Name(s) Of The Book Or Manuscript
P A R T 1 - General Information
P A R T 2 - Hebrew Scripture
THE TANAKH / The Hebrew Bible / The Old Testament
THE TORAH (meaning "Instruction", "Teaching")
- 1 Moses: Genesis (Bereshit = In the Beginning); Creation
- 2 Moses: Exodus (Shemot = Names of the Sons); Migration
- 3 Moses: Leviticus (Vayikra = And 'He' Called); Basic Law
- 4 Moses: Numbers (Bemidbar = In the Desert); Arrival
- 5 Moses: Deuteronomy (Devarim = Moses' Words); Civil Law
THE NEVI'IM or The Prophets
THE NEVI'IM RISHONIM / The Primary Major Prophets
- Joshua (Yehoshua)
- Judges (Shofetim)
- 1 Samuel and 2 Samuel (Shemuel)
- 1 Kings and 2 Kings (Melakhim)
THE NEVI'IM AHARONIM / The Secondary Major Prophets
- Isaiah, Isaias (Yeshayahu)
- Jeremiah (Yirmeyahu)
- Ezekiel, Hesekiel (Yekhezkel, Yacheskel)
TREI ASAR or The Book of the (12) Minor Prophets
- Hosea, Osee (Hosea)
- Joel
- Amos
- Obadiah, Abdiah
- Jonah
- Micah, Micheas, (Mikayahu)
- Nahum
- Habakkuk, Habacuc, (Havakuk)
- Zephaniah, Sophonias
- Haggai, Aggeus, (Khagai)
- Zechariah, Zacharias, (Zekharyah)
- Malachi, Malachias, Malahi, (Malakhi) (My Messenger)
THE KETUVIM or The Writings
SIFREI EMET or The Three Poetic Books
- Psalms 1–150 (Tehillim = 'Praises')
- Psalm 151
- Psalms 152–155
- Book of Proverbs (Mishle, Mishlei, Mishlei Shlomo)
- Book of Job (Iyob, Iyov)
HAMESH MEGILLOT or The Five Lectionary Scrolls
- Song of Solomon or Song of Songs (Shir Hashirim)
- Ruth (Rut)
- Lamentations of Jeremiah (1–5) (Eikhah)
- Ecclesiastes (Kohelet)
- Esther (Ester)
- Additions to Esther
- Daniel (Daniyel)
- Susanna and the Elders (Daniel 13)
- Bel and the Dragon (Daniel 14)
- Book of Ezra (1 Ezra)
- Book of Nehemiah (2 Ezra)
- 1 Chronicles, Paralipomenon (1 Divrei Hayamim)
- 2 Chronicles, Paralipomenon (2 Divrei Hayamim)
- 1 Esdras (3 Ezra) Greek
- 2 Esdras 3–14 (4 Ezra) from Hebrew
- 2 Esdras 1–2 (5 Ezra); 15–16 (6 Ezra) from Latin
- Book of Tobit, Tobias, Tobi
- Book of Judith
- Additions to Esther
- Wisdom of Solomon or Book of Wisdom or Wisdom
- Sirach (Ecclesiasticus 1–51) or Wisdom of Jesus ben Sira
- Prayer of Solomon (Sirach 52)
- 1 Baruch (Extant original: Greek)
- Epistle (Letter) of Jeremiah (Addition to 1 Baruch)
- The Prayer of Azariah and Song of the Three Holy Children
- Susanna and the Elders (Addition to Daniel)
- Bel and the Dragon (Second addition to Daniel)
- Prayer of Manasseh
- 1 Maccabees (Origin: Hebrew)
- 2 Maccabees (Origin: Greek)
Primitive History Rewritten From The Standpoint Of The Law
- The Book of Jubilees / Lesser Genesis / Little Genesis
- 1 Enoch (Origin: Hebrew)
- 2 Enoch (Origin: Slavonic)
- 2 Baruch 1–77 / Syriac Apocalypse of Baruch
- 2 Baruch 78–87 / The Epistle (Letter) of Baruch
- 3 Baruch / Greek Apocalypse of Baruch
- 4 Baruch / Things left out of the Book of Jeremiah
- The Apocalypse of Esdras (Greek) / Revelation of Esdras
- The Apocalypse of Zephaniah
- Life Of Adam And Eve / The Apocalypse Of Moses
- Testament of Moses / Assumption of Moses
- The Testament of Abraham (Long Version)
- The Testament of Abraham (Short Version)
- The Testament of Isaac (Script: Ge'ez; Source: JTS N.S. 18)
- The Testament of Jacob (Script: Greek; Cod. Vat. Copt. 61)
- The Ascension of Isaiah
- The Ladder of Jacob
- Testament of Job
- Testament of Solomon
- Joseph and Asenath
- The Letter of Aristeas
- Psalms of Solomon
- The Odes of Solomon
- Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs
- The Story of Ahikar / The Story of Ahiqar
- Pirkei Avot or Ethics of the Fathers
- 3 Maccabees
- 4 Maccabees
- The Hebrew Gospel of Matthew / Sefer Matityahu
- The Book of Generations / Sefer Toledoth Yeshu
- Story And Life of Jesus
- The Scroll of Antiochos / The Hanukah Scroll
- The Book of Joshua / The Samaritan Chronicle
- The Asatir - The Samaritan Book of the Secrets of Moses
P A R T 3 - (Hebrew) Qumran Library
- The Rules and Laws
- Hymns and Poems
- Calendars, Liturgies and Prayers
- Historical and Apocalyptic Works
- Wisdom Literature
- Bible Interpretation
- Biblically Based Apocryphal Works
- Miscellanea
- Supplement 1: The Book of Enoch, Fragments, Qumran
- Supplement 2: Manual of Discipline / The Community Rule
- Messianic and Visionary Recitals
- Prophets and Pseudo-Prophets
- Biblical Interpretation
- Calendrical Texts and Priestly Courses
- Testaments and Admonitions
- Works Reckoned as Righteousness-Legal Texts
- Hymns and Mysteries
- Divination, Magic and Miscellaneous
- Supplement: The Letters of Shimon bar Kokhba
P A R T 4 Christians Scripture
- The Gospel according to Matthew / Matityahu / Matathias
- The Gospel according to Mark / Marcus
- The Gospel according to Luke / Lucius / Lucas
- The Gospel according to John / Yohanan
- The Gospel of Didymus Judas Thomas / Gospel of Thomas
- The Gospel of Mary Magdalene
- The Gospel of Philip
- The Gospel of Judas
- The Apocryphon (Secret Book) of James
- The Apocryphon (Secret Book) of John
- The (lost) Gospel of Peter
- The First Gospel of The Infancy of Jesus Christ
- The Syriac Gospel of the Boyhood of our Lord Jesus
- The Infancy Gospel of Thomas: Greek Text A
- The Infancy Gospel of Thomas: Greek Text B
- The Infancy Gospel of Thomas: Latin Text
- The First Arabic Infancy Gospel
- The Second Arabic Infancy Gospel
- The Gospel of Truth / The Gospel of Valentinus of Rome
- The (Infancy) Gospel of James /The Protevangelion
- The Gospel of the Birth of Mary
- The Infancy Gospel of Matthew / Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew
- The Gospel of Nicodemus / The Acts of Pilate
- The Gospel (Questions) of Bartholomew
- The Resurrection of Jesus Christ, by Bartholomew Text A
- The Resurrection of Jesus Christ, by Bartholomew Text B
- The Gospel of Marcion / The Gospel of the Lord
- The Gospel of Tatian / The Diatessaron Fragment
- The Gospel of Tatian / The (Arabic) Diatessaron
- The Greek Gospel of the Egyptians
- The Coptic Gospel of the Egyptians
- The Oxyrhynchus 1224 Gospel
- The Miniature Gospel
- The Gospel of the Hebrews
- The Gospel of the Nazoreans
- The Gospel of the Ebionites
- Unknown Gospel / Egerton Gospel
- The Book of Thomas the Contender / The Book of Thomas
- The Consummation of Thomas
- The Acts of Thomas
- The (Syriac) Acts of Judas Thomas & The Hymn of the Pearl
- The Acts of John
- The (Syriac) History of John, the Son of Zebedee
- An Account of The Decease of Saint John (Syriac)
- The Acts of Peter
- The Acts of Andrew
- The Acts of Peter and the Twelve Apostles
- The Acts of Paul and Thecla
- The History of Thecla, the Disciple of Paul the Apostle
- The Acts and Martyrdom of Andrew
- The Acts of Andrew and Matthias (Matthew)
- The History of Mar Matthew and Mar Andrew (plus extension)
- The Acts of Peter and Andrew
- The Acts of Barnabas
- The Acts of John the Theologian
- The Acts and Martyrdom of Matthew
- The Martyrdom of Matthew
- The Acts of Paul (Greek Version)
- The Acts of Paul (Paul's Third Epistle to the Corinthians)
- The Acts of Peter and Paul
- The Acts of Philip
- The History of Philip, the Apostle and Evangelist
- The Life of Saint Bartholomew the Apostle
- The Repose of Saint John the Evangelist and Apostle
- The Mysteries of Saint John the Apostle and Holy Virgin
- An Encomium on John the Baptist, by John Chrysostom
- The Healing of Tiberius / Cura Sanitatis Tiberii
- The History of Joseph the Carpenter
- The Story of Joseph (of Arimathea)
- The Vengeance of the Saviour
- Prayer of Jesus, Son of Mary
- The Story of Veronica
- The Acts of Perpetua and Felicitas
- The History of the Virgin Mary, the Holy Mother of God.
- The Obsequies of the Holy Virgin
- Homily concerning the Holy Mother of God
- The Falling Asleep of Mary, by John the Theologian
- The Acts of the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian
- The Book of Acts / The Acts (of the Apostles)
- The Epistle of James the Brother of Jesus
- Peter's First Epistle from Babylon to Asia Minor
- Peter's Second Epistle to Asia Minor
- The First Epistle of John
- The Second Epistle of John
- The Third Epistle of John
- The Epistle of Jude the servant (brother) of Jesus and James
- The Epistle of the Apostles / Epistula Apostolorum
- Paul's Epistle to the Romans
- Paul's First Epistle to the Corinthians
- Paul's Second Epistle to the Corinthians
- Paul's Epistle to the Galatians
- Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians
- Paul's Epistle to the Philippians
- Paul's Epistle to the Colossians
- Paul's First Epistle to the Thessalonians
- Paul's Second Epistle to the Thessalonians
- Paul's First Epistle to his disciple Timothy
- Paul's Second Epistle to his disciple Timothy
- Paul's Epistle to the Greek Missionary Titus
- Paul's Epistle to Philemon the Bishop of Collosae
- Paul's Epistle to the Hebrews
- Paul's Epistle to the Laodiceans
- The Epistles of Abgarus to Jesus
- The Letters of Abgarus to Jesus / The Legend of Abgar
- The Doctrine of Addai (with letters of Jesus and Abgarus)
- The Epistles of Herod and Pilate
- The Letters of Herod (Antipas) and (Pontius) Pilate
- Letter of Pilate to Tiberius
- The Report of Pontius Pilate
- The Trial and Condemnation of Pilate
- The Death of Pilate, who condemned Jesus
- The Epistle of the Corinthians to Paul
- Paul's Third Epistle to the Corinthians
- Epistle of Peter to James the Just, Brother of Jesus
- The First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians
- The Second Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians
- The Epistle of Polycarp to the Philippians
- The Martyrdom of Polycarp
- The Epistle of Barnabas
- The Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians
- The (Syriac) Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians
- The Epistle of Ignatius to the Magnesians
- The Epistle of Ignatius to the Trallians
- The Epistle of Ignatius to the Romans
- The (Syriac) Epistle of Ignatius to the Romans
- The Epistle of Ignatius to the Philadelphians
- The Epistle of Ignatius to the Smyrnaeans
- The Epistle of Ignatius to Polycarp
- The Syriac Epistle of Ignatius to Polycarp
- The Martyrdom of Ignatius
- The Epistle to the Tarsians
- The Epistle to the Antiochians
- The Epistle to Hero, a Deacon of Antioch
- The Epistle to the Philippians
- The Epistle of Maria the Proselyte to Ignatius
- The Epistle to Mary at Neapolis, near Zarbus
- The First Epistle to John the Presbyter
- The Second Epistle to John the Presbyter
- The Epistle to the Virgin Mary
- The Epistle to Diognetus, tutor of Marcus Aurelius
- The Holiness Code
- The Covenant Code and The Ritual Decalogue
- The Ethical Decalogue / Aseret Ha-Dvarim
- Commandments of the Parashah
- The Priestly Code / Torat Kohanim
- The 613 Mitzvoh or The 613 Jewish Commandments
- Rabbinical Mitzvot and The Six Constant Mitzvot
- Noahidism or The Laws Of Noah
- The Halakha / Jewish Law
- The Mishnah Sanhedrin, and explanations to Jewish Law
- The Babylonian Talmud / The Talmud Bavli / Shisha Sedarim
- Didache or Teaching of the twelve Apostles
- The Didascalia Apostolorum
- The Apostolic Constitutions
- The Didesqelya / The Ethiopic Didascalia
- The Nicene Creed, Apostles’ Creed, Jewish Creed, Islamic Creed
- Martin Luther: The Ninety-Five Theses, 31 Oct. 1517
- Letter to the Archbishop Albrecht of Mainz, 31 Oct. 1517
- Letter to John Staupitz accompanying . . . , 1518
- Letter to Pope Leo X, accompanying . . ., 1518
- Letter of Martin Luther to Pope Leo X, 6th September, 1520
- Address to the Christian Nobility of the German Nation
- An Open Letter on Translating, 8th of September, 1530
- The Augsburg Confession (1530) / Confessio Augustana
- The (39) Articles of Religion / TheThirty-nine Articles
- The First Book of Adam and Eve
- The Second Book of Adam and Eve
- The Third Book of Adam and Eve
- The Fourth Book of Adam and Eve
- The Life of Adam and Eve [Slavonic Version 1]
- The Life of Adam and Eve [Slavonic Version 2], Fragments
- The Penitence of Adam [Armenian Version]
- The Book of Adam [Georgian Version]
- The Shepherd (or Pastor) of Hermas, Three Books
- Pistis Sophia, The Book of the Saviour
- The Instructions of Apa Pachomius, The Archimandrite
- First Book of Meqabyan / 1 Ethiopic Maccabees
- Second Book of Meqabyan / 2 Ethiopic Maccabees
- Third Book of Meqabyan / 3 Ethiopic Maccabees
- Dialogue of the Saviour
- The Sophia of Jesus Christ
- The Teachings of Silvanus (Silas)
- The Sentences of Sextus / The Wisdom (Precepts) of Sextus
- The Epistle of Eugnostos
- The Trimorphic Protennoia
- The Interpretation of Knowledge
- Allogenes / The Stranger
- Zostrianos / Zarathrustra
- Marsanes
- The Testimony of Truth
- The Thought of Norea
- Melchisedek
- The Letter of Peter to Philip
- The Three Steles of Seth
- The Second Treatise of the Great Seth
- The Paraphrase of Shem
- The Prayer of Thanksgiving
- The Discourse on the Eighth and Ninth
- The Concept of Our Great Power
- Authoritative Teaching
- The Hypostasis of the Archons
- The Thunder, Perfect Mind
- The Tripartite Tractate
- The Treatise on the Resurrection
- On the Origin of the World
- The Exegesis on the Soul
- The Testament of Solomon
- The Sibylline Oracles / Christian Sibyllines
- The Apology of Aristides (Text A in Greek)
- The Apology of Aristides (Text B in Syriac-Aramaic)
- Theodotus, Excerpts from: Clement of Alexandria Text A
- Theodotus, Excerpts from: Clement of Alexandria Text B
- Heracleon's Commentary on the Gospel of John
- The Homilies of Clement (Titus Flavius Clemens)
- The Recognitions of Clement (Titus Flavius Clemens)
- The (Arabic) Book of The Rolls, Kitab Al-Magall
- The Recognitions of Clement, Arabic Epitome from Sinai.
- The Apocalypse of Thomas
- The Apocalypse of James (First)
- The Apocalypse of James (Second)
- The Apocalypse of Peter (Greek)
- The Apocalypse of Peter (Coptic)
- The Apocalypse of Paul (Greek)
- The Apocalypse of Paul (Coptic)
- The Apocalypse of Elijah (Hebrew)
- The Apocalypse of Elijah (Coptic)
- The Apocalypse of Adam
- The Apocalypse of Abraham
- The Apocalypse of Abraham
- The Apocalypse of Sedrach / The Word of Sedrach
- The Apocalypse of the Virgin
- The Apocalypse or Revelation of Stephen
- The Apocalypse or Revelation of John the Theologian
- The Apoclypse of John (Armenian)
- The Apocalypse of John / Revelation of John of Patmos
P A R T 6 - Zoroastrian and Manichaean Scripture
- The Zend Avesta
- Sad Dar - The One Hundred Precepts (or Commandments)
- The Book of Arda Viraf Namak
- The Fundamental Epistle of Mani (Manichaeus)
- The Gospel of Mani or the Living Gospel
- The Manichaean Psalms of Thomas
- The Sweet Teaching of The Sinless
- Psalms to Jesus
- Manichaean Parables
- The Kephalia of the Lord Mani
- Hymns and Writings Ascribed to Mani (Excerpt)
- The Psalms of the Festival of Bema
- Separate Psalms
- Miscellaneous Manichaean Texts and Fragments
- The Manichaean Book of the Giants or The Kawan
- The Cologne Mani-Codex / Codex Manichaicus Coloniensis
P A R T 5 - Artefacts and Historical Documents; 3 segments
- The Autobiography of Weni the Elder
- The Amarna Letters / The Tell Amarna Tablets
- Ea 1 - The Pharaoh Complains To The Babylonian King
- Ea 2 - From King Kadashman-Enlil I To Pharao Amenhotep III
- Ea 3 - From Kadashman Enlil Of Babylon To Amenhotep Of Egypt
- Ea 4 - Royal Deceit And Threats
- Ea 5 - Gifts Of Egyptian Furniture For The Babylonian Palace
- Ea 6 - An Offer Of Friendship
- Ea 7 - A Lesson In Geography
- Ea 8 - From Burnaburiash, King Of Karaduniash (Babylon) To Napkhururia (Akhenaten)
- Ea 9 - Ancient Loyalties, New Request
- Ea 10 - Egyptian Gold And Carpenters
- Ea 15 - From Ashur-Uballit, King Of Ashur To An Unnamed Egyptian Pharaoh
- Ea 16 - From Ashur-Uballit, King Of Ashur (Assyria) To Napkhororia (Akhenaten)
- Ea 17 - From Tushratta, King Of Hatti To Nibmuaria (Amenhotep III)
- Ea 19 - Love And Gold
- Ea 23 - Letter Of Tushralta Of Mitanni To Amenhetep III.
- Ea 23 - From Tushratta, King Of Hatti To Nibmuaria (Amenhotep III)
- Ea 26 - To The Queen Mother: Some Missing Gold Statues
- Ea ? - From Tushratta To Akhenaten
- Ea 35 - The Hand Of Nergal, From The King Of Alashiya (Cyprus) To Napkhururia (Akhenaten)
- Ea 38 - A Brotherly Quarrel, From The King Of Alashiya (Cyprus) To Akhenaten
- Ea 41 - From Suppiluliuma, King Of Hatti [Mitanni] To Akhenaten
- Ea 44 - From A Hittite Prince
- Ea 59 - From The Citizens Of Tunip
- Ea 68 - Letter Of Rib-Adda Of Byblos
- Ea ? - Fragment From Suppiluliuma, King Of Hatti To Akhenaten
- Ea 79 - From Rib-Addi Of Gubla (Byblos) To Akhenaten
- Ea 83 - Letter Of Rib-Adda Of Byblus (Byblos)
- Ea 100 - The City Of Irqata To The King
- Ea 103 - From Abdi-Hiba Of Jerusalem To The King (Amenhotep IV Akhenaten)
- Ea 137 - From Rib-Addi Of Gubla (Byblos) To Akhenaten
- Ea 144 - Zimreddi Of Sidon
- Ea 147 - A Hymn To The Pharaoh
- Ea 149 - Neither Water Nor Wood
- Ea 153 - Ships On Hold
- Ea 156 - Aziru Of Amurru (The Amorites, N. Canaan)
- Ea 158 - Father And Son
- Ea 161 - An Absence Explained
- Ea 164 - Coming, On Condition
- Ea 170 - To Aziru In Egypt
- Ea ? - Other Earlier Letters From Ribb-Addi
- Ea ? - From Yabitiri (Governor Of Joppa And Gaza) To Amemhotep Iii
- Ea ? - From Abi Milku (Governor Of Tyre) To Akhenaten
- Ea 205 - Ready For Marching Orders
- Ea 223 - Compliance With Orders
- Ea 244 - Plea For Rescue
- Ea 245 - Assignment Of Guilt
- Ea 252 - Sparing One's Enemies
- Ea 254 - Neither Rebel Nor Delinquent
- Ea 256 - Oaths And Denials
- Ea 270 - Extortion
- Ea 271 - The Power Of The Apiru
- Ea 273 - From A Queen Mother
- Ea 274 - Another City Lost
- Ea 282 - Alone
- Ea 283 - "Oh To See The King"
- Ea 285 - From Abdi-Hila Of Jerusalem To The King
- Ea 286 - A Throne Granted, Not Inherited
- Ea 287 - A Very Serious Crime
- Ea 288 - From Abdi-Hiba Of Jerusalem To The King
- Ea 289 - A Reckoning Demanded
- Ea 290 - Three Against One
- Ea 298 - Letter From Yapahu Of Gazru* To The Pharaoh
- Ea 323 - A Royal Order For Glass
- Ea 325 - Preparations Completed
- Ea 333 - Letter From Lachish
- Ea 362 - A Commissioner Murdered
- Ea 364 - Justified War
- Ea 365 - Furnishing Corvée Workers
- Ea 366 - "A Rescue Operation"
- Ea 367 - From The Pharaoh To A Vassal
- The Book of Gates
- The Epic of Aqhat / The Original Canaanite Book of Daniel
- The Myth of Baal / The Baal Cycle / Baal battles Yahm
- The Legend of Kret (Keret) / Epic of Kirta (Kret) by Elimelek
- The Piyama-radu Letter / The Tawagalawa Letter
- The Horse Training Manual of Kikkuli
- Manapa-Tarhhunta Letter
- Treaty between the Hittites and Egyptians
- The Merneptah Stele / The Israel Stela
- The Khirbet Qeiyafa Ostracon
- The Report of Wen-Amun (Wenamun)
- The Gezer Calendar
- The Mesha Stele
- The Tel Dan Stele
- The Siloam Inscription
- The Annals of Sennacherib / The Sennacherib Prism
- Assarhaddon's Treaty with Baal of Tyre
- The Cyrus Cylinder by Cyrus the Great
- Eshmunazar II Sarcophagus Inscription, Phoenicia
- The Rosetta Stone
- The Temple Warning Inscription
- Res Gestae Divi Augusti / The Deeds of the Divine Augustus
- The Gabriel Inscription or Gabriel's Revelation
- The Creation of The Phoenician Pantheon by Eusebius
- Philo of Alexandria - Complete Works
- Titus Flavius Josephus: The War of the Jews
- The Life of Josephus / The Life of Titus Flavius Josephus
- Titus Flavius Josephus: The Antiquities of the Jews
- Titus Flavius Josephus against Apion
- Discourse to the Greeks concerning Hades; T. Flavius Josephus
- The Lives of The Prophets
- The Census Edict of Gaius Vibius Maximus
- The Biblical Antiquities of Philo / Pseudo-Philo
- The Letters of Pliny the Younger and Emperor Trajan
- The Muratorian Fragment (on the official Bible canon)
- Hegesippus Memoranda / Hypomnemata / Memoirs
- Pseudo-Hegesippos (on the Ruin of the City of Jerusalem)
- The Chronography of Sextus Julius Africanus
- The Behistun Inscription of King Darius of Persia
- The Book of Zarathushtra / Zardosht-Nameh / Zartusht Nama
- The Book of the Deeds of Ardashir Son of Babag
- The Trilingual Inscription of Shabuhr at Kaaba i Zardusht
- The Inscription of Shapur I at Naqsh-E Rustam in Fars
- The Inscriptions or Edicts of King Ashoka
- The Questions of King Milinda / The Milinda Panha
- Barlaam and Josaphat (Lives of Buddha; Analysis)
- Barlaam and Josaphat / The Balavariani (from Georgia)
- The Naneghat Cave and its Inscriptions
- The Hathibada Ghosundi Inscriptions
- Plutarch's Morals by Lucius Mestrius Plutarchus
- Seneca's Moral Letters To Lucilius
- Lucius Flavius Arrianus' Discourses Of Epictetus
- Meditations by Emperor Marcus Aurelius
- The Stromata by Titus Flavius Clemens, Clement of Alexandria
- The Edict of Toleration / Edict of Serdica
- The Edict of Milan by Constantine and Licinius
- The Imperial Decrees of Flavius Constantinus
- The Life of Flavius Constantinus
- The Writings of Arius; Athanasius' History of the Arians
- The 39th Festal Letter of Athanasius (on the Bible canon)
- Flavius Julianus Against The Galileans (Christians)
- The Edict of Thessalonica / Christianity becomes state religion
- Doctrina Jacobi / The Teaching of Jacob Newly Baptised
- James the Just and Josephus
- Inscription of the Nestorian Stele; (Xi'an, China)
- The Chronicles of Jerahmeel / The Hebrew Bible Historiale
- Evagrius' Ecclesiastical History from 431 to 594 AD
- Sebeos' History, Armenian History of the seventh-century AD
- History of the House of the Artsrunik by Thomas Artsruni
- The Book of the Bee by Solomon of Akhlat
- The Prince / Analysis on Political Power and Realpolitik
- The Art of War / Dialogue on the Art of War
- Letter On Secret Mark / The Mar Saba Letter
- The Voyage of Hanno Commander of the Carthaginians
- The Indika of Megasthenes - The Fragment Collection
- The Natural History by Gaius Plinius Secundus
- The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea (Indian Ocean), Arrianus
- The Periplus of the Euxine Sea by Lucius Flavius Arrianus
- The Indica of Arrian (Lucius Flavius Arrianus)
- The Weilüe, Wei Lue, The Peoples of The West, by Yu Huan
- Faxian - A Record of Buddhistic Kingdoms / Faxian's Foguo Ji
- The Xiyu Juan, Chapter on the Western Regions, by Fan Ye
- Zhufan Zhi (Chu-fan-chi) by Zhao Rukuo (Chau Ju Kua)
- The Itinerary of Benjamin of Tudela / Sefer ha-Masa'ot
- The Journey of John of Pian de Carpine to the Mongols
- The Yasa / The Yassa - Mongol Laws and Precepts
- The Mission of Friar John of Pian de Carpine
- William of Rubruck's Account of the Mongols
- The (Nestorian) Monks of Kublai Khan by Rabban Bar Sauma
- The Book of the Marvels of the World by Marco Polo
- The Trilingual Inscription of Admiral Zheng He
- Admiral Zheng He's Changle Stele
- The Gospel of Jesus’s Wife
- The Jefferson Bible, The Jefferson Gospel
- A Collection of the Teachings or Sayings of Jesus
- The Correspondence of Paul and Seneca
- The Book of Mormon
- The Book of Jasher
- The Gospel of the Holy Twelve
- The Jesus Sutra
- The Epistle of Lentulus / The Letter of Lentulus
- The Kiteba Cilwe (Book of Revelation) and The Mishefa Res
- The Shri Guru Granth Sahib
- The Persian Bayan, Teachings of the Bab
- The Call of the Divine Beloved / the 7 Valleys, the 4 Valleys
- The Book of Law (Kitáb-i-Aqdas) by Baha'u'llah, 1873
- The Book of Certitude (Kitáb-i-Íqán) by Baha'u'llah, 1861
P A R T 7 - Islamic Scripture and Documents
THE SCRIPTURES OF ISLAM and Modern Documents
- Conversion List of Islamic Year and Christian Year (West)
- The 99 Names of Allah / Asma-Ul-Husna
- The 99 Names of Mohammed / Asma-E-Muhammad
- The Basic Islamic Glossary
- Martin Luther on Islam and the Koran; 2 Prefaces
- Islam: What the West Needs to Know
- The Logic of Islam / Lecture by Carl Goldberg
- Clash of Civilzations? by Samuel P. Huntington
- Dawa, Islamic Proselytisation / The Pocket Dawah Manual
- The Koran, The Recitation (in Chronological Order)
- The Life of Mohammed / Sirat Rasul Allah by Ibn Ishaq
- The Constitution of Medina
- The Edict of Umar / The Treaty of Umar
- The Hadith, The Sahih al-Bukhari
- Nawawi's Forty Hadith
- Statistics on Islamic Scripture (plus all verses as evidence)
- Misconceptions and Lies about Islam
- Manual to Sharia Law / Reliance of the Traveller
- The Constitution of Saudi Arabia, 1992 (Amendments 2005)
- The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 1979 (1989)
- The Hamas Covenant, 1988 (18 August 1988)
- The Hamas Charter, 2017
- The Islamic Declaration on Human Rights, 1990
- The Arab Charter on Human Rights, 2004
- The Muslim Brotherhood Memorandum
- The UN Declaration and Programme of Action
P A R T 8 - Documents from the Ancient World
- The Teaching of Kagemna
- The Teachings (or Commandments) of Ptah-Hotep
- The Commandments Of Maat
- The Teaching of Tuauf, to the son of Khattai
- The Teaching of King Khati for his son Merikara
- The Philosophy of Antef (Intef), the son of Sent
- The Teaching of the Scribe Ani, for his son Khensu-Hotep
- The Admonitions Of Ipuwer
- The Teaching of Sehetepabra, overseer of Amenemhat III.
- The Story of Sinuhe / The Narration of Sanehat
- The Tempest Stele by Ahmose
- The Teaching of Amen-Em-Apt (Amenemopet)
- The Book of The Dead
- The Great Hymn to Aten / Pharao Akhenaten's Praise to God
- The Tale Of Two Brothers
- El Arish Stone / El Arish Inscriptions
- The Corpus Hermeticum / The Hermetica
- The Discourse on the Eighth and Ninth
- Prayer of Thanksgiving
- Asclepius (chapter 21-29)
CREATION MYTH (Babylonian, Akkadian)
- The Enuma Elish, Translation A
- The Enuma Elish, Translation B
- The Instructions of Shuruppak (Sumer)
- The Law Code of Ur-Nammu (Sumer)
- The Law Code of Lipit-Ishtar (Akkadian)
- The Law Code of King Hammurabi (Babylonian)
- The Code of the Nesilim (Hittite)
- Enki and Ninhursaga
- Enki and Ninmah
- Enki and the World Order
- Enki's Journey to Nibru
- Enlil and Ninlil
- Enlil and Sud
- A Hymn To Inana
- Inanna and the Mes
- Inanna and Ebih
- Inanna and Shukaletuda
- Inanna and Gudam
- Inanna and An
- Inanna and Enki
- The Descent of Inanna into the Underworld
- The Dream of Dumuzid
- Dumuzid and Gestin-ana
- Dumuzid and his sisters
- Inana and Bilulu: an ulila to Inana
- Ninurta's Return To Nibru - A sir-gida to Ninurta
- Ninurta's Exploits - A sir-sud to Ninurta
- Ninurta And The Turtle
- Nanna-Suen's Journey To Nibru
- The Marriage of Martu
- Ningiszida's Journey to the Nether World
- How Grain came to Sumer
- The Sumunda Grass
- Pabilsag's Journey to Nibru
- The Kesh Temple Hymn
- A Hymn To Nisaba (Nisaba A)
- A Shir-Namshub To Nisaba (Nisaba B)
- The Temple Hymns Of Enheduanna
- Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta;
- Enmerkar and En-Suhgir-Ana;
- Lugalbanda in the Mountain Cave;
- Lugalbanda and the Anzud Bird;
- The Epic of Gilgamesh
- Gilgamesh and Huwawa (Version A);
- Gilgamesh and Huwawa (Version B);
- Gilgamesh and The Bull Of Heaven;
- Gilgamesh and Aga;
- Gilgamesh, Enkidu and the Nether World;
- The Death of Gilgamesh;
- The Flood Story (The Eridu Genesis)
- The Epic Of Atra-Hasis (another Gilgamesh Epic; Akkad.)
KINGS (Sumer)
- The Building of Ningirsu's Temple by Gudea
The Ur-Nammu Cycle:
- The death of Ur-Namma (Ur-Namma A)
- A tigi to Enlil for Ur-Namma (Ur-Namma B)
- praise poem of Ur-Namma (Ur-Namma C)
- Ur-Namma the canal-digger (Ur-Namma D)
- A sir-namsub to Nanna for Ur-Namma (Ur-Namma E)
- A sir-namsub to Nanna for Ur-Namma (Ur-Namma F)
- The victory of Utu-hegal
The Shulgi Cycle:
- Shulgi on Righteousness, War and Purification
- Shulgi On Righteousness, Purity, And Strength
- Shulgi On Cornelian From India
- Shulgi On Justice And Wealth
- Shulgi On Achievements, Hunger, And Arts
- Shulgi "The Shepherd" On Kingship
- Lullaby For A Son Of Shulgi
- Shulgi, The Good Shepherd Of Sumer
- Shulgi And The Royal Mother
- Shulgi The Heavenly And Radiant Augustus
- Shulgi And Ninlil's Barge
- Shulgi's Dedication Of A Statue
- Shulgi's Erotic Poem To His Wife
(Shortened Titles; search for the first 5 or 6 words!)
Third Dynasty of Ur:
- Letter from Aradgu to Shulgi about Apillasa
- Letter from Shulgi to Aradgu about Apillasa
- Letter from Aradgu to Shulgi about irrigation work
- Letter from Aradgu to Shulgi about the country
- Letter from Aradgu to Shulgi about missing troops
- Letter from Aradgu to Shulgi about fortress Igi-hursaga
- Letter from Shulgi to Aradgu about Aba-indasa's letter
- Letter from Puzur-Shulgi to Shulgi about enemy advance
- Letter from Shulgi to Puzur-Shulgi about the fortress
- Letter from Shulgi to Puzur-Shulgi about waterways
- Letter from Aradgu to Shulgi about bandits and Apillasa
- Letter from Ur-Dun to Shulgi about Apillasa
- Letter from Shulgi to Aradgu about troops
- Letter from Shulgi to Isbi-Erra about purchase of grain.
- Letter from Sarrum-bani to Su-Suen about the Martu
- Letter from Su-Suen to Sarrum-bani about a trench
- Letter from Isbi-Erra to Ibbi-Suen about grain purchase
- Letter from Ibbi-Suen to Isbi-Erra about his bad conduct.
- Letter from Puzur-Shulgi to Ibbi-Suen about Isbi-Erra
- Letter from Ibbi-Suen to Puzur-Shulgi about Isbi-Erra
- Letter from Aba-indasa to Shulgi about his neglect
Isin, Larsa, and other dynasties:
- Letter from Sin-illat to Iddin-Dagan about the Martu
- Letter from Iddin-Dagan to Sin-illat about the troops
- Letter from Nanna-ki-ag to Lipit-Estar about troops
- Letter from Lipit-Estar to Nanna-ki-ag about the enemy
- Letter from Sin-iddinam to the god Utu
Other letters and letter-prayers:
- Letter from Ur-saga to a king on his father's household
- Letter from Lugal-nesage to a king radiant as the moon
- Letter from Lugal-nesage to a king radiant as the sun
- Letter from Ur-Enlila to a governor
- Letter from a governor to a king
- Letter from Aba-tah-lugalga to his brothers
- Letter from Ugubi to his mother
- Letter from Samas-ṭab to Ilak-ni’id
- Letter from Lugal-nesage to Enlil-massu
- Letter from Inanaka to the goddess Nintinuga
- Letter from Inim-Inana to Enlil-massu
- Letter from Inim-Inana to Lugal-ibila
- Letter from Gudea to his personal deity
- Letter from the scribe Nanna-mansum to Ninisina
- Letter from X to the god Nanna
- Letter from Inim-Enlila to a king
- Letter from Kug-Nanna to the god Ninsubur
- The Lament for Urim (Ur);
- The Lament for Sumer and Urim (Ur);
- The Lament for Nibru (Nippur);
- The Lament for Unug (Uruk);
- The Lament for Eridug (Eridu).
- The Sumerian King List (CM 1 + 2)
- Chronicle of Early Kings (ABC 20)
- Esagila (or Weidner) Chronicle (ABC 19)
- The History of the Tummal (Tummal Inscription)
- The Assyrian King List (CM 5)
- Walker Chronicle (ABC 25)
- Nabu-suma-iskun (CM 52)
- From Nabu-Nasir to Samas-suma-ukin (ABC 1)
- Esarhaddon Chronicle (ABC 14)
- Jerusalem Chronicle (ABC 5)
- Nabonidus Cylinder from Sippar
- Alexander Chronicle (ABC 8; BCHP 1)
- Diadochi Chronicle (BCHP 3)
- Antiochus, Bactria, India Chronicle (BCHP 7)
- Antiochus Cylinder
- Uruk King List, Kinglist 5
- The Gnostic Book of John The Baptiser
- The Haran Gawaita and the Baptism of Hibil-Ziwa
- Ginza Rba - The Canonical Prayerbook of the Mandaeans
- The Ramayana / The Ramayana Epic of Valmiki
- The Mahabharata / The Great Epic of the Bharata Dynasty
- The Harivamsha / The Lineage of Hari (Krishna)
- The Arthashastra / The Political Science of Wealth
- The Chanakya Niti-Shastra / The Ethical Science of Chanakya
- The Laws Of Manu / Manusmruti / Manava-Dharmashastra
- The Yoga Sutras Of Patanjali
- The Bhagavata Purana
- The Bhagavad Gita
- The Akaranga Sutra
- The Kalpa Sutra / The Gospel (or Life) of Mahavira
- The Uttaradhyayana Sutra
- The Sutrakritanga Sutra / The Suyagadamga Sutra
- The Naladiyar / The Instructions of the Tamil Jains
- The Dravyasamgraha (by Acarya Nemicandra)
- The Inscriptions of Emperor Ashoka in Greek and Aramaic
- The Lalitavistara Sutra / The Gospel of the Buddha
- The Buddha-Karita of Asvaghosha / The Acts of the Buddha
- The Larger Sukhâvatî-Vyûha / The Longer Mahayana Sutra
- The Smaller Sukhâvatî-Vyûha / The Shorter Mahayana Sutra
- The Vagrakkhedika / The Diamond Sutra
- The Amitayus Meditation Sutra
- The Dhammapada / The Path of Righteousness
- The Lotus Sutra
- The Shi Jing / The Book of Odes / The Book of Songs
- The Shu Jing / The Book of Documents
- The Sayings of Laozi / Lao Tzu
- The Dao De Jing / Tao Te King / Tao Te Ching
- The Liezi - Taoist teachings from the book of Lieh Tzu
- The Zhuangzi / Chuang Tzu
- The Lun Yu / The Analects of Confucius (Kongfuzi)
- The Li Ji / The Classic of Rites / Precepts of Confucius
- The Xiao Jing / Hsiao Ching / The Classic of Filial Piety
- The Mengzi / Mencius / The Conversations of Meng Tzu
- The Zhong Yong / The Doctrine of the Mean
- The Sunzi Bingfa / The Art of War by General Sunzi
- The Wuzi / The Wu Tzu (by General Wu Qi)
- Han Feizi / Han Fei Tzu / The Ancient Law of China
- The Mozi / The Mojing / The Mohist Canon
- The Fahua San Bujing / The Threefold Lotus Sutra (Zhu Fahu)
Appendix A: Additional Maps (2 Family Trees, 1 Timeline)
Appendix B: Additional Images
Appendix C: Additional Texts
- C-1: The Laws Of Eshnunna
- C-2: The Indika of Ctesias, Ancient India as described by Ktesias of Knidos
- C-3: Rabatak Inscription Of Emperor Kanishka The Great
- C-4: The Mithras Liturgy from the Paris Codex
- C-5: The Cologne Mani-Codex / Codex Manichaicus Coloniensis
- C-6: The Popol Vuh The Counsel Book of the Maya
- C-7: A Sermon On Indulgences And Grace, Luther's 95 Theses in short
- C-8: The Obedience of a Christen Man, William Tyndale
Appendix D: Selection of Bibliographies / Bibliography