
Dear Karen,

On our drive home this Christmas, Lisa told me you are voting for Michael Bloomberg and that your reason was he is not as crazy as the rest of them.  I am writing you this letter because I am genuinely afraid of the democrats and I want you to consider voting for Trump.  You know I am a Trump supporter and I would like to tell you why.  I am going to go over what I believe are the most important topics.  The first being the media and information suppression, the second being Bloomberg and the Democrats and the third being Donald Trump.  I know information contrary to preconceived notions can sometimes be uncomfortable, because of this I’ve cited sources where applicable.


The media and information suppression:

“Six media giants now control a staggering 90% of what we read, watch or listen to.  In 1983, 90% of media was controlled by 50 separate and distinct American companies, as of 2011 that same 90% has been consolidated into just 6.  These 6 companies are GE, News-Corp, Disney, Viacom, Time Warner, and control nearly all of the information and entertainment we receive each day.  These 6 companies control 90% of ALL television channels, newspapers, magazines, movies, music, radio and production studios.1” This information is sourced from Business Insider and I encourage you to check out the first source listed below.  It has great infographics depicting this information monopoly.

With so few people controlling so much information it is not very difficult to ensure that only approved narratives make out into culture.  Our American media has done all of us a great disservice.  For too long they have not been reporting the news to us, but instead they have been leading us in the direction their billionaire corporate boards want to go. 

They keep the window of allowable speech so narrow that we cannot even talk about the issues that are important to us.  They dictate through repetition what they want to talk about and distract away from inconvenient issues with fluff (usually rage or fear inducing stories).  These media companies have been instrumental in promoting and championing every war of my lifetime.  The dirty little secret is that war makes money.  War consolidates power.  Interestingly enough, the only time I have seen the corporate media speak positively about Donald Trump is when Trump struck Syria with Cruise missiles in 2017.

There is no longer any distinction between the media, the corporations and the US government, they are all the same people.  An executive will move from Verizon to a government position regulating federal communications (Ajit Pai – FCC Chairman).  A CIA director will move from a scandalous career in government to CNN, where he now publicly defends the criminal actions of himself and his associates (James Brennan – CNN Analyst).  There are no longer lines between these 3 distinct industries, it is the same elite people traveling back and forth between them.  As long as you promote the proper interests, you will always be rewarded in your next step.  There are hundreds of examples of this. Two of the most recent and clearest are Barack Obama:

Pearson Publishing lobbied the government very hard for Common Core Education standards because Pearson Publishing wanted to consolidate power and print the textbooks for the entire country.  Additionally, there was a 350 million dollar contract up for grabs to actually develop the Common Core Program.  The Obama Administration gave the Common Core Contract to Pearson Publishing and upon leaving office Obama received a 65 million dollar book deal from a subsidiary of Pearson.2 Pearson publishing is estimated to make 5 billion dollars per year from the American Education System. This is true information, but as long as corporate media does not cover it, the establishment pretends it does not exist.  This isn’t the only shady deal.  Netflix was the largest proponent of Net Neutrality (it saved them billions of dollars).  The Obama Administration passed Net Neutrality into law and upon leaving office, Netflix awarded Barack Obama with an estimated 50 million dollar deal for a new show.3 This is the carousel between private and public jobs and the corruption is very very widespread.

I’m not writing this to denigrate Barack Obama, I am writing this because the media is supposed to report these things and they don’t.  They are supposed to be the guardians against this kind of corruption and they’re not.  Instead they have become the protectors of this information.  If they don’t report it, it doesn’t exist.  If you speak of it, you are a conspiracy theorist.  It is quite the racket our elites have.

The media has slowly become the Department of Truth for our wealthy elite.  They only push the approved stories.  They only ask the approved question.  They silence anything that goes against the corporate interest.

In the past the media’s favorite trick was to not say ‘the thing’ directly.  They would quote others who were saying lies and horribly misleading things… and they would only quote one side.  They would selectively choose what information to give the viewer and what information to leave out.  What stories got covered and what did not get covered in an effort to stick to the ‘narrative’ they wanted to tell.  They still do this, but in the age of the internet and with Donald Trump, all bets are off.  Now they are openly saying how they have felt all along.  And with such tight control over who gets employed by these six companies, if you want to be employed and get those big gatekeeper bucks, you must fall in line or risk being out in the cold.

Biggest Media Lies of 2019:

  1. Russian Collusion – for 3 years this was the top story every single night. It had zero basis in reality.  Now it is coming out that the FBI gave information to the media and then used the stories the media wrote as evidence to open up an investigation.  Additionally, the original “Russian” who set a meeting with the campaign is turning out to be a CIA asset… sounds crazy right?  It’s shocking and ridiculous but only because this media keeps all of us locked in a box of their information and world view.  The media has not issued apologies for their 3 year accusation of treason and intentionally driving this country crazy because they didn’t want to look within and analyze why they lost the election to a cartoon character.
  2. Jeffery Epstein – Everyone is fixated on whether Jeffery Epstein killed himself or not. That has become the story the media runs with.  He was the largest serial pedophile and child trafficker in world history.  He was a pimp of children to the elites.  What they don’t tell you is it doesn’t matter if he killed himself or not.  The fact he was given enough room, enough leeway to kill himself (if he did) is the real story.  He should have been under military protection to learn who in our country is abusing children.  On top of that, ABC reporter Amy Robach, was caught on video saying she had the Epstein story 3 years before and her company shut the story down.  She said, “I had all of it.  Witnesses, Clinton, everything.  They (ABC) shut it down” (this is a must watch source).17 They were worried about getting access to the Royal Family of England who was also implicated in pedophilia and has since stepped down.  The media also leaves out that Epstein was caught years before, and jailed for a short period of time on a sweetheart deal that included him leaving from 9-5 each day.  The largest pedophile in US history, a pimp of children to the rich and powerful brushed under the rug, allowed to kill himself or was murdered to ensure no evidence implicating anyone else came to light.
  3. Covington Catholic – The media created a 3 day frenzy over some Catholic high school students who were allegedly being racist and getting in the face of an Indian Veteran on their class trip to Washington DC. The media made human interest pieces about the activist Indian Veteran.  They denigrated these kids as the top story for days on TV and online, the coverage was searing and constant.  Meanwhile, a full video of the incident was available online.  It showed that the incident was exactly the opposite of what they were reporting and still they continued for days.  The truth was a radical black supremacist group was harassing the kids and then the Indian approached the kids got in their face and antagonized them.  The kids could not have acted more morally or responsibly in this horrible situation.  Many Outlets only retracted the story after being threatened with lawsuits and the Washington Post only retracted after a 250 million dollar lawsuit was actually filed against them.  Many lawsuits are still pending against multiple media outlets and personalities.
  4. Climate Change Hysteria – The world is going to end in 12 years. The media runs this story from the radical politicians who thirst for power.  These are rich people claiming they can change the temperature by 1 degree 100 years from now.  To do this they need lots of tax money and authority over the economy.  They need POWER and they can make the bad thing go away.  I don’t care if it’s real or not.  I do find it strange wealthy people are still buying oceanfront property though.  None of Al Gore’s predictions came true, but yet they keep pushing forward.  I have a request.  Before starting the war on climate change can they finish the war on poverty?  Can they finish the war on drugs?  Can they finish the war on terror?  Can they make healthcare reasonably affordable?  Can they go back to when college was reasonably affordable?  Before we give them more authority and more complex problems to deal with, why don’t we demand they fix the things they told us 40 years ago they could fix
  5. Pete Buttigieg – Who is this person? He is the 2nd term mayor of the 4th largest city in Indiana.  He is an absentee mayor who claims to be for the people while ignoring anyone who disagrees with him.  This person had ZERO national presence or name recognition before there was a national media campaign to raise his presence.  From absolute obscurity he was put on the cover of TIME Magazine and elevated into a serious contender in the national conversation.  Why did the media choose to elevate him?  His sexual preference.  The truth is it doesn’t matter who they put in office as long as that person is a “team player.”  As evidenced by them putting in a junior senator from Chicago last time.


Our media is solely a mouthpiece of the wealthy elites for the wealthy elites.  They tell the people, whom they have tremendous contempt for, exactly what they want them to know to get them to move in the direction they prefer.


Michael Bloomberg and the Democrats:

I am terrified of these democrats.  They are not the democrats of my parent’s generation, they are something different.  They are authoritarians who downright hate freedom and have a very palpable hostility to white people, Christianity and traditional morality.  Michael Bloomberg is not different from the rest.  He is as radical as the rest, his angle is coming off to the voter as “reasonable.”  This is the same man who thought he had the moral authority to ban large sodas in New York, and he did ban them.  Anyone who thinks that the size of sodas is an area that the government should regulate is terrifying to me, where does that kind of thinking end?  If you can justify making a 20 ounce soda illegal, what is the limit of your authority?  How do you see yourself in relation to the people you govern?

“Bloomberg says that poor people paying proportionately more money in taxes is a GOOD THING because that's 'one of the ways you influence people to do what's in their own interest'.”4 He is advocating that if you take poor people’s money they’ll have less money to spend on things that he thinks are bad for them.  Again, this kind of mindset is absolutely terrifying to me.  It is antithetical to freedom, it is the mindset of a true tyrant.  What right does he have to meddle in the minutia of people’s lives like this?  Most importantly, what is the limit of this way of thinking?  Where is the red line in his head where his authority ends and my freedoms begins?

The answer is there is no red line.  He knows what is best for you and you can’t be trusted to make the right decision.  When you think in this superior way, you can justify anything because you (Bloomberg) are the moral good and the all-knowing.  He even went as far as to “use prison labor to make his 2020 campaign calls.”5 That is a frightening abuse of power and in my belief he should be jailed.  But in our current system wealthy elites cannot be jailed…unless there was a drastic change, but we’ll get to that later.

This democrat party has no solutions.  They only represent two groups in America, the very rich and those who are dependent on government.  They only have rage and anger and contempt for anyone who does not think like them. They do not care about the American people or America. They shriek racism, sexism, homophobia at everyone to keep our population divided and angry while they steal from us.    Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi’s sons both sit on the boards of energy companies in Ukraine.  Neither has experience in the energy sector, neither speaks the language.  And they aren’t the only ones.  It is well known that politicians enrich their family and friends at the public’s expense.  They have just never been so brazen about it.  They actually impeached the president because he was getting too close to their corruption.

Going back to the 60s progressive politicians have been degenerating our society.  Actively pushing promiscuity to the public and divorce to families and at the same time working toward destroying religion.  Promoting the idea that 1 parent can be as good as a 2 parent household.  Pushing women into the workforce and if they didn’t go, they were a traitor to women.  And then almost immediately, after transitioning us from a manufacturing economy to a service economy, a single income was no longer enough to support a family.  How is it that one income could support families forever and then at the same time they push women into the workforce it becomes impossible to support a family on a single income, now you need those two incomes.  I believe at first progressives had good intentions and were forceful in their messaging.  I do not believe that today they have good intentions, I think they are mad with power.  Fifteen years ago, Elizabeth Warren wrote a great book, “The Two Income Trap.”  It was about designing an economy where both parents didn’t have to work.  It discussed the problems of having both parents working.  It was honest.  There is no honesty anymore.  Fifteen years ago mine as well be fifty years ago.  That kind of talk from Warren would have her kicked out of the democrat party because it conflicts with their focus grouped messaging.  That messaging was carefully studied to appeal to the correct segments of the population to gain political power.

In an effort to gain that power, the progressives have been pitting poor against rich, black against white, gay against straight, woman against man, immigrant against native, etc.  They constantly push this idea that America is an evil place.  That capitalism and racism and sexism and homophobia are stopping anyone who is not a straight white male from succeeding in life.  Statistics prove otherwise, the statistics are racist.  The statues of our leaders must be torn down and the flag itself is a hate symbol.11 The indoctrination is so widespread and deep and tightly controlled by the 6 media companies, I am not sure what holds us together as a nation anymore.  It seems like we are reaching a critical mass.  They keep our country divided for power and now they are so far in left field, they are actively pushing transgenderism into the forefront of society and encouraging it to children.  Their hard left media actually defends giving children as young as 6 hormone blockers to stop them going through puberty.6 Not only that, but they call you a bigot if you publicly disagree with it.  They kick you off social media if you publicly disagree with it.

This is ridiculous.  What could possibly be next coming down the progressive pipeline?  “Opinion: NYTimes: Pedophilia a Disorder not a Crime.”7 Think that’s crazy?  I think giving hormone blockers to a 6 year olds is a criminal offense, but they defend it rabidly.

This is the extreme end of this democrat party, where communist agitation groups assault people with impunity in liberal run cities.8 Almost all caught on camera and they almost never face consequences, and in the few times they go to court, there is no media attention and super lawyers defend them.  They wind up getting probation when their crimes are assault and battery and attempted murder.  In one case, in liberal New York, the people attacked by the communists went to jail for years (people with families and children).  These people were smeared in the media as “evil white supremacists,” but they don’t mention one of them was a latino and two had black wives and black kids.  It’s all a farce and the information is very tightly controlled by the 6 billionaire run media companies discussed earlier

So what of these white supremacists?  What about the Right Wing extremists?  Where are they? 

They are a thigment of the media’s imagination.  A story used to demonize anyone who doesn’t agree with the narrative they are pushing.  The very few open racists that do exist are banned from every platform and are so far removed from being consequential in American society, it is ridiculous to talk about them.  If any person of consequence is seen with them, that person is driven from polite society too… so the media continues to report fake hate crimes to keep their outrage narrative rolling.10 They call prominent media figures like Tucker Carlson white supremacist.  People who make the “okay” hand sign are white supremacist.  It is actual insanity and it is used to stoke fear and keep people separated and afraid and voting for help.

Republicans are not the answer either.  They are just less of a threat to peace, prosperity, community, family, religion and everything that makes America truly special.  Republicans also didn’t cheat their outsider out of the nomination.  Democrats verifiably fixed the nomination so Bernie Sanders would not get elected.  They don’t like to talk about this, but the head of the DNC (Debbie Wasserman Schultz) and all her surrogates had to resign in 2016.  They were sued in federal court for this and they argued that the voters do not determine the nominee.13 This is brazen.  In my opinion, they are as radical as any political group in history.  The thirst for power knows no bounds.


Donald Trump:

The media is always rough with republican presidents.  They have called every republican president a Nazi since Nixon.  Even Barry Goldwater was called a fascist in 1964 as the republican nominee.12 But never, ever has the fury been as palpable as it is right now.  The most interesting about where we are now is:

Donald Trump is not a Republican.  He never was.  He was a New York City democrat his entire life.  Only in a world where the Democrat party has went so far off the rails would Donald Trump be considered a conservative republican.  Donald Trump’s politics are the same politics Bill Clinton had.  Everything from trade deals to immigration.  The administration is even trying to pass a bill guaranteeing Paid Family Leave for 12 weeks, but they are having trouble getting the democrats to go along.  Paid Family Leave for all is not a conservative plan, it is one that would have be championed as a win for the working class if a democrat were in office. 

Trump hasn’t done anything on gay marriage even though the media screamed he is anti gay.  As a matter of fact, he is the first president to come into office who is pro gay marriage.  Even Barack Obama was publicly against gay marriage upon coming into office. 

The media screamed he was going to go after Roe vs. Wade, he hasn’t even talked about it.  It is all media fear mongering to appeal to the good nature of people who want to do the right thing.  It is the same thing when democrats invoke Christianity or the constitution when they openly hate both and have removed God from their party platform… they just say the words to appeal to people’s good nature.  It is all disingenuous, they only believe in power.  

They say he is a racist.  This is based on that he wants to stop illegal immigration.  Well, democrats claimed to want to do this up until 2015.  Trump has been in the public eye for years, no one called him racist until he ran for office.  Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson gave him awards on Ellis Island standing next to Muhammad Ali and Rosa Parks. 

They say he is anti-woman, but Huffington Post reports 80% of all women are raped coming across the border.14  8 out of every 10 women are RAPED coming across the border as reported by the Left Wing Huffington Post.  So his immigration stance is very pro women and it is pro human and keeping the people who do this raping out of the country is important for the safety and security of all Americans.

They say he is transphobic.  I don’t even know what these words mean anymore.  I’ve never heard him talk trans people.  I don’t care about trans people, but I would agree that we should not be advertising these things to children. 

They say hates the environment and he wouldn’t sign the Paris Climate Accord, but they don’t tell you the US has reduced their carbon emissions more than any other country in the world since we didn’t sign that document.16 And keep in mind that that carbon reduction is with our economy growing at rates Obama said you would need a magic wand for.

So what does that leave us with?  Why is he so especially evil?

He is a stooge of Russia.  Completely fabricated.  It has already come out the investigation was started and continued multiple times on a lies.  Many people have been fired and forced to resign.  It is going to come out that this was an intentional plot to investigate him in an effort to dig up anything that could be used as blackmail to control him.

He went after his political enemy Joe Biden.  Good.  If the information is true the American people deserve to hear it.  Trump was elected on the promise to drain the swamp.  I would say the sons of politicians having ‘no show jobs’ in countries where they don’t speak the language in industries they have no experience in, that’s pretty swampy to me.  And with that we have reached the reason he is so hated and the reason for the non-stop ‘Trump is bad’ circus:

I tried to establish in this article that the media, the big corporations and the establishment politicians (republicans included) are the same people.  Donald Trump is not the same people.  He is an outsider.  He is an outsider that ran on ending corruption in Washington.  He is a billionaire who cannot be bought with Netflix quid quo pro promises. 

All the screaming.  All the chants of racist, sexist, homophobic, Nazi.  All the investigations.  All the impeachments.  They are all only about one thing.  Donald Trump is a threat to business as usual to an establishment who has been taking advantage of the American people for years.  His tweeting direct to 100 million people is a threat to their narrative control.  He wants to bring the troops home, which is a threat to the income of every military industrial company that makes money off American boys dying.. it’s ugly In know.  He wants to clean up corruption, which is a threat to establishment’s wallet and, in a just world, a threat to their freedom.  That is what all the hysteria has been about, an establishment that is afraid of being exposed.

There is a very interesting video of Donald Trump on Oprah in 1988.15 I encourage you to watch it.  His focus was bad trade deals and how other countries are ripping us off and how globalism is making them richer and us poorer.  He said for him to run for president things would have to get really bad and people would have to be very tired of it.  And that has been his primary focus since getting elected, fixing the trade deals and getting the American people working.  And he is succeeding.  It doesn’t take a genius.  All it took was someone whose first priority was to America.  It is really that simple.  There is no doubt that we are at a crossroads in our nation’s history.  What the media never examined was that 2016 was a revolution on both sides of the aisle.  And what they desperately want is to get back to business as usual, the establishment bleeding us dry and selling us out around the world for personal gain.  I don’t want to go back to business as usual and I don’t care how loud our six media conglomerates scream.  What is bad for them is good for average Americans and their screams are music to my ears.  Donald Trump is boorish.  Big deal. At this juncture we need a fighter for the forgotten voices of America.  For the first time in my life, the Silent Majority of Americans finally have a voice in Washington and the establishment hates it.  And precisely because they hate it, I believe our only option is to support Donald Trump this November.

If you have any questions or disagreements, if you think I was untruthful anywhere, I love talking politics and I don’t take anything personal





  1. https://www.businessinsider.com/these-6-corporations-control-90-of-the-media-in-america-2012-6


  1. https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2019/12/obama_gave_commoncore_contract_to_publisher_got_65_million_book_deal_in_return.html


  1. https://www.forbes.com/sites/fredcampbell/2018/03/21/why-arent-net-neutrality-advocates-proclaiming-obama-shilled-for-netflix/#6d799ee04f3f


  1. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5764021/Bloomberg-says-poor-people-paying-proportionately-money-taxes-GOOD-THING.html


  1. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/bloomberg-campaign-prison-labor-make-2020-campaign-calls/story?id=67918752


  1. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/gender-dysphoria/in-depth/pubertal-blockers/art-20459075


  1. https://www.nytimes.com/2014/10/06/opinion/pedophilia-a-disorder-not-a-crime.html


  1. https://www.dailywire.com/news/timeline-antifa-violence-january-%E2%80%93-august-2017-frank-camp


  1. https://www.infowars.com/no-justice-2-proud-boys-sentenced-to-4-years-in-jail-for-fight-with-antifa/


  1. https://dailycaller.com/2019/02/18/hoax-hate-crimes-list/


  1. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2016/09/15/does-americas-first-flag-symbolize-exclusion-and-hate-like-this-mich-school-superintendent-said/


  1. https://www.nytimes.com/1964/07/19/archives/republican-mayor-says-goldwater-is-a-fascist.html


  1. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/dnc-argues-in-court-we-dont-owe-anyone-a-fair-primary-process


  1. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/central-america-migrants-rape_n_5806972


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  1. https://www.dailywire.com/news/study-us-leads-world-reducing-co2-emissions-while-james-barrett



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