Special OTET Result 2022, BSE Odisha TET Exam Cut off Marks Category wise, OTET Merit list for General, OBC, SC, ST, SOTET Exam Marks for Paper-I and Paper-II
Download Odisha Teacher Eligibility Test Result will declare soon in September 2022. The Board of Secondary Education conducted the “Odisha Teacher Eligibility Test” on 29th August 2022. Now aspirants are able to Check Odisha TET Result, and OTET Cut off Marks Category wise for GEN/OBC/SC/ST Categories. Lakhs number of candidates have appeared in the Special Odisha Teacher Eligibility Test (SOTET). Board has already issued OTET minimum Qualifying marks category-wise.
The BSE Odisha TET Exam score is available for Science, Math, Social Science, and Hindi subjects. We know that the Special OTET Entrance Exam was held with two papers for 150-150 marks. And you have to obtain minimum OTET Passing Marks out of 150 Marks.
Many students appeared in this competitive Exam and now they are waiting for OTET Paper-I & Paper-II Results. The OTET Result 2022 will be issued in PDF format and Candidates have to find their Name, Roll Number, and rank. Aspirants who will be declared qualified in Odisha TET will be able to apply online for Primary Teacher (Class I to V) and Elementary Teacher (Class VI to VIII).
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