
Shanti Kai - Immunease


Immunease™ may help promote immune System Intelligence on an energetic level. Immunease™ is driven by several flowers, precious metals, minerals, and gemstones that act on multiple levels to create strength, vitality, and immune system intelligence. Certain flowers in this blend work on subtle levels to enlighten you, as a human, to your creative ways of surviving invaders. Gemstones driving this essence help strengthen the energy fields of various physical components. For instance, one gemstone ingredient in this blend has traditionally been thought to work on energetic levels to promote healthy blood and muscles, and another works on the brain, bones, and nervous system, and so on. Another ingredient creates an energetic shield which traditionally has been used in blocking types of radiation, micro, and other harmful rays that can weaken the physical body. Other essences included have been known to shield and strengthen the astral body. Immunease™ is the perfect essence to use to strengthen and evolve your immune system intelligence.


Flower Essence