
Can I Wear Contact Lenses After LASIK?

Yes, you can wear contact lenses after LASIK.

LASIK (laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis) is a refractive error surgery used to correct refractive errors, particularly nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism, by reshaping the cornea. LASIK surgery reduces or eliminates a person's dependency on glasses or contact lenses.


However, a common question that arises after LASIK surgery is whether it's possible to wear contact lenses again.

Impact of Contact Lenses After LASIK

Before delving into wearing contact lenses post-LASIK, it's important to understand the changes LASIK brings to your eyes. During the procedure, a thin flap is created with a microkeratome (a type of blade) or a femtosecond laser, and the cornea is reshaped with a laser. After reshaping the cornea, the flap is repositioned. This reshaping allows many people to see clearly without glasses or contact lenses. There are different Lasik surgery types, including Blade LASIK and Bladeless LASIK.


However, two key factors can affect your ability to wear contact lenses after LASIK comfortably: corneal reshaping and dryness.


Corneal Reshaping: Contact lenses are designed to fit the natural curvature of the cornea, but LASIK alters the cornea's curvature, effectively "flattening" it in the case of myopia correction or steepening it for hyperopia correction. This change in corneal shape can pose challenges when wearing contact lenses after LASIK. The contact lenses you used to wear may no longer fit as comfortably or provide optimal vision.


Dryness: Another important factor to consider is the increased risk of dry eye after LASIK surgery. Dryness can persist for several weeks or even months in some cases. Contact lens wearers are already more prone to dry eye due to reduced tear circulation and oxygen supply to the cornea. LASIK can exacerbate this issue, making it even more challenging to wear contact lenses comfortably. Dry eyes can cause irritation, redness, and discomfort when wearing contact lenses for extended periods post-LASIK.


Tips for Comfortable Contact Lens Use After LASIK

Here are a few tips for comfortable use:

  • While it's possible to wear contact lenses, they may not be as comfortable or suitable for extended wear as before LASIK. Therefore, limit the duration of lens wear and use them for specific activities or events.
  • If you experience dry eye symptoms after LASIK, address them before attempting to wear contact lenses.
  • Before using contact lenses after LASIK, consult with an ophthalmologist.
  • Opt for contact lenses that are giving  a better fit and enhanced comfort.
  • Regular eye check-up is essential for monitoring eye health, assessing vision changes, and ensuring the compatibility of contact lenses with the post-LASIK cornea.


Your doctor will advise you when to wear the contact lenses after surgery. He/She will also guide you on the Lasik surgery cost in Delhi.



While it is possible to wear contact lenses after LASIK surgery, there are important considerations to remember. The changes in corneal shape and the potential for dryness can impact the comfort of contact lenses post-LASIK. However, with the guidance of an experienced eye specialist, you can explore contact lens options that work best for you and maintain clear, comfortable vision. If you are looking for LASIK surgery, schedule your consultation with Dr. Anisha Gupta.