
Hospice Care & Palliative Care

Definition of Palliative Care:

Palliative care is specialized medical care for people living with a serious illness. This type of care is dependent on providing relief from the illness's symptoms and stress. The goal continues to provide both the patient and the family with improved quality of life.


Palliative care is available to patients with cancer, AIDS, and other serious illnesses. Hospice services are provided when a patient has a progressive disease that causes suffering and shortens life expectancy.

The following are some important facts about the definition of palliative care:


It has nothing to do with whether the patient dies or not. The goal of palliative care is to improve the quality of life for caregivers and patients so that each can handle ending a terminal or serious illness as well as preparing for death. Many people are deeply distressed about approaching mortality, yet many die peacefully after receiving adequate support in the time frame given by their physicians and loved ones.

Most of the palliative care services consist of counseling, education, and emotional support. They are generally provided in a hospital or hospice setting where patients can receive treatments for pain control, medication management (including discussions about their role in dying), and stress-reduction techniques.

People in las vegas who are not able to stay at home during the last hours of their lives may qualify for hospice care. Siena Hospice Care Las Vegas Hospices facilities provide high-quality services, caring support from a highly trained team of professionals. 



Definition of Hospice Care:

Hospice is defined as care for people in the later stages of serious illness who are expected to live months rather than years. People often choose hospice care when treatment is no longer working or they don’t want to continue treatments to try to cure a terminal disease. Hospice is for people who want to maximize the time they have left, surrounded by what matters most to them. 

Here are some important facts about the hospice definition:


The focus of hospice care is comfort and quality of life.
Hospice includes palliative care, plus added services.
Hospice services may include regular visits from nurses, nurses’ aides, social workers, chaplains, and trained volunteers.

Medicare, Medicaid, and most private insurance plans cover hospice costs for qualifying patients.
Hospice can be provided wherever the patient calls home. This includes a private home or facilities like a nursing home, hospital, or hospice center.
Family caregivers get a lot of support while their loved one is on hospice. This may include education, respite care, and bereavement support.