
TSA Delta Flight 194 Ad - Be Careful What You Eat before Your Flight!

A TSA public service ad urges air passengers to be mindful of what they eat before their flight to avoid another Delta 194 diarrhea spray incident.
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Skiltonator @Skiltonator · Sep 12, 2023 · edited: Sep 13, 2023

[The commercial begins with soothing music and a sunny, picturesque airport scene.]


Narrator (V.O.): "Are you traveling soon? Your journey starts the day before you board. Here's a story that reminds us all: what we eat matters."


[Cut to an animated plane taking off from the runway.]


Narrator (V.O.): "Once upon a time, aboard Delta Flight 194, a flight filled with eager travelers..."


[A smiling family boards the plane.]


Narrator (V.O.): "...a family ready to explore, children with dreams of adventure, and adults seeking relaxation."


[Close-up of a scene in a restaurant.]


Narrator (V.O.): "But a hearty meal the night before—fried okra, sizzling carnitas, and spicy sauce..."

[A tray with the mentioned foods appears.]


Narrator (V.O.): "...seemed like a good idea at the time."


[Cut to a passenger experiencing discomfort.]


Narrator (V.O.): "But, as life often teaches us, sometimes things don't go as planned."


[A concerned passenger clutches their stomach.]


Narrator (V.O.): "About two hours into the flight, Emily Silverberg felt an unsettling sensation."


[Emily's face turns pale.]


Narrator (V.O.): "Her tummy was doing somersaults, like a playful rollercoaster ride in her belly."


[Emily hurries down the aisle.]


Narrator (V.O.): "She knew she had to reach the bathroom at the back of the plane, and she had to get there really, really fast."


[A trail of "diarrhea" follows her.]


Narrator (V.O.): "But the meal decided to throw a surprise party..."


[Passengers react with surprise.]


Narrator (V.O.): "...and out came a burst of fiery feelings!"


[Flight attendants rush to help.]


Narrator (V.O.): "Flight attendants quickly sprang into action, doing their best to manage the situation."


[The air traffic control tower communicates with the plane.]


Narrator (V.O.): "The pilot decided to return to Atlanta, ensuring everyone's safety."


[The plane returns to the airport.]


Narrator (V.O.): "On the ground, an airport hero team was ready to help."


[Members of the cleaning team in protective suits clean the plane.]


Narrator (V.O.): "Their mission: clean and disinfect the plane thoroughly."


[The plane is shown clean.]


Narrator (V.O.): "Finally, the plane was clean and ready to take off again."


[Passengers happily board the plane.]


Narrator (V.O.): "With a renewed sense of adventure, Delta Flight 194 took off again, soaring through the skies."


[Cut to the TSA logo.]


Narrator (V.O.): "Travelers, remember: the day before you fly, think about what you eat. Your journey starts with your choices."


[On-screen text: "Make conscious choices before you fly."]


Narrator (V.O.): "A message from the TSA (Transportation Security Administration): Your safety and comfort are paramount."


[End of the commercial with TSA contact information.]