
Simple Chiropractic advice on why and how to self-massage with a spikey massage ball.


Self-massage with a spikey massage (or even a simple tennis ball) ball can help to free tissue, ease pain, improve flexibility and help safeguard against future injury. A spikey massage ball (also known as a Pilates trigger point release spikey ball) works on the muscle and connective tissue that is like a web of cellophane over the muscles and can be a successful instrument to self-massage with.

The connective tissue web moves in between, into the bodies organs and just under the skin and provides slip and slide between the muscles and other tissues and when these tissues get dehydrated adhesions can be created within these layers so freeing the adhesions helps the tissues to move more easily.

Chiropractic care and certain massage techniques can be very effective when combined and a chiropractor or massage therapist can give you tips and hints on using a spikey massage ball in your own home. Doing these extra exercises at home can help to massage the muscles to help reduce tension and ease stiffness and tension.

Visit www.backblog.co.uk to read more about the benefits of a “massage with a spikey ball”



Waking up stiff and achy?

Lying horizontally and moving less overnight can cause the tissues to become dehydrated and prevent the removal of bad toxins that may have built up – this creates a more acidic environment in the cells. This in turn can cause stiffness and pain on waking in the morning. The tissue layers are less able to slip and slide, pain increases, and an inflammatory environment occurs, the tissue dehydrates and so the vicious circle goes on.

Connective tissue that is unable to slip and slide properly will eventually thicken and sometimes scar and this can cause the area to get inflamed, for examplearthritis.

At first self-massage with a spikey ball may leave you feeling sore afterwards. This is because the fascial tightness is eased and the removal of built up toxins are expelled. Increasing the pressure gradually or experimenting with different movements willstimulate the area and be beneficial. Pain should ease, and flexibility will improve from the additional stimulation.

It is not recommended if the body has had recent trauma or injury. For example, if there is significant bruising, broken skin or joint inflammation.


Upper back self-massage

Many office workers can suffer with tension in the upper back. This can be due to bad postural habits and using a spikey ball on certain trigger points can help to reduce tension headaches and neck and upperback pain.

Simply place the spikey ball between the shoulder blades, spine and a wall. Gently lean into the ball and slide yourself up and down using the body weight to apply pressure.


Thigh massage

The thigh or IT band can be self-massaged by simply sitting or rolling your weight gently over the ball.


Foot and calf self- massage

Depending on the desired pressure sit (calf) or stand on the spikey ball under the heel of the foot. Using the body weight roll the ball towards the toes and back to the heel. Repeat for a few minutes. The connective tissue under the arch of the foot will release the tightness. This is particularly good to treat conditions such as plantar fasciitis.

There are many other simple exercises that can be effectively and simply carried out and your chiropractor would be able to demonstrate or explain them to you.

If you are interested in finding out more about chiropractic self-help tips and hints or chiropractic treatment, why not visit www.lushingtonchiropractic.com