
HR Management Software – Company Management tool


What is HR Management Software?


We could define human resource management systems as those responsible for establishing the relationship between human resource management and information technology. Thanks to these information systems, companies can automate many aspects related to human resource management. On the one hand, this helps reduce the human resource workload; and on the other, it is one more way to improve the efficiency of the human resources processes standardization department.

To carry out this important work, which often goes unnoticed in the company, the HR team has the help of human resources information software. More and more software companies are launching programs and applications aimed at the human resources team to make things even easier for them thanks to the automation of tasks and an improvement in their organization. At Negokai they are experts in the implementation of online human resources tools , whether paid or free, there is a wide catalog of human resource management software .

When choosing human resources information software, a series of factors must be taken into account, such as that it covers all the needs of the department, from the general areas to the subareas that may exist, or that it is fully integrated. Thus, the information that is added to a module immediately affects the rest of the modules in the system. It must be flexible so that the human resources department can modify it according to their needs, and safe to prevent those who should not access it from accessing certain information.

What is HRMS software for?

Having a good human resources management system helps us to digitize all the information about the company’s workforce. Thus, the information is added to the knowledge of the company’s management systems, and the human resources team can plan much better the business resources of the company’s systems. This information can also be used to launch worker training programs, manage work shifts, etc.

The Human Resource Management Software of a company should also be oriented to facilitate administrative controls to promote better management. In this way, it is easier for the HR department to create an efficient database for the issuance of payroll, receipts, settlement checks and other documents, always based on the attendance record of the employees and the administrative regulations of the company. Statistical reports are also one more form of self-evaluation that the company has to know if it is doing things well.

A few years ago, human resources functions were limited to administrative payroll tasks and the development of business wellness activities; but little by little its area of ​​influence has grown to the point of making key decisions for the direction of the company. Their successes often go unnoticed, they are medals that others end up hanging, but without a human resources department that manages the company’s human team well it is increasingly difficult to compete in the business world.

HRMS Software is a Need

Currently, the socio-economic changes that globalization has brought with it, the evolution of technology as well as its generalized access to all types of societies, the appearance and use of new products, are elements that have impregnated a dynamism in the markets, which forces companies to be in a constant study and adaptation of their strategy, to be in line with the demands of a client that is increasingly involved and informed of the services and products they demand.

The implementation of social responsibility policies, moving from the product era to the service era, customer loyalty based on adapting goods and services to their needs, are some of the new components that as part of the results of the analysis of The current markets are being implemented, however the execution of these new measures demand a Human Resource more immersed in the structure, with more awareness and knowledge of the strategies and with a certain sense of belonging and importance in the companies.

This requires that, as in the administrative and operational areas, management systems (ERP, CRM) have been designed with the integration of information and communication technologies (ICTs), in the Human Resources area systems that allow facilitate personnel management.

These systems should be aimed at:

·         Facilitate the registration, updating and consultation of the personnel file.

·         Generate information with a global perspective, including summaries of positions by sectors, by source of financing, by type of positions, among others.

·         Facilitate and support the performance of administrative controls aimed at strengthening management, issuing forms, receipts, settlement checks and other forms and documents, in accordance with the personnel attendance record and applicable administrative regulations.

·         Support institutional self-evaluation processes through the issuance of statistical reports and other reports.

To achieve these objectives, the systems must:


It should cover all areas and all levels of each area. All areas mean: the budget area, the area of​​salary studies and job evaluation, recruitment and selection, personnel procedures, payroll, occupational health, medical services, and training and development. But also, for each of these areas, the system must consider the needs of all levels of the organization.


    The modules corresponding to each area must be perfectly interphase with each other so that the information entered in a module immediately affects all the other modules of the system.

·       FLEXIBLE

    Be as parametric as possible, allowing end users to modify everything that is subject to change without the need for specialized personnel.

·       BE SAFE.

     In terms of users, have security in the integrity of the data and access to the database. It must allow clearly defining which modules, which system options and performing which operations, each user is entitled to. In addition to internally containing the necessary controls over the data and providing sufficient audit trails to monitor the system.

Among the most important benefits of acquiring a system for Human Resources are:

·         The reduction of costs and times for most of the activities of

·         The transition from activities managed by the Human Resources area to activities developed by the employees themselves.

·         An increase of information available to employees

·         The need to integrate Human Resources with other company systems

·         A greater emphasis of Human Resources in strategic decision making, such as the recruitment, development and retention of the best employees for the organization.