
Brawl Stars Weekly Scrims Format & Rule-set

Tournament Format:


Community Qualifiers (Mon-Wed):


  • Each of the 25 partner servers/guilds will host 2 qualifier tournaments between Monday - Wednesday.
  • 2 of the qualifiers will be 50 slots solo-showdown multiple lobbies tournaments. 
  • Top 5 players from each of the 2 qualifiers will proceed to the next round. 10 players from each community will proceed.
  • 10 x 25 communities = 250 players will make it to main event.


Main Event (Fri - Sun)

  • 250 players will be divided into 25 lobbies. Top 4 qualify to the next round = 100 players.
  • 100 players will be divided into 10 lobbies. Top 5 from each lobby go ahead = 50 players.
  • 50 players will be divided into 5 lobbies. Top 4 players from each lobby will proceed to the next round -> 4x5 = 20 players. Top 3 players from each lobby will win prizes as follows:
    • 1st - Rs.500 | 2nd - Rs.300 | 3rd - Rs.200
  • 20 players will be divided into 2 lobbies. Top 5 from each proceed to the finals. Top 4 players will also win prizes as follows:
    • 1st - Rs.1000 | 2nd, 3rd and 4th - Rs.500
  • Top 5 players from each lobby proceed to the finale.
  • 10 players will play the final lobby.
  • Top 3 will win prizes as follows:

1st - Rs.10,000

2nd - Rs.5000

3rd - Rs.2500


Total prize-pool -> Rs.27,500



Rules and guidelines:


General rules:

  1. This entire rule-set has to be strictly followed by the community managers when the qualifiers are being hosted on their guild.
  2. Multiple teams: A participant is not allowed to register with multiple teams. If anyone is found doing so, they will be removed from the tournament and will be banned from any future tournaments. Both the teams will be disqualified if there is any evidence proving that they knew about this beforehand.
  3. This tournament is open only for players from the Indian subcontinent.
  4. Each team must designate one player as its captain while registering for the Ranking Event . The captain will be responsible for all communication with the tournament admin team. The admin team may rely upon any communications from the captain as being made by and on behalf of all players from the team. 
  5. Please be on time for your registration and for the actual tournament.

    You (and your team) will be disqualified on no-show. 

    You and all of your teammates must be registered to qualify for the event.

  6. All participants must always observe the highest standards of personal, professional integrity and good sportsmanship. Game.tv admins are to be treated with utmost respect.
  7. All teams and team members are always expected to compete to the best of their skill and ability in any Tournament Game. Any form of collusion by any participant is prohibited. Examples of collusion are: 
    1. Any agreement among two or more players or other team members not to play to a reasonable standard of competition in a tournament game in order to provide any opposing team or player with certain advantages or benefits. 
    2. Pre-arranging to split prize money and/or any other form of compensation. 
    3. Deliberately losing a Tournament Game for compensation, or for any other reason, or attempting to induce another player to do so.
  8. Team Members are expected to settle their differences in a respectful manner and without resort to violence, threats, or intimidation.
  9. Gambling on the outcome of tournament games is strictly prohibited to the participants. Participants are not allowed to place, or attempt to place bets on any tournament games (or any plays or components thereof). Participants also cannot associate with high volume gamblers, or deliver information to others that might influence their bets. 
  10. Participants are not allowed to offer any gift or cash or any other reward to a player, coach, manager, other team members, admins or any other person connected to the tournament, in order to influence the outcome of a tournament game.
  11. Participants or anyone who is attempting to register for the tournament is not allowed to spread misinformation or faulty information to anyone in the community. This can be regarding the tournament rules, registration process or any feature of Game.tv.

In-Game Rules:
1) Maximum wait time: 15 minutes per round. Some times there might be exceptions depending on the circumstances. In this case, please co-operate with the moderators.
2) If unregistered players are found in game lobbies, they will be removed. Its the participant's duty to kick players who do not belong in the lobby.

3) Substitutions are now allowed.
4) Maps will be announced just before lobby creation. It will be randomly selected by the bot.
5) Gadgets are allowed
6) In all matches, each team can choose to ban 1 brawler which cannot be picked by either of the teams.
7) In case someone picks a banned Brawler, their opponents will get a default win.

8) If there is a complaint regarding teaming in community qualifiers: The host of the qualifier will make a decision and resolve the query. If the query is not resolved, one of the moderators from the BSWS team will review the situation and make a decision. This decision will be final and we will not spending more than 10 minutes to resolve the issue.

9) If there is a complaint regarding teaming in the main event: BSWS Moderators will make a decision.This decision will be final and we will not spending more than 10 minutes to resolve the issue.




1) Can the host kick a player from the lobby if the player isn’t ready OR if he is spectating another match after the wait time?
Ans) If a player is not ready after 5 min, the host will have to kick him from the room and start the match.

2) The match started before wait time, what to do?
Ans ) Inform the host before the wait time is finished. If you inform the host after the wait-time has already finished, we won't be able to help.

3) My opponents are cheating in-game, what should I do?
Ans) We can take action against cheating only if legit proof (video recording) is provided. Please record it and send it to the host.

4) What to do if a player joined the room and they are not in the lobby
Ans) Kick the person asap and before starting the match, please view list of players which is given in lobby