
AcientWisdom in irc.IRCnow.org in #BSDforAll talking whit Margus, (de-programming the commu) Part 1

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LuureAmet @LuureAmet Β· Dec 13, 2022



Based on #BSDforAll .log: https://kingshire.ee/IRC/logs/IRCNow/bsdforall.log (log permently open to be shared by room moderator/owner permission)

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chilicon ship in her head
telm me whyi dont like mondays 

just naother manic monday
regina spectrum machine

regina macarones

sinisilmne naine
nii asjalik ja kaine

Not related, few other logging project:

Not all in here, but some takes, to much to pick up all of it, but first attempt to make understand the issue is here, based on few simple keyword search : 


[05:15:11] <%Porter> USGS Earthquake: M4.3, 145 km SSE of Pundong, Indonesia (25 minutes 49 seconds ago)
[05:28:56] <~AncientWisdom> 😊
[05:31:58] <~AncientWisdom> Margus: Some places have not earthquake, but "they choose" to have their own earthquakes  or "they let others to make" earthquakes on their soils  Β―\_(ツ)_/Β― --> <+Margus!~Shaman@825f5db8> a lot of EARTHQUAKE s...
[05:32:03] <~AncientWisdom> have no*
[05:32:22] <+Margus> yes
[05:32:27] <~AncientWisdom> man made earthquakes  = bombs/war
[05:32:40] <~AncientWisdom> πŸ˜‚πŸ€“πŸ˜†
[05:33:12] <~AncientWisdom> And the worst is... they let "dirty politicians" to make/deploy such earthquakes Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―
[05:34:16] <~AncientWisdom> Typical earthquake agitator/quakemongers Β―\_(ツ)_/Β― --> https://www.rt.com/news/567866-germany-ukraine-strike-russia/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=RSS
[05:34:17] <%Porter> [url@title] Germany says Ukraine can strike inside Russia β€” RT World News | www.rt.com
[05:34:53] <+Margus> alo look up the weatother tools
[05:34:55] <%Porter> I'm trying to remember who you are (0.o)7
[05:35:18] <~AncientWisdom> lookup wut?  --> <+Margus!~Shaman@825f5db8> alo look up the weatother tools
[05:35:26] <+Margus> there is wheather weaponary channel in yt net, ptetty well docmenting
[05:35:40] <~AncientWisdom> owh you mean weather-weapon ehh?
[05:35:43] <+Margus> entire ntwork by one guy


[05:36:02] <~AncientWisdom> hehehe
[05:36:14] <+Margus> he worked on the station measured the things before
[05:36:16] * ~AncientWisdom deploys Porter to regain Margus mind
[05:36:20] <%Porter> AncientWisdom: And each was wrought with his other. And his continence fell. The bivitellines, Metellus and Ametallikos, her crown pretenders, obscindgemeinded biekerers, varying directly, uruseye each oxes-other, superfetated (never cleaner of lamps frowned fiercelier on anointer of hinges), while their treegrown girls, king’s game, if he deign so, are in such transfusion just to know twigst timidy twomeys, for gracious sake, who is artthoudux[CUT]
[05:36:30] <~AncientWisdom> hehehe
[05:36:48] <+Margus> it was whit really straight forward name
[05:37:01] <+Margus> but they have methods to remove spesific things from mind
[05:37:04] <~AncientWisdom> .search weather weapon guy
[05:37:07] <~AncientWisdom> hehehe
[05:37:07] <%Porter> Search (#1) -, (#2) https://www.huffpost.com/entry/alex-jones-weather-weapons_n_61b7ce9ce4b0f7962d8013f6
[05:37:16] <+Margus> not the alex guy :D
[05:37:24] <~AncientWisdom> Is that the guy? 😊☝
[05:37:27] <~AncientWisdom> Ohw ok LOL
[05:37:45] <~AncientWisdom> .search guy who made weather weapon
[05:37:46] <+Margus> he has only focus on weather weains, has many websites and yt channel
[05:37:47] <%Porter> Search (#1) https://www.today.com/popculture, (#2) https://usawatchdog.com/man-made-weather-engineering-killing-us-all-dane-wigington/
[05:37:48] <~AncientWisdom> LOL
[05:37:48] <%Porter> πŸ€ͺ
[05:37:56] <+Margus> once a week reporting what new is in wather weaponrty
[05:37:57] <~AncientWisdom> Owh LOL
[05:38:12] <~AncientWisdom> WWWWWWOWWW LOL
[05:38:21] <+Margus> he also the one who first bring to light the weather modification LCC net, 
[05:38:37] <~AncientWisdom> UWU LOL


[05:39:09] <~AncientWisdom> Maybe that guy is "Russian" LOL   (note: now everyone always like to blame Russia) LOL
[05:39:09] <%Porter> o.0 maybe? Maybe if you don't like me, we should go out separate ways :( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSlTeIVmhv4
[05:39:16] <+Margus> but hes old stuff was good for sure
[05:39:22] <~AncientWisdom> kewl
[05:39:35] <+Margus> the weather motification comapny , is russian
[05:39:50] <~AncientWisdom> hahahaha my guess is correct LOL
[05:40:26] <~AncientWisdom> But.. that's kinda kewl ehh.. weather-weapon hahahah
[05:40:27] <+Margus> they boosted on website they have 400 russian sicentists , and thousands more to take , making any kind of wheater motification you want to order whit Cyron Coin or some crypto like that, speialy makde for wheater weaponry
[05:40:29] <%Porter> [BSD-RT] British PM vows crackdown on unions β†’ https://www.rt.com/news/567867-sunak-tough-labor-laws/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=RSS


[05:43:44] <~AncientWisdom> Both are nice movie... (^^)
[05:43:58] <+Margus> http://www.weathermodification.com/ the comapny i think he exposed was way ipper one then this one  "Weather Modification, Incorporated is the leader in atmospheric assessment and evaluation. Since 1961, we have been working in the sky, providing unmatched,..."
[05:43:59] <%Porter> [url@title] WEATHER MODIFICATION: cloud seeding, atmospheric services - Weather Modification, Inc. | www.weathermodification.com
[05:44:32] <~AncientWisdom> kewl
[05:44:52] <~AncientWisdom> Yeah, cloud seeding is just one good example how ppl can "edit" the weather xDDD
[05:44:54] <+Margus> but they all over now, many companys : "https://weathermod.org/ Free exchange of accurate information regarding the efficacy, safety, methodology and cost-effectiveness of weather modification activities. " OUR VISION....."
[05:44:58] <%Porter> [url@title] Weather Modification Association – Professional organization for the promotion of beneficial Weather Modification | weathermod.org
[05:45:23] <~AncientWisdom> ye
[05:45:42] <~AncientWisdom> we have bio-weapon... now we have weather-weapon tooo xDDD
[05:45:52] <~AncientWisdom> πŸ˜†πŸ€£
[05:46:11] <+Margus> https://library.noaa.gov/Collections/Digital-Collections/Weather-Modification-Project-Reports  "Weather Modification Project Reports - NOAA Central Libraryhttps://library.noaa.gov β€Ί Collections β€Ί Digital Collections
[05:46:11] <+Margus> Currently, the most common form of weather modification is cloud seeding, which increases rain or snow, usually for the purpose of increasing the loca...."
[05:46:13] <%Porter> [url@title] Weather Modification Project Reports | library.noaa.gov
[05:46:13] <%Porter> [url@title] Home | NOAA Central Library | library.noaa.gov



[05:47:56] <+Margus> https://www.fmwfchamber.com/list/member/weather-modification-llc-2527  Weather Modification LLC provides weather radars, cloud seeding aircraft, atmospheric research instrumentation, aircraft modification, and operational ..." ... internet full of that now
[05:47:58] <%Porter> [url@title] Weather Modification LLC | Aviation/Drone Services - Fargo Moorhead West Fargo Chamber of Commerce, ND | www.fmwfchamber.com
[05:48:49] <~AncientWisdom> Well, yeah, cloud seeding business is kinda kewl... especially where there is "no water+rain" issues  πŸ˜†πŸ€£
[05:49:06] <+Margus> alright i found it ,the Russians:
[05:49:08] <+Margus> Climate Global Control Trading LLC, Weather and climate ...http://climateglobal.net
[05:49:08] <+Margus> Climate Global Control Trading LLC. We can change the weather and control climate at any territory at any time. Weather and climate change - it is our ...
[05:49:09] <%Porter> [url@title] Climate Global Control Trading LLC, Weather and climate change - Climate Global Control Trading | climateglobal.net
[05:49:23] <~AncientWisdom> One cloud seeding cost can easily go USD1xxK and above
[05:49:33] <~AncientWisdom> Wowww kewl
[05:49:56] <~AncientWisdom> Russians are smart ppl... (^^)
[05:51:40] <+Margus> Cloud seeding is for noobs, look at them: Description of the technology: "Imagine a fairy-tale of Nils with his tales of the Wild Geese by Selma Lagerlof. Remember to tune, quiet sounds that increase in the lake swarms of rodents? This happens not only in a fairy tale. In developing the atmospheric processes, too, there are "weaknesses" are working on relatively low energies (of course, 
[05:51:40] <+Margus> the sounds of pipes), we can achieve a change in the parameters of the process. Including, of course, and direction. The most important thing - to know these "impact points", the position of which varies with the development process.
[05:51:40] <+Margus> In his article, "to command the hurricanes," Ross Hoffman (Ross N. Hoffman) - a leading expert and vice president of the Massachusetts company, "Studies of the atmosphere and the environment" (AER), describes similar experiments carried out to order NASA. The conclusion that makes a scientist, a very revealing: "Who knows, maybe after 10-20 years, many countries will become our regular 
[05:51:40] <+Margus> customers at the establishment of national centers of large-scale climate control in their territory with our technology."
[05:51:40] <+Margus> Thus, the results of the company's "Climate Global Clontrol Trading", even by our competitors, are not something impossible. We just managed to outrun them, and, judging from the information we have, significant. Already, our technology allows you to create distributed low-energy electrostatic and electromagnetic fields controlled, and realize that the transfer of air masses in the region.
[05:52:26] <~AncientWisdom> hehehe


[05:52:41] <+Margus> Our technology:
[05:52:41] <+Margus> Doesn't apply any chemical components
[05:52:41] <+Margus> Is totally environmental friendly
[05:52:42] <+Margus> Is harmless for humans
[05:52:42] <+Margus> Is power-saving
[05:52:50] <~AncientWisdom> kewl
[05:53:09] <~AncientWisdom> Yeah, they do have many kinda methods todo cloud seedings
[05:53:23] <+Margus> and this is just their public info
[05:53:31] <+Margus> including promo vidoe of them making hurcaines
[05:53:40] <~AncientWisdom> Some only use "salt".. with no dangerous chemicals
[05:53:52] <~AncientWisdom> hahahaha,, making hurricane?
[05:54:19] <+Margus> i contacyed them form a profile that i have for intelligence serice and asked for govermental interest level , about weapthey was openly interested and inviting me to see the tech
[05:54:36] <~AncientWisdom> BUt whatver it is, MAN hurricane cannot fight GOD-Made hurricane (^^)
[05:54:36] <+Margus> weaponry
[05:55:02] <+Margus> well, man made hurcaines, can perhaps mess things more up as GOd is not here to destroy us
[05:55:07] <~AncientWisdom> wowwww --> <+Margus!~Shaman@825f5db8> i contacyed them form a profile that i have for intelligence serice and asked for govermental interest level , about weapthey was openly interested and inviting me to see the tech
[05:55:23] <~AncientWisdom> hahaha yeah maybe true tooo -> <+Margus!~Shaman@825f5db8> well, man made hurcaines, can perhaps mess things more up as GOd is not here to destroy us


[05:56:02] <~AncientWisdom> GOD hurricane is more like "punishment" ... man-made hurrican is more of "self-inflicting climate change problem" hhahaha
[05:56:17] <+Margus> How It Works
[05:56:17] <+Margus> Ø We use unique electromagnetic waves with different frequencies
[05:56:17] <+Margus> Ø Creating and safely managing the atmospheric flows, thermal lens, control and manage
[05:56:17] <+Margus> weather anomalies.
[05:56:17] <+Margus> Ø Safely managing weather processes of the ocean and atmosphere.
[05:56:17] <+Margus> Ø Creating a β€œforce field” an atmospheric wall with modified parameters
[05:56:18] <+Margus> Ø We can create and safely manage different atmospheric tunnels which safely effects the
[05:56:18] <+Margus> current weather processes.
[05:56:18] <+Margus> Ø Our technology is precise and detailed and we are always in full control of the
[05:56:18] <+Margus> implementation in real time. This allows us to see the impact of the process and allows us to
[05:56:18] <+Margus> effectively and safely manage the situation.
[05:56:18] <+Margus> Ø This technology does not exist anywhere in the world any minute changes in the energy field
[05:56:18] <+Margus> of the earth can be detected, tracked and corrected.
[05:56:18] <+Margus> Ø The energy equivalent of this planned action may be tens of megatons, only distributed in
[05:56:18] <+Margus> time and space. And it may be comparable to the solar energy flowing into the territory (5
[05:56:18] <+Margus> to 30%)
[05:56:23] * You were kicked by SirMerlinBSD (flood)
[05:56:23] * Attempting to rejoin channel #bsdforall
[05:56:24] #bsdforall Cannot send to channel


[05:59:11] <~AncientWisdom> LOL
[05:59:11] <%Porter> 😁
[05:59:23] <Margus> Hardware technology "Controlled Weather Change" presents a distributed network of antenna
[05:59:23] <Margus> systems. Antenna complexes are located in areas of active weather-forming processes in the Indian
[05:59:23] <Margus> Ocean region. Antenna complexes are fully autonomous, non-volatile; with a high level of
[05:59:23] <Margus> redundancy these complexes provide a completely safe controlsystem of all atmospheric processes.
[05:59:23] <Margus> The information about the location and composition of equipment is strictly confidential.
[05:59:47] <~AncientWisdom> hehehe I like that part --> "The information about the location and composition of equipment is strictly confidential."
[06:00:05] <~AncientWisdom> sounds like military type informations LOL
[06:00:36] <Margus> Innovative Technology for Weather Management fully complies with The Environmental
[06:00:36] <Margus> Modification Convention (ENMOD), formally the Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any
[06:00:36] <Margus> Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification, which is one of the main UN documents
[06:00:36] <Margus> prohibiting its participants from military or any other hostile influence on the environment, through
[06:00:36] <Margus> the deliberate management of natural processes in the biosphere, hydrosphere, the Earth's
[06:00:36] <Margus> atmosphere and near-Earth space.
[06:00:36] <Margus> Integrated technological solutions of company CGCT for managed weather change will allow to take
[06:00:36] <Margus> into account the climatic characteristics of the defined area (territory) and to increase precipitation,
[06:00:36] <Margus> regulate groundwater levels, eliminate the causes of dust storms, tornados and also levelling of
[06:00:37] <Margus> seasonal temperature contrasts to a comfortable level in a certain area of the region.
[06:00:44] <~AncientWisdom> or... maybe Black Ops "Defense Contractor"  hahahaha
[06:01:25] <Margus> CGCT has a strong diverse team from the Science and Research Sector that have evolved within the
[06:01:25] <Margus> last thirty years and consists of more than 400 highly capable and uniquely experienced
[06:01:25] <Margus> professionals and experts from Russia who now live and work in various countries. CGCT also has
[06:01:25] <Margus> the ability to bring additional specialists from all over the world if the project is a big scale project.
[06:01:25] <Margus> With its capable team of highly skilled professionals the company guarantees clients the
[06:01:25] <Margus> effectiveness of all resources and precise and successful implementation. 
[06:01:28] * You were kicked by SirMerlinBSD (flood)
[06:01:28] * Attempting to rejoin channel #bsdforall


[06:01:47] <Margus> so yea, its this kind of site, 
[06:02:57] <Margus> "than 400 highly capable and uniquely experienced
[06:02:57] <Margus> [06:01:25] <Margus> professionals and experts from Russia who now live and work in various countries. CGCT also has
[06:02:57] <Margus> [06:01:25] <Margus> the ability to bring additional specialists from all over the world if the project is a big scale project. "
[06:03:07] <~AncientWisdom> kewl
[06:03:29] <Margus> so you can imagine what is the private info, that is classified :D
[06:03:38] <~AncientWisdom> Yeah, Russian scientist are pretty much smart
[06:03:55] <~AncientWisdom> yes, duly noted (^^) --> <Margus!~Shaman@825f5db8> so you can imagine what is the private info, that is classified :D
[06:03:55] <Margus> yeah but whar if they ommunists top of it
[06:04:27] <Margus> site it self is clean from ordinary communists markings, suprisingly
[06:04:53] <~AncientWisdom> hahahha... well i dont really think Russian are communist these days..... even China too... since they dont "force' pp to follow them. But I do think US and A is getting to becoming more like a "communist" these days LOL
[06:05:07] <~AncientWisdom> s/ppl/ppl*
[06:05:08] <Margus> and now imagine if on war time, they first  cut oukraine electrisity, and then, make 2 meters of snow all ower ukraine
[06:05:10] <~AncientWisdom> s/pp/ppl*
[06:05:11] <%Porter> AncientWisdom meant to say: hahahha... well i dont really think Russian are communist these days..... even China too... since they dont "force' ppl* to follow them. But I do think US and A is getting to becoming more like a "communist" these days LOL
[06:05:30] <~AncientWisdom> LOL --> <Margus!~Shaman@825f5db8> and now imagine if on war time, they first  cut oukraine electrisity, and then, make 2 meters of snow all ower ukraine
[06:05:30] <%Porter> 😘
[06:05:43] <Margus> i mean ACTUAL communsits, not the ones who are Russians, as it means not the country so much for communsits, as they work for other beings
[06:05:48] <Margus> the acutla ommunsitsts
[06:05:51] <Margus> i mean they say they russians
[06:05:55] <~AncientWisdom> Ahhh wok
[06:05:55] <%Porter> Hmmm
[06:05:56] <Margus> but what if they instead a Communsits
[06:05:58] <~AncientWisdom> ok*
[06:06:00] <Margus> and hinde behind a russian



[06:06:08] <~AncientWisdom> heh
[06:06:09] <Margus> then its reallty really dangerous
[06:06:30] <Margus> as then its for 100% war preparation tool as well
[06:07:01] <~AncientWisdom> Well, doesnt matter if they are communist or not... the danger is when "ppl start to force other ppl" to embrace their "ideology ormilitary doctrines"
[06:07:25] <~AncientWisdom> .. or because of "dirtypolitics"...
[06:07:38] <Margus> https://www.arabiaweather.com/en/content/strange-scenes-of-the-city-of-dubai-covered-in-white-snow-through-digital-art-can-it-really-snow-in-dubai
[06:07:41] <%Porter> [url@title] Strange scenes of the city of Dubai covered in white snow through digital art.. Can it really snow in Dubai? | ArabiaWeather | ArabiaWeather | www.arabiaweather.com
[06:07:51] <~AncientWisdom> Ah yes.. i saw that
[06:07:51] <%Porter> Hmmm
[06:08:48] <Margus> https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2022/02/25/japan-snow-record-depth-tsunan-hokkaido/
[06:08:51] <%Porter> [url@title] Japan breaks snowfall records with 15 feet of snow - The Washington Post | www.washingtonpost.com
[06:08:58] <~AncientWisdom> Frankly, to me, ditry politics are more dangerous than communist LOL
[06:09:02] <~AncientWisdom> dirty*
[06:09:13] <~AncientWisdom> πŸ˜†πŸ€£
[06:10:14] <Margus> Jan 27, 2022 β€” SnowJapan.com reports that Kiroro has gone through the 10 metre/33 feet seasonal-snowfall-to-date stat over the past week and is posting the .. https://www.snow-forecast.com/whiteroom/japan-posts-worlds-most-snowfall-deepest-bases-but-still-closed-to-international-travel/
[06:10:19] <%Porter> [url@title] Japan Posts World’s Most Snowfall & Deepest Bases But Still Closed to International Travel - The Whiteroom | www.snow-forecast.com
[06:10:35] <~AncientWisdom> A wise words " Good leader brings peace to its people, bad leader brings war to its people" Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―







of propacanda infected mind
brainwashed wictims 


[06:49:35] <~AncientWisdom> Well, "Communist" are often "designated" as countries (and they are only few).. but "dirty politicians are everywhere in every countries". That's why I'd said.. "dirty politicians are worst than Communist" since they can cause war, regime change, illegal assassinations, blablablablabla Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―
[06:49:45] <~AncientWisdom> --> there is Nothing dirtier then communists politics, and most of the politics dirtiness arund the world, is from the forces that make up communism, and am not tlaking about some naive hard working marx reader libertarians or philosophers
[06:49:45] <%Porter> ._.
[06:50:35] <~AncientWisdom> Nevertheless, you have your view+pointers.. and so do I and anyone else in here (^^)
[06:52:42] <~AncientWisdom> .choose communist, non-communist
[06:52:42] <%Porter> AncientWisdom: Your options: [ communist, non-communist ]. My choice|vote: [  communist  ] 😊
[06:52:47] <~AncientWisdom> HAHHAHAHAA
[07:00:54] <Margus> no we no one here ever choose no communist , ever
[07:00:59] <Margus> as its not view points
[07:01:06] <Margus> its what Actually communists are
[07:01:13] <Margus> as a beings , non humans, in direction to humans
[07:01:32] <Margus> i told i not talking about the  simple level humans, who imagine they are communists
[07:01:48] <Margus> because they liekd the fairy tale of equal living or other fantasys writen up



[07:37:38] <~AncientWisdom> we dont need puppets
[07:37:47] <Margus> yeah but we cant blame them as its is horrible what is done to them behind a scene
[07:37:56] <Margus> besides multy level radio head attacks
[07:38:00] <~AncientWisdom> .... cause we already have too many clowsn in parliaments/governments... LOL  πŸ˜†πŸ€£
[07:38:09] <~AncientWisdom> clowns*
[07:38:41] <Margus> so in that sense we shoud at least support these womans who try to be ..wanted to be,.. and who are not wictims... but at least we know.. if situation woudl be different they them self Would not make it like thsi
[07:38:42] <~AncientWisdom> Just look at Zelensky... a comedian that becomes a Leader.. now he make Ukraine like a comedian stage
[07:38:54] <Margus> well i thnk he is fine also
[07:39:03] <~AncientWisdom> We need strong leader.. with real "statesman" quality
[07:39:15] <Margus> i mean the fact that hes is not wearing a tie, is already good for me
[07:39:28] <~AncientWisdom> let me say that again... we need "Statesman" quality... (^^)
[07:39:39] <~AncientWisdom> LOL --> <Margus!~Shaman@825f5db8> i mean the fact that hes is not wearing a tie, is already good for me
[07:39:39] <%Porter> 😝
[07:39:44] <Margus> as he is more leader material then most politicans i am pretty sure, suprieced actually how good he is 


[07:40:55] <Margus> i mean there is not a much more what to be in this situation ,... as alreagy weleaders send many notes to him, that "why zenelsky is not wearing normal clothes"
[07:40:58] <Margus> "normal"
[07:41:05] <Margus> when meeting whti high leaders
[07:41:07] <~AncientWisdom> wise leaders MUST have high level of quality of "statesman diplomacy" to be a great leade
[07:41:09] <~AncientWisdom> leader*
[07:41:27] <Margus> well, its a rebel war in there, its no time to have Slick politicans
[07:41:37] <~AncientWisdom> Hahahaha...
[07:41:56] <Margus> someone like Reagan or Kennedy, would not make better jo
[07:42:00] <Margus> job
[07:42:20] <~AncientWisdom> Well, save to say this way... some people can be a good comedian .. but not a great "statesman". Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―
[07:42:30] <Margus> as the people it self, in Ukriane , is comlicated to unite as its extremly fractured and communist inbreeded land
[07:43:02] <Margus> anyway i have seen only a little of zelensky, but i have not seen any actual real istake jet
[07:43:06] <Margus> considering situation


[02:30:44] <~AncientWisdom> Margus; One thing for sure, the biggest blunder+source of worst/twisted propagandas are "dirty politiciains". Today, they say "this", and then tomorrow they say "that", the next day they themselves gets "cconfused" of what they say LOL.😁😁😁
[02:32:36] <~AncientWisdom> ... In short, I see those kinda "dirty politicians" as like they are just some "mix" bunch of "clowns, jester, comedian" that needs lame attentions 😁😁😁
[02:34:40] <~AncientWisdom> 😊


[22:49:11] <+Margus> only trick they made they made it look that he is just ocmedian so it would appear weak candidate so it would be allowed to position
[22:49:19] <+Margus> and that he takes a side openly on jews
[22:49:26] <+Margus> is as smart side as there cna be
[22:49:40] <+Margus> only thing extra needed is shamanism and royalism
[22:49:54] <+Margus> but this would be pushing the line too much
[22:50:05] <~AncientWisdom> Margus! You know what.. typically, for Chinese people, once you lied, they will NEVER EVER TRUST you anymore even you die. So, if really Zelensky want to become "netural", He MUST be replaced by new candidate otherwise, Russia will never trust people like Zelenskly Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―
[22:50:07] <+Margus> but as there is talks he uses s" this mght be on the wa also
[22:50:34] <+Margus> You have it oposite,
[22:50:39] <~AncientWisdom> Well, he is/was a comedian ehhhh -->  <+Margus!~Shaman@f21bfd5c> only trick they made they made it look that he is just ocmedian  so it would appear weak candidate so it would be allowed to position
[22:50:55] <+Margus> Russia needs to go to selensky nad admit, that zelesky is awesame man, and is honorable leader to ukraine, that putin IS impressed whit
[22:50:59] <+Margus> this is what putin MUST do
[22:51:03] <~AncientWisdom> .. except now, he made Ukraine as he BIG comedy stage Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―
[22:51:14] <~AncientWisdom> s/he/his
[22:51:14] <+Margus> reall death for u is comedy ?


[22:52:17] <~AncientWisdom> Well, if the "news" is true that he wanted "neutrality", then he really make Ukraine a comedy stage --> <+Margus!~Shaman@f21bfd5c> reall death for u is comedy ?
[22:52:30] <+Margus> Russians, if you want to count communists as russia, systematically have been try to eliminate my country culture hundreds of years
[22:52:37] <+Margus> did we ever invade them ?
[22:52:51] <~AncientWisdom> .. and people dying as will become a waste Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―
[22:52:52] <+Margus> no we ofered them higer tec and higher culture access then most russians ever have seen
[22:52:54] <+Margus> its a fact
[22:53:27] <~AncientWisdom> Owh - Your culture??? ??? I thot you from Iran??? --> <+Margus!~Shaman@f21bfd5c> Russians, if you want to count communists as russia, systematically have been try to eliminate my country culture hundreds of years
[22:53:58] <~AncientWisdom> If you're from Iran, it was American that wanted to eliminate your country Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―
[22:54:06] <+Margus> the russian invader colonerls, high up ones, when they invaded Estonia igh culture, that they turned in to as shit as possible, specially in past 50 years, they was so out of touch whit human culture, that the wifes, of the millitary eads, back then, the you knwo got estonian houses, estonians was thrown out, the rich ones and the comunsit russian leaders moved in, no clotehs was alloed to 
[22:54:06] <+Margus> take etc
[22:54:06] <~AncientWisdom> .. and not Russian???
[22:54:09] <+Margus> so these savages
[22:54:19] <+Margus> the Russian  language speking savages
[22:54:32] <+Margus> did not even know what is NIGHT sleeping dress and what is party dress
[22:54:46] <~AncientWisdom> Hahahaha --> <+Margus!~Shaman@f21bfd5c> Russia needs to go to selensky nad admit, that zelesky is awesame man, and is honorable leader to ukraine, that putin IS impressed whit
[22:55:00] <+Margus> so they wifes, took the esotnia womans NIGHT sleeping dresss, as their mind are slutty anderstood it was meant to be private for sleep, and put it on on public partys ,
[22:55:04] <+Margus> its a documented fact


[07:43:42] <~AncientWisdom> reagon -->  a good president with high-level quality of diplomacy
[07:43:45] <~AncientWisdom> reagan*
[07:43:47] <Margus> yes but in Ukraine, reagan or kennegy would fail
[07:43:52] <Margus> as Ukriane is not USA
[07:44:03] <Margus> its not marilin monroe
[07:44:39] <~AncientWisdom> Well, as for Ukraine... nobody knows... until the war ends.. but surely, we know this... "may innocense ukraines people has died.... and that is not good"
[07:44:45] <Margus> and only reason he was able to get there, is that he was expected to be extremly weak and piss him self on first weeks
[07:44:47] <Margus> but he did not
[07:44:53] <~AncientWisdom> so, no one knows who wins (^^)
[07:45:06] <Margus> this is not war between russia and ukraine
[07:45:13] <~AncientWisdom> .. at least, until someone surrenders or someone wins
[07:45:34] <Margus> communists planned and agitated it
[07:45:51] <~AncientWisdom> The wise man says this...  "in a war, its not about winning.. its about who's left and alive" Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―
[07:45:55] <Margus> putin actually prisoned many army heads, who planed uprinsing in russia, red uprisng
[07:46:27] <Margus> in west is told its beause they failed in Ukraine war, but its not
[07:46:38] <~AncientWisdom> and that is true ==> "in a war, its not about winning.. its about who's left and alive" Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―
[07:47:07] <Margus> but ukriane has suffered tens of millions deaths before from communists 
[07:47:09] <Margus> in winter
[07:47:16] <Margus> but this time...
[07:47:20] <~AncientWisdom> ye.. that can happen anywhere
[07:47:36] <Margus> but specially there
[07:48:03] <Margus> as the trick is also, west wanna see ukriane suffer as much as they can, i mean western communsits, so they can have excuse to REALLY start actual war  against russia
[07:48:12] <~AncientWisdom> China has millions people dies.. jsut because of natural disasters.. ex: floods, typhoons... etc. So death is "common"
[07:48:15] <Margus> as they need to get access to russia reosurces in future


about commies:

[06:49:35] <~AncientWisdom> Well, "Communist" are often "designated" as countries (and they are only few).. but "dirty politicians are everywhere in every countries". That's why I'd said.. "dirty politicians are worst than Communist" since they can cause war, regime change, illegal assassinations, blablablablabla Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―
[06:49:45] <~AncientWisdom> --> there is Nothing dirtier then communists politics, and most of the politics dirtiness arund the world, is from the forces that make up communism, and am not tlaking about some naive hard working marx reader libertarians or philosophers
[06:49:45] <%Porter> ._.
[06:50:35] <~AncientWisdom> Nevertheless, you have your view+pointers.. and so do I and anyone else in here (^^)
[06:52:42] <~AncientWisdom> .choose communist, non-communist
[06:52:42] <%Porter> AncientWisdom: Your options: [ communist, non-communist ]. My choice|vote: [  communist  ] 😊
[06:52:47] <~AncientWisdom> HAHHAHAHAA
[07:00:54] <Margus> no we no one here ever choose no communist , ever
[07:00:59] <Margus> as its not view points
[07:01:06] <Margus> its what Actually communists are
[07:01:13] <Margus> as a beings , non humans, in direction to humans
[07:01:32] <Margus> i told i not talking about the  simple level humans, who imagine they are communists
[07:01:48] <Margus> because they liekd the fairy tale of equal living or other fantasys writen up
[07:02:12] <Margus> but the actual non human beings who run that force, and for what reason its run
[07:02:23] <Margus> nazins comared to them are like puppyes
[07:02:46] <Margus> vs continent full of hyaanes
[07:02:56] <~AncientWisdom> Well, yeah, maybe that's kinda "old" narrative about "communism". But hey, look at these modern days.... did anyone in Russia or China prevent people from becoming rich???? --> <Margus!~Shaman@825f5db8> because they liekd the fairy tale of equal living or other fantasys writen up



[07:03:33] <Margus> russians also are victims of communists, they not communists 
[07:03:55] <Margus> putin told first thing he did is eliminated commie statues and images from hes apartmants when he got power
[07:04:23] <Margus> but he also told there is so much ,these russia destructing comunists still ruling in russia, that even he can not get rid of 


[07:03:33] <Margus> russians also are victims of communists, they not communists 
[07:03:55] <Margus> putin told first thing he did is eliminated commie statues and images from hes apartmants when he got power
[07:04:23] <Margus> but he also told there is so much ,these russia destructing comunists still ruling in russia, that even he can not get rid of 
[07:04:34] <~AncientWisdom> "Communism" on fairy tales of equalities are old narrative. The modern days "Communist" are those "ditry politicians" who  would DO ANYTHING TO OTHERS or to INFLUENCE others to "follow" their dictactorhip under the pretexst of "democracy"
[07:04:55] <Margus> the politicans are jsut also , kid level tools in most cases
[07:04:58] <%Porter> /!\ ALERT! (EARTHQUAKE: Indonesia Only!)  /!\
[07:04:58] <%Porter> Tanggal: 08 Des 2022, Jam: 11:58:55 WIB, Coordinates: -2.47,139.33, Magnitude: 5.1, Kedalaman: 11 km
[07:04:59] <%Porter> Wilayah: 14 km Tenggara SARMI-PAPUA
[07:05:02] <~AncientWisdom> Modern "democracy" is actually "modern "communist" ehh
[07:05:03] <%Porter> Potensi: Tidak berpotensi tsunami
[07:05:07] <%Porter> Dirasakan: -
[07:05:12] <Margus> yes [07:05:02] <~AncientWisdom> Modern "democracy" is actually "modern "communist" ehh
[07:05:20] <~AncientWisdom> 😊
[07:05:24] <Margus> capitalism, communsim, democarasy its all tools of communists
[07:05:31] <Margus> who are non humans
[07:05:32] <%Porter> (⦿⽘⦿)
[07:05:33] <~AncientWisdom> ye
[07:05:54] <Margus> but we are Earthlanders and Pro Earthlanders
[07:06:04] <Margus> so we choose, SHamanism, Animism, Royalism, and Farming
[07:06:07] <%Porter> .uptime [uptime check]
[07:06:10] <Margus> and Market s if needed
[07:06:13] <~AncientWisdom> πŸ˜πŸ‘
[07:06:13] <@SirMerlinBSD> [uptime] BSDForAll: 12:06AM  up 83 days,  4:19, 1 user, load averages: 1.29, 1.19, 1.20 [OpenBSD lemon 7.1 GENERIC.MP#3 amd64 amd64]
[07:06:40] <Margus> market people is not capitalists really, but among them was many whofitted for it
[07:06:43] <~AncientWisdom> Well, I think I prefer "Pacifist" xDDDDD


[07:06:57] <Margus> yes but pasifist ALSo have to have top of that actual idelogy
[07:07:07] <Margus> pasifistic shamanism, or pasifisitc royalism etc
[07:07:23] <~AncientWisdom> NO WAR... PEACE PLIZZZ !!!! xDDD
[07:07:23] <Margus> as just "pasifist" is telling like you just wanna be hukman
[07:07:27] <Margus> human
[07:07:35] <~AncientWisdom> ye
[07:08:12] <Margus> pasifist is like additional dsecription what kind of human but also , to make selection for some actual forces who can privide pasifisitic living for you
[07:08:19] <~AncientWisdom> Anyone who're war mongers.. war agitators.. .are "modern day communist" πŸ˜†πŸ€£
[07:08:20] <Margus> as if not, it will be choosen for you
[07:08:30] <Margus> technically yes
[07:08:35] <Margus> but not everyone who was in war
[07:08:41] <Margus> as some wars are preventive against evil
[07:08:43] <~AncientWisdom> of course
[07:08:45] <Margus> and some are revange
[07:08:50] <~AncientWisdom> ye
[07:08:51] <Margus> and some are protetion
[07:08:55] <Margus> protection
[07:08:59] <~AncientWisdom> ye
[07:09:13] <Margus> but back in history is compicated,,, when communsts control history books, to know what really happn
[07:09:34] <~AncientWisdom> But some "stupid" people thinks they protect themselves because war agitators/war mongers "tells" them soo LOL
[07:09:55] <Margus> oh.. what people think.... in mass..is like a wind
[07:10:02] <Margus> it is on what side wind blows
[07:10:17] <~AncientWisdom> so, "to say to protect under the influence of war mongers" is not really protecting. that is "stupid"
[07:10:22] <Margus> and as we can see from wheather motfication is not complicated to chnage a wind
[07:11:14] <Margus> protests genrally are , not smart things but are orgnised by the commies, to divert form solutions and use it to implement new 5-10 year criminals or opertunists or naives who will be braineashed later



[07:12:35] <~AncientWisdom> Important things.. "dont ever get yourself to be influence by war mongers... because that is bad for the people"
[07:12:45] <Margus> yes
[07:13:05] <~AncientWisdom> Just look around now... who suffers??? the people suffers ehhh
[07:13:23] <Margus> nature, animals, creation, intelligen,e potential,....GOd
[07:13:31] <Margus> sufferers many
[07:13:35] <~AncientWisdom> .. and the oligarch... billionaries.. run away from their own countries... and live happy
[07:13:57] <~AncientWisdom> .. I'd say.. "fxxx" those oligarch/billionarires/dirty politicians
[07:14:02] <Margus> i not even worry about technically about billionaires and origraphs
[07:14:08] <Margus> as its not a defination of bad to be rich
[07:14:21] <Margus> just what you and how you get your richness..
[07:14:47] <~AncientWisdom> Of course, they are good  oligarch/billionarires.. but to run away when other people suffers.. are not good examples (^^)
[07:15:18] <Margus> but they an be great tools of bad by finansing wrong sides in fear of getting some protetion wven from bad sides...as some really ...like weapon dealers etc... they kow well so many ways how accidents can happen even best of them
[07:15:21] <~AncientWisdom> Real "patriotic" stays.. and help the people... but not to "cause" suffering of the peoples
[07:15:22] <Margus> or their loved ones
[07:15:50] <Margus> well, running away if its stradagy to help more and better, is also exusable
[07:16:04] <Margus> but run away to laught about silly ones who wdie... is not good
[07:16:26] <~AncientWisdom> Yeah maybe... but... I bet not everyone is like those you mentioned hehehehe
[07:16:41] <Margus> as some run away for they not care ...some run away to sarve futrtune not to get in hands of enemy.. so they an from away help their country better later
[07:16:46] <Margus> hopefully
[07:16:47] <%Porter> Margus: hop 😊
[07:17:08] <~AncientWisdom> Out of 100%... maybe there's only less than 10% of oligarch/billionarires stays and help peoples ehh

[07:17:09] * Attempting to rejoin channel #bsdforall





[22:55:39] <~AncientWisdom> Owh? Now you talling about Estonia? Well fren, which are you now .. Iranian or Estonian??? 0.o7
[22:55:42] <+Margus> and so the iditoic things they did in eliminateing estonia, and HUNDREDS of other cultures in uncountable
[22:55:45] <~AncientWisdom> talking*
[22:55:49] <+Margus> if you do not account that , 
[22:55:56] <~AncientWisdom> You made me confused LOL
[22:55:59] <+Margus> then you ignoring a big part what is going on and where the come from
[22:56:07] <+Margus> its not confused its a fact
[22:56:13] <+Margus> it makes things more clear
[22:56:30] <+Margus> as it seems you negin to imagine that Russia is like REAL, the current russia after communists specially
[22:56:32] <+Margus> its not ,
[22:56:38] <+Margus> they even kiled Tsars
[22:56:45] <+Margus> last inteligent family to rule a land
[22:56:51] <~AncientWisdom> 😊
[22:56:55] <+Margus> so ow cmedy is that
[22:57:10] <~AncientWisdom> πŸ˜†πŸ€£
[22:57:10] <+Margus> i mean the list of idiotic things these alien invaders did, as russians, is endless
[22:57:15] <mkf> were are you from Margus?
[22:57:28] <+Margus> Ukriane they have try to kill off long time ago also, 100 y ago they try to strave them to death
[22:57:52] <+Margus> they took all food, away, it was deat penatly to preseve food
[22:57:55] <+Margus> or to make grain
[22:58:00] <+Margus> and then when winter come, 
[22:58:08] <+Margus> millions f people died
[22:58:26] <+Margus> and same time the fuckers in russia , starved also their own people, as its deat satanic cult
[22:58:27] <%Porter> o.0
[22:58:28] * You were kicked by Porter (: Be Polite Pliz! πŸ‘» πŸ˜…)


[22:58:36] <+Margus> its as it is
[22:58:47] <~AncientWisdom> Well, I dont think so... people in Ukraine are starving because the "ditry politicians" are corrupt and made Ukraine almost becoming a bankdrupt . Hence wnhy Ukraine wanted Western world to come and pour more $$$$ --> <+Margus!~Shaman@f21bfd5c> Ukriane they have try to kill off long time ago also, 100 y ago they try to strave them to death
[22:59:04] <+Margus> no they starved becuse orgnized ANTI human criminals outside ukraine
[22:59:10] <+Margus> who are inbreed in Ukraine as well
[22:59:11] <%Porter> o.0
[22:59:17] <+Margus> same way as they are inbreeded in estonia
[22:59:28] <~AncientWisdom> To me, war in not the solution... you need to change the "corrupt" politicians   Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―
[22:59:31] <+Margus> after world war 2 they bring in ower half a million criinals to estonia and workers and SLUTS
[22:59:34] <+Margus> this was by desing
[22:59:44] <+Margus> as criminals and sluts was desinged to be best culture destorers
[23:00:03] <+Margus> and only professional people thbring was for a reaosn that they have to be RULERS of all estonai work postitoons
[23:00:09] <~AncientWisdom> Anyway they are "corrupt" politicians, they must be changed ehh (^^)
[23:00:14] <+Margus> so proer estonains who know howhow to make work do it, 
[23:00:15] <~AncientWisdom> Anywhere*
[23:00:17] <+Margus> and they get all the benefiot
[23:00:23] <+Margus> this is how these crooks work
[23:00:29] <+Margus> and same time they inveted mass propacanda
[23:00:31] <+Margus> and fake news
[23:00:37] <+Margus> and they say 100% opesite all the time
[23:00:47] <+Margus> so the ones who are not in touch wit reality
[23:00:47] <~AncientWisdom> Well, yeah.. crooks are everywhere πŸ˜†πŸ€£
[23:01:09] <+Margus> they live in some other invader country, will it be USA, Spain or some other up tight culture who lives comfortable life
[23:01:15] <+Margus> and now shit about comunsits eviness
[23:01:20] <+Margus> then they all like sucking up the propacanda


[23:01:30] <~AncientWisdom> The most dangerous "Danger" comes from within... ehh (^^)
[23:01:38] <+Margus> yes this is howstory
[23:01:40] <+Margus> whit in
[23:01:47] <+Margus> its not like communsits often invade whit taknks
[23:01:58] <+Margus> the ukriane part is exception as the whit in did not serve the full pupose
[23:02:09] <+Margus> it wasplaned that comunists in ukaine side and russia side make the war
[23:02:15] <+Margus> and force ru gov in to it
[23:02:24] <~AncientWisdom> The most dangerous "Danger" comes from within... ehh (^^).. but sometimes, people blames others (just like US and A likes to blame regimes/government they dont like)
[23:02:25] <+Margus> as they are stanic death cult
[23:02:48] <+Margus> USA can do what a fuck they want they usa
[23:02:56] <+Margus> what is excuse for russia is another question
[23:02:57] <%Porter> (⦿⽘⦿)
[23:03:04] <~AncientWisdom> Hahahha.. try calling "the vatican" to do exorcism πŸ˜†πŸ€£ --> <+Margus!~Shaman@f21bfd5c> as they are stanic death cult
[23:03:05] <+Margus> USA at least kills others who are not same breed as them
[23:03:10] <+Margus> Russia torures their own 


[23:06:42] <+Margus> its literally RUSSIA airplanes and bombs they ihire , they hire other crooks to kill ukrainians
[23:06:53] <+Margus> and then there is lokal FAKE ukrianians who bomb their own things
[23:06:54] <~AncientWisdom> πŸ˜†πŸ€£
[23:07:13] <+Margus> and this part is filmed by RT procanda group and they make it look as its real ukrainians
[23:07:18] <+Margus> its simple manipulation in darkest levels
[23:07:30] <~AncientWisdom> No, first you dont blame Russia. You must blame the "war agitators, war mongers" that causes Ukraine to be attacked Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―
[23:07:31] <+Margus> project is ALSO by the same who lie about Ukraine, they plan is ALSO to eliminate Russia
[23:07:37] <+Margus> its not that they just want to eliinate ukraine
[23:07:47] <+Margus> so if you not able to defend urkaine u also not ableto defend russioa
[23:08:17] <+Margus> YOu do know that Russia has been one of the biggest invaders, tortand killers , in this regin, in past 100 years ? 
[23:08:20] <+Margus> its like elementary fact
[23:08:30] <~AncientWisdom> Anyhow, yes... we'll see who "wins" the war later ehhh


[23:09:38] <~AncientWisdom> yes, I can concur.. nobody "wins".. especially the innocense people who dies uncessarily --> <+Margus!~Shaman@f21bfd5c> there is no Winning in it
[23:09:50] <+Margus> yes and its RUSSIANS who kill it remeber
[23:10:05] <+Margus> its not UKRAINIANS killing people in RUSSIA, its RUSSIANS killing people IN UKRAINE
[23:10:05] <~AncientWisdom> War is .. "not about who's winning, but who's left and alive" Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―
[23:10:17] <+Margus> its liek so simple thing you shoudl newer cunfuse
[23:10:50] <~AncientWisdom> No, in "war" people kill both sides ehh   πŸ˜†πŸ€£ 

[23:12:11] <~AncientWisdom> That's why I've said before, in a country, poeple need a "highly diplomatic statesman" that knows how to negotiate a WIN-WIN situation.. not "hey, lets go to war now" πŸ˜†πŸ€£
[23:12:11] <+Margus> seems that justiiued ?
[23:12:27] <+Margus> so what country culture you are from AncientWisdom> ? 
[23:12:38] <+Margus> are you the kinwho afraid to say what country you from ?
[23:12:46] <+Margus> you not dare to say your roots ?
[23:12:51] <+Margus> shame of your culture and land ?
[23:12:58] <+Margus> what culture is it ?
[23:12:59] <%Porter> o.0
[23:13:02] <+Margus> that you shmae of
[23:13:05] <+Margus> if you are
[23:13:08] <+Margus> ?
[23:13:16] <+Margus> i am From Estonia

[23:17:10] <+Margus> yeah its all goofor propacanda, but if you not dare to say what you stand for really its all empty
[23:17:14] <~AncientWisdom> WOW>. You dont bring "mother and father"  matter here kid --> <+Margus!~Shaman@f21bfd5c> what s the fear of being a shame of your own motehr and father ?
[23:17:25] <+Margus> if you do not have roots, a country you stand for then what it is rigth to talk about other govs ?
[23:17:38] <+Margus> sO WHAT IS yOUR MATHER AND FATHER ?
[23:17:49] <~AncientWisdom> WARNING!
[23:17:56] <+Margus> Mother and Father is elementary, that communsits eleminate frm their wictims life, 
[23:18:00] <+Margus> did they do same for you ?
[23:18:24] <+Margus> did they turn them in to mosters, or just killed them, or just did something else these aliens ?
[23:18:27] <+Margus> just be real
[23:18:39] <+Margus> they turn kids against their parents
[23:18:46] <+Margus> and from there to turn them against country is easy
[23:18:57] <+Margus> and then to pump in their propacanda is even more easy
[23:19:02] <+Margus> as elementary bease logic is missing


[23:25:37] <~AncientWisdom> Well, there's "freedom of speech" in here --> <+Margus!~Shaman@f21bfd5c> and if you not even able to accept it, then you have no rigt for run moth about other cgovs
[23:25:40] <~AncientWisdom> Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―
[23:26:04] <+Margus_away> really selctive freedom 
[23:26:14] <+Margus_away> you do not givde me freedom to know where u from
[23:26:16] <+Margus_away> so you one sided
[23:26:22] <+Margus_away> extrmely anti diplomatic
[23:26:25] <+Margus_away> bye for now
[23:27:06] <~AncientWisdom> No, not one side.. I've put my view that I dont like "war"... Hence in a way saying I dont like any war ehhh who ever starts Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―
[23:27:18] <~AncientWisdom> ok bye too (^^)/
[23:27:57] <+Margus_away> you seem to enjoy it as you share war propacanda kilelrs propacanda A LOT and takin their additude ,ad their point of view, jsut because you the one who cooks food for killers or hwlps to wash their clothes, does not make you less of a killer
[23:28:57] <~AncientWisdom> Well, you can try taking in some "new topics" .. so we can chat about it instead of just "topic about politics"  Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―
[23:29:13] <+Margus_away> killing for you is politics
[23:29:14] <+Margus_away> god sake

[23:39:43] <~AncientWisdom> Well, "politicians" does a lot of "debating, discussion".. so its normal when some people thinks some stuffs are either propaganda or not ehh


[23:50:02] <~AncientWisdom> Owh .. if you said that, you must be CIA ehhh  πŸ˜†πŸ€£ -->  <+Margus_away!~Shaman@f21bfd5c> wikielaks are weak
[23:50:05] <+Margus_away> and look their FOIA datbase on spesific keywords, i not say what keywords, i wanna see what you abel as samrrt person to find from there
[23:50:24] <+Margus_away> and do not use other googles and sites to do the work for you, its a fredemption for your evil things you told before 
[23:50:27] <+Margus_away> to do that job

[23:54:16] <~AncientWisdom> Well, agencies also do "psyops"... telling some new that is either bad or good ... and see what +how public responded  (wink) πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰
[23:54:23] <~AncientWisdom> news*
[23:54:36] <+Margus_away> REALLY,..AGENCIES TO "PSYOPS" ?
[23:54:56] <~AncientWisdom> .... and see how each invidividuals responded to such news, articles, blablabla
[23:55:03] <~AncientWisdom> Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―
[23:55:10] <+Margus_away> yeah go and look up now some NON bla bla
[23:55:18] <+Margus_away> from FOIA and report back here links, what you find
[23:55:22] <~AncientWisdom> πŸ˜†πŸ€£
[23:55:40] <+Margus_away> you can post the links througt WebArcive site so its less direct click to Cia in case others click it
[23:55:45] <+Margus_away> but its not that i would care about it
[23:55:58] <~AncientWisdom> Well, if you have CIA RSS, then maybe you can share and we'll get is posted here (^^)
[23:56:05] <~AncientWisdom> get it*
[23:56:12] <+Margus_away> as i told there is some retards work in there also now , in cia, i had long list of repairs they had to do in their website , i forget to send it 
[23:56:19] <~AncientWisdom> .. so, less "manual work" --> <+Margus_away!~Shaman@f21bfd5c> from FOIA and report back here links, what you find
[23:56:28] <+Margus_away> i not telling about rbotic lottery
[23:56:35] <+Margus_away> there is ower a millions of documents to search for
[23:56:37] <~AncientWisdom> πŸ˜†πŸ€£
[23:56:54] <+Margus_away> they are for your benefit, TAGED many
[23:56:59] <+Margus_away> so you can easily search
[23:57:05] <+Margus_away> ow much easier you want them to make it for you ?



[00:01:28] <~AncientWisdom> Well, propagandas can be either both good and bad. Its just how YOU take it LOL
[00:01:33] <+Margus_away> constant night and day work
[00:01:51] <+Margus_away> eah it deps if you on killers side or a humans side
[00:01:59] <+Margus_away> invaders side or a invaded victims side
[00:02:10] <~AncientWisdom> πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘Œ
[00:02:13] <+Margus_away> i know that
[00:02:52] <+Margus_away> so what is the docs you post here as a interesting from foia
[00:03:03] <+Margus_away> its not a thing i laught of you or anything i can help you like that
[00:03:18] <+Margus_away> you post what you find ed on that we can assume a many other things of your thinking 
[00:03:30] <~AncientWisdom> I thot I asked you to  share their RSS URL??? πŸ˜†πŸ€£ --> <+Margus_away!~Shaman@f21bfd5c> so what is the docs you post here as a interesting from foia
[00:03:32] <+Margus_away> and what you already know, what is new and what you need helo and how
[00:03:42] <+Margus_away> what a fking use is the RSDS ???
[00:03:43] <%Porter> 0.o
[00:04:10] <+Margus_away> really i mean cia fking scans for you above top secret docments, tags them, makes free search motor , and you do not bother to go and just fking get them ?
[00:04:20] <~AncientWisdom> Let RSS do it.. and so we can pick up which to discuss or debate ((^^)
[00:04:30] <+Margus_away> do not be rtarded
[00:04:36] <+Margus_away> go and do it now
[00:04:41] <~AncientWisdom> πŸ˜†πŸ€£
[00:04:54] <+Margus_away> its not for RSS , its a database
[00:04:56] <+Margus_away> god sake

[00:04:36] <+Margus_away> go and do it now
[00:04:41] <~AncientWisdom> πŸ˜†πŸ€£
[00:04:54] <+Margus_away> its not for RSS , its a database
[00:04:56] <+Margus_away> god sake
[00:05:28] <~AncientWisdom> Well, I think anyone who "make their cizitens" die unecessarily is a "retard"  --> <+Margus_away!~Shaman@f21bfd5c> do not be rtarded
[00:05:31] <+Margus_away> there is also airforce and dod foia datbases but cia one is largest
[00:05:46] <+Margus_away> yeah how you know is it unenssesary
[00:06:05] <~AncientWisdom> Debating is not retarded.. just a "different point of view" Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―
[00:06:13] <+Margus_away> and do not talk about citizens if you lack one of your self
[00:06:48] <~AncientWisdom> WOW... Now you sounds like one of those retards already LOL???
[00:06:59] <+Margus_away> no i am real
[00:07:08] <+Margus_away> you are phoney
[00:07:14] <~AncientWisdom> If you cant accept what is agreeing or not agreeing, then you are a retard
[00:07:23] <~AncientWisdom> .. or maybe some kiddos... (^^)
[00:07:33] <+Margus_away> you fail to make any progress on helping you as well
[00:07:39] <+Margus_away> so i guess its another options then
[00:08:17] <+Margus_away> as when people turn dark and they enjoy to be dark, think its funny, then no need them really
[00:08:31] <~AncientWisdom> Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―
[00:09:30] * Margus_away is now known as Margus
[00:22:04] <%Porter> [BSD-RT] Children injured in Ukrainian shelling of Donetsk – authorities β†’ https://www.rt.com/russia/568070-children-injured-donetsk-shelling-ukraine/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=RSS
[00:22:06] <%Porter> [BSD-NewYorkers] The Economics at the Heart of the Times Union Standoff β†’ https://www.newyorker.com/news/annals-of-communications/the-economics-at-the-heart-of-the-times-union-standoff
[00:22:07] <%Porter> [BSD-TheGuardian] Michael Gove calls New York Times β€˜useful idiots’ for Trojan horse podcast β†’ https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/dec/11/michael-gove-calls-new-york-times-useful-idiots-for-trojan-horse-podcast
[00:31:54] AlienData_Josh is ~AlienData_Josh@72223a3f * AlienData_Josh



[08:06:22] <~AncientWisdom> I spoke of Ukraine's "dirty polticians"..and NOT "Ukraine's citizens" ehhh .. SO you better get yourself clear on that Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―
[08:06:31] <+Margus> RT has thousands of sub work propacanda chanels that  exalaerate the news sharing, like you in here
[08:06:50] <+Margus> yeah ,what dirty, for you Zelensky is dirty i guess
[08:06:55] <~AncientWisdom> Why are you enforcing me to ditch RT???? LOL
[08:06:56] <%Porter> (πŸ‘€)
[08:07:06] <+Margus> you shoudl say Ukraina DIRTY POLITICANS WHO SUPPORT COMMUNSITS or Russian Invasion
[08:07:11] <~AncientWisdom> I told you already, if you dont like.. then --> If you dont like, well you can /part, /quit, /ignore the channel (^^)
[08:07:12] <+Margus> then its undedstood what dirty means
[08:07:32] <+Margus> do not be bich about it
[08:07:39] <+Margus> be thankful i take time to educate you
[08:07:44] <+Margus> and being kind to you
[08:07:50] <+Margus> considering what yo udo
[08:07:59] <~AncientWisdom> dirty polliticians... ==> corrupts, those who cause innocence people to die.. etc..
[08:08:10] <+Margus> yes communsit russian supirting traitors
[08:08:18] <~AncientWisdom> .. becuase those are the people who "leads" the country
[08:08:28] <+Margus> yeah can you name top 5 names of these perhaps ?
[08:08:34] <+Margus> and name top 5 dood polticians in russia ?
[08:08:41] <+Margus> i gues you again find a way not to answer
[08:08:45] <+Margus> as liberals do
[08:08:56] <~AncientWisdom> Well, like I said before, there can be "good communist" and "bad democracy" LOL πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
[08:09:08] <+Margus> really , good communists
[08:09:12] <+Margus> name me top  5
[08:09:20] <+Margus> thats new one, good communsits
[08:09:26] <+Margus> i will be intriqued to read
[08:09:32] <~AncientWisdom> Your view is your view, my view is mine.. so... "agree to disagree" OR "disagree to agree".
[08:09:36] <+Margus> perhaps you name Staln and Lenin as first
[08:09:45] <+Margus> its not view its how is what i say
[08:09:49] <+Margus> i not represent views
[08:10:05] <~AncientWisdom> wll, ok,, the, you way what you wanna say, and I say what I wanna say :P
[08:10:10] <~AncientWisdom> then*
[08:10:24] <+Margus> shamanic peopel do not talk about views, we go traven in to human souls, multy realaty wordls, in future and in past ,and then make concusions based on facts
[08:10:36] <~AncientWisdom> πŸ˜†πŸ€£
[08:10:48] <+Margus> so name now these 3 x 5 people


[08:14:33] <+Margus> go take some dosages of lsd-25 , strong ones, 3 times, on dif settings, then come back to run mouth about corruption and polticans and world affairs
[08:14:45] <~AncientWisdom> Nah, I dont do drugs Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―
[08:14:50] <+Margus> you should focus on heling ircnow and irc scripts building, as this you have talent for at least
[08:14:58] <+Margus> yeah you do not do drugs, i can seethat
[08:15:03] <+Margus> you should
[08:15:08] <+Margus> spesially you
[08:15:25] <~AncientWisdom> πŸ˜†πŸ€£
[08:15:28] <+Margus> there is people who are fine in head, they do not need so much these who soul are invaded by comies specially need to get orright
[08:15:42] <~AncientWisdom> Owh ??? LOL
[08:15:44] <+Margus> and i waiting these names still
[08:16:10] <+Margus> you see you afraid so much to be wrong ,that you only say vague headlines
[08:16:15] <~AncientWisdom> Well, I thot you have direct access to FOIA/CIA??? Find them there LOL πŸ˜†πŸ€£ --> <+Margus!~Shaman@54d429ce> and i waiting these names still
[08:16:17] <+Margus> so you do not have to be responsible for things
[08:16:26] <+Margus> and we know where that comes, from your most afraid topic of all
[08:17:12] <+Margus> yeah you was not able to post anything back from FOIA, so .. what are we talking about here
[08:17:16] <+Margus> kindergarden level
[08:17:31] <~AncientWisdom> Yo kiddo... no one need to be afraid... you share what you wanna share..and be quiet.. if think you dont like... or --> If you dont like, well you can /part, /quit, /ignore the channel (^^)
[08:17:53] <+Margus> no one need to be afriad ? i guess you not know what you talk about
[08:18:07] <~AncientWisdom> There are hundreds of channel in #IRCNow, .. choose which suits you well ehh (^^)



[08:21:35] <+Margus> that is used by commies
[08:21:45] <+Margus> specially supressed ones
[08:21:47] <~AncientWisdom> Well, there's no trauma here. Just wanted to see who's good at debating... and who's playing "personal attack, kiddo attack" LOL  Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―
[08:21:58] <+Margus> you not good as you not do your part
[08:22:09] <+Margus> you talk abotu some imaginary poticians but its just emptu words, 
[08:22:11] <~AncientWisdom> Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―
[08:22:13] <+Margus> you ncan not name any
[08:22:20] <+Margus> and same goes whit all other things
[08:22:26] <+Margus> so there is noone to debate whit
[08:22:44] <+Margus> get real
[08:22:57] <~AncientWisdom> If you want your names, go search yourself, do you own heavy-lift πŸ˜†πŸ€£
[08:23:05] <+Margus> you see a retarded answer
[08:23:17] <+Margus> YOU the one who talked abotu them 
[08:23:19] <+Margus> so YOU name them
[08:23:37] <+Margus> as if you not you jsut empty propacanda tool of human mind manipulator
[08:23:44] <~AncientWisdom> No that's correct and "diplomatic" answer... (^^)
[08:23:49] <+Margus> no its not
[08:23:59] <+Margus> you do not know what diplomacy is
[08:24:01] <+Margus> its a fact
[08:24:25] <+Margus> and stop using quatation marks to confuse people
[08:24:28] <+Margus> this is commie thing
[08:24:32] <~AncientWisdom> Well, I think you have not well live enuff . Thus, making me think you're like some "frogs in some coccoon or coconut shell" ehhh
[08:24:43] <~AncientWisdom> 😝πŸ€ͺ
[08:24:44] <+Margus> as then we not know if you meant as " diplomacy" (as reverced) or acutaly diplomacy
[08:24:50] <+Margus> this is how demaon posessed people speak
[08:25:00] <~AncientWisdom> πŸ˜†πŸ€£
[08:25:07] <+Margus> so get your self fixed 
[08:25:15] <+Margus> i have given you all acient wisdom you need for it
[08:25:20] <+Margus> jsut waking around whit a name 
[08:25:22] <+Margus> and have no essence
[08:25:24] <+Margus> is a fooling
[08:25:28] <~AncientWisdom> πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘Œ
[08:25:52] <~AncientWisdom> Well, we can choose our own --> "agree to disagree" OR "disagree to agree".


[08:27:41] <~AncientWisdom> Im not sure who're being honest "first"... since once you said you're from Iran.. and recently, you said you're from Estonia   😝πŸ€ͺ --><+Margus!~Shaman@54d429ce> so become honest
[08:27:54] <~AncientWisdom> Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―
[08:28:39] <+Margus> for your confused brain i do not need to be supriced for you to not understand things, and that there is more then tens of thusands of historywe taling about,  so as we told "wisdom"
[08:29:32] <~AncientWisdom> Not confused.. you were just trying hard "to influence" my personal "perspective" about what is happening around the new ehhh (^^) 😝πŸ€ͺ
[08:29:51] <~AncientWisdom> the news*
[08:29:58] <+Margus> you talking to a wall
[08:30:02] <+Margus> mr "wisdom"
[08:30:24] <~AncientWisdom> Doens't matter... its IRC Wall anyways Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―
[08:30:30] <~AncientWisdom> πŸ˜†πŸ€£
[08:32:28] <+Margus> matters for these for who IRC matters
[08:33:02] <~AncientWisdom> ??? wydm ???
[08:33:35] <+Margus> .yt zenchuk akashic
[08:33:38] <%Porter> [ β–Ί YouTube] ⁨Zenchuk - Akashic Propaganda (Full Album)⁩ | 0 comments | 2019-08-18 - 09:09:38UTC | 35m 13s | Channel: ⁨Zenchuk⁩ | 10 views | 2 likes | Link: https://youtu.be/txRegSFYR1A

Te IRAN part before:: 

[04:48:02] <+Margus> i have to chnage that in dicnary as this belif is true about BLACK magicians not about wizards
[04:48:23] <+Margus> and wizard, witch and magi are all diferent also,
[04:48:38] <+Margus> and then there is shamans, that is mearest to wizard
[04:48:47] <+Margus> if they want t
[04:49:09] <~AncientWisdom> Interesting (^^)
[04:49:17] <+Margus> Margus backwards is Sugram, that is from a sugar
[04:49:20] <+Margus> eg magus
[04:49:21] <+Margus>  : )
[04:49:26] <+Margus> in estonian
[04:49:38] <+Margus> as a Sweet
[04:50:02] <~AncientWisdom> hahahaa --> <+Margus!~Shaman@b6304134> [01:17:52] <Margus> [13:08:00] <+j6> ,qadd Margus=<@robod35> good morning Margus2 ; how are you today? <Margus2> oh just making some propagation for a slavery   // <--- i progressed from slavery promotin to propagate drug usage, for kids. But not too yong, something 6-8 years for parents orrect age to begin tripping whit kids, in western world whit n sh...
[04:50:16] <%Porter> USGS Earthquake: M5.1, Halmahera, Indonesia (21 minutes 17 seconds ago)
[04:50:17] <+Margus> and if person is Sweet , its called VΓ΅luv, that means Wizardly / a bit of like positive version of bewiching
[04:50:36] * rancode (~daemon@1fa629b7) has joined #bsdforall
[04:51:31] <+Margus> Meigo s was also old iran the State Wizards, (seen as magictians of todays world, ...or Shamans from a Korean kingdom point of view )
[04:51:54] <+Margus> they was the nes setting laws and moral rule and order by what rulers ruled
[04:52:17] <+Margus> and made sure no powerfulforce was able to do wrong 
[04:52:21] <~AncientWisdom> try .urban margus --> <+Margus!~Shaman@b6304134> .define margus
[04:52:32] <+Margus> .urban margus
[04:52:33] <%Porter> [urban] margus - margue shot out of [her mama's] womb on [April 1st] and attacked an ancient civilization.she enjoys drawing, talking in third person, and making up unreasonable stories and comments. margue also loves long walks on the beach, eating, and using tape to diminish [the ant] population : she plans on becomming a freelance artist and ruler of the new world by the time she graduates […]
[04:52:42] <~AncientWisdom> Urban normally covers "names" (^^)
[04:52:46] <+Margus> hahahahahaha
[04:52:47] <~AncientWisdom> ahh there it goes
[04:52:47] <%Porter> Hmmm
[04:52:55] <~AncientWisdom> LOL
[04:52:56] <%Porter> πŸ€ͺ
[04:53:18] <+Margus> well there is truth in unexpected places
[04:53:25] <~AncientWisdom> hahaha


[08:49:23] <+Margus> you words are shallow whit out daring to bring any examples so the actual intelligence of depabe can happen and thinking  "<~AncientWisdom> Well, like I've said before... there are good and bad propagandas..." ... so bring top examples of bad and good, ? what about these bad nad good polticians you fail to bring up any ?
[08:49:31] <+Margus> stop answering noncense, 
[08:49:37] <+Margus> @"wisdom"
[08:52:17] <~AncientWisdom> Well, to me, when you start using such pretext, that is "personal" attack (a lowly + kiddo attack/method) instead of being able to "debate" properly ehh   😝πŸ€ͺ -->  <+Margus!~Shaman@54d429ce> @"wisdom"
[08:53:11] <~AncientWisdom> Just dont try to "fixed" people.. but accept the fact that I have my "view".. as I do understand you have your "views" too --> <+Margus!~Shaman@54d429ce> so get your self fixed
[08:54:34] <+Margus> i only do personal attachs or direct attacks, as i am honest honorable person not two faced shallow fake trickter  coward
[08:54:45] <+Margus> not that you would be one, but you try hard to be one at times seems
[08:54:48] <+Margus> @ wisdom"
[08:55:24] <~AncientWisdom> Really??? Honest??? No, you are not honest "at first"... you said you from Iran, now you said you from Estonia LOL --> <+Margus!~Shaman@54d429ce> i only do personal attachs or direct attacks, as i am honest honorable person not two faced shallow fake trickter  coward
[08:55:30] <+Margus> you the one who unable to debate , in any indelligent level, so do not use liberal commie tactic to put your own faults on me
[08:55:56] <~AncientWisdom> Those who "already display dishonesty first" shall be the kinda people that I wont NO more LOL
[08:56:08] <~AncientWisdom> WONT Trust*
[08:56:12] <+Margus> you just propacandist who take things out of context but intelligent propacandists at least whow what they do would know the contect and understand what they do
[08:56:24] <~AncientWisdom> Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―
[08:56:49] <~AncientWisdom> Well, I do read all the news, propagandas (^^)
[08:57:02] <~AncientWisdom> .. and I have my "own" view of them (^^)
[08:59:01] <+Margus> because you live in chaus of informaton not in truth you not able to pricess information and talks, as you lack genue interest of things
[08:59:15] <+Margus> nowhere was told that My natinalaty is Iranian
[08:59:16] <~AncientWisdom> Saying and displaying at "first instance" a different fact about your origins already demonstated you;re not honest. So,  how can you say you;re "honorable"???   LOL 😝πŸ€ͺ   --> <+Margus!~Shaman@54d429ce> i only do personal attachs or direct attacks, as i am honest honorable person not two faced shallow fake trickter  coward
[08:59:20] <+Margus> or that i am located in Iran
[08:59:34] <+Margus> you just made up that based on your assumptions

[08:59:45] <+Margus> and then blaming me for that as "lei" typical communist tactic
[09:00:16] <+Margus> i eat propacandists for lunch, when there is nothing to eat
[09:00:17] <%Porter> USGS Earthquake: M4.4, Fiji region (47 minutes 51 seconds ago)
[09:00:43] <~AncientWisdom> Well, im not sure..if you're just trying to justify you standing... or "another disinformation" in prorgress LOL  --> <+Margus!~Shaman@54d429ce> nowhere was told that My natinalaty is Iranian
[09:01:13] <+Margus> pre Zoro and Zoratanismian time , yes, back then there was even my family name the meaning of it... 
[09:01:18] <~AncientWisdom> πŸ˜†πŸ€£
[09:01:21] <+Margus> same is in latin america realted to my name
[09:01:28] <+Margus> it was just general education to you
[09:01:37] <~AncientWisdom> HAHAHAHAHA LMAO
[09:01:39] <+Margus> as you fail to have deep interest of a humans you jsut put labels on them
[09:01:58] <+Margus> and timagine top of that your own fantasy and when it comes out you fanssyse wrong, yo uinstead admiting your mistake blame them
[09:02:05] <+Margus> typical not grown up behavior
[09:02:24] <+Margus> you got all the logs here
[09:02:29] <+Margus> so copy then
[09:02:35] <+Margus> if you fail to bring potiicians
[09:02:38] <+Margus> and other facts
[09:02:41] <+Margus> anything i hae told you
[09:02:46] <~AncientWisdom> Well, you failed "first" already when you cant even accept+respect the fact of individual views and -->  "agree to disagree" OR "disagree to agree". 😝πŸ€ͺ --> +Margus!~Shaman@54d429ce> as you fail to have deep interest of a humans you jsut put labels on them
[09:02:49] <+Margus> even fail to take needed drugs that would fix your mind
[09:02:56] <+Margus> so copy here the part of log
[09:03:06] <+Margus> where i say supossetly ,ALLEGEDLY that i told i am iranian
[09:03:07] <%Porter> o.0
[09:03:08] <~AncientWisdom> Well, I dont keep logs (^^)

i do: 


[09:03:39] <+Margus> you jsut told me long time ago that logging here is welcomed and its what is done
[09:03:44] <~AncientWisdom> Howly mowly cow shit disinformation talk xDDD
[09:03:46] <+Margus> now when proof is needed, you not have logs
[09:03:55] <+Margus> i can send you my log then
[09:03:56] <+Margus> and look it 
[09:03:59] <+Margus> wimp
[09:04:05] <+Margus> your lies are short
[09:04:12] <+Margus> lived
[09:04:14] <+Margus> and sahllow
[09:04:18] <+Margus> at least lie something inteligent
[09:04:27] <~AncientWisdom> Well, you are new in here.. most old time/earlier people in this channel knows I dont keep logs (^^)
[09:04:49] <~AncientWisdom> ..so there's no issue of whether I should keep or not keep logs LOL
[09:04:49] <+Margus> yeah what a failure


[09:05:00] <~AncientWisdom> ye.. to bad ehh xDDD
[09:05:02] <+Margus> it is issue
[09:05:20] <+Margus> as you jsut see you lie and then you as not caring of the shit you do , you in purpose keep no logs
[09:05:27] <+Margus> as you have no internest of real life and truth
[09:05:35] <+Margus> you jsut work as brian fucker
[09:05:37] <%Porter> o.0
[09:05:37] * You were kicked by Porter (: Be Polite Pliz! (Β°β–‘Β°) πŸ˜…)
[09:05:37] * Attempting to rejoin channel #bsdforall



[09:06:10] <~AncientWisdom> πŸ˜†πŸ€£
[09:06:52] <~AncientWisdom> The weakest attack is personal attack and that makes you a factual "boi/kiddo" LOL --> <+Margus!~Shaman@54d429ce> unlike that what you say @"wisdom" boy
[09:06:56] <+Margus> i am sure you was long time ago normal human, you just ended up some brian fuckarding event that turned you in to this 
[09:07:02] <+Margus> no its strongest
[09:07:02] <~AncientWisdom> πŸ˜†πŸ€£
[09:07:09] <~AncientWisdom> LOL
[09:07:09] <%Porter> 0.o
[09:07:28] <+Margus> you wanna proof i would begin to say something about your parents and you start to cry or go to rage 
[09:07:31] <+Margus> one of 2
[09:07:35] <+Margus> wnna test ?
[09:07:35] <~AncientWisdom> You must have been brainwashed by US and A.. or CIA LOL  --><+Margus!~Shaman@54d429ce> no its strongest
[09:07:36] <%Porter> 😊
[09:07:56] <+Margus> is that pesonal enought, wnna talk about your family ?
[09:07:58] <+Margus> dare to ?
[09:07:59] <~AncientWisdom> Another proof of kiddos --> <+Margus!~Shaman@54d429ce> you wanna proof i would begin to say something about your parents and you start to cry or go to rage
[09:08:09] <~AncientWisdom> I warning you alrady no parent and mother talk
[09:08:11] <+Margus> yes normal kids love their parents
[09:08:19] <~AncientWisdom> I'm*
[09:08:23] <+Margus> good
[09:08:33] <+Margus> good that you love your parents also
[09:08:39] <+Margus> at least that
[09:08:42] <+Margus> so you human after all
[09:08:44] <+Margus> not a monster
[09:08:51] <~AncientWisdom> People who're getting weak or has weak attack metthod are genuinely kiddos
[09:09:08] <+Margus> if i would do strong for you you end up ssuecide


[09:10:58] <~AncientWisdom> Well, frankly, I wont chat more since I dont think you the kinda "level" that I was expecting πŸ˜†πŸ€£
[09:11:07] <~AncientWisdom> Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―
[09:11:13] <+Margus> yeah, you hoped i am No level i can see
[09:11:43] <+Margus> but as i have to come so low level to talk whit proacandist who not even preapred for common battle, i also have been to kind to spend my time your helping
[09:11:50] <+Margus> you need to process this info now, it takes few weeks
[09:12:03] <~AncientWisdom> But. its good to know at least "how" you're (^^)
[09:12:05] <+Margus> peraps we do some dreams, also, do not be worry too mcuh
[09:12:25] <+Margus> live well and good, and , stay in love wiht your parents and whit our God
[09:12:46] <~AncientWisdom> πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘Œ
* Added AncientWisdom!*@* to ignore list
[09:13:20] <+Margus> [09:12:46] <~AncientWisdom> πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘Œ
[09:13:20] <+Margus> -
[09:13:20] <+Margus> * Added AncientWisdom!*@* to ignore list

[09:13:33] <%Porter> [BSD-TheGuardian] NSW move to ban rental bidding needs to stop unsolicited offers, tenants groups say β†’ https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2022/dec/12/nsw-move-to-ban-rental-bidding-needs-to-stop-unsolicited-offers-tenants-groups-say
* Added Porter!*@* to ignore list
[09:14:05] <+Margus> -
[09:14:05] <+Margus> * Added Porter!*@* to ignore list
[09:14:05] <+Margus> -
[09:16:24] * ChanServ sets mode: -v Margus
[09:17:21] <Margus> "-TheGuardian] NSW move to ban...."
[09:21:23] <Margus> .yt do keep your lips sealed 



So now it should be looked in another kind of view, not as random laughing, : 

[07:40:55] <Margus> i mean there is not a much more what to be in this situation ,... as alreagy weleaders send many notes to him, that "why zenelsky is not wearing normal clothes"
[07:40:58] <Margus> "normal"
[07:41:05] <Margus> when meeting whti high leaders
[07:41:07] <~AncientWisdom> wise leaders MUST have high level of quality of "statesman diplomacy" to be a great leade
[07:41:09] <~AncientWisdom> leader*
[07:41:27] <Margus> well, its a rebel war in there, its no time to have Slick politicans
[07:41:37] <~AncientWisdom> Hahahaha...
[07:41:56] <Margus> someone like Reagan or Kennedy, would not make better jo
[07:42:00] <Margus> job
[07:42:20] <~AncientWisdom> Well, save to say this way... some people can be a good comedian .. but not a great "statesman". Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―

[06:52:42] <~AncientWisdom> .choose communist, non-communist
[06:52:42] <%Porter> AncientWisdom: Your options: [ communist, non-communist ]. My choice|vote: [  communist  ] 😊
[06:52:47] <~AncientWisdom> HAHHAHAHAA


Initiated by :


[08:59:02] <SheBa[ng]> <joke> Ever wondered why bees hum?     It's because they don't know the words.
[09:21:26] <Margus> .yt do keep your lips sealed 
[09:24:12] <+_9pfs> Margus: bitfox is apparently down, and its prefix is ",". bot6 has a "yt" command, though, its prefix is an apostrophe.
[09:26:58] <Margus> oh i see, but i do think it worked whit . before, or not ?
[09:27:11] <Margus> good to add bought of them
[09:27:57] <Margus> i hope i was not too harsh on AncientWisdom after 2 days remote shamanic session, as at times, there is bad trips also needed so people begin to look inside , more deeper as well
[09:28:53] * sigabrt (~sigabrt@e4e4ad45) Quit (Client closed connection)
[09:28:58] <Margus> some spirits are not easy to break, to unposess people from anti-life forces, but when right seeds are planted, that might take effect in weeks, not a perfect job but at least somethin
[09:30:33] <Margus> ( in  #BSDForAll that is ) but when people do not find curadge to appology then some things have to stay longer as they are
[09:31:00] * sigabrt (~sigabrt@3c0d72ff) has joined #offtopic
[09:31:20] <Margus> ,yt do a mess like this 
[09:31:29] <Margus> (for later)
[09:33:24] <Margus> brt i always wondered are you from estonia ircworld server , before  the ircnet server from VΓ΅ru ?
[09:33:33] <Margus> sigabrt
[09:37:30] * rottenbytes (~weechat@3443f1aa) has joined #offtopic
[10:04:57] <Margus> ,yt do opposite ways #3
[10:05:06] <Margus> for later




[12:22:01] <@the_guest> nice!  Me happy for you (really)
[12:22:06] <@robod35> thank you
[12:22:23] <Margus> ooh in room 17 
[12:22:39] <Margus> sleeping is healthy below 18
[12:25:03] <Margus> [12:18:33] <@the_guest> lol, is that your current opinion about AncientWisdom? margus  <--- its diagnosis, current one yes, i think after medicine, this might get better in time, and no, its not "lol" topic, when your feiend is infected whit dagerous anti-human  forces liek that 
[12:25:33] <Margus> everyone has their own skills to recotnize and know things, my have my own, this is one of these 
[12:25:43] <@the_guest> Margus, it's not gonna be helpful to talk to ancient like that. really.  I can only imagine that confronted with particular extremes, he was forced to choose a less extreme side and gravitate more towards a common middle ground.  I didn't read all popcorn though.
[12:26:28] <Margus> there is no middle ground if one side is in purpose ful lof lies and anti-life additude , of supporting sadistic views of that is funny tat Ukrainians are eliminated and killed
[12:26:32] <Margus> in past 100 years
[12:26:44] <Margus> or any other nation that oviets have "worked on" and other pentagram carriers
[12:27:33] <Margus> there is all other ways talked to him in 2 years, so it has not been helping as you can see, now is time for some other tunes
[12:28:09] <Margus> i was even too kind , considering the fact i like other things he do and know,and have contributed to irc
[12:28:27] <@the_guest> 2 years ?
[12:28:28] <Margus> and hoped that he will regain hes soul
[12:28:31] <Margus> at least 2
[12:28:39] <Margus> when did he begin to post RT ?



[12:28:27] <@the_guest> 2 years ?
[12:28:28] <Margus> and hoped that he will regain hes soul
[12:28:31] <Margus> at least 2
[12:28:39] <Margus> when did he begin to post RT ?
[12:30:07] <Margus> these things progress over time if not put stop, and its easy to become "used to it" and not understand the dangers of it, as its our aria of speciallity how these people are any given point used
[12:30:10] <Margus> when needed
[12:30:27] <Margus> the last irc takeover and split is just one example what can be done whit these who are brianwashed
[12:30:32] <Margus> and ignored
[12:31:07] <Margus> same in facebook groups, tlegram etc
[12:31:17] <Margus> real life companis, politics, etc
[12:31:28] <@the_guest> what irc takeover and split? freende ?
[12:32:07] <Margus> these illnessses of suporting killing have to be cured out and treated seriuslly by communisty , you can support Russia, thats fine, but you must also understand  what is going on , no real russian generla is laughting and thinking its fun to kill Ukrainians
[12:32:14] <Margus> freenode yes
[12:32:43] <Margus> they was many the main things, there, incuding some who left in freenode, was demon posessed ddark force suporters and whit similar viruses in their minds
[12:33:17] <@the_guest> at the very least poo-tin is laughing. (and I wouldn't see much of a problem if a drone got near him tbh)
[12:33:26] <Margus> (extreme liberal / left , "anty russian" is also, similar grouo in another way, but let that be for now unless its interesting to know foryou g)
[12:33:39] <Margus> no pro putin is not laughting, its not PUTIN desire to have it
[12:33:59] <@the_guest> he can stop the war he creates every day.
[12:34:00] <Margus> there is the ones who imagine they are pro putin , but they have illusion what is putin and who is putin
[12:34:13] <Margus> i meet these people in dreams in person often and have learned their many sides
[12:34:16] <Margus> from elon to musk
[12:34:24] <Margus> to putin to Kaljulaid
[12:34:32] * sigabrt (~sigabrt@1c590c2e) Quit (Client closed connection)
[12:34:54] <Margus> no putin can not stop it 
[12:35:03] <@the_guest> sure he can



[12:34:54] <Margus> no putin can not stop it 
[12:35:03] <@the_guest> sure he can
[12:35:10] <Margus> no
[12:35:10] <@the_guest> simply stop the war, it is that easy.
[12:35:16] <Margus> its not
[12:35:21] <Margus> in a cartoon its simple
[12:35:47] <@the_guest> why ? Why must he continue to kill people, threaten the world with atomic war (he does that, literally), He even makes threats covering the next WHOLE decade.
[12:36:20] <Margus> its not initiated by putin, first of all, and its not up t putin to finsih it like that, if he would, it would end up massive global killing, even more larger scale, whit larger death toll in ukraine as well
[12:36:35] * sigabrt (~sigabrt@1defbf5f) has joined #offtopic
[12:36:38] <@the_guest> why, to any of these ?



[12:40:24] <@the_guest> great, whipe russia
[12:40:31] <Margus> and then they woll be installed ans new fake leaders, 
[12:40:36] <Margus> its not great
[12:40:42] <Margus> its not just russia that is whiped


[12:42:58] <Margus> whats ur take on it
[12:43:01] <Margus> jews side ?
[12:43:04] <Margus> i love jews
[12:43:11] <Margus> real ones
[12:43:37] <@the_guest> If I directly blame poo-tin for killing and state he can stop at any time.... then how on *eart* do you turn that into:
[12:43:41] <Margus> (the mystic ultra ortodoc conservatives)
[12:43:48] <@the_guest> <Margus> so anyway, what do we argue over here, support the Acient wisdom way ,that is funny and cool that russia kills Ukriane
[12:44:00] <Margus> as this is what topic is about
[12:44:03] <Margus> as this is acient wisdom side
[12:44:13] <Margus> and you i think , try to take on hes side on the argument or not ? 
[12:44:19] <Margus> there is many other sides also
[12:44:27] <Margus> so just explain your side
[12:44:36] <@the_guest> oh, quote us where ancient says that directly ... You put the blame, then show us the cards
[12:45:05] <Margus> alright, even thoudht mostly its in spirtual real and conclusion of the massitalk of 2 days long, 
[12:46:18] <@the_guest> well, quoting 2 days is a bit much.. and begs the question if he really intendes to say the things you say he did.  I mean, for example g1n is from ukraine, and I honestly can not imagine ancient would kick him in the groin like that...
[12:47:14] <@the_guest> I think you confuse ancient wisdoms view when ancientwisdom *zooms out* on the situation, and for practical purpose, views the world (and it's leadership) like a big real-life game of Stratego.
[12:47:31] <@the_guest> and in *that case*, poo-tin is plying that game 'correctly'.
[12:48:06] <Margus> give me few minutes i cpy the things here
[12:48:11] <Margus> what is line coipy limit here ?
[12:49:10] <@the_guest> no line limit, because we ask some sanity (hint)
[12:49:30] <@the_guest> if it is *that long* better to make a dpaste.com
[12:50:20] <@the_guest> but.. it's probably better to isolate (fairly) the things you say AncientWisdom said.  Because if it is a mile long, 'no-one' is *really* gonna read it.
[12:59:51] <Margus> yeah this is the issue as in whole picture it comes out  but i do my best just to focus one simple part of it
[12:59:53] <Margus> there is many others
[13:03:34] <@the_guest> i've been browsing as far as my buffer goes in the other channels log, where I find things like:
[13:04:12] <@the_guest> <AncientWisdom> Well, to me, you just sounds like another duchbag 


[13:12:33] <@the_guest> here's some free and good advice: 'strongly reccomending' someone starts doing lsd to get their head straight... does not tend to strenghten your case with someone not using drugs.
[13:12:52] <@robod35> lol
[13:14:03] <@the_guest> and a more important life-lesson: if you push someone towards making some coice, then take into account that the outcome of that choice might NOT be what you had intended! But people RARELY reconsider their previous choices, thus if you force someone towards a choice, the result may be a permanently shut door (one you might have wanted to leave open for a bit).
[13:26:34] <@robod35> true


Small educational old song by Malvina Reynolds Ear about USA version of Communists (or communist alien robots culture desing in USA) :
(Better more deeper direct version in Estonian by Peeter Tooma : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_QT8S_MiF8 )


Important Small 1 minute audio clips at beginning from basic education + few more posts in the end: 
Plays best in telegram mobile/desk app in a row

Seccond related topic, About cure of communists & gays, that in secret communists have convinced from CHurch to Corporations to out law so human hypnosis would not be removed by these most benefitial anti-addiction anti-brainwashing self-discovery Parents & relationship & God-discovery tools: 
(Short 1 min News intro by planetary foremost front knower of the topic:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCChf2WHNE4  ) 
Most important wikipedia starting point, by DEA.gov professor emeritus of medicine, psychiatry and pharmacology important 4 point defination that is global foundation :


Another important fact, 2 min short video,  to consider, by foremost other proffessional Big-e-Low related to the Third related topic what is talked about (NASA buys advanced tech from Him, highest permission in galaxy market), have to be taken in to consideration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bY2OYSDYsVI 




__Just few songs from the log before:

Warning to "EW" up to enlightening a bit more:

Keep Your Lips sealed:

Our own soul cry or healing tones:

Mess like this: 





[09:05:37] * You were kicked from #bsdforall by Porter (: Be Polite Pliz! (Β°β–‘Β°) πŸ˜…)


[03:44:49] * Set by ChanServ on Tue Oct 25 20:26:07 2022
[09:54:26] <&jrmu> j6: meet Margus , he may be able to help your team
[10:08:14] * Disconnected


[10:08:13] * [10101] Host disconnected
[10:08:13] * Disconnected
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13:32:58] * Unable to connect to server (Connection attempt timed out)
[13:33:01] * Connect retry #17 irc.ircnow.org (6667)
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31] -NickServ- If you do not change within 3 minutes, I will change your nick.
[13:37:40] #offtopic unable to join channel (address is banned)
[13:37:43] -ChanServ- [#ircforever] Welcome to the IRCForever channel
[13:37:43] -EggdropBot- Welcome to #eggdrop, Margus.
[13:37:43] -EggdropBot- Hi Margus!  I'm EggdropBot, an eggdrop bot.
[13:37:43] -EggdropBot- type: /msg EggdropBot Hello    and I'll add you to the userlist!
[13:39:18] #offtopic unable to join channel (address is banned)




[14:12:12] * You were kicked from #bsdforall by Porter (flood)
[14:15:21] * You were kicked from #bsdforall by SirMerlinBSD (flood)
[14:19:40] -irc.ircnow.org- Connection statistics: client 11.6 kb, server 48.3 kb.
[14:19:40] ERROR KILLed by AncientWisdom:
[14:22:42] * [10101] Host disconnected




[09:36:55] * willyphone (~Android@dfafb0a7) Quit (Client closed connection)
[09:41:23] <~jrmu> Greetings everyone, I have very sad news to announce https://paste.ircnow.org/89u7sl63gpmj0dyfk1qv
[09:56:51] * rottenbytes (~weechat@3443f1aa) has joined #ircnow
[10:08:13] * Disconnected





[15:58:33] <Margus> and they eigher support Ukaine invasion, thining its funny and cool, and needed, and justified, and Ukraine to balem on it, as "wisdom"  guy does
[15:58:42] <Margus> or pretend to be , wrong way against it
[16:01:07] <Margus> kind of bad i shoot in to my own leg because of wrong timing , and inprinted  in to me whit emotion wrng things, but as i was able only to get full support by right kind of wizardry (that needs NO emotonal greef)
[16:01:12] <Margus> then this is dinted now 
[16:01:34] <Margus> and when feeling is dinted, then i can no do some things
[16:02:05] <Margus> as we have before ignored these things and it newer ended well
[16:02:31] * Sysop_NiteStorm (~admin@ff1415e2) Quit (Client closed connection)
[16:03:15] * Sysop_NiteStorm (~admin@ff1415e2) has joined #ircnow
[16:05:19] <the_guest> <Margus> "agree to disagree"   << it is a tool, amongst adult thinking (not related to age per se), and this tool (as explained to you incidentally yesterday), does not force people into a corner (like you do) and does not force folk to decisions (such as closing the door on you)  (remember these words in my otherwise kind advice the other day ?)
[16:06:26] <Margus> its AMONG adult, extremly chuldish
[16:06:29] <the_guest> thanks for reposting that section of our pm, I couldn't *re-say* it any better.
[16:06:31] <Margus> its differnce
[16:06:53] <Margus> so can you post this "dare you" thing from "me" ?
[16:07:57] <Margus> "forcing in to corner" yeah, what a "victim" card commies like to use to pretend they buthurth when they evil spells are not enougt as they run out of their lies, yes tey are in cornered
[16:08:04] <Margus> this is the WHOLE point of argumetns
[16:08:06] <Margus> to corner lies
[16:08:21] <Margus> i mean what world laguage in what planet you use if not these logics ?
[16:08:27] <Margus> next You will be cornered
[16:08:34] <the_guest> do you want that? Really want that? Because I








[16:10:17] <Margus> so ican analize that and explain why was waht told
[16:10:26] <Margus> better send me entire log
[16:10:38] <Margus> to looduseline@gmail.com
[16:11:40] <Margus> [09:06:52] <~AncientWisdom> The weakest attack is personal attack and that makes you a factual "boi/kiddo" LOL --> <+Margus!~Shaman@54d429ce> unlike that what you say @"wisdom" boy
[16:11:40] <Margus> [09:06:56] <+Margus> i am sure you was long time ago normal human, you just ended up some brian fuckarding event that turned you in to this 
[16:11:41] <Margus> [09:07:02] <+Margus> no its strongest
[16:11:41] <Margus> [09:07:02] <~AncientWisdom> πŸ˜†πŸ€£
[16:11:41] <Margus> [09:07:09] <~AncientWisdom> LOL
[16:11:41] <Margus> [09:07:09] <%Porter> 0.o
[16:11:42] <Margus> [09:07:28] <+Margus> you wanna proof i would begin to say something about your parents and you start to cry or go to rage 
[16:11:42] <Margus> [09:07:31] <+Margus> one of 2
[16:11:42] <Margus> [09:07:35] <+Margus> wnna test ?
[16:11:42] <Margus> [09:07:35] <~AncientWisdom> You must have been brainwashed by US and A.. or CIA LOL  --><+Margus!~Shaman@54d429ce> no its strongest
[16:11:42] <Margus> [09:07:36] <%Porter> 😊
[16:11:43] <Margus> [09:07:56] <+Margus> is that pesonal enought, wnna talk about your family ?
[16:11:43] <Margus> [09:07:58] <+Margus> dare to ?
[16:11:43] <Margus> [09:07:59] <~AncientWisdom> Another proof of kiddos --> <+Margus!~Shaman@54d429ce> you wanna proof i would begin to say something about your parents and you start to cry or go to rage
[16:11:43] <Margus> [09:08:09] <~AncientWisdom> I warning you alrady no parent and mother talk
[16:11:44] <Margus> [09:08:11] <+Margus> yes normal kids love their parents
[16:11:54] <Margus> its "dare TO" not "dare you"
[16:12:01] <Margus> its a bit different innit
[16:12:08] <Margus> its testing evil spirit in person body
[16:12:22] <Margus> as if they have Anti-parents thing, then they not want to focus on their parents
[16:12:32] <Margus> is that what You meant  ?
[16:12:38] <Margus> did yo usee what happened before that ? 
[16:12:46] <Margus> from what context it is
[16:13:26] <Margus> he was the one caling other kiddos, and used repetatly "LOL" and laughting middle of serious talk
[16:13:34] <Margus> incuding when we talk about udriane deaths and elimination of culture





[16:12:08] <Margus> its testing evil spirit in person body
[16:12:22] <Margus> as if they have Anti-parents thing, then they not want to focus on their parents
[16:12:32] <Margus> is that what You meant  ?
[16:12:38] <Margus> did yo usee what happened before that ? 
[16:12:46] <Margus> from what context it is
[16:13:26] <Margus> he was the one caling other kiddos, and used repetatly "LOL" and laughting middle of serious talk
[16:13:34] <Margus> incuding when we talk about udriane deaths and elimination of culture
[16:13:38] <Margus> its not ap lace to laught
[16:14:57] <Margus> [23:16:39] <+Margus> what s the fear of being a shame of your own motehr and father ?
[16:14:57] <Margus> [23:16:40] <%Porter> 0.o
[16:14:57] <Margus> [23:16:46] <~AncientWisdom> weird*
[16:14:57] <Margus> [23:17:10] <+Margus> yeah its all goofor propacanda, but if you not dare to say what you stand for really its all empty
[16:14:57] <Margus> [23:17:14] <~AncientWisdom> WOW>. You dont bring "mother and father"  matter here kid --> <+Margus!~Shaman@f21bfd5c> what s the fear of being a shame of your own motehr and father ?
[16:14:58] <Margus> [23:17:25] <+Margus> if you do not have roots, a country you stand for then what it is rigth to talk about other govs ?
[16:14:58] <Margus> [23:17:38] <+Margus> sO WHAT IS yOUR MATHER AND FATHER ?
[16:14:58] <Margus> [23:17:49] <~AncientWisdom> WARNING!
[16:14:58] <Margus> [23:17:56] <+Margus> Mother and Father is elementary, that communsits eleminate frm their wictims life, 
[16:14:59] <Margus> [23:18:00] <+Margus> did they do same for you ?
[16:14:59] <Margus> [23:18:24] <+Margus> did they turn them in to mosters, or just killed them, or just did something else these aliens ?
[16:14:59] <Margus> [23:18:27] <+Margus> just be real
[16:14:59] <Margus> [23:18:39] <+Margus> they turn kids against their parents
[16:14:59] <Margus> [23:18:46] <+Margus> and from there to turn them against country is easy
[16:14:59] <Margus> [23:18:57] <+Margus> and then to pump in their propacanda is even more easy
[16:15:00] <Margus> [23:19:02] <+Margus> as elementary bease logic is missing
[16:15:00] <Margus> [23:19:12] <~AncientWisdom> Being real is... first be "highly" diplomatic Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―
[16:15:00] <Margus> [23:19:18] <+Margus> yes and honest
[16:15:00] <Margus> [23:19:34] <+Margus> diplomatic does not mean acceptind lies and sadists and anti human s
[16:15:41] <the_guest> <Margus> [09:07:58] <+Margus> dare to ?   << ok, my respect for you goes +1 again. Fair is fair!
[16:16:05] <Margus> fairness is my middle name





ancient warrented me to read the #bsdforall log that day.
[16:17:05] <Margus> point was he goes around talking about how this and that gov is shit, and these people are crap and stipid etc etc, but when at first our of frindliness i asked what roots hes parents are from, he reacted offencive
[16:17:09] <Margus> that was strange
[16:17:13] <Margus> so this is why i picked it up
[16:18:37] <the_guest> <Margus> he was the one caling other kiddos, and used repetatly "LOL" and laughting middle of serious talk
[16:18:38] <the_guest> <Margus> incuding when we talk about udriane deaths and elimination of culture
[16:18:52] <Margus> Ukrine
[16:19:02] <Margus> so GUest, tell me now, 
[16:19:08] <Margus> Are you suporter of invasion ?
[16:19:09] <the_guest> that is a sort of language barrier, a way for him to talk, and perhaps even lighten (horrible) things up a little.
[16:19:17] <the_guest> I myself may overuse smilies after all :)
[16:19:23] <Margus> You think its Ukraine fault ? to get that away fromm  it, even if it seems not realted
[16:19:35] <Margus> you not use smiles when you talk about someone is dead
[16:19:47] <Margus> or raped and tortured
[16:19:53] <Margus> or do you ?
[16:20:03] <Margus> and not "LOL" this is not even laught or "hahahaa" 
[16:20:04] <the_guest> but moving from only that, towards him being 'ok' (to put it very mildly) with killing ukraniens... is equally then at *least* a language barrier at your end.  It's a very very big stretch.
[16:20:17] <Margus> its not laguage barrier
[16:20:19] <the_guest> and that is not a fair stretch to make.
[16:20:37] <Margus> so tell just, for a sake of Wisdom so he sees you not in to hes death agenda
[16:21:10] <Margus> tell now, spellit out, DO You think its Ukraine fault , or Russia fault, ? Do You think Ukraine is bad player here or is Russia invader of Ukriane in past and in Current time ?
[16:21:31] * Noisytoot (~noisytoot@3.1415926535897932384626433) Quit ("ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in")
[16:21:33] <Margus> is Russian initiated and Payd forces do the rape and killinf there, ?
[16:21:45] * Noisytoot (~noisytoot@3.1415926535897932384626433) has joined #ircnow
[16:21:48] <Margus> can You spell it out whit out "diplomatic" as clear and balck and white as you can
[16:22:00] <Margus> so i can be re-assure at least onthat level, who i talking to
[16:22:25] <Margus> its not so complicated ,that need to go waue long talk of it, 
[16:23:01] <Margus> its not "there is bad in one side, bad on other side" ...when you attack other people homes, you can not blame them ou back, the soldiers






[16:24:12] <Margus> do you think Zelensky turned ukraine in to laughtin stock ? 
[16:24:40] <Margus> or you think he is pretty Heroic to stay alive even and firm up to now, not even putting suit on, for likeness of west
[16:24:56] <Margus> as he is not a butt licker
[16:25:45] <Margus> but have to be looked as rather War hereo undounted in current situation, compared to other politicans who have been turned way unnamnly and soft , break under much less of a, thusands of times less of stress and les dangerous situations
[16:26:14] <Margus> So spell these things out now , and Say , ot loud, that "wisdom" EXTREMLY mistaking on these takes, against Ukraine
[16:26:25] <Margus> unless You are on some other side, "in between"
[16:26:31] <Margus> choose sides now
[16:26:35] <Margus> Thank You.
[16:27:45] <Margus> (we all want peace, its not point to talk about piece, for communists "peace" is when ALL obey to them and they eliminate all internals of other cultures, and shamaic cultures "drug use" and all that... freedom of mind and thought ) 
[16:28:04] <Margus> (we all who wanna us to be looked as good)
[16:28:41] * Sysop_NiteStorm (~admin@ff1415e2) Quit (Client closed connection)
[16:28:58] * Sysop_NiteStorm (~admin@ff1415e2) has joined #ircnow
[16:28:59] <the_guest> I don't condone war generally, and I tend to stick up for the party that did NOT hit first.  (specifically actual violence, words be words)
[16:29:04] <the_guest> it's no secret I blame poo-tin
[16:29:49] <Margus> Spell correct names, you talk about Mr. Vladimir Putin ? And choose sode of Zelensky as i understand ? 
[16:30:04] <Margus> so You choose oposite side of "Wisdom" guy ?
[16:30:35] <the_guest> it's neither secret that I think that IF real life was a game of stratego, then poo-tin is playing the correct move.   *EMPHASISING* if life was ONLY a game of stratego !!!!  Because it isn't, in reality, these 'colored' areas on the map are inhabited by the same Joe/Jane that just try to raise their kids man..
[16:31:10] <Margus> You give all your support to Zelensky, the president of Ukraine to stand for hes people, and you think he is not someone to mock and blame  as bad leader ? 
[16:31:30] <Margus> jsut no need decoration, asnwer clear sentences
[16:31:49] <the_guest> <Margus> so You choose oposite side of "Wisdom" guy ?  << I generally choose not to be on opposites, generally. Generally I choose overlapping venn-diagrams (with a region of 'agree to disagree' and not prematurily close doors instead).
[16:31:50] <Margus> my sentences are not so clear, you make clearer so it would be no "political" tone on it whatyou say, but clear, raw  truth







[16:31:50] <Margus> my sentences are not so clear, you make clearer so it would be no "political" tone on it whatyou say, but clear, raw  truth
[16:32:05] <Margus> i not talk about generally, focus on current things
[16:32:11] <Margus> up to YES / NO
[16:32:16] <the_guest> I said what I said, no more no less.
[16:32:37] <Margus> so to clerify, You Do support Zelensky ?
[16:33:07] <Margus> (as telling "blaming putin" is not really the same, communists also blame puutin, as that hes is not killing as much as commies wanted)
[16:33:12] <the_guest> *I* think, poo-tin is making the war, and *I* think war is generally bad, and *I* deeply feel for the poor Joe/Jane's raising their kids in Ukraine.  I think that's more than clear enough and will get me killed in ussr... don't you?
[16:33:27] <Margus> no asnwer direcly, DO YOU SUPPORT ZELENSKY ?
[16:33:41] <Margus> (puting making a war is not telling , IF you support Zelensky )
[16:34:04] <Margus> As putin making war is just wikiepedia fact, its not You chosing sides, 
[16:34:05] <the_guest> I support ME, and my mum and my loved ones. I/we are just as much victim.
[16:34:14] <Margus> You see You divert from telling it
[16:34:19] <Margus> why i wonder
[16:34:20] <the_guest> do I support zelensky's wish to end the war? Well clearly I do.
[16:34:30] <Margus> No you see what yo uday again
[16:34:42] <the_guest> do I wire money to his bank account ? No, don't have any.
[16:34:53] <Margus> "do I support zelensky's wish to end the war?" <--- in communist lingo it means "i do support zelensky surrundering to communists, aka ending war"
[16:35:09] <Margus> so be factual, 
[16:35:10] <the_guest> nope, i'm being clear, especially since you try to lure me into making 'interesting statements' (and you won't, trust me)
[16:35:25] <Margus> do not add extra data to your fino as it is interpetable by may sides different
[16:35:27] <the_guest> 'support' can mean many things. so I am being extra clear.
[16:35:29] <Margus> be black and white
[16:35:44] <Margus> i mean as a friend, in soul, emotional suport to HUMAN
[16:35:57] <Margus> feeling, cry feeling in soul, for hes effort and hes people


[16:38:01] <Margus> its i mean, still better  then really psossesed people who would just laught about that question but You have to force to say sertain sentences, so the spirit that try to get in to you will be blocked out
[16:38:18] <Margus> and so wil be the "wisdom" spirit who would NOT like to say that he is supporting Zelensky
[16:38:22] <Margus> so next Question, 
[16:39:02] <Margus> DO You think "wisdom" from #bsdForAll , admin, irc op, IS in grave mistake, to be against, in this situation,  Zelensky ?
[16:39:16] <Margus> and try to be CLEAR not more then few words
[16:39:28] <Margus> Is "wisdom" mistaking being against Zelesky ?
[16:40:08] * Sysop_NiteStorm (~admin@ff1415e2) has joined #ircnow
[16:40:10] <Margus> (this helps confrim your own word sentences before, kind of like crypto needs to sides to see if its true)
[16:40:51] <the_guest> If I put some personal perspective onto AncientWisdom's words, as I have, then all these indicated there is room for opinion, there is need to also zoom out. Things are not as black and white as you put them in his mouth.
[16:40:58] <the_guest> I do love black and white though,
[16:41:14] <the_guest> we desperately need them (and efficient ways to refer to them) for disussion's sake
[16:41:25] <the_guest> in order to find a suitable gray/compromize.
[16:42:14] <the_guest> So, while being no stranger at all to black and white, they exist for me to help difine gray. Which is my purpose/goal often. My 'desire'/'wish', if you please.
[16:44:15] <Margus> pla pla pla
[16:44:22] <Margus> instead of answering straight man way


 protected Pie Network
[17:18:09] <Margus> do i need to say more ?
[17:18:14] <Margus> about filth
[17:18:33] <Margus> next you begin to protect Floyd also perhas, another commie wit project
[17:18:40] <Margus> filth
[17:18:57] <Margus> Floyd was deisnged to make Africans look bad, 
[17:19:01] <the_guest> <Margus> do i need to say more ? << unless you have a truely amazing comeback to your hatespeech, you'd better not continue it...
[17:19:12] <Margus> is not hate speech
[17:19:20] <Margus> i not talking about hate i talking about how things are
[17:19:44] <Margus> but as you Did give hit that  you supperted the other comunist, is no suprice that you are also tocuhy feely about other communist agendas
[17:20:50] <Margus> go and research the histry of fake "black power" "fist in air" and "lgnd" "minority" in USA, on 1900 begining, their transcripts how they say its perfect groups to use to invade culture, as it helps to make opposite sides, and fake supressed groups of "minoritys"
[17:21:01] <Margus> instead of focusing ACTUAL minorities , who ave values and culture
[17:21:13] <Margus> that rhey work to eliminate massivly over history
[17:22:04] <the_guest> In my *personal* opinion, you sound like the villain, whom started with *awesome ideals* but along the way lost contact with reality.
[17:22:19] <the_guest> "I've heard this rant before", and it's called dictatorship.
[17:22:27] <the_guest> your ulitmate quest for freedom?
[17:22:43] <the_guest> you over and over again, propose to obtain it through your dictatorship.
[17:22:46] <Margus> it might be seeing for "Your oppinion" likethat , easly as your opinion is influenced by what we have prooved multible times here, we know who
[17:22:47] <Margus> and what
[17:22:59] <the_guest> dictatorship where you seem to feel you have the sole right, to decide for others.
[17:23:04] <Margus> we eat dictatorships
[17:23:18] <the_guest> and while your goals might be noble, and perhaps even your choices
[17:23:28] <Margus> person talks about dictator who makes kills and bans  to me just hours ago ? 



Few minutes later again by co-oprator part of anti-human agenda: 

" ERROR Access denied: "ToS violation and ban evasion" (G-Line) "



[17:23:28] <Margus> person talks about dictator who makes kills and bans  to me just hours ago ? 
[17:23:35] <the_guest> you are still gererally advocating to deprive others from their choice.
[17:23:54] <the_guest> I never killed you.
[17:24:06] <Margus> who ignoring private message from whre out of friendship of good words i heard about you , you was send a data, and you instead asnwering in private, as it was private, you go in and banned from channel "to make statement"
[17:24:32] <Margus> and by that invoking the other thng that rsulted another kind of harm to all of network , but its complicated to explain how
[17:24:58] <Margus> "to get attention"
[17:25:06] <the_guest> as everyone can have read by the sared pm, I banned you to get your immediate attention, then regardless of your personal insults towards me, I still unbanned you (the purpose of getting your immediate attention was served after all), then you threaten to screw our channels members and publicise the logs and while doing so, making it seem that I would have publicized the logs ?
[17:25:15] <@k4k0> hello
[17:25:21] <Margus> yeah, i mean you get message A in Cannel A... and then you go to B place to make statement, instead, first ansvering in A channel
[17:25:25] <Margus> what a logic,
[17:25:56] <the_guest> seriously. at that point, yes, you are re-banned. Not for personal reasons, but for the flatout written (and confirmed by you in #bsdforall) threat to publicize offtopoc logs, something that you were forbidden to do so ample time ago.
[17:26:12] <Margus> "I banned you to get your immediate attention," yeah you bannned in Mornig, your "imidiate atention" was end of day
[17:26:19] <Margus> instead of IMIDIATLY answering back
[17:26:26] <Margus> and at least letting me know private
[17:26:37] <Margus> No you want to power trip
[17:26:54] <the_guest> Hi K4k0, thanks for joining please do a ctrl-f on 'LGBT' slightly above, starting 15:11:14 GMT
[17:26:55] <Margus> andwanted ME to come to You again , and so You can  answer back your pre prepared sentence
[17:27:11] <Margus> instead normal person would say "no i not like the effort" as it was aksed from you for a reason
[17:27:16] <Margus> not shared on public
[17:27:25] <Margus> so you exposed who you are
[17:27:36] <Margus> and you got answer to accorind to what is worth that spirit who behaves like this
[17:27:40] <Margus> its karma





[17:28:16] <Margus> in private someone sends you message 6 i monrning, ... i mean how simple can it be, to answer back ? 
[17:28:20] <Margus> did you answer back anything
[17:28:25] <Margus> did you bother to say you banend ?
[17:28:30] <Margus> did you bother to explain =?
[17:28:37] <the_guest> that's snick/snack margus. You already knew it wasn't ok.
[17:28:39] <Margus> no you wanted to imaginary powertrip for communsit way
[17:28:47] <Margus> no i did not 
[17:28:49] <Margus> this is why i asked
[17:29:01] <@k4k0> lol
[17:29:22] <Margus> if i would know and wanted to "screw you" by the old IRC culture, (waht yo usee as bad as its humaine) then i would have shared FIRST in public
[17:29:25] <Margus> not in to your private
[17:29:31] <Margus> you have any logic at all?
[17:29:44] <Margus> and first i asked from person who is most storngly privacy person
[17:29:52] <Margus> j6 to even see if there is point to ask others
[17:30:23] <Margus> then i ask xfnw , who is most inteligent and fair in many ways
[17:30:32] <Margus> and he  also green light it
[17:30:38] <the_guest> yes, as is abundantly clear by now: I banned you to get your immediate attention, unbanned you once that purpose was served (regardless of your personal insults), and once you made your threats, I banned you, specifically over these threats, and let you know also in #bsdforall.
[17:31:02] <Margus> then i send it IRC op owner, and then when i was sure, that there is some other people wo also might think its good idea, I sended to you 
[17:31:12] <Margus> i did not tell you tehy suport it as i not want to influence you
[17:31:17] <Margus> so you can have your own oppinion
[17:31:22] <Margus> and then you did not answer me
[17:31:26] <Margus> but in secret went to attack me
[17:31:34] <Margus> and admit was ordered to attack me by Wisdom
[17:31:37] <Margus> was it not ?
[17:31:50] <Margus> "attention" you did now get indeed



[17:32:15] <Margus> no you do not make up lies about "to get idmenate attention" there was no effect on that 
[17:32:17] <Margus> but rage
[17:32:23] <Margus> so you wanted me to rage ?
[17:32:30] <Margus> and then you coplain that you get rage ?
[17:33:32] <Margus> its liek you go and hit a Dog, who asked your attention of care and support for some work we do for people,  "to get imiiate effect" , and then whn it shows teeths for your crude behavior, you use that as a proof "see ... hes angry"
[17:33:33] <the_guest> so you say j6 and xfnw greenlighted it in pm? (because I searched my logs specifically for such an event).  As for the rest of the chronology, I tend to deal with PM first.  Then I find out there is privacy sensitive information up on http.  This included bsdforall stuff, so obviously I give them a heads-up. Doh...
[17:33:37] <Margus> what a bitchy thing to do
[17:33:52] <Margus> You see you not even know it
[17:34:04] * Sysop_NiteStorm (~admin@ff1415e2) Quit (Client closed connection)
[17:34:09] <Noisytoot> Margus: What is "LGBD" and "LGND"?
[17:34:24] <Margus> You think i would have to come toYou, first if some friendlier persons who more intelligent would have not give me some support ?
[17:34:47] <Margus> everyone likes it besides you
[17:34:55] <Margus> you only one who no like it, 
[17:35:22] <Margus> as you not in to open community building and strenghening human relations, you do have your strong plusses, but tis are Your human plusses,
[17:35:34] <Margus> the spirits in you, jsut now run on these trumps




[17:41:00] <the_guest> thanks for the efford, was fun to see, let's not. Now if you promise not to publicise #offtopic, i'll unban you.
[17:41:00] <Margus> to recap memory and many other human interactions
[17:41:20] <Margus> oooo how kind of you!
[17:41:28] <Margus> You want me to thank you for that perhaps too?
[17:41:38] <the_guest> no, don't worry
[17:41:47] <Margus> or you should fiel a appology to me , whitch one it is, you think ?
[17:42:29] <Margus> you not want to say direct appology also, i guess, as its not waht commies can do, or the ones influenced by bad spirits, they go into long sentence about vague "kind of like telling... but not really"
[17:42:53] <Margus> you ruin entire feeling of me wanting to be here anyway so it takes time to heal that damage you caused
[17:43:05] * Sysop_NiteStorm (~admin@ff1415e2) Quit (Client closed connection)
[17:43:12] <the_guest> it is what i said it is (or unless folk protest): you promise to not execute your threat of publicising offtopic logs, and I'll unban you.   (but there haven't been protests yet, if anything the opposite tbh)
[17:43:25] * Sysop_NiteStorm (~admin@ff1415e2) has joined #ircnow
[17:43:26] <the_guest> thus, for now, it is what it is.
[17:43:28] <Margus> i clearly told you oposite
[17:43:49] <Margus> i not in to censor


[17:44:19] <Noisytoot> the_guest: I know what LGBT is, I don't know if that's what Margus meant and he can't type or LGBD/LGND is something else.
[17:44:41] <Margus> yo utalk to me like you would have oversight to me, you the one who mistaked, not me
[17:45:02] <Noisytoot> but based on them linking to NAMBLA, it seems like they meant LGBT and are also a complete idiot
[17:45:15] <Margus> Noisytoot> did you look up the site from wikipedia: NAMBLA ? Tu REALLY make sure you know
[17:45:29] <Noisytoot> Yes, I know what NAMBLA is
[17:45:38] <Margus> oh good
[17:45:42] <the_guest> <Noisytoot> but based on them linking to NAMBLA, it seems like they meant LGBT and are also a complete idiot  << this happened before on my watch, so I pinged ops for a reason :)
[17:45:50] <Margus> you do know its LGBD asoiations first who forced it to be legalised ?
[17:46:05] <Margus> and ten they for publoic stunt, now pretend they "kind of aganst it---- but not really"
[17:46:18] <Margus> just look up ow its possible they site is up even
[17:46:28] * Sysop_NiteStorm (~admin@ff1415e2) has joined #ircnow
[17:46:29] <Margus> and look up who voted for PIE network in UK
[17:46:36] <Margus> so its no question
[17:46:50] <Margus> as pederasty is part of , its like Fathers of LGBD
[17:47:14] * zleap (~zleap@59b3fe6c) has left #ircnow (Leaving)
[17:47:15] <Margus> its well researched 
[17:47:31] <Margus> and its also part of tools of communists 
[17:47:39] <Margus> (not te ones in china)


[17:52:45] <Margus> there is acutally worth communities that are ACTUALLY sipresse globally and wo are benefitail and needs help
[17:52:48] <Margus> Like Shamans
[17:52:49] -irc.ircnow.org- Connection statistics: client 29.7 kb, server 80.5 kb.
[17:52:49] * Disconnected
[17:52:53] * Connect retry #1 irc.ircnow.org (6667)
 ERROR G-Line by "Noisytoot": "Violating https://wiki.ircnow.org/index.php?n=Terms.Terms ("No slander or libel")"  
 ERROR Access denied: "ToS violation and ban evasion" (G-Line)
[17:53:41] ERROR G-Line by "Noisytoot": "ToS violation and ban evasion"
[17:53:41] * Disconnected
[17:56:12] * Connecting to irc.ircnow.org (6667)
[17:56:15] Caps supported: multi-prefix
[17:56:16] Caps set: multi-prefix 
[17:56:16] ERROR Access denied: "ToS violation and ban evasion" (G-Line)
[17:56:17] * Disconnected





Typical hiding behind a "tos" and  fake " ban evasion"
ans there was no ban, it was autommatic disconect and connect by kill, 

this is how this communists work 








Sad resolution:

Separate Ways 


God if we worthy please help us beforehand to forgive to these who have mistaken so we can find better solutions for the reasons that has caused them to go astray so we can turn them back on to Your Way our beloved God