
Benefits Of The Screening Process By AviaN For Aviation Candidates

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avian.co.at @aviancoat · Mar 1, 2023

Benefits Of The Screening Process By AviaN For Aviation Candidates

For cracking any job, the candidates have to pass all the stages of recruitment starting from written exam to the interview and document verification. Even though you havd passed the written exam or the simulator assessment, there is no guarantee of getting recruited as there is the vital final stage or interview, also called personality assessment. Unfair means are often approached by some people resulting in applications of potential candidates being rejected while undeserved ones get selected. At AviaN, our goal is to make sure such misfortune never occurs in your life and everything is done in the fairest of ways. 

After the primary assessment and selection takes place, many companies rely on the screening process to check whether the shortlisted candidates are worth recruiting in their companies. At AviaN, our screening process takes place in the most transparent way so that only the most deserving candidates get selected for recommendation in any aviation company. Only the skill, expertise, ability to tackle emergency situations etc are judged by the selection panel of AviaN. Candidates can be assured that once they are selected for screening process, the final stage will be tough but fair. 

The advanced tools with necessary programs are used in the screening process to test the skill of candidates. As per the requirements if respective companies, AviaN designs the screening process and those who pass the stage, are contacted by the company operators fir final selection.

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Hire aviation professionals like cabin crew, captains, first officer, technician etc on freelance, contractual and long-term basis from AviaN with top-notch recruitment and screening process handled by experts from aviation industry.

EASA Citation XLS/XLS+ First Officer

UAE based VIP Cabin Crew

 Legacy 650 First Officer

EASA G650 First Officer

Global 7500 LTC

Gulfstream GIV SP Captain

Freelance PC 24 Captain

Permanent PC 24 Captain


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