemen of, and Inhabitants in the said City, chosen out of the severall Wards of the said City equally, and that John Warner, Sir George Clarke, John Foulke, William Gibbs, Samuel Avery, John Bide, George Witham, Thomas Viner, Aldermen of the said City, shall be the first eight Aldermen of the present







Bank of England :

William Paterson FOUNDER Bank of England

  • Foundation of the Bank of England (1694)

Born in Tinwald, Dumfriesshire, Paterson was brought up in England from an early age. By 1686 he was established in London as a merchant and member of the Merchant Taylors' Company. In 1691 he proposed the foundation of the Bank of England, becoming one of its first directors after its establishment in 1694.




England's crushing defeat by France, the dominant naval power, in naval engagements culminating in the 1690 Battle of Beachy Head, became the catalyst for England rebuilding itself as a global power. England had no choice but to build a powerful navy. No public funds were available, and the credit of William III's government was so low in London that it was impossible for it to borrow the £1,200,000 (at 8% p.a.) that the government wanted.

To induce subscription to the loan, the subscribers were to be incorporated by the name of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England. The Bank was given exclusive possession of the government's balances, and was the only limited-liability corporation allowed to issue bank notes.The lenders would give the government cash (bullion) and issue notes against the government bonds, which can be lent again. The £1.2m was raised in 12 days; half of this was used to rebuild the navy.

As a side effect, the huge industrial effort needed, including establishing ironworks to make more nails and advances in agriculture feeding the quadrupled strength of the navy, started to transform the economy. This helped the new Kingdom of Great Britain


England and Scotland were formally united in 1707 -


Money Supply

The 1844 Bank Charter Act tied the issue of notes to the gold reserves and gave the Bank sole rights with regard to the issue of banknotes. Private banks that had previously had that right retained it, provided that their headquarters were outside London and that they deposited security against the notes that they issued. A few English banks continued to issue their own notes until the last of them was taken over in the 1930s. Scottish and Northern Irish private banks still have that right.

The bank acted as lender of last resort for the first time in the panic of 1866

The last private bank in England to issue its own notes was Thomas Fox's Fox, Fowler and Company bank in Wellington, which rapidly expanded, until it merged with Lloyds Bank in 1927. They were legal tender until 1964. There are nine notes left in circulation; one is housed at Tone Dale House Wellington.

Britain remained on the gold standard until 1931, when the gold and foreign exchange reserves were transferred to the Treasury; however, they continued to be managed by the Bank.

During the governorship of Montagu Norman, from 1920 to 1944, the Bank made deliberate efforts to move away from commercial banking and become a central bank.


In 1946, shortly after the end of Norman's tenure, the bank was nationalised by the Labour government. The Bank of England Act 1946 (c 27) is an Act of Parliament of the United Kingdom which came into force on 14 February 1946. The Act brought all of the stock of the Bank of England into public ownership on the "appointed date" (1 March 1946).





So to sum up

The Bank of England is the central bank of the United Kingdom and the model on which most modern central banks have been based. Established in 1694 to act as the English Government's banker, and still one of the bankers for the Government of the United Kingdom, it is the world's eighth-oldest bank.It was privately owned by stockholders from its foundation in 1694 until it was nationalised in 1946.

It has never been outright owned by anyone 






Rothschild Thursday 15 April 2004 

After 261 years, N.M. Rothschild & Sons, the most prestigious bank in the City of London still owned by its founding family, shocked the financial world yesterday when it pulled out of trading in gold and other commodities.

The chairman, David de Rothschild, said: "Our income from commodities trading in London, including gold, has fallen as a percentage of our total income in each of the past five years. Following a strategic review of our activities we have concluded that this is no longer a core area of activity and have, therefore, decided to withdraw from the market.

As part of the decision, Rothschild will no longer take part in the twice-daily London Gold Fixing, which it currently chairs and which has been held in its offices since 1919.

Rothschild's roots lie in gold. Its origins date back to 1743 when a German goldsmith, Amshall Moses Bower, opened a counting house in Frankfurt.

By the end of the 18th century Rothschild was lending to governments and helped to finance the Napoleonic wars in the early 19th century. Nathan Rothschild paid for an attack on France by the Duke of Wellington by smuggling gold through France.

Through its command of gold Rothschild effectively became paymaster to the British Army. After a run on gold, causing an economic crisis and the collapse of 145 banks Rothschild shipped £10m of gold and rescued the Bank of England acquiring the lease of the Royal Mint Refinery in 1852, refining bullion until the sale of the business in 1967.

In the late nineteenth century N M Rothschild and Sons specialized in the finance of mining companies, notably De Beers, through the Exploration Company of which the bank was a founder, and also acted as bankers to the governments of Brazil, Chile and Egypt.

By the end of the 19th century Rothschild had twice bailed out the US government when its gold reserves fell to what were regarded as dangerously low levels.

After the First World War, the victorious governments were anxious to stabilize the price of gold, and asked Rothschild to organise what became the London Gold Fixing. Every day for 85 years, representatives of the five leading London gold dealers had met at Rothschild's offices in St Swithin's Lane to fix the price





So what 

Well why go to such lengths to push NAZI Propaganda in 2019

The Knights Red Shield of Switzerland

Home to the Nazi Templar Aristocratic Pharaoh Bloodlines

Top of the pyramid 

this may sound wild and right now you may be thinking

shill dis-info Sec- Serv I get it , I dismissed a lot of what I instinctively assumed was a pro Zionist-fag 

however keep reading I can prove my "conspiracy theory" with sources  can you ?

please call me out when  I have wrong info

Make sure to prove it so , the truth is OUR goal as you will learn history is key .

fuck  agenda's or feelings   ?


AND DON'T think of trying to gimme any  Q shit

Please fuck off 

take your flame repressing logic with you

go on ,  piss off 

NO  Dumb Cunts ZONE




The last stronghold of the Templars fell on May 18th, 1291, two months later Switzerland was founded templers were the first  bankers and still are , they are also Pharaoh bloodline hence the Egyptian symbology but ill come back too that


THE HEAD OF THE SNAKE - bank for central banks


Bank for International Settlements (BIS) Basel, Switzerland serves as a bank for central banks wholly owned by BIS members (central banks) which "fosters international monetary and financial cooperation and serves as a bank for central banks".The BIS carries out its work through its meetings, programmes and through the Basel Process – hosting international groups pursuing global financial stability and facilitating their interaction. It also provides banking services, but only to central banks and other international organizations. It is based in Basel, Switzerland, with representative offices in Hong Kong and Mexico City.








must watch


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What your repeating is ::::

The Third Reich's First Anti-Semitic Manifesto in Film

Die Rothschilds Aktien auf Waterloo - The Rothschilds' Shares in Waterloo (1940)

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The Rothschilds was the first of three stridently antisemitic movies made in 1940 under the Nazi regime. A purportedly "historical" account of the Rothschild family's rise to fortune, set mostly in Great Britain during the Napoleonic wars, the movie reflected a wildly ambitious racial-political agenda. Beyond its indictment of "Jewish" intrigue and avarice, The Rothschilds aimed to show the "Judafication" of British society at Rothschild hands, and thus demonstrate why, in Joseph Goebbels' words, Britons had become "the Jews among Aryans." Yet the film's dramatic conventions did not always mesh with its racial politics, and when the film was released in July 1940, German audiences were left unclear as to just who they were mainly supposed to hate. Goebbels had it pulled from distribution; a year later, a much-revised version, purged of any conceivable sympathies for its British characters, was released. The revamped movie was renamed The Rothschilds: Shares in Waterloo; But by the time of its re-release, the movie's moment had passed. Germany's air war with Britain was winding down to an inglorious end, while at home, a new, wildly popular film, Jud Süss, had become the regime's preferred vehicle for whipping up antisemitic feeling.

If, in the end, The Rothschilds proved a less effective incitement to hate, it wasn't for lack of trying. With its striking juxtaposition of Nazi social criticism and racial theory, its twin assaults upon Jewish and British character, and its deft recycling of many key myths surrounding the House of Rothschild, this film deserves far more notoriety than has been its due.

Directed by Erich Waschneck; Music by Johannes Müller; featuring Carl Kulmann, Hilde Weissner and Giesela Uhlen.

Die Rothschilds Aktien auf Waterloo - The Rothschilds' Shares in Waterloo english subbed (1940)

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So now so what about the Vatican - well anyone with a high school education in Europe can see already but for those who don't know we need to go back too the time crusades and the OLD WORLD ORDER 1300's



The Legal Ownership of All Souls by the Vatican… Since 1306!


Unam Sanctam is one of the most frightening documents of history and the one most quoted as the primary document of the popes claiming their global power. It is an express trust deed. The last line reads: “Furthermore, we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff.” It is not only the first trust deed in history but also the largest trust ever conceived, as it claims the whole planet and everything on it, conveyed in trust.


""The spiritual man judgeth of all things and he himself is judged by no man" [1 Cor 2:15]. This authority, however, (though it has been given to man and is exercised by man), is not human but rather divine, granted to Peter by a divine word and reaffirmed to him (Peter) and his successors by the One Whom Peter confessed, the Lord saying to Peter himself, "Whatsoever you shall bind on earth, shall be bound also in Heaven" etc., [Mt 16:19]. Therefore whoever resists this power thus ordained by God, resists the ordinance of God [Rom 13:2], unless he invent like Manicheus two beginnings, which is false and judged by us heretical, since according to the testimony of Moses, it is not in the beginnings but in the beginning that God created heaven and earth [Gen 1:1]. Furthermore, we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff.! "


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HUNDRED YEARS' WAR. This name is given to the protracted conflict between France and England from 1337 to 1453, which continued through the reigns of the French kings Philip VI, John II, Charles V, Charles VI, Charles VII, and of the English kings Edward III, Richard II, Henry IV, Henry V and Henry VI.





Reformation, also called Protestant Reformation, the religious revolution that took place in the Western church in the 16th century. Its greatest leaders undoubtedly were Martin Luther and John Calvin. Having far-reaching political, economic, and social effects, the Reformation became the basis for the founding of Protestantism, one of the three major branches of Christianity.

In Basel, Switzerland, Calvin brought out the first edition of his Institutes of the Christian Religion in 1536, the first systematic, theological treatise of the new reform movement. Calvin agreed with Luther’s teaching on justification by faith. However, he found a more positive place for law within the Christian community than did Luther. In Geneva, Calvin was able to experiment with his ideal of a disciplined community of the elect. Calvin also stressed the doctrine of predestination and interpreted Holy Communion as a spiritual partaking of the body and blood of Christ. Calvin’s tradition merged eventually with Zwingli’s into the Reformed tradition, which was given theological expression by the (second) Helvetic Confession of 1561.

The Reformation spread to other European countries over the course of the 16th century. By mid century, Lutheranism dominated northern Europe. Eastern

In England the Reformation’s roots were both political and religious. Henry VIII, incensed by Pope Clement VII’s refusal to grant him an ann6ulment of his marriage, repudiated papal authority antions, the reorganization of the church permitted the beginning of religious change in England, which included the preparation of a liturgy in English, the Book of Common Prayer. Scotland, John Knox, who spent time in Geneva and was greatly influenced by John Calvin, led the establishment of Presbyterianism, which made possible the eventual union of Scotland with England.



Thirty Years’ War

The Thirty Years’ War was a 17th-century religious conflict fought primarily in central Europe. It remains one of the longest and most brutal wars in human history, with more than 8 million casualties resulting from military battles as well as from the famine and disease caused by the conflict. The war lasted from 1618 to 1648, starting as a battle among the Catholic and Protestant states that formed the Holy Roman Empire. However, as the Thirty Years’ War evolved, it became less about religion and more about which group would ultimately govern Europe. In the end, the conflict changed the geopolitical face of Europe and the role of religion and nation-states in society.

Still, the Holy Roman Empire may have controlled much of Europe at the time, though it was essentially a collection of semi-autonomous states or fiefdoms. The emperor, from the House of Habsburg, had limited authority over their governance.

Legacy of the Thirty Years’ War

Ultimately, though, historians believe the Peace of Westphalia laid the groundwork for the formation of the modern nation-state, establishing fixed boundaries for the countries involved in the fighting and effectively decreeing that residents of a state were subject to the laws of that state and not to those of any other institution, secular or religious.

This radically altered the balance of power in Europe and resulted in reduced influence over political affairs for the Catholic Church, as well as other religious groups.

As brutal as the fighting was in the Thirty Years’ War, hundreds of thousands died as a result of famine caused by the conflict as well as an epidemic of typhus, a disease that spread rapidly in areas particularly torn apart by the violence. Historians also believe the first European witch hunts began during the war, as a suspicious populace attributed the suffering throughout Europe


English Civil Wars (1642–51), 

English Civil Wars, also called Great Rebellion, (1642–51), fighting that took place in the British Isles between supporters of the monarchy of Charles I (and his son and successor, Charles II) and opposing groups in each of Charles’s kingdoms, including Parliamentarians in England, Covenanters in Scotland, and Confederates in Ireland. The English Civil Wars are traditionally considered to have begun in England in August 1642, when Charles I raised an army against the wishes of Parliament, ostensibly to deal with a rebellion in Ireland. But the period of conflict actually began earlier in Scotland, with the Bishops’ Wars of 1639–40, and in Ireland, with the Ulster rebellion of 1641. Throughout the 1640s, war between king and Parliament ravaged England, but it also struck all of the kingdoms held by the house of Stuart—and, in addition to war between the various British and Irish dominions, there was civil war within each of the Stuart states. For this reason the English Civil Wars might more properly be called the British Civil Wars or the Wars of the Three Kingdoms. The wars finally ended in 1651 with the flight of Charles II to France and, with him, the hopes of the British monarchy.

The first English Civil War (1642–46)

It is doubtful whether Parliament could have won the first English Civil War without Scottish intervention. Royalist successes in England in the spring and early summer of 1643, combined with the prospect of aid from

Ireland for the king, prompted the Scottish Covenanters to sign a political, military, and religious alliance—the Solemn League and Covenant (September 25, 1643)—with the English Parliamentarians. Desperate to protect their revolution at home, the Covenanters insisted upon the establishment of Presbyterianism in England and in return agreed to send an army of 21,000 men to serve there. These troops played a critical role at Marston Moor, with the covenanting general, David Leslie, briefly replacing a wounded Oliver Cromwell in the midst of the action. For his part, Charles looked to Ireland for support. However, the Irish troops that finally arrived in Wales after a cease-fire was concluded with the confederates in September 1643 never equaled the Scottish presence, while the king’s willingness to secure aid from Catholic Ireland sullied his reputation in England.

Second and third English Civil Wars (1648–51)

Although the Scottish Covenanters had made a significant contribution to Parliament’s victory in the first English Civil War, during the second (1648) and third English Civil Wars (1650–51) they supported the king. On December 26, 1647, Charles signed an agreement—known as the Engagement—with a number of leading Covenanters. In return for the establishment of Presbyterianism in England for a period of three years,

the Scots promised to join forces with the English Royalists and restore the king to his throne. Early in July 1648, a Scottish force invaded England, but the parliamentary army routed it at the Battle of Preston (August 17).

The execution of Charles I in January 1649 merely served to galvanize Scottish (and Irish) support for the king’s son, Charles II, who was crowned king of the Scots at Scone, near Perth, on January 1, 1651. Ultimately, the defeat of a combined force of Irish Royalists and Confederates at the hands of English Parliamentarians after August 1649 prevented the Irishmen from serving alongside their Scottish and English allies in the third English Civil War. As it was, this war was largely fought

on Scottish soil, Oliver Cromwell and his New Model Army having invaded Scotland in July 1650. Despite being routed at the Battle of Dunbar (September 3, 1650), which Cromwell regarded as “one of the most signal mercies God hath done for England and His people,” the Scots managed to raise another army that made a spectacular dash into England. This wild attempt to capture London came to nothing. Cromwell’s resounding victory at Worcester (September 3, 1651) and Charles II’s subsequent flight to France not only gave Cromwell control over England but also effectively ended the wars of—and the wars in—the three kingdoms.



The Westminster Confession of Faith (1647)


Chapter XXV.
Of the Church.

V. The purest Churches under heaven are subject both to mixture and error: and some have so degenerated, as to become no Churches of Christ, but synagogues of Satan. Nevertheless, there shall be always a Church on earth, to worship God according to His will.

VI. There is no other head of the Church, but the Lord Jesus Christ; nor can the Pope of Rome, in any sense, be head thereof; but is that Antichrist, that man of sin, and son of perdition, that exalteth himself, in the Church, against Christ and all that is called God.

Westminster confession of faith 1642 revoked the of authority of Catholic Church and well read bit re antichrist that was removed from US version .


Glorious Revolution

The Glorious Revolution, also called “The Revolution of 1688” and “The Bloodless Revolution,” took place from 1688-1689 in England. It involved the overthrow of the Catholic king James II, who was replaced by his Protestant daughter Mary and her Dutch husband, William of Orange. Motives for the revolution were complex and included both political and religious concerns. The event ultimately changed how England was governed, giving Parliament more power over the monarchy and planting seeds for the beginnings of a political democracy.

King James II

King James II took the throne in England in 1685, during a time when relations between Catholics and Protestants were tense. There was also considerable friction between the monarchy and the British Parliament.

James, who was Catholic, supported the freedom of worship for Catholics and appointed Catholic officers to the army. He also had close ties with France—a relationship that concerned many of the English people.

In 1687, King James II issued a Declaration of Indulgence, which suspended penal laws against Catholics and granted acceptance of some Protestant dissenters. Later that year, the king formally dissolved his Parliament and attempted to create a new Parliament that would support him unconditionally.

James’s daughter Mary, a Protestant, was the rightful heir to the throne until 1688 when James had a son, James Francis Edward Stuart, whom he announced would be raised Catholic.

The birth of James’s son changed the line of succession, and many feared a Catholic dynasty in England was imminent. The Whigs, the main group that opposed Catholic succession, were especially outraged.

The king’s elevation of Catholicism, his close relationship with France, his conflict with Parliament and uncertainty over who would succeed James on the English throne led to whispers of a revolt—and ultimately the fall of James II.

William of Orange

In 1688, seven of King James’s peers wrote to the Dutch leader, William of Orange, pledging their allegiance to the prince if he invaded England.

William was already in the process of taking military action against England, and the letter served as an additional propaganda motive.

William of Orange assembled an impressive armada for the invasion and landed in Torbay, Devon, in November 1688.

King James, however, had prepared for military attacks and left London to bring his forces to meet the invading army. Several of James’s own men, including his family members, deserted him and defected to William’s side. In addition to this setback, James’s health was deteriorating.

James decided to retreat back to London on November 23. He soon announced that he was willing to agree to a “free” Parliament but was making plans to flee the country due to concerns for his own safety.

Bill of Rights

In January 1689, the now-famous Convention Parliament met. After significant pressure from William, Parliament agreed to a joint monarchy, with William as king and James’s daughter, Mary, as queen.

The two new rulers accepted more restrictions from Parliament than any previous monarchs, causing an unprecedented shift in the distribution of power throughout the realm.
The king and queen both signed the Declaration of Rights, which became known as the Bill of Rights. This document acknowledged several constitutional principles, including the right for regular Parliaments, free elections and freedom of speech in Parliament. Additionally, it forbade the monarchy from being Catholic.
Many historians believe the Bill of Rights was the first step toward a constitutional monarchy.


After this event, the monarchy in England would never hold absolute power again.With the Bill of Rights, the regent’s power was defined, written down, and limited for the first time. Parliament’s function and influence changed dramatically in the years following the revolution.

The event also had an impact on the colonies in North America. The colonists were  freed of strict, anti-Puritan laws after King James was overthrown.When news of the revolution reached the Americans, several uprisings followed, including the Boston Revolt, Leisler’s Rebellion and the Protestant Revolution in Maryland.Since the Glorious Revolution, Parliament’s power in Britain has continued to increase, while the monarchy’s influence has waned. There’s no doubt this important event helped set the stage for the United Kingdom’s present-day political system and government.



So now there is no Vatican power be it military or in law over Britain _there is a bloodlines / masonic connection but its not the way its being put out ......reason for that is Swiss German Nazi literally .

OSS CiAA CiA SS STazi Operation paperclip / Sunrise



Rothschild family have 1 title of nobility Austrian Habsburg in House of Farnase , granted by the last Emperor of Roman Empire



The Habsburgs did not formally abandon all hope of returning to power until Otto von Habsburg, the eldest son of Charles I, on 31 May 1961 renounced all claims to the throne.

The dynasty's motto was "Leave the waging of wars to others! But you, happy Austria, marry; for the realms which Mars awards to others, Venus transfers to you."






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In 1822, Carl Rothschild and his four brothers were each granted the title of baron, or Freiherr, by His Imperial Majesty Kaiser Franz I of Austria.  In 1829, Carl was appointed consul-general of Sicily at Frankfurt and in January 1832 the banker was given a ribbon and star of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George at a ceremony with the new Roman Catholic Pope, Gregory XVI.



Majesty Kaiser Franz I of Austria

Francis II  was the last Holy Roman Emperor, ruling from 1792 until 6 August 1806, when he dissolved the Holy Roman Empire after the decisive defeat at the hands of the First French Empire led by Napoleon at the Battle of Austerlitz. In 1804, he had founded the Austrian Empire and became Francis I, the first Emperor of Austria, ruling from 1804 to 1835, so later he was named the Doppelkaiser (double emperor) in history.For the two years between 1804 and 1806, Francis used the title and style by the Grace of God elected Roman Emperor, ever Augustus, hereditary Emperor of Austria and he was called the Emperor of both the Holy Roman Empire and Austria. He was also Apostolic King of Hungary, Croatia and Bohemia as Francis

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Carl Rothschild

The Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George is a dynastic order of knighthood of the Catholic Church founded 1520–1545 by two brothers belonging to the Angeli Comneni family. Currently, the grand magistry of the order is disputed among claimants to the headship of the former reigning House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies as heirs of the House of Farnese.

Although it is not an order of chivalry under patronage of the Holy See, membership is restricted to practising Catholics

The Grand Master of the Order is HRH the Infante Don Carlos, Duke of Calabria, first cousin to HM the King of Spain.

The Order is regulated as a subject of canon law, and the succession to the Grand Magistery is governed first by the statutes of 1705, approved by Papal Brief in 1706 and the Bull Militantis Ecclesiae of 1718, and then confirmed in the statutes of 1922 approved by Papal Placet (these statutes have again been modified in 1934, 1943, 1987 and 2004).


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Ranks BELOW Knights Malta and not listed as one of the 7 orders recognized by the Vatican at time of writing 2019


Sovereign Military Order of Malta

The birth of the Order of St. John dates back to around 1048. Merchants from the ancient Marine Republic of Amalfi obtained from the Caliph of Egypt


French occupation of Malta

Their Mediterranean stronghold of Malta was captured by the French First Republic under Napoleon in 1798 during his expedition to Egypt, following the French Revolution and the subsequent French Revolutionary Wars. Napoleon demanded from Grand Master Ferdinand von Hompesch zu Bolheim that his ships be allowed to enter the port and to take on water and supplies. The Grand Master replied that only two foreign ships could be allowed to enter the port at a time. Bonaparte, aware that such a procedure would take a very long time and would leave his forces vulnerable to Admiral Nelson, immediately ordered a cannon fusillade against Malta.[The French soldiers disembarked in Malta at seven points on the morning of 11 June and attacked. After several hours of fierce fighting, the Maltese in the west were forced to surrender.

Napoleon opened negotiations with the fortress capital of Valletta. Faced with vastly superior French forces and the loss of western Malta, the Grand Master negotiated a surrender to the invasion.Hompesch 

The knights were dispersed, though the order continued to exist in a diminished form and negotiated

with European governments for a return to power. The Russian Emperor, Paul I, gave the largest number of knights shelter in Saint Petersburg, an action which gave rise to the Russian tradition of the Knights Hospitaller and the Order's recognition among the Russian Imperial Orders. The refugee knights in Saint Petersburg proceeded to elect Tsar Paul as their Grand Master – a rival to Grand Master von Hompesch until the latter's abdication left Paul as the sole Grand Master. Grand Master Paul I created, in addition to the Roman Catholic Grand Priory, a "Russian Grand Priory" of no fewer than 118 Commanderies, dwarfing the rest of the Order and open to all Christians.

By the early 19th century, the order had been severely weakened by the loss of its priories throughout Europe. Only 10% of the order's income came from traditional sources in Europe, with the remaining 90% being generated by the Russian Grand Priory until 1810. This was partly reflected in the government of the Order being under Lieutenants, rather than Grand Masters, in the period 1805 to 1879, when Pope Leo XIII restored a Grand Master to the order. This signaled the renewal of the order's fortunes as a humanitarian and religious organization.

On 19 September 1806, the Swedish government offered the sovereignty of the island of Gotland to the Order. The offer was rejected since it would have meant the Order renouncing their claim to Malta.[


The French forces occupying Malta expelled the knights from their country.

The Treaty of Amiens (1802) obliged the United Kingdom to evacuate Malta which was to be restored to a recreated Order of St. John, whose sovereignty was to be guaranteed by all of the major European powers, to be determined at the final peace. However, this was not to be because objections to the treaty quickly grew in the UK.Bonaparte's rejection of a British offer involving a ten-year lease of Malta prompted the reactivation of the British blockade of the French coast; Britain declared war on France on 18 May.The 1802 treaty was never implemented. The UK gave its official reasons for resuming hostilities as France's imperialist policies in the West Indies, Italy, and Switzerland

After having temporarily resided in Messina, Catania and Ferrara, in 1834 the Order settled definitively in Rome, where it owns, with extraterritorial status, the Magistral Palace and the Magistral Villa on the Aventine Hill.


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There is a whole lot more too this story as we go through the last 100 years or so in History . What i have done is show genuine information that Debunks the Nazi propaganda (Actual Nazi Germany ) in relation too ( Masonic Monarchy ) of Great Britain secretly being controlled by the pope or Rothschild 

Pharaoh Swiss Nazi Templers

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Red & white are the two kingdoms of Egypt with blue bing the colour of war so a UNITED KINGDOM ( OF PHARAOH ) We find the red & white for kingdoms and blue united through war .


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Enki the creator god from worlds oldest records sumerian with the true cross


Part 2

Ok Elephant in the room .

would be the Illegal Occupation of Palestine by the apartheid Sectarian rouge state of ISREAL

do any of you do any actual research before you repeat this shit ?

Yeah yeah

Balfour Declaration , so what ?

is it a title , deed , certificate of ownership ?






Evangelicals  ( Christian fund-a-mental-ists ) , the Balfour Declaration and Zionism

When talking about the Balfour Declaration with a pastor from Bethlehem, he commented,’ the problems of the Palestinians didn’t start in 1917, they started in 1840′.



In Basel, Switzerland, Calvin brought out the first edition of his Institutes of the Christian Religion in 1536, the first systematic, theological treatise of the new reform movement. Calvin agreed with Luther’s teaching on justification by faith. However, he found a more positive place for law within the Christian community than did Luther. In Geneva, Calvin was able to experiment with his ideal of a disciplined community of the elect. Calvin also stressed the doctrine of predestination and interpreted Holy Communion as a spiritual partaking of the body and blood of Christ. Calvin’s tradition merged eventually with Zwingli’s into the Reformed tradition, which was given theological expression by the (second) Helvetic Confession of 1561

Lord Shaftesbury

Literal reading of the Bible which had developed in the 17th Century took off in the 19th  and restorationism gained political power through Lord Shaftesbury. His political influence came through Lord Palmerston. Shaftesbury’s wife was probably Palmerston’s daughter, he was certainly her stepfather.  Shaftesbury placed an advert in the Times in 1840 proposing a return of the Jews to Palestine, sent a memorandum round to the Protestant monarchs of Europe and moved to get a British Consul and Bishop installed in Jerusalem. But Shaftesbury was not alone, he was just the politically best connected.

Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of Shaftesbury was an Evangelical Christian, part of the revival of Evangelical faith that swept Britain in the early 19th century. Religious motives prompted him to initiate charity works and further social legislation, including the ten hour day act. At the same time, he was keen for the restoration of the Jews, and their conversion to Christianity.

Lord Shaftesbury was the most active restoration lobbyist. 'The inherent vitality,' he wrote, 'of the Hebrew race reasserts itself with amazing persistence. Its genius, to tell the truth, adapts itself more or less to all the currents of civilization all over the world, nevertheless always emerging with distinctive features and a gallant recovery of vigor."

Shaftesbury told his biographer, Edwin Hodder, that belief in the Second Advent, "has always been a moving principle in my life, for I see everything going on on in the world subordinate to this great even." Privately, he asked, "Why do we not pray for it every time we hear a clock string?" Hodder stated that since the return of the Jews was required for the Second Advent, Shaftesbury "never had a shadow of a doubt that the Jews were to return to their own land...It was his daily prayer, his daily hope. 'Oh pray for the peace of Jerusalem!' were the words engraven on the ring he always wore on his right hand.' (Tuchman, Bible and Sword p 178). 

Lord Shaftesbury lobbied for the idea of return of the Jews with Prime Minister Palmerston and his successors in the government and was incidentally instrumental in the considerable assistance and protection against oppression that Britain hence­forth extended to the Jews already living in Palestine.

In 1839 the Church of Scotland sent Andrew Bonar and  Robert Murray M'Cheyne, to report on "the Condition of  the Jews in their land." Their report was widely publicized in Great Britain and it was followed by a "Memorandum to Protestant Monarchs of Europe for the restoration of  the Jews to Palestine." This memorandum was printed verbatim in  the London Times, including an advertisement by Lord Shaftesbury igniting an enthusiastic campaign by the Times for restoration of the Jews.


In August 1840 the Times reported that the British government was considering Jewish restoration. It added that "a nobleman of the Opposition" (apparently Lord Shaftesbury) was making inquiries to determine:

1. Jewish opinion of the proposed restoration.

 2. Jewish readiness to live in Palestine and invest their capital in agriculture.

3. How soon they would be ready to go.

4. Whether they would pay for their own passage, given assurance of safety to life and property.

5. Whether they would be willing to live under the Turkish rule, protected by Britain, France, Russia, Prussia, Austro- Hungary.

Shaftesbury had indeed caused Palmerston, either prior to or following the Times reprot, to write to the British Ambassador in Constantinople:

There exists at the present time among the Jews dispersed over Europe, a strong notion that the time is approaching for their nation to return to Palestine...It would be of manifest importance to the Sultan to encourage the Jews to return and to settle in Palestine because the wealth which they would bring with them would increase the resources of the Sultan's dominions; and the Jewish people, if returning under the sanction and protection and at the invitation of the Sultan, would be a check on any future evil designs of Mehmet Ali or his successors... I have to instruct Your Excellency strongly to recommend to hold out every just encouragement to the Jews of Europe to return to Palestine. (Tuchman, Bible and Sword, 1988 p 175).

Religious motives had been transformed into motives of state, a theme that was to be repeated in coming years.



Lord Ashley, Earl of Shaftesbury

Lord Ashley, Earl of Shaftesbury



Anthony Ashley Cooper, the eldest son of the 6th Earl of Shaftesbury (1768–1851) and Lady Anne Spencer-Churchill (1773–1865), was born on 28th April, 1801. At the age of seven he was sent to boarding school and five years later he was transferred to Harrow (1813-16)At the age of ten, Anthony was given the courtesy title of Lord Ashley.

Harrow School (1813-16) was followed by Christ Church College, where he gained a first-class degree in classics. At the age of twenty-five he was elected as M.P. for Woodstock, a pocket borough under the control of his uncle, the Duke of Marlborough

"Ashley's growing sense of himself as a lone crusader was undergirded in the course of the 1830s by a deepening of his religious commitment. He had always been a sincere and pious Christian, but his beliefs now assumed an unambiguously evangelical character, sustained in particular by his friendship from 1835 with the leading divine Edward Bickersteth. Ashley became convinced of the imminence of the premillennial second advent of Christ,

I think a man's religion, if it is worth anything, should enter into every sphere of life, and rule his conduct in every relation. I have always been - and, please God, always shall be, an Evangelical."

Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury, died on 1st October, 1885.





Rev Alexander Keith

It was a Scottish clergyman, Rev Alexander Keith, who was probably the first in 1843 to coin the phrase ‘A land without a people, for a people without a land.’

Shaftesbury was also one of the founders of the Palestine Exploration Fund which is some people’s minds was to find the archaeological support for the stories in the Bible. At their first meeting in 1865 the Chairman, the Archbishop of York included in his speech. ‘This country of Palestine belongs to you and to me, it is essentially ours. It was given to the Father of Israel in the words: ‘ Walk through the land in the length of it, and in the breadth of it,  for I will give it unto thee.’ We mean to walk through Palestine in the length and in the breadth of it, because that land has been given unto us….’ This gives a flavour of thinking at that time.

But evangelicals also appear to have played a significant role in the development of Jewish thinking.

Anita Shapira

Anita Shapira the respected Zionist historian writes: ‘… until the nineteenth century the Bible was considered secondary to Jewish oral law… It was the Protestants who discovered the Bible …Even the idea of the Jews returning to their ancient homeland as the first step to world redemption seems to have originated among a specific group of evangelical English Protestants that flourished in England in the 1840s; they passed this notion onto Jewish circles.

It might seem that the idea of returning to the Land of Israel had been part of the Jewish people’s spiritual beliefs from time immemorial…. But there was an essential difference between this yearning and Zionism. … Instead of passively awaiting the coming of the Messiah, the Jewish people would take their fate into their own hands and transform their situation through their own action”.

Theodor Herzl

Theodor  Herzl, who could be looked on as a founder of political Zionism, grew up in the environment of anti-Jewish pogroms post 1881 following the assassination of Tsar Alexander II. As a journalist he covered the Dreyfus affair in Paris where Dreyfus a Jewish captain in the French army was wrongly convicted of spying for Germany. Herzl returned to Vienna and wrote  Der Judenstaat. [The Jewish State].   He  tried to meet the Kaiser but failed.

Rev Willliam Hechler

William Hechler the restorationist chaplain of the English embassy in Vienna saw Herzl’s book in a bookshop and introduced himself to the author  and offered to help him. Hechler had been the tutor to Prince Ludwig, the son and heir of Frederick I, the Grand Duke of Baden and had developed very close links with the family. He had written a book on the restoration of the Jews to Palestine[3] in 1882. He offered to introduce Herzl to the German political leadership such as the Grand Duke of Baden and the Kaiser. But he also introduced him to the European leadership as well.

Lewis writes: ‘In a remarkably short time, Herzl moved from being an obscure Jewish writer to the international stage

Rev Naim Ateek

Naim Ateek the founder of Sabeel in a sermon in Bethlehem recently said ‘In fact western Christian Zionists must share the responsibility for the creation of Zionism and in the establishment of the state of Israel. One of the closest friends of Theodor Herzl, the founder of political Zionism, was an Anglican priest by the name of William Hechler. Rev. Hechler was instrumental in inspiring and educating Herzl on those passages of the Bible that, he believed, call for the return of Jews to Palestine in fulfillment of prophecy’.

Hechler was critical to the development of Zionism.

I wonder whether the contacts, facilitated by Hechler, may have enabled Herzl to get Lloyd George’s law firm to act for him in 1903 on the Uganda scheme, where Britain raised the possibility of a Jewish homeland in Uganda.  Also one wonders how Weizmann could obtain introductions to the British political leadership, such as meeting Churchill in 1905 and Balfour in 1906 when he only arrived in the country in 1904.  Particularly as Shapira comments that Zionism at this time represented  ‘a negligible percentage of World Jewry[5].’

It is commonly claimed that the Balfour Declaration was issued because of war time needs, such as getting America into the war, although America joined the war 6 months before the Declaration. Keeping Russia in the war against Germany was another. ( this aim evaporated almost immediately when Lenin took over in Russia 5 days after the declaration was signed and made a peace treaty with Germany.). Once the war had been won some of the claimed reasons were of little relevance. However, there was another component of the reasons for the declaration which did not get included in official documents. This was the beliefs of the people making the decisions. Geoffrey Alderman wrote in the Jewish Chronicle “The Balfour Declaration was born out of religious sentiment. Arthur Balfour was a Christian mystic who believed that the Almighty had chosen him to be an instrument of the Divine Will… perhaps as a precursor to the Second Coming of the Messiah”. Tom Segev wrote: ‘The Declaration was the product of neither military nor diplomatic interests but of prejudice, faith and sleight of hand. The men who sired it were Christian and Zionist and, in many cases, anti-Semitic.’   Rabbi Danny Rich  ‘I am not arguing for Zionism as a Christian idea, but it is a very interesting point to make. Many of the non Jews who supported Zionism did so out of their Christian understanding of what was happening. ‘

But is this a correct assessment of the thinking of Balfour, Lloyd George and the political elite at the time?

Arthur Balfour

Balfour was brought up in an evangelical environment. Balfour’s mother, Lady Blanche was from one of the wealthiest families in Britain being the sister of Lord Salisbury who served three times as Prime Minister.  She was an earnest evangelical, giving her son daily Bible study but also distributing Gospel tracts at the East Linton railway station near  the Balfour Estate just outside Edinburgh

Lloyd George

Lloyd George, though from a totally different social class from Balfour, was brought up in a Welsh Baptist evangelical environment. Speaking to the Jewish Historical Society in 1925 he said: I was brought up in a school where I was taught far more history of the Jews than about my own land. I could tell you all the kings of Israel. But I doubt if I could have named half a dozen of the Kings of England, and not more of the Kings of Wales….We were thoroughly imbued with the history of your race in the days of its greatest glory.

Active negotiations with the Zionists started once Lloyd George became Prime Minister (note he had acted for the Zionists in 1903). The Zionists drafted what became the Balfour Declaration and there were several drafts submitted to the cabinet. It was not until the Autumn of 1917 that the second and third clauses protecting the rights of the existing population and Jews in other countries were added. It was finally agreed on the 31st October 1917 and signed on Nov 2nd. Curzon and Montagu, the only two English in the cabinet and Montagu the only Jew, were both against it.  The majority of the cabinet were from the Celtic fringe and had been raised in evangelical homes. There were three Scottish members of whom Balfour was one. Calvinist forms of evangelical Protestantism dominated the family backgrounds of the majority of the cabinet members.

It is very difficult to quantify the relative importance of Christian evangelical beliefs in the attitudes to the Zionist pressures. But it is certainly true that the majority of the political elite believed the Bible literally. As I mentioned earlier Lloyd George’s law firm acted for Herzl in 1903. Weizmann then arrived in Britain in 1904. He was, as well as a chemist, a highly effective propagandist  and he made it his business to make contacts with the British leadership. Thus when Lloyd George took over as Prime Minister and was favourable to a Jewish home in Palestine Weizman already knew the main players and was able to use the pressures of the war to press the Zionist case, even though Zionists were, negligibly minority  of World Jewry at the time. Edwin Montague, the only Jew in the cabinet, the Chief Rabbi at the time and many of the assimilated Jews in Britain were very much against the Zionist ideas. See Robert Cohen

Britain continued its support for the Zionist project after the Declaration.

In 1915 we had promised Sharif Hussein support for an Arab state including Palestine if he helped us against the Ottomans. He kept his side of the bargain, we reneged on ours. The promise was effectively swept under the carpet.

The Anglo French Declaration in 1918 promised the countries released from Turkish rule would be able to choose their own governments. All but Palestine were allowed to do so.

In 1919 at the request of President Wilson the King Crane Commission was set up to find out what the inhabitants of the Middle East wanted. It was clear they did not want the Zionist project. Publication of this report was delayed until after the Mandate had been agreed and like McMahon’s promise to Hussein, swept under the carpet

In 1919 Balfour commented that ‘Palestine presented a unique situation. We are dealing not with the wishes of an existing community but are consciously seeking to re-constitute a new community and definitely building for a numerical majority in the future’

Ernest Richmond found in 1923 that the Chief Secretary, his immediate superior, Wyndam Deedes, was a committed believer in Zionism as the fulfilment of Old Testament prophecies.

As was Major Ord Wingate who trained Jewish men in guerrilla techniques against the Arabs, in the Special Night Squads

Christian Zionism was not just important at the time of the writing of the Balfour Declaration.
They are a major political component in the US support of Israel today,



The Land of Israel: According to the Covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob by Alexander Keith 1844




A Jew and a Christian: How They Changed History



Left: Theodore Herzl, of whom Israel’s Declaration of Independence officially refers to as the spiritual father of the Jewish State.

Right: William Hechler, friend, mentor and legitimizer of Herzl’s vision and calling. He is considered the father of Christian Zionism.

By Shira Sorko-Ram

There is not an Israeli school child anywhere in the world who has not heard of Theodore Herzl—the Father of Modern Israel. But few people—in or out of Israel—have ever heard of William Hechler.

Yet many historians concede if it weren’t for Pastor Hechler, Herzl would probably never have been anything more than an obscure, eccentric, minor Austrian newspaper columnist. This is a story about Theodore Herzl, William Hechler … and yes, divine intervention.

Hechler’s father, an Anglican priest, had a deep admiration and respect for the Jewish people. This love for God’s chosen people profoundly influenced his son. In fact, it consumed him.

Since the Protestant Reformation starting in the early sixteenth century—there had been pockets of Christian lovers of Zion throughout Europe and the United States. This was in spite of the fact the Reformation’s pioneer, Martin Luther, hated the Jewish people.


The second U.S. president, John Adams, of Puritan background, wrote with clarity and understanding in 1819, “I sincerely wish to see the Jews settled in Judah, forming an independent nation.”

Protestant Biblical Zionism spread widely across the European continent, as seen in the letter British Lord Shaftesbury sent to Queen Victoria, pleading, “May it be during your reign that, according to the hopes of this unique people now laid before Your Majesty, ‘Judah shall be saved and Israel shall dwell in peace.’ Such is the prayer of the loyal and devoted servant of your Majesty.”

However, promoting the practical return of the Jews to their ancient homeland was for those few brave Christians who dug deeply and regularly into the Word of God. Rev. William Hechler was one of those.

For fifty years, Hechler traversed his world. As an Anglican cleric with both English and German as his mother tongue, he worked in Nigeria, served in the German army, raised a family in Cork, Ireland and became proficient in ten languages. Then in 1873, as often happens, strategic changes took place in his life, though only many years later would he understand their importance.

Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of Shaftesbury was an Evangelical Christian, part of the revival of Evangelical faith that swept Britain in the early 19th century. Religious motives prompted him to initiate charity works and further social legislation, including the ten hour day act. At the same time, he was keen for the restoration of the Jews, and their conversion to Christianity.

Lord Shaftesbury was the most active restoration lobbyist. 'The inherent vitality,' he wrote, 'of the Hebrew race reasserts itself with amazing persistence. Its genius, to tell the truth, adapts itself more or less to all the currents of civilization all over the world, nevertheless always emerging with distinctive features and a gallant recovery of vigor."

Shaftesbury told his biographer, Edwin Hodder, that belief in the Second Advent, "has always been a moving principle in my life, for I see everything going on on in the world subordinate to this great even." Privately, he asked, "Why do we not pray for it every time we hear a clock string?" Hodder stated that since the return of the Jews was required for the Second Advent, Shaftesbury "never had a shadow of a doubt that the Jews were to return to their own land...It was his daily prayer, his daily hope. 'Oh pray for the peace of Jerusalem!' were the words engraven on the ring he always wore on his right hand.' (Tuchman, Bible and Sword p 178). 

Lord Shaftesbury lobbied for the idea of return of the Jews with Prime Minister Palmerston and his successors in the government and was incidentally instrumental in the considerable assistance and protection against oppression that Britain hence­forth extended to the Jews already living in Palestine.

In 1839 the Church of Scotland sent Andrew Bonar and  Robert Murray M'Cheyne, to report on "the Condition of  the Jews in their land." Their report was widely publicized in Great Britain and it was followed by a "Memorandum to Protestant Monarchs of Europe for the restoration of  the Jews to Palestine." This memorandum was printed verbatim in  the London Times, including an advertisement by Lord Shaftesbury igniting an enthusiastic campaign by the Times for restoration of the Jews.


In August 1840 the Times reported that the British government was considering Jewish restoration. It added that "a nobleman of the Opposition" (apparently Lord Shaftesbury) was making inquiries to determine:

1. Jewish opinion of the proposed restoration.

 2. Jewish readiness to live in Palestine and invest their capital in agriculture.

3. How soon they would be ready to go.

4. Whether they would pay for their own passage, given assurance of safety to life and property.

5. Whether they would be willing to live under the Turkish rule, protected by Britain, France, Russia, Prussia, Austro- Hungary.

Shaftesbury had indeed caused Palmerston, either prior to or following the Times reprot, to write to the British Ambassador in Constantinople:

There exists at the present time among the Jews dispersed over Europe, a strong notion that the time is approaching for their nation to return to Palestine...It would be of manifest importance to the Sultan to encourage the Jews to return and to settle in Palestine because the wealth which they would bring with them would increase the resources of the Sultan's dominions; and the Jewish people, if returning under the sanction and protection and at the invitation of the Sultan, would be a check on any future evil designs of Mehmet Ali or his successors... I have to instruct Your Excellency strongly to recommend to hold out every just encouragement to the Jews of Europe to return to Palestine. (Tuchman, Bible and Sword, 1988 p 175).

Religious motives had been transformed into motives of state, a theme that was to be repeated in coming years.



Lord Ashley, Earl of Shaftesbury

Lord Ashley, Earl of Shaftesbury



Anthony Ashley Cooper, the eldest son of the 6th Earl of Shaftesbury (1768–1851) and Lady Anne Spencer-Churchill (1773–1865), was born on 28th April, 1801. At the age of seven he was sent to boarding school and five years later he was transferred to Harrow (1813-16)At the age of ten, Anthony was given the courtesy title of Lord Ashley.

Harrow School (1813-16) was followed by Christ Church College, where he gained a first-class degree in classics. At the age of twenty-five he was elected as M.P. for Woodstock, a pocket borough under the control of his uncle, the Duke of Marlborough.


"Ashley's growing sense of himself as a lone crusader was undergirded in the course of the 1830s by a deepening of his religious commitment. He had always been a sincere and pious Christian, but his beliefs now assumed an unambiguously evangelical character, sustained in particular by his friendship from 1835 with the leading divine Edward Bickersteth. Ashley became convinced of the imminence of the premillennial second advent of Christ,

I think a man's religion, if it is worth anything, should enter into every sphere of life, and rule his conduct in every relation. I have always been - and, please God, always shall be, an Evangelical."

Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury, died on 1st October, 1885.







British Imperial Connexions to the Arab National Movement, 1912-1914; Lord Kitchener, the Emir Abdullah, Sir Louis Mallet -- the Case of Aziz Ali, 1914From: Volume X, Part II: The Last Years of Peace (British Documents on the Origins of the War, 1898-1914, GP Gooch and Harold Temperley, eds. with the assistance of Lillian M. Penson, PhD, 1938), pps 824-838.

WWI Document Archive > Official Papers https://web.archive.org/web/20190725103114/https://wwi.lib.byu.edu/index.php/British_Imperial_Connexions_to_the_Arab_National_Movement

Appendix III
Preliminaries. Lord John Russell's refusal to favour independence of the Caliph (1860).
First stirrings of Arab Secret Societies (1865-1880).
II.Arab Secret Societies. From the Young Turk Revolution to 1912.
French Comments.
Syrian delegation to Lord Kitchener, 1912.
III.Arab Syrian Congress in Paris and Franco-Syrian Committee in Paris, June, 1913.
IV.Lord Kitchener's conversation with Emir Abdullah, February 1914, and its aftermath.
(A) Lord Kitchener's account and views of Sir Louis Mallet.
(B) Emir Abdullah s account of his conversation with Lord Kitchener, transmitted with notes by Mr. G. Antonius.

V.Aziz Bey and the Arab Movement, 1914.

I.The origins of the Arab National Movement.

((( please see link below for full details in 300 + dispatches )))



Sykes-Picot Agreement

1. Sir Edward Grey to Paul Cambon, 15 May 1916


I shall have the honour to reply fully in a further note to your Excellency's note of the 9th instant, relative to the creation of an Arab State, but I should meanwhile be grateful if your Excellency could assure me that in those regions which, under the conditions recorded in that communication, become entirely French, or in which French interests are recognised as predominant, any existing British concessions, rights of navigation or development, and the rights and privileges of any British religious, scholastic, or medical institutions will be maintained.

His Majesty's Government are, of course, ready to give a reciprocal

assurance in regard to the British area.

2. Sir Edward Grey to Paul Cambon, 16 May 1916

I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Excellency's note of the 9th instant, stating that the French Government accept the limits of a future Arab State, or Confederation of States, and of those parts of Syria where French interests predominate, together with certain conditions attached thereto, such as they result from recent discussions in London and Petrograd on the subject.

I have the honour to inform your Excellency in reply that the acceptance of the whole project, as it now stands, will involve the abdication of considerable British interests, but, since His Majesty's Government recognise the advantage to the general cause of the Allies entailed in producing a more favourable internal political situation in Turkey, they are ready to accept the arrangement now arrived at, provided that the co-operation of the Arabs is secured, and that the Arabs fulfil the conditions and obtain the towns of Homs, Hama, Damascus, and Aleppo.

It is accordingly understood between the French and British Governments---


1. That France and Great Britain are prepared to recognize and protect an independent Arab State or a Confederation of Arab States in the areas (A) and (B) marked on the annexed map, under the suzerainty of an Arab chief. That in area (A) France, and in area (B) Great Britain, shall have priority of right of enterprise and local loans. That in area (A) France, and in area (B) Great Britain, shall alone supply advisers or foreign functionaries at the request of the Arab State or Confederation of Arab States.

2. That in the blue area France, and in the red area Great Britain, shall be allowed to establish such direct or indirect administration or control as they desire and as they may think fit to arrange with the Arab State or Confederation of Arab States. 3. That in the brown area there shall be established an international administration, the form of which is to be decided upon after consultation with Russia, and subsequently in consultation with the other Allies, and the representatives of the Shereef of Mecca.

4. That Great Britain be accorded (1) the ports of Haifa and Acre, (2) guarantee of a given supply of water from the Tigris and Euphrates in area (A) for area (B). His Majesty's Government, on their part, undertake that they will at no time enter into negotiations for the cession of Cyprus to any third Power without the previous consent of the French Government.

5. That Alexandretta shall be a free port as regards the trade of the British Empire, and that there shall be no discrimination in port charges or facilities as regards British shipping and British goods; that there shall be freedom of transit for British goods through Alexandretta and by railway through the blue area, whether those goods are intended for or originate in the red area, or (B) area, or area (A); and there shall be no discrimination, direct or indirect against British goods on any railway or against British goods or ships at any port serving the areas mentioned.

That Haifa shall be a free port as regards the trade of France, her dominions and protectorates, and there shall be no discrimination in port charges or facilities as regards French shipping and French goods. There shall be freedom of transit for French goods through Haifa and by the British railway through the brown area, whether those goods are intended for or originate in the blue area, area (A), or area (B), and there shall be no discrimination, direct or indirect, against French goods on any railway, or against French goods or ships at any port serving the areas mentioned.

6. That in area (A) the Baghdad Railway shall not be extended southwards beyond Mosul, and in area (B) northwards beyond Samarra, until a railway connecting Baghdad with Aleppo via the Euphrates Valley has been completed, and then only with the concurrence of the two Governments.

7. That Great Britain has the right to build, administer, and be sole owner of a railway connecting Haifa with area (B), and shall have a perpetual right to transport troops along such a line at all times.

It is to be understood by both Governments that this railway is to facilitate the connexion of Baghdad with Haifa by rail, and it is further understood that, if the engineering difficulties and expense entailed by keeping this connecting line in the brown area only make the project unfeasible, that the French Government shall be prepared to consider that the line in question may also traverse the polygon Banias-Keis Marib-Salkhab Tell Otsda-Mesmie before reaching area (B).

8. For a period of twenty years the existing Turkish customs tariff shall remain in force throughout the whole of the blue and red areas, as well as in areas (A) and (B), and no increase in the rates of duty or conversion from ad valorem to specific rates shall be made except by agreement between the two Powers.
There shall be no interior customs barriers between any of the above-mentioned areas. The customs duties leviable on goods destined for the interior shall be collected at the port of entry and handed over to the administration of the area of destination.
9. It shall be agreed that the French Government will at no time enter into any negotiations for the cession of their rights and will not cede such rights in the blue area to any third Power, except the Arab State or Confederation of Arab States without the previous agreement of His Majesty's Government, who, on their part, will give a similar undertaking to the French Government regarding the red area.

10. The British and French Governments, as the protectors of the Arab State, shall agree that they will not themselves acquire and will not consent to a third Power acquiring territorial possessions in the Arabian peninsula, nor consent to a third Power installing a naval base either on the east coast, or on the islands, of the Red Sea. This, however, shall not prevent such adjustment of the Aden frontier as may be necessary in consequence of recent Turkish aggression.

11. The negotiations with the Arabs as to the boundaries of the Arab State or Confederation of Arab States shall be continued through the same channel as heretofore on behalf of the two Powers.

12. It is agreed that measures to control the importation of arms into the Arab territories will be considered by the two Governments.

I have further the honour to state that, in order to make the agreement complete, His Majesty's Government are proposing to the Russian Government to exchange notes analogous to those exchanged by the latter and your Excellency's Government on the 26th April last. Copies of these notes will be communicated to your Excellency as soon as exchanged.
I would also venture to remind your Excellency that the conclusion of the present agreement raises, for practical consideration, the question of the claims of Italy to a share in any partition or rearrangement of Turkey in Asia, as formulated in article 9 of the agreement of the 26th April, 1915, between Italy and the Allies.
His Majesty's Government further consider that the Japanese Government should be informed of the arrangement now concluded.




War cabinet minutes leading to the Balfour Declaration, 1917

On November 9th 1917 the Times published the minutes of the 4 War Cabinet meetings  where, what became known as the Balfour Declaration, was discussed. They had before them the document produced by the Zionist Organisation on July 18th 1917 and other correspondence.


Official Zionist Formula, 18 July 1917

H. M. Government, after considering the aims of the Zionist Organisation, accepts the principle of recognising Palestine as the National Home of the Jewish people and the right of the Jewish people to build up its National life in Palestine under a protection to be established at the conclusion of Peace, following upon the successful issue of the war.

H. M. Government regards as essential for the realisation of this principle the grant of internal autonomy to the Jewish nationality in Palestine, freedom of immigration for Jews, and the establishment of a Jewish National Colonising Corporation for the re-settlement and economic development of the country.

The conditions and forms of the internal autonomy and a charter for the Jewish National Colonising Corporation should, in the view of H. M. Government, be elaborated in detail and determined with the representatives of the Zionist Organisation.


Minutes of War Cabinet Meeting No. 227, Minute No. 2, 3 September 1917

The War Cabinet had under consideration correspondence which had passed between the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Lord Rothschild on the question of the policy to be adopted towards the Zionist movement. In addition to the draft declaration of policy included in the above correspondence, they had before them an alternative draft prepared by Lord Milner. They had also before them a Memorandum by Mr. Montagu entitled “The Anti-Semitism of the present Government.”

It was suggested that a question raising such important issues as to the future of Palestine ought, in the first instance, to be discussed with our Allies, and more particularly with the United States.

On the question of submitting Lord Milner’s draft for the consideration of the United States Government, Mr. Montagu urged that the use of the phrase “the home of the Jewish people” would vitally prejudice the position of every Jew elsewhere and expand the argument contained in his Memorandum. Against this it was urged that the existence of a Jewish State or autonomous community in Palestine would strengthen rather than weaken the situation of Jews in countries where they were not yet in possession of equal rights, and that in countries like England, where they possessed such rights and were identified with the nation of which they were citizens, their position would be unaffected by the existence of a national Jewish community elsewhere. The view was expressed that, while a small influential section of English Jews were opposed to the idea, large numbers were sympathetic to it, but in the interests of Jews who wished to go from countries where they were less favourably situated, rather than from any idea of wishing to go to Palestine themselves.

With reference to a suggestion that the matter might be postponed, the Acting Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs pointed out that this was a question on which the Foreign Office had been very strongly pressed for a long time past. There was a very strong and enthusiastic organisation, more particularly in the United States, who were zealous in this matter, and his belief was that it would be of most substantial assistance to the Allies to have the earnestness and enthusiasm of these people enlisted on our side. To do nothing was to risk a direct breach with them, and it was necessary to face this situation.

The War Cabinet decided that–

The views of President Wilson should be obtained before any declaration was made, and requested the Acting Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs to inform the Government of the United States that His Majesty’s Government were being pressed to make a declaration in sympathy with the Zionist movement, and to ascertain their views as to the advisability of such a declaration being made.


Minutes of War Cabinet Meeting No. 245, Minute No. 18, 4 October 1917

With reference to War Cabinet 227, Minute 2, the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs stated that the German Government were making great efforts to capture the sympathy of the Zionist Movement. This Movement, though opposed by a number of wealthy Jews in this country, had behind it the support of a majority of Jews, at all events in Russia and America, and possibly in other countries. He saw nothing inconsistent between the establishment of a Jewish national focus in Palestine and the complete assimilation and absorption of Jews into the nationality of other countries. Just as English emigrants to the United States became, either in the first or subsequent generations, American nationals, so, in future, should a Jewish citizenship be established in Palestine, would Jews become either Englishmen, Americans, Germans, or Palestinians. What was at the back of the Zionist Movement was the intense national consciousness held by certain members of the Jewish race. They regarded themselves as one of the great historic races of the world, whose original home was Palestine, and these Jews had a passionate longing to regain once more this ancient national home, Other Jews had become absorbed into the nations among whom they and their forefathers had dwelt for many generations. Mr. Balfour then read a very sympathetic declaration by the French Government which had been conveyed to the Zionists, and he stated that he knew that President Wilson was extremely favourable to the Movement.

Attention was drawn to the contradictory telegrams received from Colonel House and Justice Brandeis.

The Secretary was instructed to take the necessary action.

The War Cabinet further decided that the opinions received upon this draft declaration should be collated and submitted to them for decision.


Minutes of War Cabinet Meeting No. 259, Minute No. 12, 25 October 1917

With reference to War Cabinet 245, Minute 18, the Secretary mentioned that he was being pressed by the Foreign Office to bring forward the question of Zionism, an early settlement of which was regarded as of great importance.

Lord Curzon stated that he had a Memorandum on the subject in course of preparation.

The question was adjourned until Monday, 29th October, or some other day early next week.


Minutes of War Cabinet Meeting No. 261, Minute No. 12, 31 October 1917

With reference to War Cabinet 245, Minute 18, the War Cabinet had before them a note by the Secretary, and also a memorandum by Lord Curzon on the subject of the Zionist movement.

The Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs stated that he gathered that everyone was now agreed that, from a purely diplomatic and political point of view, it was desirable that some declaration favourable to the aspirations of the Jewish nationalists should now be made. The vast majority of Jews in Russia and America, as, indeed, all over the world, now appeared to be favourable to Zionism. If we could make a declaration favourable to such an ideal, we should be able to carry on extremely useful propaganda both in Russia and America. He gathered that the main arguments still put forward against Zionism were twofold:

(a.)That Palestine was inadequate to form a home for either the Jewish or any other people.

(b.)The difficulty felt with regard to the future position of Jews in Western countries.

With regard to the first, he understood that there were considerable differences of opinion among experts regarding the possibility of the settlement of any large population in Palestine, but he was informed that, if Palestine were scientifically developed, a very much larger population could be sustained than had existed during the period of Turkish misrule. As to the meaning of the words ‘national home,’ to which the Zionists attach so much importance, he understood it to mean some form of British, American, or other protectorate, under which full facilities would be given to the Jews to work out their own salvation and to build up, by means of education, agriculture, and industry, a real centre of national culture and focus of national life. It did not necessarily involve the early establishment of an independent Jewish State, which was a matter for gradual development in accordance with the ordinary laws of political evolution.

With regard to the second point, he felt that, so far from Zionism hindering the process of assimilation in Western countries, the truer parallel was to be found in the position of an Englishman who leaves his country to establish a permanent home in the United States. In the latter case there was no difficulty in the Englishman or his children becoming full nationals of the United States, whereas, in the present position of Jewry, the assimilation was often felt to be incomplete, and any danger of a double allegiance or non-national outlook would be eliminated.

Lord Curzon stated that he admitted the force of the diplomatic arguments in favour of expressing sympathy, and agreed that the bulk of the Jews held Zionist rather than anti-Zionist opinions. He added that he did not agree with the attitude taken up by Mr. Montagu. On the other hand, he could not share the optimistic views held regarding the future of Palestine. These views were not merely the result of his own personal experiences of travel in that country, but of careful investigations from persons who had lived for many years in the country. He feared that by the suggested declaration we should be raising false expectations which could never be realised. He attached great importance to the necessity of retaining the Christian and Moslem Holy Places in Jerusalem and Bethlehem, and, if this were to be effectively done, he did not see how the Jewish people could have a political capital in Palestine. However, he recognised that some expression of sympathy with Jewish aspirations would be a valuable adjunct to our propaganda, though he thought that we should be guarded in the language used in giving expression to such sympathy….

Credits: “The Balfour Declaration,” Times (London), 9 November 1917, p. 1.












let us know when you are ready too ACTUALY FIGHT BACK

lulzsec.org  investigatons intellegnce 






Ship seized in $1.3 billion cocaine bust is owned by JP Morgan Chase

( not exactly it is SwiSSy )
















African hero George Weah

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Weah - A Legend in his own time:

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 Football leads the way in Liberia:

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Officials seize $5 million in gold bars at Heathrow Airport, reportedly from drug cartel


The gold, weighing around 229 pounds, was on its way to Switzerland from the Cayman Islands when it was seized. It had previously arrived in the Cayman Islands from Venezuela on a private jet.

This story was originally published by SWNS.





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The country acted as a major trader in Sierra Leonian blood diamonds, exporting over US$300 million in diamonds in 1999.

This led to a United Nations ban on Liberian diamond exports in 2001, which was lifted in 2007 following Liberia's accession to the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme

Liberia has the highest ratio of foreign direct investment to GDP in the world, with US$16 billion in investment since 2006.[


Following Sirleaf's inauguration in 2006, Liberia signed several multi-billion-dollar concession agreements in the iron ore and palm oil industries with numerous multinational corporations, including BHP Billiton, ArcelorMittal, and Sime Darby.

Palm oil companies like Sime Darby (Malaysia) and Golden Veroleum (USA) have been accused of destroying livelihoods and displacing local communities, enabled by government concessions.[Since 1926

The Firestone Tire and Rubber Company has operated the world's largest rubber plantation in Harbel, Margibi County. As of 2015 it had more than 8,000 mostly Liberian employees, making it the country's largest private employer

George-Weah is President 

yes THAT George Weah 

ex Ac milan.

FIFA World footballer of the Year ( Swiss Based)

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Shipping flag of convenience

Due to its status as a flag of convenience, Liberia has the second-largest maritime registry in the world behind Panama. It has 3,500 vessels registered under its flag, accounting for 11% of ships worldwide.[



Rape and sexual assault are frequent in the post-conflict era in Liberia. Liberia has one of the highest incidences of sexual violence against women in the world. Rape is the most frequently reported crime, accounting for more than one-third of sexual violence cases. Adolescent girls are the most frequently assaulted, and almost 40% of perpetrators are adult men known to victims.

Both male and female homosexuality are illegal in Liberia.[On July 20, 2012, the Liberian senate voted unanimously to enact legislation to prohibit and criminalize same-sex marriages


We be masons, true and loyal, having the interest and prosperity of the Fraternity at heart; and being desirous of diffusing its genuine principles broadcast, have constituted and set up a Grand Lodge of Free and accepted Masons in and for Republic of Liberia and ask the sympathy and recognition of the Craft throughout the Globe.

NATO Templar Svastika Swiss 8 Logo


Parabolic antenna Satellite Land Earth Station Leuk, Valais, Switzerland. Onyx is a Swiss intelligence gathering system.



- Image ID: E9M261


Parabolic antenna Satellite Land Earth Station Leuk, Valais, Switzerland. Onyx is a Swiss intelligence gathering system.
Contributor: Andrew Lloyd / Alamy Stock Photo
Image ID: E9M261
File size: 
34.5 MB (1.7 MB Compressed download) 
Dimensions: 4256 x 2832 px | 36 x 24 cm | 14.2 x 9.4 inches | 300dpi
Releases: Model - no | Property - no   Do I need a release?
More information: 
Onyx is a Swiss intelligence gathering system maintained by the Federal Intelligence Service - Nachrichtendienst des Bundes (NDB).
Date taken: 1 June 2014
Location: Leuk, Valais, Switzerland, Europe

Onyx (interception system)

Onyx (interception system)
Interception station in Leuk
Onyx 20100819 MartinSteiger CCBYSA 001.jpg

Onyx is a Swiss intelligence gathering system maintained by the Swiss Army. The costs of the system are not public, but the amount of 100 million Swiss francs has been mentioned several times[1], in particular in 2000 by Werner Marti, SP deputy to the National Council of Switzerland. In March 2005, journalist Urs Paul Engeler estimated that the costs (hidden in various military construction budgets) reached 400 million CHF [2]. The Onyx system was launched in 2000, originally under the name SATOS-3 (the SATOS 1 and 2 systems were started in 1992, in particular to intercept faxes), and was completed in late 2005.



The goal of the system is to monitor both civil and military communications, such as telephone, fax or Internet traffic, carried by satellite. Onyx uses lists of keywords to filter the intercepted content for information of interest, and the choice of keywords by the intelligence community must be approved by an independent commission. The system is not supposed to monitor internal communications; however, the monitoring of a communication between a person in Switzerland and someone in another country is allowed.[3] The Swiss Federal Council has indicated that Onyx is not linked to other foreign systems such as ECHELON; according to the Council, the confusion and rumours about this issue are due to the sale by Swisscom to Verestar (now SES Americom) of the ground satellite communication station of Leuk (next to the Onyx site) in 2000.[4] The use of the system is controlled by an independent control authority composed of members of the federal administration.[5]

Active sites

Onyx (interception system) is located in Switzerland
Location of Onyx interception stations

Active sites include the following:[3]

Intercepted black sites fax

On 8 January 2006, the Swiss newspaper Sonntagsblick (Sunday edition of the Blick newspaper) published a secret report produced by the Swiss government using data intercepted by Onyx.[8][9] The report described a fax sent by the Egyptian department of Foreign Affairs to the Egyptian Embassy in London, and described the existence of secret detention facilities ("black sites") run by the CIA in Eastern Europe.[10] The Swiss government did not officially confirm the existence of the report, but started a military judiciary procedure for leakage of secret documents against the newspaper on 9 January 2006. While the authenticity of the fax was implicitly confirmed during the trial, the reporter and newspaper were cleared of all charges on 17 April 2007.[9][11]


Media related to Onyx interception system at Wikimedia Commons


  • Onyx (disambiguation) — Onyx is a banded variety of chalcedony (quartz). Onyx can also be used to mean the color black, especially jet black. Onyx may also refer to: Contents 1 Locations 2 People and characters 3 Medicine 4 …   Wikipedia

  • Onyx (радиоэлектронная разведка) — Станция радиоперехвата в Лёке, кантон Вале …   Википедия

  • ECHELON — is a name used in global media and in popular culture to describe a signals intelligence (SIGINT) collection and analysis network operated on behalf of the five signatory states to the UK USA Security Agreement (Australia, Canada, New Zealand,… …   Wikipedia

  • Black site — blacksite redirects here. For other uses, see Black Site (disambiguation). In military terminology, a black site is a location at which an unacknowledged black project is conducted. Recently, the term has gained notoriety in describing secret… …   Wikipedia

  • FRA law — The FRA law ( FRA lagen in Swedish) is a Swedish legislative package that authorizes the state to warrantlessly wiretap all telephone and Internet traffic that crosses Sweden s borders. It was passed by the Parliament of Sweden on on June 18,… …   Wikipedia

  • Swiss intelligence agencies — The Swiss intelligence community is a group of agencies with responsibilities to protect the interests and infrastructure of Switzerland Contents 1 New service 2 Partners and service recipients 3 Organization 4 …   Wikipedia

  • Эшелон (секретная служба) — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Эшелон. Иное название этого понятия  «Echelon»; см. также другие значения. Echelon Field Station 81 «Эшелон»  общепринятое название глобаль …   Википедия

  • Leuk — Infobox Swiss town subject name = Leuk municipality name = Leuk municipality type = municipality imagepath coa = |pixel coa= languages = German canton = Valais iso code region = CH VS district = Leuk lat d=46|lat m=17|lat NS=N|long d=7|long… …   Wikipedia

NATO Templar Svastika Swiss 8 Logo


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NATO Templar Svastika Swiss 8 Logo

NATO Templar Svastika Swiss 8 Logo


((( Videos below  contain intel brief & proofs ))

click pause to read ))


 The Low Cost No 1 Choice of Dictators Darfur Genocide Airplane

 Pilatus P7 from  Switzerland used in Chad, Sudan Iraq , Mexico  etc etc







Swiss Company Mebo shown in court to have  supplied the timers used in bombing of Pan Am flight over Lockerbie 




<iframe width="794" height="447" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/BBuvn9B2_qQ?list=PLhlGvpVpQyY_tnekcIg7EKptdfaac1BFJ" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Lockerbie — MEBO TELECOM and the Story of the MST-13 Timers

Posted on October 25, 2017 by L

“The problem with the Lockerbie trial has been that the man who supplied the timer for the bomb which brought down the aircraft was never put on trial. Western intelligence agencies knew of the activities of Edwin Bollier as far back as 1971. The envelope which should have brought Edwin Bollier’s career to an end — he was then an agent for the Stasi East German intelligence — was handed to MI6 in the summer of 1971. I know because I handed the envelope containing the evidence to “W”, my MI6 controller, retired Perth Detective Superintendent, in an office in Guild Street, Aberdee”

Paul Harris — The Herald, February 1st 2001


MEBO Telecommunications AG (formed in 1969 and registered in Zürich on 24 March 1971) was owned by Swiss businessmen Erwin Meister and Edwin Bollier. MEBO employed a single technician: Ulrich Lumpert.

All of them were regarded as being not trustworthy by those who attended the Lockerbie trial. The trial court found Mr Bollier to be “at times an untruthful and at other times an unreliable witness.”

William Taylor QC, who has been defending Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi, described  Mr Bollier was a man “prone to invention” who hoped to receive a cash reward from the American authorities for information about the 1988 bombing.

Both Bollier and Meister made up a story about an ‘Olympus timer’ that had been programmed for 1930 hours on a Wednesday – the Lockerbie bombing occurred at 1903 on Wednesday 21 December 1988 — wich was proven to be technically impossible.

Moreover, both men forgot about having supplied MST-13 timers to the Stasi – the secret police of the former East Germany. [More about this when we will discuss a secret document provided by the King of Jordan to the UK in 96 and never shown to the defense for reason of National Security.]

Finally, Ulrich Lumpert, told the Scottish Court in the Netherlands that he had produced all of the firm’s MST-13 timers and agreed that the fragment — known as PT/35(b) — shown to him in court “could be” from a MST-13 timer.

However — seven years later — on 18 July 2007, Lumpert claimed he had lied at the trial. In an affidavit before a Zürich notary, Lumpert stated that he had stolen a prototype MST-13 timer PC-board from MEBO and that he had given it on 22 June 1989, to “an official person investigating the Lockerbie case.

By now, you probably understand than one must be careful with the testimony of these three



also   MEBO

Radio North Sea International Radio Nordsee International; Dutch: Radio Noordzee Internationaal) was a European offshore radio station run by the Swiss firm Mebo Telecommunications,


Two days after the election, the station reverted to RNI. Because jamming continued, Mebo II returned to the Dutch coast on 23 July 1970.[3]

The British government jammed Mebo II's broadcasts with tones, usually an 800 Hz heterodyne supplemented with a pulsed beep (whistle and "pip pip"). Norway's interference with RNI on 6215.0 kHz was explained thus:

This is a transmission from the Norwegian coast station Rogaland Radio operating in single side band mode, upper side band, with a carrier frequency of 6215.0 kHz. The purpose of this transmission is to clear the channel of unauthorized and out of band broadcasting, to improve reception conditions for ships wishing to communicate with coast stations on this frequency or on adjacent maritime channels.

Paul Harris's book Broadcasting from the High Seas, published in 1976,[5] suggests the UK government suspected RNI's shortwave equipment was sending coded messages to unfriendly countries, in particular the German Democratic Republic (GDR).

Harris also claimed Edwin Bollier vowed to take revenge on the British government because he felt RNI had been singled out for jamming.

1971 bombing

On Saturday, 15 May 1971 at 22:50 DJ Alan West interrupted his programme to say there had been an explosion and that the ship was on fire:[3]

Mayday, mayday, mayday, this is Radio North Sea International from the Mebo II at exactly 52°11' latitude, 4°16' longitude, four miles from the coast of Scheveningen, Holland, one mile from the radio ship Norderney, Veronica. We are having to abandon ship very soon, the bridge and the engine room are on fire, the fire is taking control of the ship. The fire was caused by a bomb thrown on board from a small motor ship, repeat, small motor launch with an outboard motor. We don't know who it belongs to, but it certainly bombed us while it was here. This is the Mebo II on fire, we need help immediately. The Mebo II is now abandoning ship.


Destination Libya


Gulf of Sidra - Libya's "territorial waters"


While the two vessels were laid up in the Netherlands, both were fully refitted. Early in 1977, Mebo I, now renamed Angela and Mebo II were sold to Libya. They sailed, each with a crew of nine, for Libya, arriving at Tripoli on 9 February 1977.

Mebo II was renamed El Fatah, and Angela was renamed Almasira. El Fatah then broadcast as Radio Jamharia with programmes such as the Arab Voice, Libya International in English and the Holy Quran. This continued until 1980, when Heinz Hurter, Edwin Bollier's second wife's brother was the only Swiss national to remain aboard.[2]





Colonel Gaddafi files motion to 'abolish' Switzerland: with the U.N. September 2009


Switzerland is a world mafia and not a state,' he said.

Libyan leader  shut subsidiaries of Swiss firms in Libya, had two Swiss businessmen arrested, cancelled most flights between the two states and withdrew about $5bn (£3.2bn) from his Swiss bank accounts.


Gaddafi calls for jihad against Switzerland

Feb 2010

"Let us fight against Switzerland, Zionism and foreign aggression," said ­Gaddafi, adding that "this is not terrorism", in contrast with the work of al-Qaida, which he called a "kind of crime and a psychological disease". "There is a big difference between terrorism and jihad, which is a right to armed struggle," he said.



Tamoil issue fuels debate in Switzerland

Switzerland’s best known oil refinery and the country's extensive network of Tamoil filling stations could be targeted by the next round of sanctions against Libya.

The Collombey refinery in canton Valais and the petrol stations are part of the Dutch-based Oilinvest group, which belongs to the Libyan Investment Authority (LIA).

Although the LIA belongs to the Libyan state, and its purpose is to invest money for the good of the country as a whole – as a sovereign wealth fund - it is widely believed to be controlled by Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi and his regime who draw on its receipts for their own purposes

And since Tamoil is part of a holding that legally belongs to the Libyan people, its operations on the ground must not be compromised






MK Ultra mind control started on August 20th 1951, Swissy did a terrible human experiment on humans on August 15th 1951 only 5 days earlier in order to sell Switzerland`s LSD mind control product to the CIA for big business.








DDR Chairman Erich Honecker was Ethnic Swiss, Stasi, GDR, Palatines & Saarländische Schweiz






Alias/Codeword = OCTOGON

From the shape created by drawing round the templar cross in  their flag


Executive branch
chief of state: President of the Swiss Confederation Ueli MAURER (since 1 January 2019);
Vice President Simonetta SOMMARUGA (since 1 January 2019);

note - the Federal Council, which is comprised of 7 federal councillors, constitutes the federal government of Switzerland;

council members rotate the 1-year term of federal president (chief of state and head of government)



Citizenship laws are based upon the Swiss Citizenship Law dated September 29, 1952, amended in 1984 and 1990.

  • BY BIRTH: Birth within the territory of Switzerland does not automatically confer citizenship. The exception is a child born to unknown parents.
  • Child born in wedlock, at least one of whose parents is a citizen of Switzerland, regardless of the child’s country of birth.
  • Child born out of wedlock, whose mother is a Swiss citizen, regardless of the child’s country of birth.
  • Child born abroad to Swiss parents must be registered before the age of 22 or the child will not be a citizen of Switzerland.
  • BY NATURALIZATION Swiss citizenship may be acquired upon fulfillment of the following conditions:
  • Person has resided a total of 12 years in Switzerland, three of which within the last five years prior to application.
  • The twelve-year requirement is adjusted if the time during which the applicant lived in Switzerland was between the ages of 10 and 20; in this case, time counts double as does the time during which the person lived in Switzerland while married to a person who is Swiss by birth.
  • Person is integrated into Swiss life, and is knowledgeable of its customs and laws.
  • Person is not a threat to the security of Switzerland.
  • A foreigner, after marrying a Swiss citizen, can apply for a simplified naturalization if they have lived in Switzerland for a total of five years, have lived in Switzerland for the most recent one year, and lived with the Swiss spouse for at least three years.

Swiss law provides for exceptions to these requirements in situations of blood ties to Swiss citizens, Swiss military service, and adoption by Swiss citizens.


SWITZERLAND LOSS OF CITIZENSHIP: If one parent decides to renounce Swiss citizenship, their spouse and all children under 20 years of age must also renounce their citizenship.  However, a foreign woman who gained Swiss citizenship through marriage does not lose her Swiss citizenship in the event of the termination of the marriage, if she entered the marriage in good faith.

  • VOLUNTARY: Voluntary renunciation of Swiss citizenship is permitted by law. Upon request, a Swiss citizen will be released from Swiss citizenship if they do not have residence in Switzerland, are at least 18 years old, and have another nationality or have been assured of one. Contact the Swiss Embassy for details and proper paperwork.
  • INVOLUNTARY: According to the Swiss Consulate, there are no “realistic” conditions for the involuntary loss of Swiss Citizenship. Therefore, Swiss citizens should not assume that the acquisition of a new citizenship would cause their Swiss citizenship to be removed by default.

Military service age and obligation:

19-26 years of age for male compulsory military service; 18 years of age for voluntary male and female military service; every Swiss male has to serve at least 260 days in the armed forces; conscripts receive 18 weeks of mandatory training, followed by seven 3-week intermittent recalls for training during the next 10 years (2012)



The country known for its "neutrality "has a very strict code on insulting foreign heads of state. In Article 296 of its penal code concerning ‘Offences Detrimental to Foreign Policy’ it states:

“Any person who publicly insults a foreign state in the person of its head of state, the members of its government, its diplomatic representatives, its official delegates to a diplomatic conference taking place in Switzerland, or one of its official representatives to an international organisation or department thereof based or sitting in Switzerland is liable to a custodial sentence not exceeding three years or to a monetary penalty.”


Nuclear Bunker Law

To this day, every home in Switzerland has to have a nuclear bunker, or at least access to one.

The law was introduced in 1963 to ensure all Swiss residents have protection against a nuclear attack.

The law seems to reinforce Switzerland’s determined belief that it can protect itself.

For instance, the Swiss still teach their school children that the reason the Nazis didn’t invade them in WW2 was due to their superior mountain tactics, and not the Nazi money stored in their bank vaults.

The country still has over 270,000 bunkers capable of accommodating the entire Swiss population of 7.8 million. Some places even have the luxury of choice for those who don’t get along.


Switzerland used children as cheap farm labour until VERY recently

Thousands of people in Switzerland who were forced into child labour are demanding compensation for their stolen childhoods. Since the 1850s hundreds of thousands of Swiss children were taken from their parents and sent to farms to work - a practice that continued well into the 20th Century.(1980)



Colonel Gaddafi files motion to 'abolish' Switzerland: with the U.N. September 2009


Switzerland is a world mafia and not a state,' he said.

Libyan leader  shut subsidiaries of Swiss firms in Libya, had two Swiss businessmen arrested, cancelled most flights between the two states and withdrew about $5bn (£3.2bn) from his Swiss bank accounts.


Gaddafi calls for jihad against Switzerland

Feb 2010

"Let us fight against Switzerland, Zionism and foreign aggression," said ­Gaddafi, adding that "this is not terrorism", in contrast with the work of al-Qaida, which he called a "kind of crime and a psychological disease". "There is a big difference between terrorism and jihad, which is a right to armed struggle," he said.



Tamoil issue fuels debate in Switzerland

Switzerland’s best known oil refinery and the country's extensive network of Tamoil filling stations could be targeted by the next round of sanctions against Libya.

The Collombey refinery in canton Valais and the petrol stations are part of the Dutch-based Oilinvest group, which belongs to the Libyan Investment Authority (LIA).

Although the LIA belongs to the Libyan state, and its purpose is to invest money for the good of the country as a whole – as a sovereign wealth fund - it is widely believed to be controlled by Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi and his regime who draw on its receipts for their own purposes

And since Tamoil is part of a holding that legally belongs to the Libyan people, its operations on the ground must not be compromised





Lockerbie — MEBO TELECOM and the Story of the MST-13 Timers

Posted on
22-27 minutes

“The problem with the Lockerbie trial has been that the man who supplied the timer for the bomb which brought down the aircraft was never put on trial. Western intelligence agencies knew of the activities of Edwin Bollier as far back as 1971. The envelope which should have brought Edwin Bollier’s career to an end — he was then an agent for the Stasi East German intelligence — was handed to MI6 in the summer of 1971. I know because I handed the envelope containing the evidence to “W”, my MI6 controller, retired Perth Detective Superintendent, in an office in Guild Street, Aberdee”

Paul Harris — The Herald, February 1st 2001


A MEBO Telecommunications timing device — known as a MST-13 timer — is alleged to have been used to trigger the bomb that destroyed Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie on 21 December 1988. The investigators attempted to reconstruct as best as possible the story of these timers. The final result is not perfect as many details remain fuzzy. Nevertheless, it is one of the best established aspect of the Lockerbie saga and, thanks to the testimony of Libyan officials, one that can be factually established. Follow us on TWITTER: @INTEL.COM

RELATED POST: PT/35(b) — The Most Expensive Forgery in History [Lockerbie]

PT/35(b) is a small fragment of a circuit timer that was allegedly found among the debris of Pan Am 103 near the town of Lockerbie.

In a recent post, I explained why, after more than ten years of investigation, I have come to the conclusion that PT/35(b) is a forgery that was planted among the debris to implicate Libya in the bombing of Pan Am 103 and to steer the investigation away from the original suspects.

As promised, I will now provide all the supporting evidence that I was able — thanks to many good friends — to collect over the years.

This post summarises the information available regarding the request, design, manufacture and delivery of about 20 MST-13 timers by MEBO to Libya in 1985-1986.


MEBO Telecommunications

Edwin Bollier and Erwin Meister formed MEBO in the early 1970s.

MEBO Telecommunications AG (formed in 1969 and registered in Zürich on 24 March 1971) was owned by Swiss businessmen Erwin Meister and Edwin Bollier. MEBO employed a single technician: Ulrich Lumpert.

All of them were regarded as being not trustworthy by those who attended the Lockerbie trial. The trial court found Mr Bollier to be “at times an untruthful and at other times an unreliable witness.”

William Taylor QC, who has been defending Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi, described  Mr Bollier was a man “prone to invention” who hoped to receive a cash reward from the American authorities for information about the 1988 bombing.

MEBO co-founder Edwin Bollier

Both Bollier and Meister made up a story about an ‘Olympus timer’ that had been programmed for 1930 hours on a Wednesday – the Lockerbie bombing occurred at 1903 on Wednesday 21 December 1988 — wich was proven to be technically impossible.

Moreover, both men forgot about having supplied MST-13 timers to the Stasi – the secret police of the former East Germany. [More about this when we will discuss a secret document provided by the King of Jordan to the UK in 96 and never shown to the defense for reason of National Security.]

Finally, Ulrich Lumpert, told the Scottish Court in the Netherlands that he had produced all of the firm’s MST-13 timers and agreed that the fragment — known as PT/35(b) — shown to him in court “could be” from a MST-13 timer.

However — seven years later  — on 18 July 2007, Lumpert claimed he had lied at the trial. In an affidavit before a Zürich notary, Lumpert stated that he had stolen a prototype MST-13 timer PC-board from MEBO and that he had given it on 22 June 1989, to “an official person investigating the Lockerbie case.

By now, you probably understand than one must be careful with the testimony of these three men for one may not necessarily get the truth — and nothing but the truth — from these honorable Swiss businessmen.

That much is obvious. But, unlike Taylor, I would advise not to rush to conclusions . They may very well have been economical with the truth in order to secure a fat reward from a US agency and/or Libya. There is clearly evidence supporting such an allegation. But the whole truth may be far more complex.

To begin with, MEBO was clearly monitored by several intelligence agencies since the beginning. MEBO was selling illegally material to the STASI and passing them classified documents. In fact, we know today that any Swiss citizen travelling to East Germany at the time was placed under full surveillance by the Swiss Intelligence Service.

I understand that the Swiss Authorities have about 35 (4″) folders of documents about Mr Bollier and I am told that they have recorded more than 1800 of his phone calls.

Next, there is no doubt that MEBO was on the CIA radar since 1984 when one of their timer supplied to the Libyan army– and identified by a Motorola pager S/N — was discovered in Chad. MEBO also supplied a “bomb-suitase” to the infamous terrorist ‘Carlos the Jackal’ which was found in one of his apartments.

But there is more. In the case of Bollier, there is evidence that some aspects of his personal life — and I will not elaborate — made him very vulnerable to ‘pressure’ from intelligence agencies.

Meister’s wife died during the investigation; she fell from a window. The Swiss investigators concluded that it was an ‘accident’.

Finally, Lumpert made several unexplained trips to Florida during the investigation. [More about Florida when we will discuss the Togo timer.] After the Lockerbie investigation, Lumpert went on to work for a US company.

But then again, we are supposed to believe that no one knew that MEBO was working with and for some “Intelligence organizations”? Only a child would believe that for there is simply no way that MEBO would have been allowed to continue its activities unless these were highly useful to Western intelligence agencies.

Maybe, just maybe, there is a good reason why a Swiss Inspector Hans Knaus suspected the CIA of having planted PT/35(b).

Nevertheless, the trial court accepted that — in or about July 1985 — on a visit to Tripoli Mr Bollier received a request for electronic timers from Said Rashid or Ezzadin Hinshiri.

the court also accepted his evidence that he had supplied twenty samples of MST-13 timers to Libya in three batches, and that he may well have been correct when he said that the Libyan order was met with the supply of timers which had circuit boards of both the single-sided and the double-sided types.

Finally, the court accepted that in 1985 Bollier himself delivered five of these samples on a visit to Tripoli, that in the same year he delivered another five to the Libyan Embassy in East Berlin, and that in 1986 he delivered the remaining ten personally in Tripoli.

I believe that the story of the MST-13 timers accepted by the court is basically correct but some details are certainly wrong. And some of these details may be significant.

Neither said Rashid nor Hinshiri can help us with the truth anymore. Both men have been killed.

Said Rashid — alleged to have been a former head of JSO’s operations section and close friend of Gaddafi — was killed in a shoot-out with rebels in February 2011 following a speech by the dictator’s son, Saif.

Ezzadin Hinshiri —  a senior Libyan figure who became a top official and one of Gaddafi’s most loyal lieutenants — was killed along with 52 other regime supporters in an infamous massacre at a seafront hotel in Sirte in the final days of the uprising in April 2011.

Order for electronic timers

Evidence that MEBO received an order for electronic timers in July 1985 is supported by the orders for circuit boards which MEBO placed with Thuring AG in August and October 1985.

In evidence Astrid Thuring spoke to the order card relating to an order  that MEBO placed with Thuring on 13 August 1985 for 20 MST-13 circuit boards (CP 402, photograph 2-575).

She stated that, according to a delivery note (CP 319, image 1), Thuring supplied 24 such circuit boards on 16 August 1985.

In addition,  she spoke to the order card relating to an order that MEBO placed with Thuring on 8 October 1985 for 35 MST-13 circuit boards (CP 402, image 208).

According to a further delivery note (CP 400, image 1), Thuring supplied 34 such circuit boards on 5 November 1985. [SCCRC REPORT 20.28]


No documentary evidence was led at trial that directly vouched Mr Bollier’s evidence about the supply of MST-13 timers to Libya, although Mr Meister understood that Mr Bollier had personally delivered these in 1985.  (Trial day 22/ page 3741).

Accordingly, it seems that the court was prepared to accept Mr Bollier’s evidence on this issue on the basis that it had not been challenged and appeared to have been accepted by the defence. The account given to the defence by Hinshiri is of assistance in understanding why no such challenge was made.

In his defence precognition, Hinshiri confirmed that he had ordered a quantity of MST-13 timers and that these had subsequently been delivered to him. A similar account was given by him when questioned by the Scottish police in Libya on 30 October 1999. [SCCRC REPORT 20.29]

Richard Marquise — The FBI agent who led the US side of the Lockerbie investigation– gives a good description [SCOTBOM, Richard Marquise. Page 69] of the supply of the 20 MST-13 timers to Libya.

 In August 1985, Said Fazani*, a high ranking official of the Libyan Jamahiriya Security Organization (JSO),  asked Bollier to design and build a small electronic timer for use by the military in their war with Chad.

A total of twenty were built by Lumpert, ten for use in a waterproof container (boxed) and ten which were free-standing (unboxed).

The first five were delivered by Bollier to Fazani* in Libya  in the late fall of 1985.

The second five were delivered by Bollier to an individual at the Libyan people’s Bureau in East Berlin around November 1985.

The last ten were delivered Hijazi*, a high-ranking Intelligence officer, in Tripoli [in late 1985/early 86].

We now know that Said Fazani* and Hijazi* are Said Rashid and Ezzedin El Hinshiri.

Based on various interviews, the “Fuhl Report” has come to the following conclusions:

  1. The first five MST-13 timers have a circuit board with “solder mask” on one side only and were built into boxes.

2. The second five MST-13 timers have a circuit board with “solder mask” on both side  and were built without boxes.

3. The last ten MST-13 timers have a circuit board with “solder mask” on both side and were built into boxes.

At the time of this writing, I am not satisfied with the official story regarding the timeline of the delivery of these timers to Libya.

Indeed, the first Thuring boards were received by MEBO on 16 August 1985. So according to Marquise, the delivery of the “first five” and “second five” timers must have occurred between August and November 1985.

There is just one problem. There are no VISA entry stamps in the passport of Bollier to DDR or Libya from August 1985 to November 1985. You can find them all over his passport before or after, but not during this interval of time. Bollier will — of course — claim  that he could enter these countries without a stamp on his passport. But then, why the many stamps before and after this period of time both from DDR and Libya?


Here  is the circuit diagram of the timer as designed by MEBO Uli (Ulrich) Lumpert on August 7 1985.


You may want to compare this with the drawing presented in the CIA report about the TOGO Timer.


A good friend — Dr Jim Swire — once told me that he suspects that the CIA may have designed the MST-13 circuit! And he may very well be right.


COMMENT — You may want to check the “imperfection” of the tracks under the “1 shaped” pad which was deemed crucial in the identification of PT/35(b) as part of a MST-13 Timer.

Indeed during his Defense precognition, FBI Thomas Thurman said:

“I am asked what characteristics led us to this conclusion. I would say the layout of the circuit was the same. There were also imperfections in the circuit itself which were observable in the photograph from Scotland and also in the complete timer. (Note: That is the infamous timer the CIA ‘brought back’ from Togo…) It was alike a fingerprint.”

Does this imperfection appear on every template? What can you conclude from this?


Here are some documents regarding the orders of the Thuring boards.

This the design of the main MST-13 board.


Here is a good quality pic of the board design:


1st order

Ordered on 13 August 1985

20 ordered, 24 delivered on 16 August 1985

“solder masked” on one side [Lötstopp eins.(eitig)]

No bore holes

“Tin” plated


2nd order

Ordered on 8 October 1985

35 ordered, 34 delivered on 5 November 1985

“solder masked” on both side [Lötstopp doppelseitig)]

3 x Fenster Fräsen (Mill three windows)

No bore holes

“Tin” plated


IMPORTANT COMMENT — Notice the now infamous “ZINN” (To tin). However, in this technical field, neither “Zinn” nor “Tin” means ‘Tin’ in a literally sence. It is just slang for the process and does not tell anything about the material itself. In the case of these Thuring boards, it is actually a mix of Lead and Tin. This is absolutely crucial to this case because we now know that PT/35(b) is covered with pure tin!


In order to build the MST-13 timers, Lumpert ordered the NYMPH quartz from COMPONA AG. (SARONIX Quartz Data sheet )

Photo 8 - DP 124

Here is the first invoice.


Here is the second invoice.


Notice that the frequency on the quartz does not match the frequency on the order. I have found the explanation to this discrepancy. It seems to be an honest mistake from COMPONA AG. (SEE: Building the MST-13 Timers. Solving a 30 years Old Mystery. )

HEF 4518BT

Here is the invoice for the MSI  IC HEF 4518BT.


HEF 4521BT

This is the invoice:


Here is a pic of this component mounted on K-1 (The Togo Device)

Photo 6 - DP 124

Comment: Notice the not professional handiwork.


Here is the invoice for the capacitors.


Quartz Crystal (Design Note)


On 30 July 1985, Edwin Bollier ordered 12 ROSE boxes for the MST-13 timers.




These boxes raise an important question. (I will discuss this once we have read CIA “John Orkin” CP and DP.)


I must now tell you about another feature of the MST-13 Timers: 2 vs. 4 positions switch.

Some timers could be set between 1 and 99 Minutes/Hours.


Some timers could be set between 1 and 9999 Minutes/Hours.


Lumpert stated that all (5 or 6) 4 digits timers were pre-series.

“It is correct that only five or six timers with 4 positions switch were made and they were pre-series ones. The pre-series timers had protective lacquer only on one side.”

This is a rather simple fact. Yet, its consequences are not without merit.


LORD SUTHERLAND:  Then I call upon the Clerk of Court to read the indictment and the special defences.

THE CLERK:  Adelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi and Al Amin Khalifa Fhimah are indicted at the instance of the Right Honourable My Lord Hardie, Her Majesty’s Advocate, and the charges against them are that: […]

Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi and Al Amin Khalifa Fhimah did between 1 January 1985 and 31 December 1985, both dates inclusive, through the hands of Said Rashid and Ezzadin Hinshiri, both also being members of the said Libyan Intelligence Services, and others at the said premises occupied by MEBO AG, in Zurich, aforesaid, at the said premises of said Libyan Intelligence Services, in Tripoli, aforesaid, at the said Libyan People’s Bureau, East Berlin aforesaid and elsewhere to the Prosecutor unknown, order, cause to be manufactured and obtain from the said firm of MEBO AG twenty electronic timers capable of detonating explosive devices;

Richard Marquise gives a rather precise description of the supply of the 20 MST-13 timers to Libya.

“In August 1985, Said Fazani, a high-ranking official of the Libyan Jamahiriya Security Organization (JSO), asked Bollier to design and build a small electronic timer for use by the military in their war with Chad.

A total of twenty were built by Lumpert, ten for use in a waterproof container (boxed) and ten which were free-standing (unboxed).”

Here is a simple question: Where does the number “twenty” come from?

Once the link between MEBO and PT/35(b) had been made, the investigators interviewed the MEBO people. One of their goals was to estimate the numbers of MST-13 timers that had been built and supplied.

Contrary to what Marquise seems to believe, this number was not deduced from the number of Thuring boards MEBO had ordered. Nor was it calculated on the basis of the number of NYMPH quartz MEBO had bought from COMPONA AG.

The upper limit of twenty timers was actually deduced from the following analysis. The investigators learned that MEBO had ordered 20 HEF 4521BT and 60 HEF 4518BT.

So with the help of Bollier, they studied this photo of the Togo timer.

The timer has obviously 1  HEF 4521BT and 2 HEF 4518BT on the main board. Additionally, it has 1 HEF 4518BT on the secondary smaller board.

Therefore, all men (Bollier and the policemen) were totally satisfied that, at most,  twenty timers had been built  as twenty timers clearly required 20 HEF 4521BT and 60 HEF 4518 BT to be built. Pretty good, don’t you think? The reasoning is nevertheless flawed.

You may remember that some timers had a “2 digits” counter while some (5 or 6) had a “4 digits” counter. The main board is exactly the same in both cases. This point was clearly noticed in the CIA Report. ( See page 7/ Provisions exist for another dual counter chip to handle two more thumbwheel switches.)


But the construction of a “4 digits” timer requires TWO HEF 4518BT  on the secondary small board!


Obviously, if Lumpert built six “4 digits” timers, he needed 24 (4×6) HEF 4518BT and only 36 were left to build “2 digits” timers. Therefore only 12 (36/3) of those could possibly have been built. If he built five “4 digits timers”, he could have built 13 “2 digits” with the 40 HEF 4518BT left. In either case, he could not have built twenty MST-13 timers, but only eighteen at most.

You may say that it is only a small error that has no important consequences. And you may very well  be right. But sometimes, small errors lead to a huge disaster. Come to think of it, the Lockerbie trial is a case in point.


According to a well-informed source, THURING AG always ordered the Copper Clad Laminates from a Swiss branch of ISOLA: Schweizerische Isolawerke AG in Breitenbach. (SIB)

The FBI report on the Togo timer does not mention the watermark on the main board of the timer. This is not surprising as the report signed by Thurman is almost a copy of the CIA report. (Here is  this undated FBI report. I think that it must have been written between 26 September and 11 December 1990.)


DP/124-03 (Flipped vertically)

DP/124-03 (Flipped vertically)

However, a FBI document dated 20 August 1990 mentions the following:

“Special photography techniques were utilized on specimen K-1 to identify the number/letter “21B” which is contained within the figure of an oval. The number/letter appears in the upper left quadrant of the circuit board, within the lamination and not on the surface of the board. This identification was added during the manufacturing process, and may offer a code to identify the source of this board. It should be noted, however, that the company which applied the actual  printed circuit, may not be the company which manufactured the green circuit board.”

One may perhaps honestly confuse “MEBO” for “M580” or “MEBQ”. But why would anyone misread “SIB” for “21B” when the “B” is asymmetrical is puzzling to say the least…

I believed that this was a good place to begin our investigation. As I have written before:

“Don’t you think that it would have been a good and obvious place to start if the CIA (and later the FBI ) really wanted to trace the origin of the TOGO timer? (NB: DP/124 is the TOGO timer.)

There is not a single reference to this watermark either in the CIA report nor the FBI report about K1 (the TOGO timer). And to the best of my knowledge, neither Dr Hayes nor Feraday ever noticed it. I am quite sure that Feraday’s report does not mention it.”

The study of the copper clad laminates (both PT/35(b) and DP/347(a)) is detailed here: Forensic Analysis of PT/35b


July 1985  — MEBO received an order for electronic timers

30 July 1985, — Edwin Bollier ordered 12 ROSE boxes for the MST-13 timers

7 August 1985 — Circuit diagram designed by Lumpert

13 August 1985  — MEBO placed an order with Thuring for 20 MST-13 circuit boards

13 August 1985 — Lumpert ordered 20 NYMPH quartz from COMPONA AG

16 August 1985 — Thuring supplied 24 such circuit boards

8 October 1985  — MEBO placed an order with Thuring for 35 MST-13 circuit boards

5 November 1985 — Thuring supplied 34 such circuit boards

Fall of 1985 — The first five were delivered by Bollier to Said Rashid in Libya [Accepted but dubious]

8 November 1985 — Lumpert ordered 15 NYMPH quartz from COMPONA AG

November 1985 — The second five were delivered by Bollier to an individual at the Libyan people’s Bureau in East Berlin. [Accepted but dubious]

Late 1985/early 86 — The last ten were delivered to Ezzedin Hinshiri in Tripoli


Why is it that the exact dates of the MST-13 delivery could not be determined? Is Bollier the only Swiss businessman who does not keep a record of his travels? What about his travel agency?  The Lockerbie investigation/trial is the most expensive ever and the investigators could not even answer such a simple question? No Brownie points… That is — of course — utter nonsense.

When I pointed out the ‘mystery’ of the NYMPH Quartz, the owner of COMPONA AG was able to go back to the computer software his company was using in 1985 and — in less than 48 hours — this person was able to identify an encoding error. That is impressive but hardly surprising from a serious Swiss businessman.

There is much more to be said about the MST-13 timers. But we will need to discuss first the mysterious appearance of this device in Togo (1986) and Senegal (1988). Stay tuned!




MST-13 Circuit Diagram and Updates

K1 – CIA REPORT 1988. Full Report

Building the MST-13 Timers. Let’s get started!

Building the MST-13 Timers. The Thuring Boards

Building the MST-13 Timers. The NYMPH Quartz Mystery

Building the MST-13 Timers. Solving a 30 years Old Mystery.

Building the MST-13 Timers. Let’s keep going! (HEF 4521BT)

Building the MST-13 Timers. Buying the Capacitors.

Building the MST-13 Timers. Solving a 30 years Old Mystery. UPDATE. NEWS from Edwin Bollier (MEBO)

Building the MST-13 Timers. JUST DO IT!

MST-13 Timers Delivery Timeline

MST-13 Timers: How many types?

MST-13 Timers: “History is the Lie Historians Agree upon.”

MST-13 Delivery to Libya. UPDATE. VISA Issues

SCCRC: Undisclosed protectively marked documents


The THURING Board Watermark: FBI Analysis


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switzerland was founded in 1291 same time as the last templars stronghold fell



They say an image is worth 1,000 words. Here are 13,000 of them. But just because pictures alone do not do Swiss bravery and military prowess justice, here we go.

Switzerland is not only a country. It is an idea. It represents the noble notion that nobody has any right to lord it over yourself. To be Swiss means to be free. In order to be free one needs to be bold and not afraid to die. They knew instinctively that “The secret of happiness is freedom. The secret of freedom is courage.” ~ Thucydides

In their quest for freedom, they were aided by the terrain of central Switzerland, the core and starting point of their Confederation. With mountains surrounding their individual valleys, they could easily evade the feudal yoke by moving to the next valley whenever the oppression became unbearable. At a certain point, they decided to make a stand and discovered that terrain amplifies the force of arms.

They also adapted their weaponry to the battle conditions. Faced by mounted lords, they came up with halberds, which could easily make short work of “canned” knights. They also stayed highly mobile by discarding any passive armor. Discipline came in handy and added to the brutality of their tactics. Their tactics were simple yet effective. They would go at the enemy without stopping, without mercy.

Their enemies soon learned that there was no mercy to be found behind Swiss pikes and halberds.

The reason for this was that while lords engaged in ritual warfare that seldom ended in personal sacrifice and more often resulted in ransom paid to the victor, the Swiss shepherds knew that losing a battle would result in death. So, they turned the tables on their opponents and launched a clear and unambiguous message: you better defeat us cause if you don’t, you are dead.

European princes and nobles found out how true Swiss were to this principle, when time and again (Morgarten, Laupen, Sempach, Naefels, St Jakob de Biers, Old Zurich War, Burgundian Wars, Swabian War, Italian Wars, etc), the Swiss attacked a larger force, rapidly enough and with so much confidence that it utterly destroyed any notions of tactics or battlefield response their foes had planned beforehand.

In short, the Swiss never but never played a battle according to their enemies’ plans.

They had a “Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!” strategy that worked 90–95% of the time. Their commanders led from the front. Losses were inconsequential to the Swiss. Self-sacrifice was the norm.

At Sempach in 1386, the Swiss were not able to break the close ranks of the Habsburg infantry armed with pikes. One of the Swiss men, Arnold von Winkelried shouted: "I will open a passage into the line; protect, dear countrymen and confederates, my wife and children..." and threw himself upon the Austrian pikes, taking some of them down with his body. The opening was exploited by the Swiss and the Austrians were put to rout.


Benedikt Fontana, the commander of the Graubunden troops died at the Battle of Calven (1499) in the first rank, saying: Hei fraischgiamank meiss matts, cun mai ais be ün hom da fear, quai brichia guardad, u chia hoatz Grischuns e Ligias u maa non plü!"—"Go on, my boys, I'm just one man, do not care about me. Today is for the Grisons and the Leagues, or never!"


They built a reputation fast and they managed to put the fear of God into the nobility who considered them “les dompteurs des rois” or king slayers. By the time the Treaty of Basel came in 1499, at the end of the Swabian War, Southern German moms were putting their children to bes by telling them horror stories involving Swiss soldiers coming for them if they did not go to sleep.

Swiss pike squares were so effective that no cavalry could penetrate it.

Even the famous English longbowmen had tried, under Enguerrand de Coucy, in December 1375, to overwhelm the Swiss pike squares with their yard-long bodkin arrows during the Gugler war, to no avail. The Swiss pikemen could maneuver their 7-m long pikes with such precision that they sometimes blocked the incoming arrows from reaching the base of the pike: its human carrier.

As for defending against infantry attacks, after suffering an ignominious defeat at Arbedo in 1422 against the Milanese cavalry supported by Italian hallebardiers, the Swiss included a strong proportion of halberds, and portative firearms in their ranks for all-round 360 degree protection against combined arms attacks.

Bernese troops bracing for cavalry impact at Grandson, in 1476.


Burgundian knight commencing a run.


The knight is launched at full throttle.


Capturing a knight - made easy by the Swiss.


Burgundian knight sporting a nice Gothic Armour - ready to be given the misericordy dagger coup de grace between the shoulder plates.


Modern Swiss soldiers demonstrating the square


Swiss troops reenacting in 1976 the Pike Tactics that defeated Charles the Bold 500 years before.


Square pivots to the right


Porcupine formation - square stops and goes into herrison position - pikes ready to receive or skewer cavalry & infantry in all directions.


The Swiss were the only soldiers who did not give or demanded any quarter. At the beginning of the Burgundian wars, in 1476, Charles the Bold, the Duke of Burgundy reneged on his promise to spare the Grandson castle garrison which had surrendered, drowning all its 412 Bernese prisoners in the lake. En revanche, the Swiss killed all Burgundian soldiers they defeated at the Grandson, Murten and Nancy battles, including the Duke.

Hence, the expression “as cruel as a Murten.

PS This is a work in progress. I am looking for an image of Benedikt Fontana assaulting some Swabian fortifications that was used by Suchard on one of their chocolate boxes. More to come. Found it!

Edit #2: At Grandson, Swiss pikemen defeated the Burgundians in part also because their pikes were 6m long while Charles decided to equip his cavalry with shorter 4m long pikes. Now, if we took this at face value, we would comment that Burgundians were digging their own graves. In reality, I challenge any cavalry man to charge in a battle using a 6-m pig stick. Is it doable? Yes. Was it ever done in combat? I don’t think so. It is one thing to break 6-m long lances on the jousting field. Quite another to charge pike squares using the same.

Ferdinand Hodler created some beautiful paintings of the Swiss Reislaufer:

Ruckzug auf Marignano - Retreat from Marignan


Swiss pikemen in battle


Schlacht am Naefels - Battle of Naefels



 Long live freedom! Long live Switzerland!If you want peace, prepare for war





They were very good on the field of battle, by far the top infantry one could recruit. Their strength is that they never routed. No matter how many casualty you could inflict to them. Even after Marignano, their worse defeat, they retreated in order. And everyone knows how they died to a man to defend the pope’s retreat to Castel S. Angelo in 1527.

However, as reliable as they were on the field of battle, they were the most unreliable mercenaries out of it.

Oman in his “History of the art of war in the 16th century” provides some example of how Swiss could ruin a campaign.

They violated terms of surrender granted to hostile garrisons, pillaged, killed enemies after capture, and their officers had huge issues controlling them.

The swiss saw themselves like sort of a “trade union” of war and their officers, often overruled, failed to control them off the field of battle. They had very few NCO’s and discipline was supposed to work itself by means of public opinion and fidelity to their oath.

However on the battlefield discipline was super strict the first man to rout was hanged with no pity. Men breaking formations suffered the same fate.

Swiss went on strike. The moment the pay did not arrive, the swiss refused to do even the most basic tasks. This often forced their commander to accept battle even in bad conditions, for fear of losing the core of their infantry just like at Bicocca in 1522.

Finally as the Sforza learned twice, the swiss could be payed not to participate to a battle. This was not personal, and in 1515 the Swiss did it to themselves. In the days preceding the battle of Marignano Francis the Ist opened secret negotiations with certain of his partisans in the swiss army. His offers were so tempting that they were made public and discussed in a general council of the captains. Francis offered huge awards, he even made a sweep of every coin and plate that could be found in his camp and delivered it to the swiss.

In the end 5 swiss captains representing the cantons of Bern, Fribourg, Soleure and Valais, accepted the bargain and left Lombardy and their comrades. The Swiss army lost 12,000 pikes in one single sweep. Keep those pikes in the field of battle and likely the battle, a close one even with less Swiss on the battlefield, goes another way.




Don't want to be the guy who runs headlong into those sharp pointy pikes!

So much so that they were highly sought after by EVERY European country and an imitation force (Landsknechts) even rose up to compete against it.


Because they were masters of the pikes and halberds! They formed deep pike columns  that would charge right into their enemies. They were like the Romans; drilled contingents that worked best in tandem to charge their enemies.


Sort of like a porcupine if you think about it. Get out of its way!

Basically, their extended reach offered by their choice of weapons would crush lesser infantry in close combat and were invulnerable to the effects of a cavalry charge. Yet, they had one vulnerability which was firearms, especially if they were immobilized (as seen in the Battle of Marignano). The Swiss mercenaries did deploy crossbows, handguns and artillery of their own, however these always remained very subsidiary to the pike and halberd square. Despite the proven armour-penetration capability of firearms, they were also very inaccurate, slow-loading, and susceptible to damp conditions, and did not fit well with the fast-paced attack tactics used by the Swiss mercenary pike forces.

A famous battle was Battle of Novara (1513). In 1513, the French army of 10,000 under Louis de la Trémoille was besieging the city of Novara, which was held by some of the Duke of Milan's Swiss mercenaries.

However, the French were surprised at their camp there on June 6 by a Swiss relief army of some 13,000 troops, who came to relieve their forces in the town. The German Landsknecht mercenaries of the French, pike-armed like the Swiss, were able to form up into heavy squares, and the French were able to deploy some of their artillery. Despite this, the Swiss onslaught, sweeping in from multiple directions due to forced marches which achieved encirclement of the French camp, took the French guns, pushed back the Landsknecht infantry regiments, and destroyed the Landsknecht squares. Caught off guard, the French heavy cavalry, their decisive arm, was unable to properly deploy, and played little role in the fight.


Just how good were Swiss mercenaries in the past?

The short answer is they were seen as awesome enough that about every monarch in Europe (save the British ones) wanted to have a Swiss guard at his service.

This all stemmed from one event, the Battle of St-Jacques-on-the-Birse, near Basel, in 1444. The Dauphin, who became king later as Louis XI, was very much impressed at the death, arms in hands, of 1300 young Swiss soldiers, who died to the last facing about 20,000 French soldiers and killing 2,000 of them in the process.

Louis XI was the first to employ a Swiss guard after that.

You also have to remember that Swiss fighters were seen as fierce, cruel, and merciless, to the point that a German mediaeval text refers to them as "homines bestiales sine Domino", or "Godless, animal-like men". To have some of them at your service was cool. After all, they had beaten armies that looked really state-of-the-art at Morgarten and Sempach, decimating Austrian nobility and even killing members of the dukal/royal/imperial Habsbourg family. And what they did to Charles the Bold during the Burgundian wars of 1474 - 1477 was cool too - as long as you were not the Burgundian Duke or his army at Morat, Grandson or Nancy...

The battle of Marignan(o) in northern Italy in 1515 was also a factor, although the Swiss lost to Francis Ist of France: their reputation was such that he had coins made with the inscription "Vici ab uno Caesare victos", or "I vainquished those that only Caesar vainquished", which was not true (see above, the Dauphin at St-Jacques in 1444) but was really a cool thing to say for a king who wanted to be a knight too. Actually, it was so über-cool that it made the reputation of the Swiss mercenaries for centuries, and so some served in Austria, in France, in Naples, in Spain and even in Holland, and from there in Indonesia or some of the Antilles under Dutch rule!

There is even a theory that the French Foreign Legion was founded in 1831 after the Swiss regiments of guards were disbanded, in order to keep a door open for the Swiss to fight for France.


Just how good were Swiss mercenaries in the past?

During the Renaissance, everybody who could afford to wanted to hire Swiss halberd and pike wielding mercenaries.  Swiss warriors had developed a fierce reputation throughout Europe during their successful defense of their liberties against Hapsburg overlordship, which included some stunning upset victories over heavily armored knights.  An infantry force that could routinely defeat knights, the lords of the battlefield for centuries, was a highly sought after asset.

And getting Swiss mercenaries in numbers was relatively easy, since prospective employers contracted directly with local Swiss governments to hire their militias.  That set the Swiss apart from other mercenary companies composed of motley adventurers from all over and gathered together by a mercenary captain : Swiss mercenaries, hired as an entire militia unit, were ready-made trained contingents that had practiced together and were well knit with ties of kinship, neighborliness, and personal acquaintance.  That gave them an esprit de corps that made them exceptionally formidable - the fierce Swiss halberd and pike charge was feared throughout European battlefields of the era.


They were eventually made obsolete by the development of field artillery and firearms.  But during their heyday just about everybody wanted Swiss mercenaries on his side, and nobody wanted to see them on the opposing lines of a field of battle.







The Pontifical Swiss Guard (also Papal Swiss Guard or simply Swiss Guard; Latin: Cohors Helvetica[2]; Italian: Guardia Svizzera Pontificia; German: Päpstliche Schweizergarde; French: Garde suisse pontificale) is a minor armed forces and honour guards unit maintained by the Holy See that protects the Pope and the Apostolic Palace, serving as the de facto military of Vatican City. Established in 1506 under Pope Julius II, the Pontifical Swiss Guard is among the oldest military units in continuous operation.[3]


"The Swiss see the sad situation of the Church of God, Mother of Christianity, and realize how grave and dangerous it is that any tyrant, avid for wealth, can assault with impunity, the common Mother of Christianity," declared Huldrych Zwingli, a Swiss Catholic who later became a Protestant reformer. Pope Julius II later granted them the title "Defenders of the Church's freedom".[9]

The force has varied greatly in size over the years and has even been disbanded. Its most significant hostile engagement was on 6 May 1527, when 147 of the 189 Guards, including their commander, died fighting the troops of Holy Roman Emperor Charles V in the stand of the Swiss Guard during the Sack of Rome in order to allow Clement VII to escape through the Passetto di Borgo, escorted by the other 42 guards. The last stand battlefield is located on the left side of St Peter's Basilica, close to the Campo Santo Teutonico (German Graveyard). Clement VII was forced to replace the Swiss Guard by a contingent of 200 German mercenaries (Custodia Peditum Germanorum). Ten years later, under Pope Paul III, the Swiss Guard was reinstated, under commander Jost von Meggen.[citation needed]



Vatican Swiss Guards 2017

Modern history

The guard was disbanded yet again in 1848, when Pius IX fled to Gaeta, but was reinstated when the pope returned to Rome in the following year.

In the later 19th century, the Swiss Guard declined into a purely ceremonial body with low standards. Guards in the Vatican were "Swiss" only in name, mostly born in Rome to parents of Swiss descent and speaking the Roman Trastevere dialect. The guards were trained solely for ceremonial parade, kept only a few obsolete rifles in store and wore civilian dress when drilling or in barracks. Administration, accommodation, discipline and organization were neglected and the unit numbered only about 90 men out of an authorized establishment of 133.[11]

The modern Swiss Guard is the product of the reforms pursued by Jules Repond, commander during 1910–1921. Repond proposed to recruit only native citizens of Switzerland and he introduced rigorous military exercises. He also attempted to introduce modern arms, but Pius X only permitted the presence of firearms if they were not functional. Repond's reforms and strict discipline were not well received by the corps, culminating in a week of open mutiny in July 1913 and the subsequent dismissal of thirteen ringleaders from the guard.[12]

In his project to restore the Swiss Guard to its former prestige, Repond also dedicated himself to the study of historical costume, with the aim of designing a new uniform that would be both reflective of the historical Swiss costume of the 16th century and suited for military exercise. The result of his studies was published as Le costume de la Garde suisse pontificale et la Renaissance italienne (1917). Repond designed the distinctive Renaissance-style uniforms still worn by the modern Swiss Guard. The introduction of the new uniforms was completed in May 1914.

The foundation of Vatican City as a modern sovereign state was negotiated in the Lateran Treaty of 1929. The duties of protecting public order and security in the Vatican lay with the Papal Gendarmerie Corps, while the Swiss Guard, the Palatine Guard and the Noble Guard served mostly ceremonial functions. The Palatine and Noble Guards were disbanded by Paul VI in 1970, leaving the Swiss Guard as the only ceremonial guard unit of the Vatican. At the same time, the Gendarmerie Corps was transformed into a Central Security Office, with the duties of protecting the Pope, defending Vatican City, and providing police and security services within its territory, while the Swiss Guard continued to serve ceremonial functions only. Paul VI in a decree of 28 June 1976 defined the nominal size of the corps at 90 men. This was increased to 100 men by John Paul II on 5 April 1979. As of 2010 the guard numbered 107 halberdiers divided into three squads, plus five officers.[13]

Since the assassination attempt on John Paul II of 13 May 1981, a much stronger emphasis has been placed on the guard's non-ceremonial roles.[14] The Swiss Guard has developed into a modern guard corps equipped with modern small arms, and members of the Swiss Guard in plain clothes now accompany the pope on his travels abroad for his protection.

] In a public ceremony on 6 May 2006, 33 new guards were sworn in on the steps of St. Peter's Basilica instead of the traditional venue in the San Damaso Courtyard. The date chosen marked the anniversary of the Sack of Rome when the Swiss Guard had been nearly destroyed. Present at this event were representatives of the Company of Pikemen and Musketeers of the Honourable Artillery Company of London and the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts.


With the rise of Islamic terrorism in Europe and open threats against the Vatican issued by the Islamic State (ISIS), Vatican officials in 2015 collaborated with Italian authorities to improve the protection of Vatican City against attacks that cannot be reasonably defended against by the Swiss Guard and Vatican police, notably against drone attacks.[18]

Recruitment and service


Oath ceremony in the Paul VI Audience Hall (6 May 2013)



Recruits to the guards must be Catholic, single males with Swiss citizenship who have completed basic training with the Swiss Armed Forces and can obtain certificates of good conduct. Recruits must have a professional degree or high school diploma and must be between 19 and 30 years of age and at least 174 cm (5 ft 8.5 in) tall.[4] In 2009, the Pontifical Swiss Guard commandant, Daniel Anrig, suggested that the Guard might someday be open to recruiting women, but he added that the admission of female recruits remained far in the future.

. The chaplain of the guard reads aloud the oath in the languages of the guard (German, Italian, and French)

(English translation) I swear I will faithfully, loyally and honourably serve the Supreme Pontiff (name of pope) and his legitimate successors, and dedicate myself to them with all my strength, sacrificing, if necessary, my life to defend them. I assume this same commitment with regard to the Sacred College of Cardinals whenever the Apostolic See is vacant. Furthermore I promise to the Commanding Captain and my other superiors respect, fidelity and obedience. I swear to observe all that the honor of my position demands of me.

When his name is called, each new guard approaches the Pontifical Swiss Guard's flag, grasping the banner in his left hand. He raises his right hand with his thumb, index, and middle finger extended along three axes, a gesture that symbolizes the Holy Trinity, and swears in his native tongue:

(German version) Ich schwöre, alles das, was mir soeben vorgelesen wurde, gewissenhaft und treu zu halten, so wahr mir Gott und seine Heiligen helfen.[22]

(Italian version) Giuro d’osservare fedelmente, lealmente e onorevolmente tutto ciò che in questo momento mi è stato letto, che Iddio e i Suoi Santi mi assistano.[22]

(French version) Je jure d’observer, loyalement et de bonne foi, tout ce qui vient de m’être lu aussi vrai que Dieu et ses Saints m’assistent.[22]

(English translation) I swear to diligently and faithfully abide by all that has just been read out to me, so help me God and his Saints.



The sword worn by the Pontifical Swiss Guard

The eponymous main weapon of the halbardiers is the halberd; corporals and vice-corporals are equipped with a partisan polearm. Ranks above corporal do not have polearms, but on certain ceremonial occasions carry command batons. The banner is escorted by two flamberge great swords carried by corporals or vice-corporals. A dress sword is carried by all ranks, swords with a simple S-shaped crossguard by the lower ranks, and elaborate basket-hilt rapiers in the early baroque style by officers.

The Swiss Guard in their function as bodyguards are equipped with the SIG Sauer P220 pistol and the SIG SG 550 rifle (or its SG 552 variant) also in use by the Swiss Army. As recruits to the Swiss Guard must have passed basic military training in Switzerland, they are already familiar with these weapons when they begin their service. The pepper spray used by the Swiss Army (RSG-2000) is also in use. The Glock 19 pistol and Heckler & Koch MP7 submachine gun are reportedly also carried by Swiss Guard members in their function as plainclothes bodyguards.[35]

In the 19th century (prior to 1870), the Swiss Guard along with the Papal Army used firearms with special calibres such as the 12,7 mm Remington Papal.[36] The Swiss Guard historically also used the M1842 T.59-67, 1871 Vetterli, Schmidt-Rubin K31 and SIG SG 510 rifles, the Dreyse M1907 pistol, and the SIG MKMO, Hispano-Suiza MP43/44 and Heckler & Koch MP5 submachine guns.[35]

OF-10 OF-9 OF-8 OF-7 OF-6 OF-5 OF-4 OF-3 OF-2 OF-1 OF(D) & Student officer
Vatican City Vatican City
No equivalent
Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Major Captain No equivalent
Oberst Oberstleutnant Major Hauptmann

Table of sleeve insignia worn by other ranks.

NATO code
OR-9 OR-8 OR-7 OR-6 OR-5 OR-4 OR-3 OR-2 OR-1
Vatican City Vatican City
No equivalent
Vatican-OR-07.svg No equivalent Vatican-OR-05.svg Vatican-OR-04.svg Vatican-OR-03.svg No equivalent Vatican-OR-01.svg
Feldweibel Wachtmeister Korporal Vizekorporal Hellebardier

Table of cap badges worn on berets and other headdress.

Colonel (Oberst) Lieutenant Colonel (Oberstleutnant) Major (Major) Captain (Hauptmann) Sergeant Major (Feldweibel) Sergeant (Wachtmeister) Corporal (Korporal) Vice Corporal (Vizekorporal)
1 1 (+ Chaplain) 1 2 1 5 10 10
CommanderGSPInsignia v2.png
ViceCommanderGSPInsignia v2.png
MajorGSPInsignia v2.png
CaptainGSPInsignia v2.png
SergeantMajorGSPInsignia v2.png
SergeantGSPInsignia v2.png
CorporalGSPInsignia v2.png
ViceCorporalGSP Insignia v2.png
Rovere, r.


Swiss Mercenaries in the 15th and early 16th centuries


The Swiss (on the left) assault the Landsknecht mercenaries in the French lines at the Battle of Marignano

“As for trying to intimidate the enemy, blocks of thousands of oncoming merciless Swiss, advancing swiftly accompanied by what a contemporary called “the deep wails and moans of the Uri Bull and Unterwalden Cow*” or landsknechts chanting “look out, here I come” in time with their drums were posturing on a grand scale. Not to mention what 8 ranks of lowered pike-heads looked like when viewed from the receiving end…”


In Hamlet Act IV, Scene 5, Shakespeare has the king call out: “Where are my Switzers? Let them guard the door.” Here Shakespeare is referring to the famous Swiss mercenaries, whose courage, reliability, and battlefield skills made them the most sought-after mercenaries during the Late Middle Ages. Their discipline and training even allowed them to withstand cavalry charges. Because they were so good at their work, it is worth saying something here, very briefly, about their abilities.

The modern scholars Michael Mallett and Christine Shaw tell us this about the Swiss mercenaries:

The French could boast the finest heavy cavalry in Europe in the companies d’ordonnance, permanent units raised and paid for by the Crown, in which the French competed to serve. For infantry, the French had come to rely heavily on Swiss mercenaries. In the 1490s, the reputation of the Swiss stood very high. They were a different kind of “national” army. A well-established system of training, organized by the governments of the cantons, resulted in a high proportion of able-bodied men having the strength and ability to handle pikes, halberds and two-handed swords, and the discipline to execute complex manoeuvres in formations of several thousand men.

Employers hired these men not only for their military skills but also because entire contingents could be recruited simply by contacting the Swiss cantons. Young men there were required to serve in the militia system, were willing and well-prepared to do so, and welcomed the chance to serve abroad. Alternatively, Swiss men could also hire themselves out individually or in small groups. It is clear that the Swiss were hard fighters and hard-headed businessmen as well. Their motto was: pas d’argent, pas de Swisse (no money, no Swiss).

Swiss mercenaries were highly valued through late medieval Europe because of the power of their determined mass attacks, in deep columns, with pikes and halberds. They specialized in sending large columns of soldiers into battle in “pike squares.” These were well-trained, well-disciplined bands of men armed with long steel-tipped poles and were grouped into 100-man formations that were 10 men wide and 10 men deep. On command, pike squares could wheel and maneuver so quickly that it was nearly suicidal for horsemen or infantrymen to attack them. As they came at their enemy with leveled pikes and hoarse battle cries, they were almost invincible.

These Swiss soldiers were equally proficient in the use of crossbows, early firearms, swords, and halberds. A These Swiss soldiers were equally proficient in the use of crossbows, early firearms, swords, and halberds. A halberd is an axe blade topped with a spike and mounted on a long shaft. If the need arose, they could easily lay their pikes aside and take up other weapons instead. They were so effective that between about 1450 and 1500 every major leader in Europe either hired Swiss pikemen or hired fighters like the German Landsknecht who copied Swiss tactics. The extensive and continuous demand for these specialist Swiss and landsknecht pike companies may well have given them the illusion of permanency. In any case, what it did show was that medieval and Renaissance warfare was becoming better disciplined, more organized, and more professional.

Swiss fighters were responding to several interrelated factors: limited economic opportunities in their home mountains; pride in themselves and their colleagues as world-class soldiers; and, last but not least, by a love of adventure and combat. In fact, they were such good fighters that the Swiss enjoyed a near-monopoly on pike-armed military service for many years. One of their successes was the battle of Novara in northern Italy 1513 between France and the Republic of Venice, on the one hand, and the Swiss Confederation and the Duchy of Milan, on the other. The story runs as follows.

A French army, said by some sources to total 1,200 cavalrymen and about 20,000 Landsknechts, Gascons, and other troops, was camped near and was besieging Novara. This city was being held by some of the Duke of Milan’s Swiss mercenaries. A Swiss relief army of some 13,000 Swiss troops unexpectedly fell upon the French camp. The pike-armed Landsknechts managed to form up into their combat squares; the Landsknecht infantrymen took up their proper positions; and the French were able to get some of their cannons into action. The Swiss, however, surrounded the French camp, captured the cannons, broke up the Landsknecht pike squares, and forced back the Landsknecht infantry regiments.

The fight was very bloody: the Swiss executed hundreds of the Landsknechts they had captured, and 700 men were killed in three minutes by heavy artillery fire alone. To use a later English naval term from the days of sail, the “butcher’s bill” (the list of those killed in action) was somewhere between 5,000 and 10,000 men. Despite this Swiss success, however, the days of their supremacy as the world’s best mercenaries were numbered. In about 1515, the Swiss pledged themselves to neutrality, with the exception of Swiss soldiers serving in the ranks of the royal French army. The Landsknechts, on the other hand, would continue to serve any paymaster and would even fight each other if need be. Moreover, since the rigid battle formations of the Swiss were increasingly vulnerable to arquebus and artillery fire, employers were more inclined to hire the Landsknechts instead.

In retrospect, it is clear that the successes of Swiss soldiers in the 15th and early 16th centuries were due to three factors:

• Their courage was extraordinary. No Swiss force ever broke in battle, surrendered, or ran away. In several instances, the Swiss literally fought to the last man. When they were forced to retreat in the face of overwhelming odds, they did so in good order while defending themselves against attack.

• Their training was excellent. Swiss soldiers relied on a simple system of tactics, practiced until it became second nature to every man. They were held to the mark by a committee-leadership of experienced old soldiers.

• They were ferocious and gave no quarter, not even for ransom, and sometimes violated terms of surrender already given to garrisons and pillaged towns that had capitulated. These qualities inspired fear in their opponents.



most of the 9 original templars came from the area now  known as  Canton of Valais home to swiss guard museam and the abbey or priory Sion

priory de sion




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A priory is a monastery of men or women under religious vows that is headed by a prior or prioress. Priories may be houses of mendicant friars or nuns, or monasteries of monks or nuns. Houses of canons regular and canonesses regular also use this term, the alternative being "canonry".




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Union of the Crowns + the Gunpowder Plot (1604 1625 )

Ten Minute History

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This episode covers the rule of the James I and the Union of the Crowns which saw both England and Scotland ruled by the same monarch. It covers James' early rule which saw the Gunpowder Plot and the attempts to create a religious consensus in England. James managed to keep England out of war but after his death in 1625 his son, Charles I saw to war with Spain and intervention in the Thirty Years' War. Charles was an abrasive king and his heavy handed rule and corruption led to opposition which culminated in the Bishops' Wars and set the stage for the English Civil War.


Ten Minute History - The Thirty Years' War 1618-48 

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The 30 Years' War 1618-48  In detail

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Professor Wilson will examine the causes, conduct and consequences of the Thirty Years War, Europes most destructive conflict prior to the two 20th-century world wars. The talk takes place on the 400th anniversary of the defenestration of three Habsburg officials by Bohemian malcontents in Prague. This violent act triggered a crisis which expanded into general war despite the best efforts of most of those involved to contain it. Why it took so long to make peace, and what extent the conflict can be considered a religious war will also be discussed. The transcript and downloadable versions of the lecture are available from the Gresham College website: https://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-an...


The English Civil War 1640-1660

Ten Minute History

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covers the late reign of Charles I and his problems with the Bishops' War and the conflict with parliament. It wasn't long before Charles' duplicity and method of rule saw the outbreak of war between Parliament and the king's forces. The civil wars spanned about a decade and eventually saw the execution of Charles I and the ascendancy of Oliver Cromwell as the Lord Protector of the English Commonwealth (a republic).


the Glorious Revolution 1688

Ten Minute History

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Protestant Reformation NWO Movement & Martin Luther Freemason Liar of Nobility's Templar Cistercians


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1918 SwiSSy unloading stolen Property of Murdered Tsar Family for Templar's NWO horizontal rule 




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Knights Templar Funded Adolf Hitler in 1923 - Swiss Nazi's


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TheTruthIsFullOfLies, when you find the truth, you will also find a lot of lies.

I am going to do this until you either wake up or I die a martyr. If you don't wake up then I WILL be killed for putting this together


Auschwitz Commandant Rudolf Höss was Ethnic Swiss speaking Swiss-German, Bärner Mutz and Hanns


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Dr Mengele got 100% Protection in Switzerland, Angel of Death, Alfred Siegfried & Heredity Biology


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The swiss Nazi authorities knew, that Mengele lived at the Badhausstrasse 9 in Kloten near Zürich in 1961, and the swiss Nazi police just stalled time for 6 months and protected the Angel of Death.



http://www.utsandiego.com/news/2014/J...   http://www.nydailynews.com/news/natio...

http://articles.chicagotribune.com/19...  http://my.dmci.net/~casey/JosephMenge...

http://www.thefreelibrary.com/SWISS+T... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/artic...

http://www.parlament.ch/d/suche/seite... http://www.parlament.ch/d/suche/seite...

http://www.faz.net/aktuell/feuilleton... http://scienceblogs.de/zoonpolitikon/...http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alemanni...

http://www.geschichteinchronologie.ch... https://www.google.ch/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=u... http://home.earthlink.net/~horizon18/...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYxE9... http://www.beobachter.ch/justiz-behoe... http://www.welt.de/politik/article195...

http://www.zeit.de/1985/18/gestoerte-... https://www.google.ch/search?q=tracto... http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ulrich_W...

http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mengele_... http://www.monterosa.ch/ http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%BCn... https://www.google.ch/maps/search/g%C... http://www.delcampe.net/page/item/id,...

https://www.google.ch/search?q=tracto... http://www.thata.ch/jourdanmondediplo...



The Swiss Sadist: SS Obergruppenführer General Leonardo Conti the Reich`s Health Leader



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http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonardo... http://www.excatholicsforchrist.com/m...



Operation Sunrise And Allen Dulles


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Allen Dulles was Swiss Family Mallet-Prevost Sleeper Agent of CIA OSS; Octogon rules over Pentagon


CIA = Cephalic Infiltration from Alps; the CIA is a Swiss organisation by Octogon, just like another Geneva ngo. http://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public... http://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public... http://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public... https://books.google.ch/books?id=CFEh... https://books.google.ch/books?id=zzY6... https://books.google.ch/books?id=2tYd... https://truthernews.wordpress.com/201... https://translate.google.com/translat... http://www.bernerzeitung.ch/region/be... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Onyx_%2...

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The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil


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Occult Satanic Ritual Swiss Tunnel Opening Ceremony (DISTURBING!!!)



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