
PIQO Projector - The best Netflix projector

Long gone is the age where you needed Cable, CDs, or DVDs to watch your favourite movies. With Netflix, you can stream your preferred show at any time. The streaming service hosts multiple films and shows on their website. You can use your smartphone devices or computer to access their website. Project the Netflix shows on a larger screen and enjoy a cinematic experience. Using a projector gives you the advantage of a big display. You can project over 200 inches of screen. The PIQO Projector is one of the best Netflix projectors around. It can project a display of up to 240 inches. The projection isn’t just large, but it is also of HD quality. PIQO can support video formats of up to 1080p. You will enjoy sharp images and high-resolution videos. 

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For a mini- projector, the PIQO can produce very bright images. The device has about 200 lumens to ensure a bright projection. You don’t have to worry about dim images. You can enjoy streaming, whether it’s night or day. The projector also has the advantage of size. It is a compact device which can easily fit in your pocket. It measures 2.25” x 2.25” x 2.25 inches only. You can take it along with you and enjoy streaming Netflix anywhere. 

The PIQO Projector has excellent battery life. Don’t let the small size fool you; it can project up to five hours. You can also use it to listen to music for up to 50 hours. In case the battery runs low, you can recharge it in just a few minutes. The quick recharge feature ensures you don’t miss out on the fun for long.

With you PIQO, you don’t need to have external speakers. The device features in-built speakers with excellent audio quality. The speakers can deliver deep bass to ensure you receive clear audio. You can connect your phone or PC to the device via WIFI or Bluetooth. With the connection, you can cast your phone’s content on to the projector.