
Rajasthan REET Cut off Marks 2022- Level 1 Level 2 Cut off



RBSE REET Cut Off Marks 2022- Rajasthan REET Exam Qualifying Marks, Check BSER REET 2022 Passing Marks for Gen/OBC/SC/ST, BSER REET Level-1 & 2 Cutoff marks


The Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education conducted the REET Exam on 23 & 24 July 2022. Here we have updated qualifying Marks for Rajasthan Eligibility cum Entrance Exam for Teachers. Candidates check REET Exam Cutoff for Paper-1 and Paper-2. Board conducts REET Exam for Primary Teacher (Classes 1 to 5) and Elementary Teacher (Classes 6 to 8). 


The First paper was held for Primary Teachers (Class 1 to 5) and the Second paper was conducted for Elementary Teachers (Class 6 to 8). There are two papers in Rajasthan Teacher Eligibility Test. Each question paper is 150 marks. Candidates who have applied for classes 1 to 5 and classes 6 to 8 can check the minimum qualifying marks from here. The board will release the Level-1 and Level-2 REET Cutoff Marks of the exam. From here you can see the probable cutoff marks.


Therefore from here, all participants are able to know about BSER REET Level 1 & Level 2 Cut-off list category-wise. Every year lots of students give the REET Entrance Exam for 3rd Grade Teacher Recruitment. Based on REET Exam Marks, the primary Board will prepare the REET 3rd Grade Merit list for final selection. 


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