Almost everyone uses cloud services knowingly or unknowingly nowadays. If you have interacted with Gmail, Google Drive, Zoom, Office 365, Sharepoint, and many more, then you have seen the power of cloud migration in UAE firsthand. Any cloud migration in Abu Dhabi or the world involves moving the on-premise critical services to a colocated cloud platform like Amazon, Google, Azure, and more. These platforms help one to manage their IT infrastructure remotely with convenience and without any security risks or spending a fortune maintaining any hardware. Here are a few benefits that cloud migration can bring to your organization and drive bottom-line costs.
Any cloud migration in UAE or a cloud migration in Abu Dhabi when done right is more secure than any traditional networks. Cloud networks run on a shared responsibility model to secure your part of the cloud. Thus cloud companies like Amazon build their offerings with security and privacy as their prime criteria of operations. While your data can be accessed by you no matter where the physical machine is located in the globe. The cloud structures also provide many built-in security features like periodic updates, security analytics, cross-enterprise visibility, and more. They keep unwanted traffic from accessing the data and apps are maintained under automatic security updates.
Moving the data to the cloud for any company desirous of cloud migration in UAE or a cloud migration in Abu Dhabi, provides enormous scalability options. In a traditional system, even the latest IT solution implemented today becomes obsolete in a few years which makes it difficult for the company to shift with the demands of their customers. Cloud migration allows the organization to dramatically reshape the workload and infrastructure to accommodate the demand easily. It offers the power to control the resources to the business and its needs. This is almost impossible with any other solution with minimum terms, contracts, and one-size-fits-all policies.
Most companies are attracted to entrust in a cloud migration in UAE or a cloud migration in Abu Dhabi to reduce operational costs. The cloud allows a pay-for-use model while allowing one to improve their IT processes without maintaining costly data centers. This saved money as per some statistics could be as much as 82% that can now be reinvested back into the business. A major part of the savings is the reduced energy costs and even smaller organizations save around 50% of their operational costs by transferring their workloads and processes to the cloud.
Any cloud migration in UAE or a cloud migration in Abu Dhabi improves the efficiency of all the services that an organization offers. Traditional data centers suffer over time due to increased loads that decrease their efficiency while increasing their maintenance mechanisms. This is usually time-consuming, costly, repetitive, and most often stops the business for a while. All software and hardware updates on a cloud are handled by the cloud provider regularly without any disruptions to the work or the processes.