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Suvich @Suvich · Jan 20, 2021

To get effective and successful work is everyone's wish. A stable job in this materialistic society contributes to an existence filled with comforts and services and provides a sense of personal fulfillment and acceptable social standing.


There must be a combination of hard work and performance to have a good career in life. Other than hard work, one also requires special power & foresight that will help one excel in their professional life. Suvich Tarot reading services will give you proper readings leading towards a better career. 

We are thinking about the extremely powerful assistance that heavenly bodies, namely the planets, provide to human society.



Kundli is the astrological unit to decide the good and bad future of a person. It is possible to determine a significant impact by calculating the date of birth of an individual. However, modern-day pressures have challenged our desire to discover reality. Chat to a Suvich astrologer for horoscope services. 



 A horoscope has a great impact on a person's life, starting with work and ending with death. The influence of planets on our fate is important and prominent. It empowers a person to choose a career that is favored by planets well aspected during that period. This is why you should Speak to Suvich Astrologer so that he/she may offer essential career guidance.


How are the life and the work careers of a person deciphered by an Astrologer?


  1. Brihat-Kundli.
  2. Career Maps.
  3. Career Astrology and Career Horoscope is about the careers of native individuals.


Astrologers look at a variety of circumstances that happened in a person's Career Horoscope and get a sense of the person's career tendencies. Suvich Horoscope reading services will guide you properly.

5th House

This individual is likely to be rich with tons of bank balance.

6th house 

The lord of the 6th house shows your work and profession. 

8th house

Astrology is important in assessing the native's prospect for obtaining success in life.

10th House

This house has the power to propel an indigenous person into success and development.

Without a doubt, the native is likely to lead a positive life because his/her health, profession, and career are all good and positive.


Why Should You Contact Astrologer 

Malefic planets like Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu have a major effect on the evolution of a person's career/work, etc. The key components of vimshottari Dasha are Dasha and bhakti. Astrologers should take into account both the person's current condition and what his/her potential prospects hold. If you want to know your Work Prospects this year or if you want solutions for the career-related obstacles or delays that you are facing, there is no better person to refer to than an astrologer in India.


You should nevertheless search your horoscope for this and learn which area is good for you. A native can succeed in any company, with a strong 10th house. Also, you can evaluate your career/business' performance and failure. If in this house, there are good planets like Sun and Mercury, a person will succeed greatly. Moreover, Rahu is invincible in the 10th House. In this way, the creation of a kingdom in any area is favorable.


If Mars is favorable at 10th Place, then sports and engineering are a positive thing for the indigenous people. Likewise, Venus' sponsoring aspect will bring art success. An individual can take higher positions at the government level if Sun is well placed in the 10th house. Suvich Astrology will give you correct guidance.


These houses, along with lords, display the above stuff and features. These factors may influence the readings in their various combinations. The location and Dasha of planets in homes as above with lords and the combination and relation of the first lord with the other lord of the house also help to predict the changing time according to the Vedic astrology. The connection between ascendant, 10th house, ninth house, and lord of the 3rd house effect is an example of combinations that impact the time of job change and assists with deciding the time of job change or move. Many other variables, of course, such as an exchange, etc., will influence the reading.


To predict the correct time of the job shift, you should just know what you want so that we can easily predict it.

Suvich Astrology will give you proper services related to your career. Astrology is a great way for career prediction. You can know which path to move towards. 



There is a promise hidden in the birth chart determined by the planetary positions and associated configurations such as locations, conjunctions, aspects, etc. The promise is, however, only the first leg; its deliverance depends on the dasha and transit of planets. There are certain attributes such as lordship, placements, aspects, and the strength of planets that make the promise fructify. The total Dasha period of a certain planet is separated into different parts and governed by different planets. The major period is known as Mahadasha, which is distributed in sub-periods that are in full swing during the Mahadasha. 

The transit of planets is always at play behind some significant happening in the native’s life. To tell you, the transit of Saturn and Jupiter affects more as they are the most crucial planets in one’s horoscope. They operate the Lord of a particular house to activate it. Sun in transit hints at the month, and Moon in transit hints at the day of the event, and while Saturn approves of it, Jupiter blesses the event. Hence, studying the natal chart requires studying the dashas, Antar Dasha, and transit of Saturn and Jupiter.