
The scene was Alice being taken to see her newly born granddaughters. Her daughter's attempts for a child was a seed planted early on in the film and clearly something Alice cared very much about. Upon seeing her in the hospital she claims "She looks sick! what's happened to her?" To which her husband replies "She's just given birth to twins" or words to that effect. For some reason the audience i was amongst laughed at this and i'll never understand why. Were this a line in a Dumb And Dumber movie perhaps i'd understand and perhaps, hopefully the laughter was awkward, nervous or hysterical but it didn't sound like it to me. It felt like a large group of people failing to grasp the gravity of Alice's affliction.

If i have to spell it out, the implications of the scene were as follows. She can't even remember her own daughter being pregnant. She doesn't realise she's a grandmother until she holds the baby in her arms. I'll take any criticisms of being an artsy fartsy, over-serious, pretentious humourless prick but this genuinely didn't seem anything to laugh at to me, and hearing other people guffaw both enraged and disgusted me. Alice even has a speech earlier in the film saying how people with Alzheimer's become ridiculed and comic and that audience with me sadly proved her point.