
Reasons to Get an Air Quality Testing


Air quality is a subject that interests many of us. There are two forms of air pollution: air pollution and indoor air pollution. It is necessary to set up continuous monitoring of this pollution for several reasons. Indeed, the World Health Organization (WHO) study counts 2 million premature deaths per year due to diseases caused by air pollution. The American Environmental Protection Agency also provides information that indoor air pollution is among the top 5 environmental risks in public health. Thus, for health, regulatory and environmental reasons, the air quality analysis makes it possible to control its impact better. Air is polluted when agents (chemical, biological, particulate) are present in its composition at concentrations that can affect human health and the environment.

A safe living environment requires very good indoor air quality. Air quality is just as important in our work, study, and recreation places. It often disturbs people to learn that indoor air can be more polluted than outdoor air, even in Montreal. It is why it is very important to have your air quality tested. Indoor air quality tests are carried out to measure hazardous materials that can float in the air in residential, commercial, and industrial spaces.

Some of the dangerous contaminants commonly found in insufficient indoor air include:

  • Mold spores
  • Asbestos
  • Radon
  • Dust
  • Chemical products,
  • CO and CO2
  • Formaldehyde
  • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

What are the consequences of poor indoor air quality?

What can detect some signs of poor indoor air quality without professional help? Signs that the air quality in your home might be poor include:

  • Odours
  • Visible mold or other contaminants
  • Water damage
  • Condensation problems
  • Excessive dust and other airborne particles

If left untreated, these consequences of poor indoor air quality can lead to health symptoms for those who breathe the air regularly. Common symptoms in family members or co-workers breathing poor indoor air quality include:

  • Fatigue or dizziness
  • Cough or sneeze
  • watery eyes
  • Irritated eyes or skin
  • Headache
  • Respiratory problems

If you experience any of these poor indoor air quality signs, have your air quality tested to find out what is causing these issues. Air quality testing allows home and business owners to be fully informed on keeping their families and employees safe and healthy by ensuring the proper air quality they breathe daily.



When homeowners and business owners start to detect some of the signs of poor indoor air quality listed above, the only way to rule out this cause as one of the contributing factors is to have a professional air quality test performed. While air purifiers and other home solutions can slightly improve air quality in a small area, these temporary solutions only mask the problem.

To know what contaminants are in your indoor air and assess where those contaminants are coming from, an air quality test is the only way to understand and permanently fix the problem and increase air quality. Indoor air of your entire home or business.


Many companies claim to provide accurate air quality testing. It is important that you feel confident that you are selecting a fully trained team that provides reliable results and recommendations on your indoor air quality. Be sure to choose an air quality testing team that uses the latest technology. It's also important to remember that reliable testing services don't provide instant results. For accurate results, send air samples taken from your home to a laboratory for professional mold analysis. Choose a company that works with an accredited laboratory, which is a regulated area of expertise. When selecting your mold inspection, testing and air quality testing company, inquire about what you will receive once the test results are received from the accredited laboratory. For example, not only provides a detailed report of the lab's indoor air test results, but we walk you through step-by-step explaining the results and suggesting ways to improve your indoor air quality.