Ceres is a virtual platform for farmers and suppliers of agricultural products, even the end-customers to come together and connect. These connections can be for new collaborations, price comparisons and conduct great businesses. The main mission of Ceres is to help farmers maintain their active profitability while taking care of the environment’s health and people.
The vision of Ceres is to take advantage of their knowledge and experience in platform economics to digitize the farmer’s business. They want to take care of the land, the environment and the health of farmers and consumers. The platform enables you to buy better, sell better and help solve problems with a transparent market interest.
For more details check our website or signup: https://ceresfarmer.com/customer/account/login/referer/aHR0cHM6Ly9jZXJlc2Zhcm1lci5jb20vY3VzdG9tZXIvYWNjb3VudC9pbmRleC8%2C/