/* A lucky number is a 10-based number, which has at least a "6" or an "8" in its digits.
* However, if it has "6" and "8" at the same time, then the number is NOT lucky.
* For example, "16", "38", "666" are lucky numbers, while "234" , "687" are not.
* Now we want to know how many lucky numbers (without leading zeroes)
* are there between L and R, inclusive?
* L is LowerBound
* R is UpperBound
* N is the list containing the number in the interval
* P is the total occurence of lucky numbers
* between_to_list -> generates all the numbers between L and R included
* check_list -> check if the current element of the list contain 6 and
* not contain 8, or contains 8 and not contain 6, if these constraints
* are satisfied increment P by 1
* query tested -> generate_interval(1,10)*/
P = 0,
check_list(N, P),
between_to_list(X,X,[X]) :- !.
between_to_list(X,Y,[X|Xs]) :-
X =< Y,
Z is X+1,
H == 6,
H \= 8,
Z is P+1,
H == 8,
H \= 6,
Z is P+1,
check_list([H|T],P):- check_list(T,P).