
Bi Full Form – What Is Business Intelligence?

Learn more. It has been suggested that Sales intelligence be merged into this article. (Discuss) Business intelligence (BI) comprises the strategies and technologies used by enterprises for the data analysis and management of business information.


Today we will know about Bi Full Form and with this we will also know what is Power Bi ? If we will know about all the full forms of Bi in this post, then definitely read till the last!


Bi Full Form


Business intelligence (Bi) includes the strategies and technologies used by enterprises for data analysis of business information. Bi technologies can handle vast amounts of structured and sometimes unstructured data to help identify, grow, and otherwise create new strategic business opportunities.


History of Power Bi

It was originally designed by Ron George in 2010 and the project was named Crescent . Which was made available for download in 2011.

Later it was renamed to Power Bi and then it was launched by Microsoft as power bi for office 365 in September 2013, the first release of Power Bi based on Microsoft excel Add Ins : Power Query, Power Pivot and Power View was based on!


BI full form in Computer

The full form of BI in computer is ‘Business Intelligence’

SAP BI Full Form

The full name of SAP bi is ‘System, Application and Process in Business Intelligence’

Bi Full Form in Chemistry

The full form of Bi in chemistry is ‘Bismuth’. It is a metal.

BI full form in Medical

The full form of Bi in medicine is ‘Bodily Injury’, Bilateral' and ‘Biceps’

What is Microsoft Power BI (Business intelligence) ?

It is a microsoft tool consisting of Business Intelligence and Data Visualization. It is used for converting data into interactive dashboards and analysis reports.

When We Talk About BI, What Exactly Do We Mean? 

BI is the use of computer tools to identify, find, and analyse business data, such as sales revenue, goods, expenses, and earnings. BI solutions give current, historical, and predictive views of internally organised data for products and departments via services such as OLAP, reporting, predictive analytics, data/text mining, benchmarking, and Business Performance Management (BPM). Information management encompasses a wide range of technology and processes. 

It's all about bringing your disparate data sources together in a way that's easy to understand, aesthetically appealing, and engaging. Excel spreadsheets, cloud-based and on-premises hybrid data warehouses, or a combination of the two are all possibilities for your data. Your data may be simply accessed, visualised and shared with anyone or everyone you like.