
Prevent these 4 Common Workplace Safety Threats

Houston, TX - July 2022 – The number one priority of any business should be employee safety. A minor slip-up or poor maintenance can result in severe situations. You can avoid many types of accidents and injuries by implementing safety protocols, such as installing the correct safety equipment and educating the workers to use them. You can find top-notch gas detection equipment rentals in Houston, TX, at Green Light Safety. Here are a few workplace threats you should know about and tips to prevent them.


Falling or slipping

Although most tripping and falling accidents occur where people work at heights, such as construction sites, practically all businesses share this potential risk. When you consider such worksite threats from the beginning, you can prepare and equip the staff in advance to protect themselves and avoid any severe injuries. Some common sites of such accidents can be:

  • Staircases
  • Platform without appropriate railings
  • Debris in walkways and passages
  • Old or broken ladders
  • Jobs involving carrying heavy objects
  • Careless spills

Dangerous surface conditions

In most cases, employees injure themselves by falling, tripping, or slipping on uneven and ill-maintained surfaces at the worksite. Poorly lit pathways and cluttered spaces, as well as inclined, damp, and slick walkways, are some common reasons. Make sure to have any spills, leaks, or lying debris cleared at the earliest, and install good lighting to avoid any accidents due to lack of lighting.



It can be risky working on ladders and stairs. Educate your staff to use the handrails for support and walk at a steady pace while using the stairwell. Keep the staircases dry and clean from leftover debris, tools, or items. While using the ladders, see that all steps, fasteners, and rungs are fastened properly. Always place the ladder on an even and sturdy ground to prevent it from hobbling or losing balance. It is best that the workers use industrial safety equipment.


Toxic gases and chemicals

Different physiological and physical issues, including inflammation, carcinogenic effects, fires, and combustion, can be brought on by being near or handling hazardous substances. How much of a dangerous toxic substance you inhale depends on 4 things, including -


  • The amount of chemicals in the air
  • Your breathing rate
  • The amount of the toxic substance entering your lungs and bloodstream
  • The duration of your exposure to the substance


3 Ways to Avoid such Hazards


Install gas detection systems

Gas detection and monitoring systems are used as safety measures to alert workers to the possibility of hazardous gas overload and suffocation (due to oxygen shortage or combustion due to volatile gases). These are essential for minimizing exposure to risks and empowering individuals to take quick action when dangers present themselves. The sooner you spot a safety concern, the better. You can buy gas detectors in Houston, TX, at Green Light Safety.


Use safety gears

All employees on the premises should go through program training concerning the hazards in the worksite and how to avoid them by following safety protocols. It is mandatory for them to use equipment and wear safety gear, including hard hats, boots, and gloves while working in such spaces. Make sure to use quality industrial safety equipment.


Correct use and maintenance of electrical devices

To minimize the risk of electrocution and other threats while operating electrical instruments, use intelligent handling procedures. Avoid overstretching or pulling electrical cords, and unplug them by the head.


About: Green Light Safety is a safety company that has over 15 years of experience and knowledge. You can buy high-quality gas detectors or find the best gas detection equipment rental in Houston, TX, from them. For more, call (832) 262-993.