
Advice for New Parents: 7 Nuggets of Wisdom Every Parent Must Know


When you go out to find out the best ways to take care of your baby, you will find plenty of advice out there. In fact, you won’t even have to ask someone, and there would be many mommies and daddies who would offer their own two cents on this topic. If you are going to be or have recently had a baby, here is my list of advice for new parents.


7 Tips for New Mom and Dad


1. Trust Your Gut


Okay, this is the first and foremost nugget of wisdom that I would like to pass on to you. You and only you are the expert about your baby, no one else. You spend the maximum amount of time with your newborn, and one of the tips for new moms that I would like to pass on is that you would know your baby’s ways, and you would be the first to know if something isn’t right. Go ahead and always trust your mommy instinct when you are taking care of a baby. If you are feeling like a rookie, let me assure you that no one is ready for it, nobody. We all learn along the way. And this is one of the easiest parts, the sticky parts will come later on when they enter their teen years, ask any parent and they would agree. When starting out, just stick to the basics: milk, love, touch, singing and of course, patience.


2. Be Kind To Yourself


Many new parents start feeling guilty when they are unable to take care of their newborn or for wanting some rest. But like I said, no one is an expert on parenting. Many of us might not have even held a newborn until we had our own, then how can you think that you would be an expert when you haven’t even held one all your life, right? So, stop being so hard on yourself and ask any judgey voice you have in your mind to take a hike. And if you would take another advice for new parents, ask anyone who says that you are not good at parenting, well; they can take a hike too. Each one of us has our own uniqueness, our own experiences and our own perspectives. We all are different in our own ways and lead different lives. Then how can you expect two different sets of parents to have the same kind of parenting style?


3. Get As Much Rest As You Can


Well, I can say that this is one of the best tips for new mom — sleep when the baby sleeps. Though, you might think that how can sleeping for a few minutes help while you can utilize those moments to get the rest of the things done, right? Well, trust me when I say this, you would be glad to take those moments to nap and rest. If motherhood is a balloon of joy, then exhaustion is truly the pin that pops it. Many parents would tell you how sleep deprivation and exhaustion have brought them to tears. You must prepare to be sleep deprived but do not give up any chance that you might get to sleep and rest. This might be the best thing that you can do not only for yourself but for your baby and your family as well. When you are sleep deprived, you start to feel cranky, on edge all the time, moody, and you might also lose focus. When you have a baby to care for, I guess everyone would agree that you need all the strength to focus on your baby. Sleep deprivation and crankiness can also cause a lot of rift between partners. Thus, I would advise you to create a schedule that will help both of you get proper rest.


4. Accept All The Help


Another crucial piece of advice for new parents is to accept all the help you can get. In the good, old days, we lived in joint families and always had an extra set of hands in form of our mothers, sisters or aunts who would lend their help in taking care of the baby. This is probably the first time in history when most of us are living in neutral families and this huge task has been left to only the two of us. If both the parents are working, then the partners are ever so stressed about it. If you have family and friends living nearby or if your extended family can come and help, by all means, accept it and ask for it. Lean on them if needed.


5. Get Used to Being Flexible


So, before my first baby was born, I had several thoughts about how I would raise him. But then I read the quote from one man from the 1600s which said, earlier I had six theories on how to raise children and no children and now I have six children and no theories! Well, there is nothing more that I can agree with at the moment. Just remember that our children are here to challenge almost every preconceived notion that we might have and trust me when I give you one of these tips for new mom is that — stay flexible. Things might not always go your way but learning to roll with them can help you keep that good mood on.


6. Don’t Forget about Your Partner


When it comes to taking care of a baby, many of us forget completely about the relationship that we have with our spouse. The baby becomes our priority as it should be. But in this pointer on advice for new parents, I would suggest that you take out time to connect as individuals and partners as you did before the baby was born. Get a family member to help and go out for a dinner or a walk, cuddle on the couch while catching up with your favourite series or cook together, just spend some time with each other to connect.


7. Live Life and Laugh


Well, it might be annoying to hear that time flies fast, but it surely does. Don’t let yourself drown in the worries only and don’t forget to enjoy the little moments of joy as your baby grows during her first year. Play with her, hold her close to your heart, sing to her, dance with her, and be present as she takes her first steps or when says her first words. And the most important piece of advice for new parents would be to laugh, laugh and laugh.


The Bottom Line


Parenting is hard, irrespective of what is the age of the kid. But when you have had no experience in doing so, becoming a new parent can be harder. The TV shows and movies all talk about the joys of being a parent, a lot of mothers and fathers are misjudged when they talk about how hard it is to be a parent, but it is important to know that everyone goes through the same process. There are some people who might be lucky to have some extra help or kind friends and family members but the most important advice for new parents is to remember that you are not alone.


Source By: https://medium.com/@lovingparents121/advice-for-new-parents-7-nuggets-of-wisdom-every-parent-must-know-6dd2206539c1