
Mother Hunting 77

Douche narrating "Everything went smoothly and the situation seemed to be on my side."


Douche fucking some more random milf. He says to her "Naughty bitch, do you like young male dick that much?"


Douche narrating "Was all this my mistake?"


Douche at the live lecture hearing the recording and surprised "How about it? This dick better than your husband's?" "How can you say you don't like it when you are tightening more?" 


Douche saying to camera "Damn it, I have the ability, so what's wrong with fucking them!!!" "They all said they liked it!!"


Glasses woman throwing paper to him and says "Get out of here right now!!" "I will tell my dad and sue you, so be prepared, trash!!"


"At the best moment, it all went back to the worst."


Douche laughing crazily and kneels down and thinks "Why did this happen?"


"Where did I go wrong?" "Was it ever since when I taught that bastard how to fuck married woman?" A panel of MC when he had glasses. "Or was it when I don't like him being a special lecturer instead of me," "Or for fucking his mother?"


A panel of minseo covered in douche cum. 


Minseo with her covered eye yelling while getting fucked by douche "It's all for Sanghyun ...!!"  (kekw)


"If that's not the case, is it because you don't like it when I bullied her more?"


Douche saying "Hahaha ... there's a lot of thing I can think."


Douche lying on the floor and says "Fuck you."




Douche dad slapped douche and says "Crazy bastard!!" "Are you human?!"


"I raised you to do that?!" "Disappear right before my eyes!!"


Douche father says to Yoon Hee "Come over and say something to him!"


Douche thinking "What will Yoon Hee think of me when she sees this?" "Will you understand my actions?"


Yoon Hee looks at him with disappointing face. Douche thinks "Why are you looking at me like this!"


She looks away. 



(probably present)

Douche punch the walls and says "You are not supposed to do that!!" 

"I did it only thinking of you!!" "Why, why!!"


"Why are you looking at me like that, why..." "look at me ... like that ..."


Douche stands up and says "All I have to do is ..." 


He wears a hoodie (gonna be a stalker)


"Only one thing." 




MC at work.


MC says "Internet lectures?"


Director says "Yea, that's from the place which hired Junbeom before."


"They want you to recover their image from the last incident. In a strategic partnership with us side by side." (MC x glasses woman soon?)


"He said he's meet your terms as much as he could." "Isn't that good news?"


MC says "It's good news ... " "But it's so sudden ..."


MC thinks "I mean, I am not too honourable either." "I have been organizing everything lately ..."


Director says "What do you say?"


MC says "Give me some time to think. It was supposed to be Junbeom's place ..." "It's kinda of weird to eat his porridge right away." 


Director says "Okay. Sure. Think about it."


MC alone sitting on the chair thinking "Honestly there's no reason to refuse ..." "I am rather nervous that things are going so well."


"That guy." "He is not the type to stay still after getting beaten."


MC on the roof top smoking alone. 


He thinks "Am I too worried?" "... I have to bring my mom back soon."


Blonde hugs MC from behind. "Ah!" "Huh?"




Blonde says "You are very surprised. Me, me."


MC says "Oh ...?"


MC says "I thought I was gonna fall off. I was very surprised by the sudden hug."


Blonde says "So, by the way, you seem to be doing well these days?" "It's going good."


MC says "I am rather anxious because it's going so well."


"Good things happen and bad things can happen too." 


Blonde says "Your timid personality doesn't go anywhere."


"You should enjoy it. Isn't it your own luck to be like this?"


MC says "...But. I was wondering how this happened." "I am sure we have been friends for a long time.." "!" MC surprised and look down from the roof top. "Huh?!"


Blonde asks "wh, why?"


MC saw someone with hoodie on the street. 


Blonde says "Sanghyun...?" MC says "Oh, it's nothing."


Later on


MC on the phone inside a convenience store "I am doing well." "Huh? Am I just eating the lunch box instead of cooking?" Panel shows lunch boxes inside mc's basket. MC says "Oh no, it's not. I am eating well."


MC notices someone "...?!"


MC says to the phone "Mom, please stop worrying about me and wait a little bit longer."


"I am almost done, it's almost over." "Make sure you eat well, and I will call you again."


MC says "Whew". MC thinks "Am I too sensitive these days? It's like someone is stalking me." "...and I don't know who to blame."


MC receives a call. "huh?" 


It's from Yoon Hee. 


"It's Yoon Hee. Perfect. I need to ask her about Junbeom." 


Last panel shows douche stalking MC from the window (Right thumbnail). 


End chap