
Effect of Ketu in 8th House of Birth chart

Ketu is a planet and it transits in different houses. When Ketu placed in eighth house, it is not going to give you any serious health issues. As most people have a misconception that Ketu in the 8th house leads to severe health issues. But one thing is pretty sure that when Ketu is accompanied with planets like Mars, Venus and Saturn, it can lead to health issues. The position of Ketu in eighth house in Kundli can create problems in married life. Like for men, Ketu in the 8th house means the wife of the native will be more demanding and demanding. It can be money or a physical relationship. If you want more information regarding this combination, then you can visit Dr. Vinay Bajrangi’s website or for an apt solution, it is recommended to take Astro appointment with him. Book your slot now!
