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@anonymous · Aug 21, 2019

Top Things To Know Before Making Personal Injury Claims


Starting with a personal injury claim seems to be an intricate process for many. But once a person decides to file a personal injury claim, it is important to make sure to try everything possible to maximise the potential compensation. And one crucial part of making a full recovery is ensuring the fact that there is adequate compensation to do so. Hiring a personal injury lawyer Bronx would make it even more easy and effective to deal with the overall compensation phase.

Before you take measures to make claims for personal injury, let’s have a look at some useful factors that would make the process hassle-free.

  • There is Nothing Called Automatic Right to Compensation

To claim the compensation, it is important to prove that the accident or the injury happened because of the negligence of others, known as the Defendant. In a nutshell, there must be someone to blame for the accident.

In case, the person himself or herself is the cause of the accident, and there is no-one to blame for, there will be no settlement for a personal injury claim. Now there is a reason behind –usually, claims are made against the insurance company of the person who is responsible for the accident. Personal injury lawyer Bronx deals with these issues in a befitted manner.

Personal Injury Claims

  • Personal Injury Claim has Certain Time Limits

One cannot wait for months or years after the accident to make efforts for the claim because, in most of the cases, claims for personal injury are subjected to a strict time limit. It also requires the court proceedings to commence within three years from the date of injury or accident. Some cases are even subject to the shorter time limit. Thus it is extremely important to take legal advice and to delay in settling down for the claim.

  • Know Exactly When to Hire An Attorney

In case you feel that the negotiation is going the right way according to expectations, it is best to hire a personal injury lawyer Bronx. The professionals are expert in dealing with difficult situations and to get the best outcomes. Some situations when it is best to hire an attorney are:

  1. when it is all about asking for future damages – expenses that you might need for medical bills
  2. while claiming compensation for serious injuries, pain, and sufferings that are beyond spending thousands of dollars
  3. when there is a question of fault

Hiring a professional and reliable lawyer for personal injury claim would be indeed an effective decision to make.

  • Make Sure to Report the Accident

Irrespective of the place, be it in the workplace, road or anywhere, it is important to report the accident. For example, in case of a workplace accident, intimating the immediate supervisor or the manager would be an ideal decision.

Similarly, for road accidents, make sure to exchange details at the same and get names as well as the address of other drivers involved at the spot. In case, exchanging details is not possible somehow, it is extremely crucial to let the police know about the same within 24 hours.

Hopefully, having these basic yet effective ideas would help to file a claim for personal injury easily. In case of any suggestion or query, please feel free to get in touch with us below in the comment section.