Candidates who wish to take the NDA Entrance Exam, which is required for admission to India's military academies, must meet a number of requirements. Find out more about these requirements and whether you qualify to take the exam.
Eligibility for the NDA Entrance Exam
The National Defence Academy (NDA) Entrance Exam has the most stringent eligibility requirements. Prospective candidates must meet all of the requirements listed below in order to sit for the exam.
- Nationality
-First and foremost, your citizenship must be in good standing. Candidates must fit into one of the following categories:
-An Indian national;
- A Bhutanese or Nepalese subject;
- A Tibetan refugee who arrived in India before 1961; or
- An Indian immigrant from one of the following countries: Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Uganda, Zambia, Malawi, Kenya, the United Republic of Tanzania, Ethiopia, Zaire, Vietnam, or Burma. Returning immigrants must intend to stay in India indefinitely.
2.Gender & Relationship Status
-At this time, the NDA is only accepting applications from unmarried male candidates.
-The National Defence Academy Entrance Exam is intended for students between the ages of 16 and 19. The NDA (II) is currently only accepting applications from candidates born between January 2, 2000 and January 1, 2003.
- Education
The educational requirements will vary depending on which branch you wish to join. Candidates for the army, air force, and naval wings, as well as the Indian Naval Academy, must complete the 10+2 pattern's 12th class. Physics and math courses are also required for prospective air force and naval cadets.
Students enrolled in the 12th grade are also eligible to apply, though their status is contingent on their ability to pass the final exam. Students who do not meet these requirements may still be eligible if they have comparable achievements, but these cases are considered exceptional and thus extremely rare.
5.Physical Fitness
Prospective test takers must meet the physical requirements outlined in the NDA guidelines, in addition to having proper citizenship and education. Candidates must have an acceptable height-weight ratio and pass vision and hearing tests in order to be considered. The Medical Board will perform a physical, and any of the following items will result in dismissal:
- Overweight/underweight
- Any disease or defect that may impair performance has been diagnosed
- Proof of a 'weak constitution'
- Tattoos or other permanent markings (with the exception of the inner forearm)
- Previous history of mental illness
Preparing for the NDA Entrance Exam
Congratulations if you meet all of the requirements listed above! You are qualified to take the entrance examination. It is now time to get started on your studies.
If you need assistance in preparing, these NDA coaching classes in Pune will be more beneficial. NDA coaching institutes assist students at every stage. They also offer NDA study materials, NDA mock tests, NDA Last Year Papers Help, and other services. Before moving on to the next lesson or chapter, each topic concludes with a brief quiz that you can use to assess your understanding of the material.
Among the chapter topics are:
- Increased Reading Comprehension
- Calculus of Integrals
3.Sound Waves
4.Physics of Motion
Elements and Substances' Chemical Properties
6.Living Organism Qualities
- History of Indians
- The Earth, among others