
Scientific Facts about Masks

99% of all Doctors Agree

This page provides links to a variety of sources of reliable, verifiable information on the coronavirus (aka COVID-19) which the major media have largely ignored. Our most basic material is listed first, followed by other resources which delve deeper for those interested in more.


Coronavirus Information Summaries

Two incisive summaries offer a deeper perspective to the coronavirus than what is being presented to the public. The first explores the recent history of epidemics (including COVID-19) and how they've been used by the powerful elite to pad their pockets and gain ever more control over the public. The second explores profound questions about the damage caused both by the coronavirus and by policies imposed as a result of the virus. Is damage from the policies worse than the damage from the virus itself? The third link raises many important questions about COVID-19 vaccines.

www.WantToKnow.info/h/coronavirus-what-if - What If?

www.WantToKnow.info/h/coronavirus-questions-statistics - Profound Questions

www.WantToKnow.info/h/covid-19-vaccines-warning - COVID-19 Vaccine Warnings

Best Videos on the Coronavirus

In this time when much important, reliable information regarding the coronavirus is being censored, the several videos presented at the link below stand out for presenting verifiable information which will educate you to a deeper agenda that the major media have largely failed to cover.

www.WantToKnow.info/h/coronavirus-best-videos - Best Coronavirus Videos

Top News Articles Revealing Coronavirus Manipulation

We have collected hundreds of news articles from respected media sources that contain eye-opening information exposing various aspects of the coronavirus. Links are always provided to the original sources for verification. Though the media largely avoids publishing articles that question the official story, there are many important exceptions which you will find summarized here. The first link provides summaries of incredibly revealing news articles with the most important articles listed first. The second link provides the same article excerpts with the most recently published articles listed first. The final link gives article excerpts about problems with the coronavirus vaccines.

www.WantToKnow.info/coronavirusnewsarticles - Best Coronavirus News

www.WantToKnow.info/coronavirusmediaarticles - Most Recent Coronavirus News

www.WantToKnow.info/coronavirus-vaccine-problems... - Coronavirus Vaccines

Recommended Coronavirus Resources

Two resources are particularly outstanding for their balanced and carefully researched information on the coronavirus which often questions the official story. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has a large organization with thousands of dedicated volunteers who are doing a tremendous job to keep those interested informed on the deeper story. His Children's Health Defense website has long been one of the best for following the money and the reliable science which often contradicts what is being publicly presented. Their email list is most excellent.

https://childrenshealthdefense.org - Children's Health Defense

Jeremy Hammond is an excellent independent researcher who works closely with RJK, Jr. and others to find and share the best, most solid information on the coronavirus, vaccines, the coronavirus tests, and much more. HIs email list may be the best resource out there for educating yourself to all that is going on.

www.jeremyrhammond.com - Jeremy Hammond

WantToKnow.info founder Fred Burks has compiled an abundance of intriguing raw data on the coronavirus. The link below takes you to a collection of a large number of media articles and government statistics, and much more. The information is divided into a number of categories. This collection is not designed for public consumption, but it is a great resource for researchers.

www.notion.so/Coronavirus-ec12eaae9f1c4285b9856024f7f0a137 - Data collection



We encourage you to be skeptical in exploring this information. Some of what you read may at first seem quite unbelievable. Yet we also encourage you to keep an open mind and do research using the links to the reliable sources provided to determine for yourself whether there is truth to the information provided.


The powerful information presented here is a wake-up call. It is a call to move beyond complacency and apathy to focus on our deeper purpose in life and on creating the world we want to live in. It is a call for each of us to focus on moving from fear to love. If we want to make this world a better place, understanding what's happening behind the scenes is vitally important. By exploring the reliable, verifiable information provided here and spreading it far and wide, each one of us can make a difference.



Science | References | Civil Liberties | Danish Study


Masks - Dr. Simone Gold

October 26th, 2020
Download: https://odysee.com/$/download/-Masks---Dr-Simone-Gold/db3b0c0e4cf823a8846d1a2be3a8ac06019e4a21



DR. Mark McDonald & DR. Guido Hoffman: THE PSYCHOLOGICAL implications of children


<iframe src="https://brandnewtube.com/embed/dPleFNrTlZK39rs" frameborder="0" width="600" height="400" allowfullscreen></iframe>






CDC Took down BOTH of these videos, finding replacement hosting services....
There is no scientific evidence for healthy people wearing maskshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUUOq1ksiQQ&feature=youtu.be (Video: 16:32) Neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock ”There is no scientific evidence that masks are effective. If you are not sick, you should not wear a face mask.”

https://www.technocracy.news/blaylock-face-masks-pose-serious-risks-to-the-healthy/ Blaylock: Face Masks Pose Serious Risks To The Healthy Technocracy News and Trends


https://www.kansascity.com/opinion/editorials/article244839757.html - Kansas tested whether mask mandates decrease COVID-19 cases. The results were clear - 8/10/20 - "Those with mask orders have seen cases decline from about 26 to 16 per 100,000 population. Cases in counties with no mask mandate have stayed relatively flat."


CDC's definition of close contact: "Someone who was within 6 feet of an infected person for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period* starting from 2 days before illness onset (or, for asymptomatic patients, 2 days prior to test specimen collection) until the time the patient is isolated."




The general view among infectious disease experts, including those from the World Health Organization (WHO), is that this strongly indicates that SARS-CoV-2 is not highly airborne transmissible, except possibly under certain circumstances.

If masks work, why did a woman wearing a mask with windows down get it from someone else?



Jeremy Hammond exposes fraudulent study on masks in PNAS - https://www.jeremyrhammond.com/2020/07/10/study-fraudulently-claims-sars-cov-2-is-mainly-airborne/


A 4,800 person randomized trial (https://www.medpagetoday.com/blogs/vinay-prasad/89778) in Denmark showed that mask have limited value in protecting against COVID.


https://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/why-won-t-anyone-publish-danish-mask-study - Why Won’t Anyone Publish the Danish Mask Study? 11/16/20


RFK, Jr. and Jeremy Hammond video on masks - https://www.jeremyrhammond.com/2020/10/28/my-chat-with-rfk-jr-on-sars-cov-2-lockdowns-and-masks/


https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/dutch-govt-will-not-advise-use-of-masks/ar-BB17l46I - Dutch government will not advise public to wear masks - minister - 7/29/20


“The Dutch government says it will not advise the public to wear masks to slow the spread of coronavirus, asserting that their effectiveness has not been proven.”


-Dangerous’ to think masks will stop virus - 8/10/20

https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-07-28/sweden-unveils-promising-covid-19-data-as-new-cases-plunge -


Sweden Unveils ‘Promising’ Covid-19 Data as New Cases Plunge - 7/28/20

“Tegnell also broached the subject of face masks. “With numbers diminishing very quickly in Sweden, we see no point in wearing a face mask in Sweden, not even on public transport,” he said. ”

CDC study states "Although mechanistic studies support the potential effect of hand hygiene or face masks, evidence from 14 randomized controlled trials of these measures did not support a substantial effect on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza. We similarly found limited evidence on the effectiveness of improved hygiene and environmental cleaning."


Mercola and friends on masks - https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/07/19/are-face-masks-effective.aspx


CAL-OSHA Regulations: ”Cloth face coverings do not protect against COVD -19”https://dir.ca.gov/dosh/coronavirus/COVID-19-Infection-Prevention-in-Logistics.pdf


SAFETY AND HEALTH GUIDANCE COVID-19 Infection Prevention for Logistics Employers and Employees. California Department of Industrial Relations Division of Occupational Safety & Health Publications Unit


California Department of Health: "Face coverings may increase risk if users reduce their use of strong defenses."

"There is limited evidence to suggest that use of cloth face coverings by the public during a pandemic could help reduce disease transmission.” https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CID/DCDC/Pages/Face-Coverings-Guidance.aspx


SUBJECT: Face Coverings Guidance State of California—Health and Human Services Agency California Department of Public Health

FDA “Even a properly fitted N95 mask does not prevent illness or death” https://web.archive.org/web/20200516235249/https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/personal-protective-equipment-infection-control/n95-respirators-and-surgical-masks-face-masks Food and Drug Administration N95 Respirators and Surgical Masks (Face Masks)



<iframe id="lbry-iframe" width="560" height="315" src="https://odysee.com/$/embed/The-COVID-Vaccine---Ask-The-Experts.../f6ddee2868cfc278e7cf4b97770a52c29a617ea7?r=CTXJwgN1Qs7d3KuWq2xsSMELJnyXxJMt" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Reuploaded of excellent video in theme with Masks are abusive


<iframe src="https://brandnewtube.com/embed/PxtZ7yLcyeV7Oku" frameborder="0" width="700" height="400" allowfullscreen></iframe>


The Dangers of Face Masks - The False Science of Public Health Experts - The Covid Control Agenda


<iframe src="https://brandnewtube.com/embed/jNfOq8pIAhJRxkf" frameborder="0" width="700" height="400" allowfullscreen></iframe> 


ASK THE EXPERTS II | Oracle Films | CoviLeaks | 2021 BBC Panorama Response







Download: https://odysee.com/$/download/Ask-the-Experts-II/0cdbd079a9eac52e3c6eb02f3726cedf0c810492   

<iframe id="lbry-iframe" width="560" height="315" src="https://odysee.com/$/embed/Ask-the-Experts-II/0cdbd079a9eac52e3c6eb02f3726cedf0c810492?r=CTXJwgN1Qs7d3KuWq2xsSMELJnyXxJMt" allowfullscreen></iframe> 



This Video Will Wake You Up 

This Video Will Wake You Up 



<iframe src="https://www.roxytube.com/embed/tkyoZSFcCnPZzXB" frameborder="0" width="700" height="400" allowfullscreen></iframe> 



Coronavirus hoax - heroes LIE here 

715278688434854baee97a3ada440e39.png https://www.roxytube.com/v/eWwwS9 

<iframe src="https://www.roxytube.com/embed/gxF252q5KSzKQam" frameborder="0" width="700" height="400" allowfullscreen></iframe>






Coronavirus Information Summaries

Two incisive summaries offer a deeper perspective to the coronavirus than what is being presented to the public. The first explores the recent history of epidemics (including COVID-19) and how they've been used by the powerful elite to pad their pockets and gain ever more control over the public. The second explores profound questions about the damage caused both by the coronavirus and by policies imposed as a result of the virus. Is damage from the policies worse than the damage from the virus itself? The third link raises many important questions about COVID-19 vaccines.

www.WantToKnow.info/h/coronavirus-what-if - What If?

www.WantToKnow.info/h/coronavirus-questions-statistics - Profound Questions

www.WantToKnow.info/h/covid-19-vaccines-warning - COVID-19 Vaccine Warnings

Best Videos on the Coronavirus

In this time when much important, reliable information regarding the coronavirus is being censored, the several videos presented at the link below stand out for presenting verifiable information which will educate you to a deeper agenda that the major media have largely failed to cover.

www.WantToKnow.info/h/coronavirus-best-videos - Best Coronavirus Videos

Top News Articles Revealing Coronavirus Manipulation

We have collected hundreds of news articles from respected media sources that contain eye-opening information exposing various aspects of the coronavirus. Links are always provided to the original sources for verification. Though the media largely avoids publishing articles that question the official story, there are many important exceptions which you will find summarized here. The first link provides summaries of incredibly revealing news articles with the most important articles listed first. The second link provides the same article excerpts with the most recently published articles listed first. The final link gives article excerpts about problems with the coronavirus vaccines.

www.WantToKnow.info/coronavirusnewsarticles - Best Coronavirus News

www.WantToKnow.info/coronavirusmediaarticles - Most Recent Coronavirus News

www.WantToKnow.info/coronavirus-vaccine-problems... - Coronavirus Vaccines

Recommended Coronavirus Resources

Two resources are particularly outstanding for their balanced and carefully researched information on the coronavirus which often questions the official story. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has a large organization with thousands of dedicated volunteers who are doing a tremendous job to keep those interested informed on the deeper story. His Children's Health Defense website has long been one of the best for following the money and the reliable science which often contradicts what is being publicly presented. Their email list is most excellent.

https://childrenshealthdefense.org - Children's Health Defense

Jeremy Hammond is an excellent independent researcher who works closely with RJK, Jr. and others to find and share the best, most solid information on the coronavirus, vaccines, the coronavirus tests, and much more. HIs email list may be the best resource out there for educating yourself to all that is going on.

www.jeremyrhammond.com - Jeremy Hammond

WantToKnow.info founder Fred Burks has compiled an abundance of intriguing raw data on the coronavirus. The link below takes you to a collection of a large number of media articles and government statistics, and much more. The information is divided into a number of categories. This collection is not designed for public consumption, but it is a great resource for researchers.

www.notion.so/Coronavirus-ec12eaae9f1c4285b9856024f7f0a137 - Data collection


The RT-PCR Test:  My Souce:

The Man who invented it, Kary Mullis PhD.






Assertion: Positive RT-PCR test means being sick with COVID. This assumption is misleading and incorrect. Very few people, including doctors, understand how a PCR test works 


"With PCR, if you do well, you can find almost everything in everybody" Kary Mullis Covid PCR test inventor - "not meant to be used for infectious diseases" Kary Mullis "Kary Mullis who was awarded a Nobel Chemistry Prize - has always stated that the RT/PCR test being used worldwide by the WHO and government health agencies to test for COVID 19 was never to be used for infectious diseases.


In this short video he explains why and says that - using certain protocols or "tweaking" the RNA sequences - they can come up with any result they want. The World Health Organization and governments worldwide (funded by Bill Gates et al) are engaged in a massive global deception against all peoples, to destroy the global economies and impose a tyrannical planetary regime and full spectrum dominance through surveillance systems designed to control our every move. Lockdowns, facemasks, social distancing and mandatory RNA vaccines with digital tattoos. All based on a hoax test and skewed statistics."


It is time for everyone to come out of this negative trance, this collective hysteria, because famine, poverty, massive unemployment will kill, mow down many more people than SARS-CoV-2! All current propaganda on the COVID-19 pandemic is based on an assumption that is considered obvious, true and no longer questioned: Positive RT-PCR test means being sick with COVID. This assumption is misleading. Very few people, including doctors, understand how a PCR test works. RT-PCR means Real Time-Polymerase Chain Reaction. In French, it means: Réaction de Polymérisation en Chaîne en Temps Réel. In medicine, we use this tool mainly to diagnose a viral infection. Starting from a clinical situation with the presence or absence of particular symptoms in a patient, we consider different diagnoses based on tests. In the case of certain infections, particularly viral infections, we use the RT-PCR technique to confirm a diagnostic hypothesis suggested by a clinical picture. We do not routinely perform RT-PCR on any patient who is overheated, coughing or has an inflammatory syndrome!




It is a laboratory, molecular biology technique of gene amplification because it looks for gene traces (DNA or RNA) by amplifying them. In addition to medicine, other fields of application are genetics, research, industry and forensics. The technique is carried out in a specialized laboratory, it cannot be done in any laboratory, even a hospital. This entails a certain cost, and a delay sometimes of several days between the sample and the result. Today, since the emergence of the new disease called COVID-19 (COrona VIrus Disease-2019), the RT-PCR diagnostic technique is used to define positive cases, confirmed as SARS-CoV-2 (coronavirus responsible for the new acute respiratory distress syndrome called COVID-19).


These positive cases are assimilated to COVID-19 cases, some of whom are hospitalized or even admitted to intensive care units. Official postulate of our managers: positive RT-PCR cases = COVID-19 patients. [1] This is the starting postulate, the premise of all official propaganda, which justifies all restrictive government measures: isolation, confinement, quarantine, mandatory masks, color codes by country and travel bans, tracking, social distances in companies, stores and even, even more importantly, in schools [2]. This misuse of RT-PCR technique is used as a relentless and intentional strategy by some governments, supported by scientific safety councils and by the dominant media, to justify excessive measures such as the violation of a large number of constitutional rights, the destruction of the economy with the bankruptcy of entire active sectors of society, the degradation of living conditions for a large number of ordinary citizens, under the pretext of a pandemic based on a number of positive RT-PCR tests, and not on a real number of patients. Technical aspects: to better understand and not be manipulated The PCR technique was developed by chemist Kary B. Mullis in 1986. Kary Mullis was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1993.


2 min video - 

Video thumb


Although this is disputed [3], Kary Mullis himself is said to have criticized the interest of PCR as a diagnostic tool for an infection, especially a viral one. He stated that if PCR was a good tool for research, it was a very bad tool in medicine, in the clinic [4]. Mullis was referring to the AIDS virus (HIV retrovirus or HIV) [5], before the COVID-19 pandemic, but this opinion on the limitation of the technique in viral infections [6], by its creator, cannot be dismissed out of hand; it must be taken into account! PCR was perfected in 1992. As the analysis can be performed in real time, continuously, it becomes RT (Real-Time) – PCR, even more efficient. It can be done from any molecule, including those of the living, the nucleic acids that make up the genes: DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) RNA (Ribonucleic Acid) Viruses are not considered as “living” beings, they are packets of information (DNA or RNA) forming a genome. It is by an amplification technique (multiplication) that the molecule sought is highlighted and this point is very important. RT-PCR is an amplification technique [7]. If there is DNA or RNA of the desired element in a sample, it is not identifiable as such. This DNA or RNA must be amplified (multiplied) a certain number of times, sometimes a very large number of times, before it can be detected. From a minute trace, up to billions of copies of a specific sample can be obtained, but this does not mean that there is all that amount in the organism being tested. In the case of COVID-19, the element sought by RT-PCR is SARS-CoV-2, an RNA virus [8]. There are DNA viruses such as Herpes and Varicella viruses.


The most well known RNA viruses, in addition to coronaviruses, are Influenza, Measles, EBOLA, ZIKA viruses. In the case of SARS-CoV-2, RNA virus, an additional specific step is required, a transcription of RNA into DNA by means of an enzyme, Reverse Transcriptase. This step precedes the amplification phase. It is not the whole virus that is identified, but sequences of its viral genome. This does not mean that this gene sequence, a fragment of the virus, is not specific to the virus being sought, but it is an important nuance nonetheless: RT-PCR does not reveal any virus, but only parts, specific gene sequences of the virus. At the beginning of the year, the SARS-CoV-2 genome was sequenced. It consists of about 30,000 base pairs. The nucleic acid (DNA-RNA), the component of the genes, is a sequence of bases. In comparison, the human genome has more than 3 billion base pairs. Teams are continuously monitoring the evolution of the SARS-CoV-2 viral genome as it evolves [9-10-11], through the mutations it undergoes. Today, there are many variants [12]. By taking a few specific genes from the SARS-CoV-2 genome, it is possible to initiate RT-PCR on a sample from the respiratory tract. For COVID-19 disease, which has a nasopharyngeal (nose) and oropharyngeal (mouth) entry point, the sample should be taken from the upper respiratory tract as deeply as possible in order to avoid contamination by saliva in particular All the people tested said that it is very painful [13]. The Gold Standard (preferred site for sampling) is the nasopharyngeal (nasal) approach, the most painful route.


If there is a contraindication to the nasal approach, or preferably to the individual being tested, depending on the official organs, the oropharyngeal approach (through the mouth) is also acceptable. The test may trigger a nausea/vomiting reflex in the individual being tested. Normally, for the result of an RT-PCR test to be considered reliable, amplification from 3 different genes (primers) of the virus under investigation is required. “The primers are single-stranded DNA sequences specific to the virus. They guarantee the specificity of the amplification reaction. » [14] “The first test developed at La Charité in Berlin by Dr. Victor Corman and his associates in January 2020 allows to highlight the RNA sequences present in 3 genes of the virus called E, RdRp and N. To know if the sequences of these genes are present in the RNA samples collected, it is necessary to amplify the sequences of these 3 genes in order to obtain a signal sufficient for their detection and quantification. »[15]. The essential notion of Cycle Time or Cycle Threshold or Ct positivity threshold [16]. An RT-PCR test is negative (no traces of the desired element) or positive (presence of traces of the desired element). However, even if the desired element is present in a minute, negligible quantity, the principle of RT-PCR is to be able to finally highlight it by continuing the amplification cycles as much as necessary.


RT-PCR can push up to 60 amplification cycles, or even more! Here is how it works: Cycle 1: target x 2 (2 copies) Cycle 2: target x 4 (4 copies) Cycle 3: target x 8 (8 copies) Cycle 4: target x 16 (16 copies) Cycle 5; target x 32 (32 copies) Etc exponentially up to 40 to 60 cycles! When we say that the Ct (Cycle Time or Cycle Threshold or RT-PCR positivity threshold) is equal to 40, it means that the laboratory has used 40 amplification cycles, i.e. obtained 240 copies. This is what underlies the sensitivity of the RT-PCR assay. While it is true that in medicine we like to have high specificity and sensitivity of the tests to avoid false positives and false negatives, in the case of COVID-19 disease, this hypersensitivity of the RT-PCR test caused by the number of amplification cycles used has backfired. This over-sensitivity of the RT-PCR test is deleterious and misleading! It detaches us from the medical reality which must remain based on the real clinical state of the person: is the person ill, does he or she have symptoms? That is the most important thing! As I said at the beginning of the article, in medicine we always start from the person: we examine him/her, we collect his/her symptoms (complaints-anamnesis) and objective clinical signs (examination) and on the basis of a clinical reflection in which scientific knowledge and experience intervene, we make diagnostic hypotheses. Only then do we prescribe the most appropriate tests, based on this clinical reflection.


We constantly compare the test results with the patient’s clinical condition (symptoms and signs), which takes precedence over everything else when it comes to our decisions and treatments. Today, our governments, supported by their scientific safety advice, are making us do the opposite and put the test first, followed by a clinical reflection necessarily influenced by this prior test, whose weaknesses we have just seen, particularly its hypersensitivity. None of my clinical colleagues can contradict me. Apart from very special cases such as genetic screening for certain categories of populations (age groups, sex) and certain cancers or family genetic diseases, we always work in this direction: from the person (symptoms, signs) to the appropriate tests, never the other way around. This is the conclusion of an article in the Swiss Medical Journal (RMS) published in 2007, written by doctors Katia Jaton and Gilbert Greub microbiologists from the University of Lausanne : PCR in microbiology: from DNA amplification to result interpretation: “To interpret the result of a PCR, it is essential that clinicians and microbiologists share their experiences, so that the analytical and clinical levels of interpretation can be combined.” It would be indefensible to give everyone an electrocardiogram to screen everyone who might have a heart attack one day.


Awfully suspicious that biocehmist Kary Mullis who invented the PCR test died on August 7, 2019.





Dr Simone Gold Talk


January 27th, 2021 


Download: https://odysee.com/$/download/Dr-Simone-Gold-Talk/0bc11aa8af582b1a9095c115baa39afbd2c56205 



This Video Will Wake You Up 

This man is suing CDC and WHO.

PHD in virology and immunology

Clinical Lab Scientist trying to examine COVID19




<iframe src="https://www.roxytube.com/embed/G5C3YHL3PRhq7Ov" frameborder="0" width="700" height="400" allowfullscreen></iframe> 






In the article linked below, Dr. Sherry Tenpenny provides a brilliant Summary of the the science showing that masks DO NOT PROTECT, but they DO CAUSE HARM‼️
"After reviewing more than 50 articles, here’s what I’ve discovered:
There are NO randomized, controlled trials (RCT) with verified outcomes that show a benefit to healthcare workers or community members for wearing a mask or a respirator. There is no such definitive study. Likewise, no study exists that shows a benefit from a broad policy to wear masks in public (documented below).
Furthermore, if there were any benefits to wearing a mask, because of the blocking power against droplets and aerosol particles, then there should be more benefit from wearing a respirator (N95) compared to a surgical mask. There is not. Neither masks nor respirators protect; cloth coverings are essentially worthless.
It should be noted that the surgical masks are primarily designed to protect the environment from the wearer, whereas the respirators are supposed to protect the wearer from the environment. (Balazy, et al).
Coronavirus are <0.125 microns in size. Masks and respirators filter particles 0.30 to 0.80 microns in size. Masks cannot possibly work. No bias-free study has ever found a benefit from wearing a mask or respirator in this application.
The pdf document (below): Masks-Final has detailed references to back up these assertions. 
It’s time for us to revolt against the tyranny of our “rulers” with science that supports our decision to breathe oxygen, eliminate carbon dioxide and support a healthy immune system."



















Trump stated the death numbers are over inflated:





When will it be over? If it's up to the elite, could be a while. But it could also be up to us. We could end it right now if we just stopped believing the fake numbers every day. Like 1 American in 7 already has.
Testing positive from these shaky tests means virtually nothing. Fully 99% of positives never get sick. Even of those who do, only 1% of them requires any treatment whatsoever. So where are all the sick people?
But you say, all these people must be dying of something. True. They're dying of the same thing people always die from











Page 39, last paragraph, 2nd sentence #FDA admits #COVID19 has never been isolated:
Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available . . . 




Unless you are a Satan worshipper, do not wear a facemask anywhere! This includes: work, shopping, or government offices.

The Attorney General of United States Department of Justice states:

1. Religious liberty is a foundational principle of enduring importance in America, enshrined in our Constitution and other sources of federal law.

2. The free exercise of religion includes the right to act or abstain from action in accordance with one’s religious beliefs. 3
. The freedom of religion extends to persons and organizations.
4. Americans do not give up their freedom of religion by participating in the marketplace, partaking of the public square, or interacting with government.
Any questions about this memorandum or the appendix should be addressed to the Office of Legal Policy, U.S. Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W., Washington, D.C. 20530, phone (202) 514-4601.




Dr. Anthony Fauci. 



The Secret History Of The First Coronavirus


The Dr. Fauci Of The 1918 Spanish Flu

More than a century ago, epidemiologist Dr. Thomas Tuttle prescribed face masks and social distancing to slow the influenza pandemic. He made a lot of enemies—but it worked.



INJanuary 1919, Washington’s health commissioner urged legislators in the state capital, Olympia, to enforce strict measures against the spread of the Spanish flu, which had just ended a deadly second wave in America. Recommended restrictions included banning dances and other social gatherings, as well as limits on how many people could attend public meetings and how far apart they should sit from one another. Both the city and county voted against those measures. In response, the commissioner sought to get the State Board of Health to enforce its police powers against the county. 

Instead, he lost his job. 

A public health official getting fired over unpopular social distancing measures during a pandemic has an eerie echo today, when business leaders and politicians are chafing against restrictions urged by authorities to contain the COVID-19 pandemic. But it was precisely these restrictions that enabled Seattle and other cities in Washington to protect themselves from the Spanish flu—and similar actions helped Kansas abate another influenza wave in the fall of 1919. 

At the center of public health efforts in both states was a practical, plainspoken, bespectacled scientist: Dr. Thomas Dyer Tuttle, who became a powerful, if polarizing, figure in the fight against the Spanish flu—not unlike Dr. Anthony Fauci is perceived today, in the battle against COVID-19.  

Apart from the passing physical resemblance, both Dr. Tuttle and Dr. Fauci fought global pandemics late in their long public health careers and the perilous balance of science and sociology that entails. Both men attended Ivy League medical schools. Both were commissioned officers in the United States Public Health Service. And both had experience fighting previous epidemics. Fauci first came to prominence in the 1980s as the leading HIV/AIDS researcher for Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush. For Tuttle, it was a resurgence of smallpox at the turn of the 20th century. 

Tuttle was born in Fulton, Missouri, in 1869. He was the son of a grocer who had married into wealth—his mother’s family, according to a local history, had a home encompassing about a quarter of a city block. He received his bachelor’s degree at local Westminster College (where Winston Churchill would deliver his famous “Iron Curtain” speech some 56 years after Dr. Tuttle had graduated). Tuttle then moved to New York City in 1889 to obtain a medical degree at what was then known as Columbia College. 






During that first year of medical school, he unwittingly found himself in the midst of one of the deadliest flu pandemics, the so-called “Russian flu,” which had killed tens of thousands in Europe that fall and arrived in New York in December. That flu would end up causing more than 2,500 deaths in New York before subsiding in February 1890. 


Battle Ready in 1918: Soldiers under quarantine in Washington state during the Spanish flu and Red Cross volunteers sewing masks. (Washington State Historical Society, Gregg Courtwright Collection)


After graduating from Columbia in 1892, Tuttle worked at New York’s Mount Sinai hospital. He later returned to Missouri, where he married his wife, Lucile, in 1896. A few years later, the couple moved to Montana where Tuttle pursued a medical career and became Secretary and Executive Officer of the state’s Board of Health in 1903. 




It was in this role that Dr. Tuttle first learned to value science over unpopular public opinion. In 1909, Tuttle made headlines in local Montana newspapers—ironically, by coming out against quarantines—much to the consternation of the public. Smallpox had ravaged the population in the early 1900s, but Dr. Tuttle’s reasoning behind the order was that lifting quarantines would encourage people to vaccinate. (In 1905, the Supreme Court case Jacobson v. Massachusetts upheld states’ authority to require smallpox vaccinations in the interest of public health.) Tuttle and the state’s Board of Health had promoted mandatory smallpox vaccinations by offering them free of charge and by circulating a Tuttle-penned pamphlet touting their benefits. Those instructions included sharp words for the anti-vaxxers of the day:

“It is the firm belief of the author that the most effectual way to rid this country of smallpox would be to give a few months warning, in order that all might have time to be successfully vaccinated,” Dr. Tuttle wrote. “And then let any cases of smallpox that might appear go at large, without disinfection, so that those who would not be vaccinated might have the disease and be done with it. Such a move would result in a radical ‘change of heart’ on the part of many, if not all, ‘anti-vaccinationists.’”

In 1915, with smallpox under control in America, Dr. Tuttle accepted a new position as health commissioner of Washington. Three years later, in July 1918, the Spanish flu reached the state. The first set of infections hit the Army’s Camp Lewis, where more than 300 cases were reported. As summer went on, the number of cases appeared to decline and the “alarm went down,” says historian Gwen Whiting. 




But the numbers started to creep up again in September, and public health officials became concerned about a second wave. The state’s Board of Health met in late September specifically to discuss concerns over the flu, and after the meeting Tuttle spoke to a newspaper to warn citizens that the flu would return. Because of limitations on the state Board of Health’s authority, Dr. Tuttle wasn’t able to enforce many orders until November, says Whiting. But he did use his position to encourage local officials to announce stringent measures to contain the pandemic in early October. 

Dr. Tuttle, who lived in Seattle, worked closely with the local health commissioner, Dr. J.S. McBride, to manage the trajectory of flu cases. Alarmed by hundreds of hospitalized cases of flu in the nearby Naval training station, Tuttle declared that the Spanish flu had arrived in the city. Both McBride and Seattle’s mayor, Ole Hanson, acted quickly in response—taking advice from Dr. Tuttle.




Thoughts and Prayers: After closing Seattle’s churches in 1918, Mayor Ole Hanson said, “Religion which won’t keep for two weeks is not worth having.”


On October 5, 1918, Mayor Hanson laid out his measures to curb the epidemic in Seattle. “He closed the churches. He shut down public places. They even raised fines for spitting on the sidewalk,” explains Whiting. “You could be fined if you weren’t wearing a mask to get on the streetcar. All of these strict restrictions were put into place in Seattle. And other cities followed suit.” 

Meanwhile, Dr. Tuttle took to the newspapers to spread health advice— sending letters to the press statewide, proclaiming that the flu might be prevented from becoming epidemic with “the earnest, conscientious and intelligent help of every citizen of the State” following a now-familiar set of precautions: Don’t sneeze or cough in your hands, keep away from crowds, and stay at home if you have any symptoms.  




The Cold War: To warn Kansans of the perils of another Spanish flu wave, Dr. Tuttle took his message to the local papers.


As with the COVID-19 pandemic, the response to Spanish flu in Seattle, Spokane and other Washington cities had parallels across the country. New York, St. Louis and Los Angeles also saw success through the use of austere public health measures, while cities such as San Francisco and Philadelphia were less restrictive and saw increased flu deaths as a result. But those higher mortality rates are also due, in part, because the severe measures simply weren’t popular. Even in Seattle, “there was a lot of protest” over public health restrictions, says Whiting.



Although Dr. Tuttle gave advice to local authorities behind the scenes, he tended to act more pragmatically as the flu progressed. He never issued a statewide lockdown, for example, because the U.S. Surgeon General had advised against it. He also lifted a statewide order to wear masks in public after Armistice Day in November 1918—partly because citizens weren’t adhering to it anyway. The end of World War I also saw an easing of health restrictions in Seattle. But it came at a cost. In early December, the flu came back. Although this time, rather than ban public gatherings, people exposed to influenza were ordered to remain in their homes. 


That month, Dr. Tuttle traveled to Chicago for a national conference of the American Public Health Association dedicated to combating the disease, and that meeting appears to have hardened his resolve to be even more aggressive. Tuttle may have been pragmatic earlier in the epidemic, but he began to be more publicly exasperated at the lack of enforcement of public health laws. Tuttle’s frustrations pepper reports he prepared after this period, and he was later described by a contemporary as belonging “to that old-fashioned school of citizens who believe laws and regulations were made to be enforced.” 


The Secret History Of The First Coronavirus


Such a resolute attitude likely cut short his position as health commissioner in Washington. The restrictions Dr. Tuttle was trying to enforce were “pretty controversial ideas at the time,” says Whiting, “so he made a lot of enemies.”

After being ousted from Washington, Dr. Tuttle moved to Kansas, where he accepted a position as Epidemiologist for the State Board of Health. In that role, he began to fear another influenza epidemic would appear in the state by the fall of 1919 and minced no words in encouraging the public to follow public health guidelines.

“Those who buried their dear ones last winter should certainly lend every effort to prevent others facing a similar loss,” Dr. Tuttle wrote in a Topeka paper on September 11, 1919. He also wrote letters to county health commissioners, urging strict enforcement of quarantines. Though not considered part of the Spanish flu pandemic, Kansas did see a high level of influenza cases in the winter of 1919-20, and Dr. Tuttle did his best to ensure local communities were prepared.

Despite the work he had done to save lives in Washington and Kansas, it’s clear that Tuttle was pessimistic about his country’s ability to prepare for the next pandemic. “As a matter of fact, we know about as little with regard to the etiology and epidemiology of influenza today as we knew two years ago,” he wrote in one report, “and owing to the inclination of our government (city, county, state and national) to provide funds for operating only when sickness is present, and to absolutely cut off any support whatsoever for the study of the epidemiology of the disease after an epidemic has passed, renders it very probable that we will meet our next epidemic (probably 20 or 30 years hence) with as little knowledge of the true nature of the disease as we had when we confronted the epidemic in the fall of 1918." 

Two years later, Tuttle resigned his role in Kansas, citing a need for a bigger salary so he could afford to pay for his son’s college education. In its biennial report, the Board of Health lamented his departure and urged that the legislature increase the salary for the role in order to secure “a man of the quality and training Kansas desires.” 

His next job took Dr. Tuttle back to Montana to start a veterans hospital at Fort Harrison, which still exists today. He later moved to Chicago to practice medicine. In 1933, he and his wife retired to San Diego, where Dr. Tuttle spent his golden years gardening—on the 1940 census, he wryly noted his occupation as “orchidist” with an income of zero—before passing away in 1942.



Second Opinions: Like Dr. Tuttle’s stringent measures, Dr. Fauci’s guidelines haven’t always been popular. (Jeremy Hogan/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images)


Nearly 80 years after Dr. Tuttle’s death, his legacy in fighting pandemics lives on, which might have come as a surprise to him, given the pessimism he expressed in his lifetime. In 2009, a group of researchers wrote a paper comparing existing CDC guidelines on managing pandemics to those developed during the Spanish flu. The paper noted that of all the recommendations, measures Dr. Tuttle promoted—encouraging the closing of public spaces and social distancing—were still relevant in fighting epidemics today. The report even cited findings from the 1918 December meeting Dr. Tuttle attended before insisting on the draconian health measures that got him fired. 

One of the coauthors of that 2009 paper? 

Dr. Anthony Fauci. 






Mandatory Masks contribute to the COVID Plannedemic

Mandatory Masks contribute to their COVID Plannedemic. mandatory masks are brainwashing I’m willing to bet most people wear a mask not out of fear for the “virus” but out of fear for what others will think of them. The government (Deep State) knows the mandatory masks rule will brainwash others into following. Mask rules are easy for the government to enforce, since, by nature, they know we don’t want to be shunned; it’s psychological warfare. It’s easier to follow others and hide under the radar than it is to stand up for yourself against the majority. If Mandatory Masks aren’t “working”, why are we being told to wear them? We’re being told to wear masks because it’s all psychological chaos create by government. The government is using fear to scare people into conformity and the covid vaccine (which is what will kill you.) In the last 2 months, there have been 966 deaths. People died within the first week of taking the covid “vaccine.” MARCH 05, 2021: Beijing Joe wears a mandatory mask. Did this jerk forget he was "vaccinated?" MARCH 05, 2021: Beijing Joe wears a mask. Did this jerk forget he was “vaccinated?” The rule for most states says if you can’t keep 6′ apart, you’re asked to wear a mask. So, per the rule, you don’t need a mask if you’re not around others. Stores are enforcing the mask rule regardless of how many people are around. Signs Mandatory Masks are a hoax Mandatory masks are enforced in some places outside Mandatory Masks are enforced in stores even if no one is around There is no virus – There is brainwashing Empty hospitals for the last 12 months Fake covid numbers They are pushing covid vaccines, which is what will kill you. It’s not a vaccine, it’s an experiment Mandatory Masks are putting people against each other – this is what the Deep State wants I was outside with no mask, at a school track meet, with about 400 others, all wearing masks. I stood my ground against Mandatory Masks. I’m so tired of the Agenda I was given a hard time for not wearing a mask and not standing behind cones Coaches were seen not wearing masks and standing right next to each other. Kids caught not wearing a mask (while running the 5 mile run) were disqualified. Runners need lots of oxygen, not carbon dioxide and bacteria from masks! Wearing a mask for the covid hoax contributes to their Agenda. Wearing a mask when you don’t believe you need to strengthens their brainwashing agenda. Wearing a mask is not a law, it’s a rule they made up. Remember in early 2020 when masks were supposed to be for only 2 weeks? It’s been a year. They want people against each other and nothing more. The world is nuts. The school’s principal called me A few weeks after the school’s track meet, I received a call from the school principal. He educated me on the importance of wearing a mask and that we have to lookout for the kids. I let him know my stance on the matter. The principle said, “I heard there were vulgarities that day and we can’t have that in front of the children.” I told him I recorded the entire thing…there were never vulgarities…what email address would you like a copy of the video sent? NO RESPONSE FROM HIM. Do you see what these people are doing?! They are ramming the agenda down our throats, trying to scare us with “authority.” It’s not going to work. They lie; I was using vulgarities. I never came close to vulgarities. I told him I feel sorry for him and the entire school system since they are required to follow the brainwashing agenda. I reminded him of the US Constitution and will never follow rules made up by mainstream media. Writer’s Notes I know many will not agree with me and that’s fine. I write this for those looking for courage in these insane times. Insane times NOT referring to a virus; insane times referring to brainwashing and other craziness I’ve written about. I hope you can find the courage to stand your ground and do what you believe is right. You will not be arrested for not wearing a mask. I have seen people in stores take off the mask when others are not around. Sure, they are given a hard time by brainwashed people, but I’ve always seen them push back. A friend of mine was in a store without a mask and a customer came up to him and said “MASK UP!” My friend said “MY CHOICE.” This customer then went to any customer he could find to point out my friend who was not wearing a mask. No one cared and he was ignored. Anyway, just wanted to let you know there are others out there like you. It would be great if everyone awake removed their masks or stopped visiting these stores. I like the no masks idea much more. If we continue to abide by their rules, nothing will change.