
Significance of Clean Rooms in Science And Its Allied Sectors


Cleanliness in the basis of all manufactures, experiments and other variety of scientific activities, that are to be carried out with utmost care and precautions. On a general note there are industries and sectors that demand the usage of cleanrooms, and by virtue of the aspect of what activity shall be carried out, will determine the standard of the clean room requirement. Although cleanrooms were initially used in the high-end semiconductor industries, research and life science laboratories, in recent years and advancement of science and technology there are more industrial sectors that make use of cleanrooms during manufacture of their produce.

Various industries that utilize cleanroom and adhere to the mandatory norms about the same, can be grouped as the sectors that manufacture electronic, high end computer rooms and server rooms, biotechnology industry, life sciences including chemistry and medical biology branches, food manufacturing industry, and the automotive industry in which manufacturing of sensitive circuitry pertaining to the recent advanced automobiles are carried out.

Factors like high temperatures, humidity and static electricity can cause a lot of damage to the computer parts and the internal circuits during manufacture. Whereas in a cleanroom, these factors can directly be encountered and averted thereby rendering the manufacturing area free from such damage causing aspects. Likewise, the biotechnology sectors, where new drugs are formulated, agricultural and food research which works for production of better foods, research laboratories that work and handle sensitive solutions, live cells and so on require a totally contaminate-free space.

Biotechnology sector require a perfectly organized cleanroom because even a slight bit of contamination leads to obtaining inaccurate test results. In the life science sector live cells with sensitive fluids and organic matter are dealt and most importantly their sensitivity to contamination makes it very necessary to facilitate a cleanroom. While cleanrooms require high level of hygiene standards in order to ensure the inhibition of the growth of bacteria and other microbes, the creation of an ideal environment, with controlled moisture-levels, suitable temperature, a regulated air velocity and air pressure need to be maintained.

There are specialised organizations which are skilled and experts in constructing cleanrooms along with the other requisites like hospital equipments. One such organization is Airtech. Airtech has been supplying cleanroom equipment, cleanroom technical lighting, and hospital solutions with their dedicated work and within a short span became to be known in the sector for providing high-quality products to the esteemed clients.

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