Visionaries are most sought out in the investment business. Most investors are looking for visionaries that can help them stay ahead of the upcoming trend. A person who encompasses this blue-eyed approach to future investments is Dr. Mohamad Hamade, the CEO of Amanat Holdings (“Amanat”), an investment gateway to some of the best investment opportunities in the MENA region.
Here are the interview with Insights Success a online business magazine.
Success Mantra to Beat Pandemic Blues
Dr. Mohamad believes investing in core values of commitment, integrity, empowerment, ambition, and partnerships are the mantra to success. Amanat did a profiling of its employees and found that these values remain core to the individual values at Amanat.
According to Dr. Mohamad, his biggest challenge was to define a strategy to transform Amanat from being a regular investor to becoming a leader in investments in UAE, Saudi Arabia, and other countries.
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