
Online Education Will Empower Humans, Not Replace Them


With the advancement of technological innovations, we find ourselves completely surrounded by them. Making life an easy-go drive, technology has its own importance in growing competitive world of almost all the sectors. But when it comes to education, most of the so called intellectuals raise a question that technology can never replace human efforts. So for this, we first have to focus on the word, “replace”. Let’s discuss this debatable issue with some eye opening aspects which will help you to understand the concept of technology in a more comprehensive way.

Every single thing in this universe has its own importance!

It is not about replacing something by the other. The idea is just to make it better, being better is our sole objective to be here on this planet. Likewise education also needs to be strengthened where we think, it has some loopholes in it. Just look back a few months back and ponder, what would have been the scenario in the pandemic if online classes were not available with us? So, this was technology only, which let students to catch up with their courses, whether it was how to learn Arabic or a PMP course in Riyadh. I guess, otherwise they would have forgotten even the names of their subjects! Here, technology acted as a tool which empowered education even in the crisis time.

The creative heights are still to be explored

In conventional model of education, a single teacher addresses 40 to 50 students at a time or you can say 150 to 200 in higher education. The dissemination of information thus, varied a lot. Technology now helps students to fill those gaps via reading or especially videos, at their own time and pace at customized levels. This frees up class time to do more interactive and human things such as peer-to-peer learning, Socratic dialogue, projects and more.

So whether it is a digital marketing course or social media marketing courses, we just can’t ignore demand of the time which straightly indicates towards a world reaching out for artificial intelligence and technologies which will enhance your capabilities, not culmination of human itself.