

“Ricky in Net” Drinking Game rules.... RICKY SHOTS (Created by the fans at www.islandermania.com)

Pick your poison: whisky, vodka, tequila, rum, brandy, Southern Comfort, anything “shootable.”
One shot volume: 1 shot is 42.61 mL (1.5 ounces). Double is 3 ounces or 89 ml. Triple is 4.5 ounces (127.83 ml)
Do shots for each of the following:

Pregame shots!
We do a pre-game shot to salute the game.

One shot if Ricky is in the pregame show with an interview.

During game shots!

Goals against Ricky are one shot each.

Each time he grabs the water bottle after a goal makes it a double (one shot added to the goal).

Drink every time Rick comes far out of the crease to play the puck.

Drink if the opponents score on the first shot on Ricky. (This is a double).

Drink one shot if Ricky passes directly to the tape of an opposing player.

Ricky gets irate and throws a temper tantrum, make it a double shot if there is audio on tv.

One shot for Ricky getting yanked from the game.

Drink a double shot when Red Light Ricky gives up a momentum-changing-softie after the Isles just scored.

One shot every time Butch or Howie reference Rick's dedication to the game and the Islanders.

One shot every time Wang or Snow and Rick are mentioned in the same sentence.

One shot if Butch makes excuses or apologies for Rick’s play. For example, Butch blaming Kyle O for missing Ricky’s pass.

Drink every time Rick looks up to the rafters and shrugs his shoulders after giving up a goal. (Double shot)

One shot every time the camera shows Rick's ambiguous grimace/smile.

A shot each time they mention all of his specific injuries in one sentence.

Geli’s Goal! When Ricky goes down early and stays down for too long. (This is a double- goal plus style of goal.)


One shot if Butch says “I thought Ricky played well”.

One shot for an interview with Ricky in hallway. (Double shot if interview is in dressing room with other players in background.)

One shot if Capuano says “I thought Ricky played well”.

Ricky in Net – Nabby pulled or injured. RICKY SHOTS

Pick your poison, whisky, vodka, tequila, rum, brandy, Southern Comfort, anything “shootable.”

One shot volume: 1 shot or 42.61 mL (1.5 ounces). Double is 3 ounces or 89 ml. Triple is 4.5 ounces (127.83 ml)

Do shots for each of the following:

One shot for Ricky entering the game.

Goals against Ricky are one shot each.

Each time he grabs the water bottle after a goal makes it a double (one shot added to the goal = double).

Drink every time Rick comes far out of the crease to play the puck.

Drink extra shot if the opponents score on the first shot on Ricky. (This is a double).

Drink one shot if Ricky passes directly to the tape of an opposing player. (It’s a double if it leads to a goal)

Ricky gets irate and throws a temper tantrum, make it a double shot if there is audio on tv.

One shot for Ricky getting yanked from the game.

Drink a double shot when Red Light Ricky gives up a momentum-changing-softie after the Isles just scored.

One shot every time Butch or Howie reference Rick's dedication to the game and the Islanders.

One shot every time Wang or Snow and Rick are mentioned in the same sentence.

One shot if Butch makes excuses or apologies for Rick’s play. For example, Butch blaming Kyle O for missing Ricky’s pass.

Geli’s Goal! When Ricky goes down early and stays down for too long. (This is a double. Goal plus style of goal.)

Drink every time Rick looks up to the rafters and shrugs his shoulders after giving up a goal. (Double shot)

Every time the camera shows Rick's ambiguous grimace/smile.