Clinical Images and Case Reports Journal (CICRJ) is a peer-reviewed high impact factor indexed medical journal established Internationally which provides a platform to publish Clinical Images, Medical Case Reports, Clinical Case Reports, Case Series (series of 2 to 6 cases) and Clinical Videos in Medicine. This is one of clinical images accepting journal in which authors can publish clinical images. Clinical images and case reports journal accepting clnical images for rapid and high quality image publication.
Journal Homepage:
The purpose of this clinical imaging journal is to spread the knowledge of novel discoveries and interventions in various fields of clinical imaging science and images in medicine. Medical Image Journal provides a platform for securing visual images concerning medical cases that the physicians come across in all medical subspecialties for better understanding of the disease epidemiology, diagnosis and management.
Manuscript Submission
Authors may submit their manuscripts through the journal's online submission portal:
(or) Send an e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office E-mail Id: