Hire A Personal Injury Lawyer
A Personal Injury Lawyer is a lawyer who provides legal services to those who claim to have been injured, physically or psychologically, as a result of the negligence of another person, company, government agency or any entity. Personal injury lawyers primarily practice in the area of law known as tort law. Examples of common personal injury claims include injuries from slip and fall accidents, traffic collisions, defective products, workplace injuries and professional malpractice.
The term "trial lawyers" is used to refer to personal injury lawyers, even though many other types of lawyers, including defense lawyers and criminal prosecutors also appear in trials and even though most personal injury claims are settled without going to trial.
A personal injury lawyer must qualify to practice law in the jurisdiction in which the lawyer practices. In many states, they must also pass a written ethics examination.
Lawyers may take continuing legal education (CLE) classes in order to learn about developments in the law or to learn about new practice areas. In states that require lawyers to attend CLE, personal injury lawyers may take CLE courses relevant to personal injury law, but are not required to do so.[1]’
Source: wikipedia
We believe it is important to hire a Personal Injury Lawyer anytime you’re hurt and it is someone else’s fault. Personal injury cases require a multifaceted approach. If you have suffered an injury as a result of the negligence exhibited by an individual or corporation, hiring a personal injury lawyer is vital!
No one expects to need a personal injury attorney. However, an unfortunate situation may arise where an injury attorney is necessary. In these situations, you will need a personal lawyer who is kind, available, and has a proven track record of successful settlements. During our initial consultation with a client, we utilize due diligence to do a thorough intake. Here, we outline some of the most important qualities to look for in a personal injury lawyer—traits you will find in every lawyer on our team at the AJK Legal!
There is no substitute for experience!