
Best Ways To Land Your Dream Job in Canada

Many of the job seekers landed on the best job by simply responding to job alerts and ads.
Moreover, having a comprehensive resume, personal branding, preparing targeted cover letters,
networking and following up, we would like to present some additional steps to help you stand out and
land a position that fits your skill set and interests.


  • Continuing applying for jobs through online job boards
There are several job portals like Workopolis, Monster, and others. Whenever feasible, set up job alerts,
and you’ll automatically receive an email when new jobs are posted.


  • Follow hiring managers, the recruitment staff, and key people
It is better to build connections and follow hiring managers of the companies where you want to work
on Twitter. Jobs are sometimes posted on Twitter before emerging on a business website or a job board.


  • If you’ve joined a professional association, check their job board
If you don’t apply to a professional association, consider joining one. You’ll have to entree to their job
board and get valuable opportunities to network with people in your business.


  • Complete or update any online profiles you have and build your network
In addition to evaluating your resume, covering letter and references, hiring companies will access your
LinkedIn page. Make sure any online profile you have is flawless, up-to-date and reliable. Explain your
skills clearly and concisely and highlight your achievements. If you’re a designer, writer, or artist, make
sure to showcase your portfolio with your work representations and add it to your profile.


  • Find and work with a recruiter
Many recruiters have immediate access to hiring managers. They may also understand about positions
that are not posted on job boards. They can be accommodating if you have specific or in-demand skills
or experience.


  • Increase your social media presence and profile
Consider writing a blog. You don’t have to write about your industry; simply choose a topic you have
experience in or are passionate about. Contribute frequently (once a week is fine), include photos and
break up your writing into easy-to-scan absorbable chunks. The key to drafting a blog is to make it
personal. Write as you talk – make it unique and present your point of view.


  • Don’t forget to publicize your blog
Tell your friends about your blog and add a link to it on any of your online profiles. Tweet to publish your
blog and each time after you post a new entry. You can even add a link to your blog in your email


  • Follow and comment on tweets and posts from key influencers
If, for instance, your blog is all about movies, hunt for a few famous movie critics on Twitter and support
them. Comment on their tweets and blogs. You’ll discover that some of them will begin to follow you
and read your blog. And you never understand who they know. Plus, when any HR checks you out,
they’ll see that you have a solid social following – which can assist.


  • Join a Meet Up group and network (in person)
Look for groups in your business, field, or activities and topics that you find fascinating. Meeting new
people is an excellent way to network. Practice your 60-second elevator pitch and use it when you join
new people.
Social media is a great way to meet people and build networks; however, to land a job, you want to get
in front of people who make the hiring decisions.


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