
Side Effect Of Hair Transplant Surgery in Delhi

Side Effect Of Hair Transplant Surgery in Delhi

Following Adverse Effect of Hair surgery in Delhi


1. Hair loss

When you get a hair transplant in delhi, you think that your hair will only grow and get thicker. However, the truth is that many people will have to face a fall first. This process is actually known as shedding and is a normal process after transplantation. This happens because the root remains intact and the hair falls out and re-growth starts from the root. The transplanted hair falls out after 2-3 weeks and new growth starts appearing after 3-4 months. Sometimes, in some cases, surgery may cause sudden loss of existing hair. This is rare and grows back in a few months.




2. Bleeding

Whether you are having a follicular unit transplant or a follicular unit extraction, there will likely be some cuts and incisions and some blood loss. Although most experienced practitioners will take care to keep blood loss to a minimum, there may still be some fluid in the postoperative period which can be controlled by pressing a gauze pad. Therefore, it is important that the patient informs if he is taking any anticoagulant medication or if he is suffering from any bleeding problems.


3. Infection

If you've chosen a good doctor, you can be sure you won't get an infection, but even in the best-case scenario, an infection can occur that will require a short course of antibiotics to treat.


4. Pain


Hair restoration, FUE or FUT procedure is a surgical procedure and there is potential for some pain, especially with FUT. Although in most cases the doctor will administer sedation and anesthesia, there are rare cases where pain persists even after the procedure is complete. Your doctor will prescribe some pain relievers to prevent this in the postoperative period. Sometimes, in FUT cases, patients may experience a stretching sensation. For our patients, we only prescribe paracetamol in such situations.


5. Itching

This is probably the most common side effect in most people who get hair transplants. Scaling at the implant site causes itching. The easiest way to deal with this condition is to continue spraying the solution applied to the graft and to wash the head with a mild or medicated shampoo for the first week after surgery. The itching, like other side effects, will also go away in a few days. This is sometimes due to the use of minoxidil [more information on common minoxidil side effects] , which should be stopped.


6. Edema

This is another side effect which is very common and is observed by most of the people who have gone through this procedure. However, the locations of the swelling may differ from person to person. So while some people may have swelling on the forehead, others may have swelling around the eyes. In some cases, there may even be what you would call a black eye. The swelling usually subsides within a few days, however, if it does not within a few days, it is best to see a doctor.


7. Numbness

Numbness is often associated with nerve dissection during the FUT procedure. However, in our clinic we stick to the superficial plane, avoiding nerve damage and therefore numbness.


8. Treatment

If you have undergone FUE, you will have small microcars that will disappear in a few weeks. Also, these dot marks will be hidden when new hair comes. However, if you've completed FUT, you'll definitely have a streak, but with proper hair growth and thoughtful styling, you have nothing to worry about.


9. Cyst

This happens when there are buried grafts that are not removed properly. Although in most cases these cysts appear as a cluster of pimples, only in rare cases do they become more severe. These cysts usually go away after a few weeks, but if they don't, you may need to see your doctor again.


10. Hiccups

Strange as it may sound, hiccups are another side effect that can bother some hair restoration patients. This is a very rare side effect and usually only lasts for a few days.