
Selecting High-quality Diamonds and Their Certifications

Without a doubt, the selection of a diamond ring done by you reflects your love for your better half. Selecting the diamond itself can be a tedious process, but it need not be if you know your preferences very well. In today’s vast jewellery market, details matter a lot.

Without a doubt, the selection of a diamond ring done by you reflects your love for your better half. Selecting the diamond itself can be a tedious process, but it need not be if you know your preferences very well. In today’s vast jewellery market, details matter a lot. This blog will help you take away knowledge on how to choose the perfect diamond which surpasses your high standards in every aspect. 

Understanding the 4cs of Diamond Quality

The 4Cs of Diamond Quality is a global standard created by GIA to define every diamond precisely via Color, Clarity, Cut and Carat Weight, and also grasp their value and price. If your primary preference is buying GIA certified diamonds, know the following:



A diamond’s cut depends on its ultimate beauty and final decided value. When light passes through the diamond, a diamond’s cut decides how brilliantly a diamond’s proportions, uniformity and refined polish is showcased. 


Carat Weight

Diamond carat weight is simply described as the weight of the diamond. A metric carat is equal to 200 milligrams. As larger diamonds are rarer and more desirable, their price increases with the rise of carat weight. Two diamonds with equal carat weights can have different values due to the other Cs: Cut, Clarity and Color.



Simply put, lesser the colour in diamonds, higher are their value. A diamond that is chemically pure and structurally impeccable without any subtle hue. GIA certified diamonds are subjected GIA’s D-to-Z color grading system that critically measures their colorlessness under controlled lighting and precise viewing conditions. Color distinctions are mostly invisible to the inexpert eye, but make a huge difference when it comes to price and values.



Due to the heating and pressure shifts in the earth, exposed diamonds can develop ‘blemishes’ on their exterior. Assessing a diamond’s clarity involves determining the number, size, nature and position of characteristics and the effects on the comprehensive appearance of the stone. Although no GIA certified diamonds are perfectly pure but the closer they are, the higher is their value.


Why Go for GIA Certified Diamonds?

Gia certified diamonds are the only diamonds which go through the 4Cs as mentioned above. It’s a meticulous process and would give a clear as well as detailed insight about the diamond, thereby establishing its authenticity and value. As a result if you have decided on buying diamond necklace or diamond rings in Singapore, Gia certified ones should be your benchmark.



Inifiniti Jewels – The Flawless Choice

Your search for quality diamonds and diamond rings in Singapore will certainly end with Infiniti Jewels. Because with our roots in diamond and gemstone trading, quality is at the heart of everything they do. With its inception in 2013, Infiniti Jewels aims to give its cherished customers access to distinct unmatched gemstones encompassed by bespoke designs that celebrate beauty and love one piece of jewellery at a time. With their established expertise and experience, the brand ensures that elevated expectations aren’t met, but exceeded with beautiful flawless jewellery collections. To conclude with a final sentence, if you seek to buy handcrafted diamond rings in Singapore, the doors of the Infiniti Jewels showroom are open for you.