
Control Landing of Pest Birds: Consider Effective Pigeon Deterrent


Pigeons, we all know and we all are aware of. They are found in every nook and corner of the world, no matter where you are living. Pigeons have a bullying attitude towards other birds, acidic waste, and the tendency to carry diseases, which are harmful to human beings. Moreover, they feel like it’s their right to roost in every open spot around each and every spot that they find. And, controlling pigeons becomes even more necessary if own a business or commercial enterprise as their mess can leave a bad impression on the customers.

Also Read: Want to Deter Pest Birds Away? Contact Bird Spikes Manufacturer

Some other problems that you could face with pigeons are:

  • The debris from roosting can cause water damage and blocking up gutters and drains
  • Pigeon droppings pose a health risk as it contains bacteria, fungal agents, and ectoparasites
  • Roosting pigeons can cause damage to the air conditioning units and other rooftop machinery
  • Their droppings create hazardous surfaces by making them slippery

Avail Pigeon Deterrent India products at affordable prices

However, there isn’t a need to worry, some of the most effective Pigeon Deterrent India methods are available which you can implement in your own home right now. Knowing that getting rid of pigeons isn’t as simple as removing their nests, here are some of the other effective methods to get rid of pigeons in an effective way.

  1. Bird Spikes: Try to get rid of pigeons in a humane way. The natural methods do not cause any physical harm to the pigeons. One of the best pigeon control methods is using pigeon spikes. It is among the most effective pigeon deterrent. Although the bird spikes look dangerous, they actually don’t harm the pigeons. The added advantage with the pigeon spikes is that they are very easy to install.
  2. Pigeon repellent gel: Getting rid of pigeons becomes easy when you make the surface less attractive for them. This can be done by applying Pigeon Repellent Gel India to the surfaces where pigeons land in the flock. This gel will let you make their roosting areas untenable. The application is also easy, all you have to do is to load the caulk tube into your caulk gun and apply it easily in lines or in dots.
  3. Netting: A netting system is another one of the most effective ways to physically exclude the birds from commercial or residential spaces. Comparing to the other alternatives, netting is a bit expensive. However, if installed properly it’s 100% effective. There are also newer versions available in the market that is virtually invisible.

Keep the nuisance of pest birds away with Pigeon Deterrent India

Irrespective of the mess and nuisance that pigeons create, we just can’t harm them. So, above mentioned is a prompt and effective resolution to the pigeon problem. Also, we have to accept the fact that pigeon prevention is easier than pigeon removal. Having Pigeon Deterrent India products may help solve the issue that you are facing with the pigeons easily. So, we definitely recommend the proactive use of Bird Spikes Control Services products to ensure they are not back to your property.

For more information, please read the full details of Get Rid of Mess Created by Birds with Bird Spikes Control Services