
Two Grizzly Bear Attacks Reported by FWS and WGFD

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FarWide @FarWide_Inc · Oct 28, 2020

(Investigations are ongoing by FWS and WGFD regarding grizzly bear attacks on two hunters in Wyoming.)


Recent bear attacks on two hunters in Wyoming have once again established the extensive presence of grizzly bears in the region. While both hunters are fine, these incidents have put FWS and WGFD on high alert.


WGFD — Wyoming Game and Fish Department released a statement — the first of the two attacks took place on September 24th towards the evening. The incident took place in the elk hunting area of Thorofare. The hunter was injured and shifted to hospital after being airlifted from the site of the attack.


The following Saturday, another grizzly bear attack took place in Rattlesnake Mountain. The bear charged at an archery hunter in the region west of Cody. Thankfully, in this case, the hunter escaped unharmed and the bear was hunted down.


The Fish and Wildlife Service of the US is getting assistance from WGFD in these investigations.

Farwide.com keeps you updated with recent news and happenings in grizzly bear country. Keep coming back for more valuable information on grizzly bear attacks, where to camp, how to remain safe while hunting, and more.