
IVF Success Rates: Why you should have hope after failed IVF

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Mamta Dighe @XenithClinic · Mar 27, 2022

The success rate of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) in India has been steadily improving with advanced science and technology. It is giving hope to millions of couples who otherwise would not have had the chance to hold their baby in their arms. At Xenith Advanced Fertility Clinic we are happy to see many of the couples under our care have their dreams come true.


What is IVF? 

IVF is a process where a woman’s ovaries are stimulated to produce mature eggs. These eggs are then retrieved, fertilized with the sperm in a specialized IVF lab to create an embryo which is then transferred back into the uterus for implantation in the uterine lining. 

Once the embryo is transferred, the nail-biting wait is on for about two weeks to find out if this led to a successful pregnancy. 


IVF success rate is measured as the percentage of live birth per embryo transfer and this can differ from couple to couple, from clinic to clinic, from one specialist to another and can also depend on the type of IVF procedure being performed.

Multiple tests and diagnostics are done before the IVF are used to determine a customized course of action for the IVF procedure to yield the best results in the first IVF cycle.


What factors can impact IVF success rates?

The success rate of an IVF procedure can be affected by various factors like:

Age: Globally, the average IVF success rate is 40%. This can be higher in women under 35 years of age. After the 35, IVF success rates begin to decline. It goes down to 19% for women between the ages of 40-42.  Women aged 45 and above, have a much lower chance of IVF success. Doctors recommend that women who are struggling to conceive should seek at the earliest, as age is a determinative factor for IVF success. (1)

Endometrium receptivity:  A successful embryo implantation is very important for a positive outcome of in vitro fertilization. There is only a short period of time during which the endometrium is receptive for the embryo and this can be detected by a test called Endometrial receptivity analysis(ERA) which studies the endometrium at a molecular level.  The thickness of the endometrium is important for implantation and it can be artificially prepared with supplementation of various hormones or drugs if the endometrium is too thin or too thick. An experienced and well-qualified embryologist can help couples improve their chances of IVF success, even after multiple IVF failures. 

Other factors that can impact IVF success include:

  • The quantity and quality of the eggs/embryo
  • The quantity and quality of sperm
  • The stimulation protocols and the timing of ovulation
  • The ease of the embryo transfer process
  • Certain issues like fibroid tumours or uterine abnormalities
  • Certain lifestyle issues like smoking, drug/alcohol use
  • Obesity

Is there hope after a failed IVF?

The world of IVF is advancing every day. IVF success rates are climbing higher and more couples are able to achieve IVF success today than ever before. With specialized treatments that are customized for each couple, doctors are able to perform highly advanced techniques that can increase the chances of IVF success.

Weak sperm may need to be retrieved using a procedure called the Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection or Microsurgical Sperm Treatment used when sperm needs to be retrieved from the testes surgically. In a couple with advanced age, chromosomal abnormalities are the likely cause of IVF failure where we would recommend a Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS) to increase the chance of implantation. Advanced procedures such as laser-assisted hatching where the outer layer of the embryo is slightly broken to increase the chances of implantation of a healthy embryo can be conducted at Xenith.

IVF offers hope for women of all ages.The NICE fertility guide released by the National Institute for Health Care and Excellence in the U.K., recommends that “women under 40 who have been trying to get pregnant for two years, should be offered 3 full cycles of IVF. For women aged between 40 and 42, who have been trying for 2 or more years, and have not previously received IVF or shown evidence of low ovarian reserve, NICE recommends 1 full cycle of treatment.”1

With every failed cycle, doctors are able to assess the cause of failure and improvise their treatment for the next cycle.


Having the right team to support you can improve IVF success rates

The right experts: Choose the best experts for your case so that your chances of success are optimized.  A higher success rate can often result in an IVF clinic that has more experience and more qualified doctors. At Xenith Advanced Fertility Clinic, we take on tough cases. Couples often come to us after experiencing repeated IVF failures in other clinics. Many of them are able to achieve pregnancy success with us because of our expertise, experience, and state-of-the-art equipment in our clinic.


The right clinic: IVF success rates are dependent upon the entire clinical and laboratory team. There are multiple levels of emotional and financial stress on the family going through IVF cycles and this stress can be compounded by multiple failures. At Xenith, our entire team works toward making the journey smooth and less stressful for every couple. Along with the best of doctors, we have a supportive staff with counseling and therapeutic communication at each stage of a couple’s IVF journey.  To find out more about the team at Xenith Advanced Fertility Clinic, schedule an appointment!